Chapter 72: Responsibility

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 72: Responsibility

Year 24: Day 62: LUCK stat Coming Into Play Part 5

(Vale Kingdom: Beacon Academy)

While I leave Pyrrha to her thinking about her choices; I decided to work on more on the [Dao of Karma]. Since honestly, the LUCK stat feels like it's under someone's control and I did not like that one bit. Therefore, using the [Skill: Rejection] as the base and split a small part of my mind to be alert of my surroundings, to protect Pyrrha as she takes her time to think over her choices, and with almost all my focus onto gaining more insight into the [Dao of Karma].

Even with my control over countless [Dao] thanks to [Omega Sword Dao] and the 10,000 years of training. I still haven't even managed to gain insight into the multiverse's karmic cycle, for me to manipulate it. Currently, all I got is the ability to see many potential futures by looking at the [Karma Threads], along with the past as well. Able to destroy them. Change them. Merge them into one. Even the ability to create [Karma Threads] myself. Nonetheless, this isn't enough for me and need to have the ability to the very karma of the multiverse.

Unlike many main characters throughout cultivation type novels. I have the [Skill: Rejection], where its original version was to manipulate the cause and effect, the main feature of karma. Now, with my version of the [Skill], where I made it so that I 'reject' the blockage of all karma-related insights to flow in for me to study while filtering out the one I deem not suited for me to study. This is a trick I learned during the 10,000 years of training, to help me gain more insights into the countless [Dao]. Something only possible for main characters if they used an external resource to give them the ability to gain many insights without the needs to experience countless things to gain these many insights. But, for me, I don't need any of those external resources and just need the [Mana] to support the [Rejection] active as the insights continue to come to me.

In a way, I don't need to 'experience' many things in order to gain insight to improve my usage in [Dao]. I can just stand around and have [Rejection] activated for the insights to come to me without much problem other than I have to sort through the insights I gained. One of the downsides of this. Is that I need a major focus or I could risk hurting my foundation and will take some time to recover, even with the help of [Rejection]. Since I have no idea what needed to be recovered.

I sweatdrop, when 90% of the insights I gained are related to attacking. Something I really don't need at the moment and for the 10% left over. They are just random things that not worth studying.

I was very tempted to just use [Rejection] again to give me the insights I wanted, but it's already activated and activating for a different task would cause the [Rejection] to become a bit weaker. Not to mention, I have [Rejection] doing two tasks at this very moment. One: Preventing Pyrrha's death via the half Fall Maiden inside her. Two: Putting me into the state of enlightenment to gain insights into the [Dao of Karma]. With the latter taking a good chunk of the [Rejection]'s focus. If Pyrrha's problem wasn't a thing, then I could have used [Rejection] again, to give me the insights I desire.

Seeing how more insights I gained are ones that are worthless to me now and decide to stop.

I blink a couple of times before I regain focus of my surroundings once more. Then sweatdrop again, when I found out that someone almost dropped a vial of [Dust] at one point today and somehow, by bad luck, it was set off by a wind knocking it against a nearby rock, where the [Dust] inside been triggered and explode.

This is something to give me an excuse to go back into gaining insight into the [Dao of Karma], because all these bad luck events happening around Pyrrha is just plain silly. Since it's because of my LUCK stat coming into play and it wants Pyrrha to be my real Daughter, blood-related, not adopted from the look of it.

Plus, going through the whole enlightenment via [Rejection] tends to make me ease my boredom easily, but make me dizzy from all the insights continue to come at me and deactivating the [Rejection] would remove all the insights I haven't studied purposely, and therefore, need to keep it up as I filter everything else away or use [Rejection] to focus on a single insight.

Coming out of my enlightenment state, where I found the area around us destroyed and found Pyrrha and me inside a 10-layer [Kekkai]. With Pyrrha looking very pale; well, paler than she was before and I can see why. As there are craters around us like we were in a field for firing explosives at.

"So, your choice?" I ask Pyrrha, who flinch at my voice. Then, to my surprise, Pyrrha throws herself at me and bury her face into my chest.

"I'll do it..." Pyrrha whisper before she starts crying softly as her body trembles with sadness, making me more confused and use a mix of [Dao of Spacetime and Karma] to learn what happens, 'Wow, I did not expect this to happen while I was out of it.' I'm a little speechless to learn that when I focus on cultivating the [Dao of Karma].

A large amount of explosive occurs, but not from forgotten [Dust] around here, but from a [Dust] delivery to Beacon Academy went wrong. As the Airship that was flying over to deliver the batch of this month [Dust]. The Airship started going out of control and drop a few crates of [Dust] where Pyrrha and I was.

All this happens half an hour, a very short time when cultivating. Nevertheless, just see how much destruction has happened before Pyrrha's eyes must have finally helped her decide what to do.

'I do wonder if the world using explosion as a way to kill Pyrrha?' I couldn't remember for sure about how Pyrrha died in canon. All I remember is the characters and some plots. Even remembering just that Beacon Academy would fall is the best I can remember. Further, then that, I'm lost. Unless I want to use the [Dao of Karma] to look into the countless futures or look at one of the other many dimensions that's very close to canon to figure out the canon's futures.

"Okay, I will make sure this is painless as possible." I said to Pyrrha, while not asking if she wanted to say goodbye to anyone before she dies and be reborn as my actual Daughter. As my idea I came up with; well, I'm mainly aiming for Pyrrha's soul than her actual body, and only Pyrrha's soul, not the Fall Maiden's half soul that has already been taken over by Cinder. Which surprised me since an ancient soul would require more effort to take over, but then again, it literally half a soul and Cinder have her complete soul.

Nevertheless, with [Sword God Magic: Right Arm of Thievery]. I remove Pyrrha's soul from her physical body and before her soul be stored into the [Left Arm of Usage]. I channel [Heartforce] to put Pyrrha's soul into asleep for now and using the [Karma Thread] that aimed for this Pyrrha to be my Daughter and make her merge into it. That way, when Ryun and I decide to have another child. Then, Pyrrha shall be the first one in the line instead of the one that was supposed to be in front of here, even if the ones in front of her was males.

Really unfair for my unborn children, but oh well. I just want Pyrrha to be reborn already and be done with it.

Catching the corpse of Pyrrha Nikos, where I can detect the half soul of Fall Maiden trying to take over this now soulless body, but why would I allow such a thing to happen and use [Rejection] to prevent it from happening. I made it so, that Pyrrha's body is like the previous host. Now, Pyrrha's body will just contain the half soul of the Fall maiden, but that's just it. Furthermore, this can be used as an excuse for me to do many things.

But first, I need to inform the others about Pyrrha's death.

A few minutes later*

(Team JNPR's Bedroom)

After calling my wife to bring the rest of team JNPR back and explaining to her what happen, even though she did tell me how displeased she was with me for taking Pyrrha into the family instead of just adopting her into the family, but the deed has been done and Raven just has to deal with it, same with the other wives. Well, Ryun wouldn't care and just love Pyrrha as her own like with Erza.

Even team RWBY is here, where everyone in that team, but Yang, couldn't look at me in the eye without blushing. Yang just continues to look at this world's Raven, who is still tied up against her will and was being carried by Yang.

"Now, that everyone is here. I have some bad news for everyone." I said to everyone in the room, where I can see the concern on almost everyone's faces. "I'm sorry to say, that Pyrrha has passed on." I didn't hesitate to lie and place all the blame onto Ozpin and his group. "In fact, I'm pretty sure Ozpin would have picked Ruby here next as a candidate next if Pyrrha didn't work out. Which it didn't." I didn't try to fake it as I leak the tiniest amount of killing intent, causing the entire room to shake, but actually the planet of Remnant is shaking as well. Even if Pyrrha wasn't my Daughter before and was technically forced onto my family. She is still my Daughter and having to kill her myself put a bad taste in my mouth.

Pulling back my killing intent before I cause this dimension to become a fragment. But, the coldness in my left eye didn't disappear one bit, in fact, it grew as the seconds passed by. Even though this isn't the first time I killed a family member before, but that doesn't mean I will let this go even if my presence is part of the fault for speeding up Pyrrha's death.

"I'm letting everyone know now, that I'll be leaving and just leaving this warning to everyone. Do not trust Ozpin or his group. Especially the people that maybe your family since they could try to manipulate you without knowing they are in the first place. As in Ozpin made a hint, for one of his members, and they will try to persuade one of you to do something for them, but actually doing Ozpin's task." I explain to team RWBY and the remaining team JNPR. I glance at this world's Raven, "Even she knew about how manipulative Ozpin and decides to cut her loss and leave everything she cared behind due to the fact, that those that close to her are under the control of Ozpin." I point at this world's Raven, where Yang still carrying her.

"I can agree with, Ragna. Raven here did leave everything behind after discovering how manipulated Ozpin is and the only reason why she shows up is that I wanted to meet with my niece and her half-sister is just a bonus honestly." My wife smirk at everyone, as she played along with what I said so far and she also didn't fake the murderous intention behind her eyes, that causes anyone to glance at them to flinch. After all, my wife also cared about family; well, our family not the one she had before with Alice as the Two Monster Lords.

"Why would Headmaster Ozpin do such a thing?!" Ruby question me, where I was a little surprised she would shout at me with how she was deeply afraid of me, oh wait, she still is, but her inner hero is suppressing it. 'Make sense, I think.' I wasn't for sure about this, but who knows.

"Oh, just ask Yang's Mother. She knows why." I grin at Ruby, as I've successfully planted the seed of doubts in both team RWBY and JNPR. "Anyway, even if Ozpin is the caused of my Daughter's death. I can't do anything about it due to lack of evidence and him having a higher connection than me." I lied about how I can't do a thing to Ozpin, when not even over an hour ago, I attacked Ozpin's group and 'killed' them multiple times already. So, technically I got my 'revenge' against Ozpin. But, team RWBY and leftover team JNPR don't know that.

I ignore the way my wife is looking at me, wanting to know why I would say such a thing and not just prove my strength by taking Ozpin out or something on the same level. Is what I got from my wife's character sheets.

'Sometimes, I wonder how much of a pain my life would be if I didn't know what is on everyone's minds.' I thought to myself, as I made sure all the character sheets only to appear when I glance at someone I wanted to read their mind and no one can see the floating blue window, that even my wives can't see them. Then thought, 'Oh, yeah, I may become even more paranoia than I am already and may end up accuse my wives of many things that are just false and would likely damage our relationship.'

It's a good thing I begin doing this during the 10,000 years inside the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] or else many problems would have been unsolved. Along with one of my wives trying to kill the others to keep me for themselves. Still, to this day, I wonder how I managed to persuade Esdeath not to kill the others, as in without reviving via inside [Wonderland]. Luckily, the others knew Esdeath that was over with, but there is still some moment Esdeath would snap as I do with my episode.

'Man, Esdeath and I are perfect for each other after thinking about messed up we are, but mostly me than her. Since she got more control over herself than I do.' I thought about how lucky I am to have Esdeath as my first wife before anyone else. 'I do hope the Konosuba universe or the dimension Esdeath and the rest are in haven't been destroyed in some ways.' I knew how all my wives have gained the abilities to destroy dimensions easily and having to try to destroy a universe, depending on the ranks of the universes.

"I can't believe this... He even gave me cookies before..." Ruby mumble in sadness, but many who already have many doubts about Ozpin begins to have more bad thoughts about him after hearing what Ruby just mumble now.

"Yeah, I think you may want to stay away from any cookies made by Beacon in general. Who knows what he may put in them." My wife said dryly, causing poor Ruby to tear up at this. "I'm pretty sure Ozpin have done something to the food made here, maybe that's why they are bad from what I heard." My wife continues off, causing almost everyone to pale at this. At this point, they would almost believe anything by now that's related to Ozpin.

"Time for us to go." I said to everyone, then pause for a moment and look at Yang, who flinch at my gaze. "Think before you act, or it will cost you a limb." I gave a piece of advice that may or may not be taken seriously, knowing the type of person Yang Xiao-Long is. "Good luck everyone." I disappear via [Cleave Sword Intent: Short Cut], with my wife doing the same via her [Teleportation Semblance], which no longer needed any medium to create a red swirling portal and just will it into existence.

(Vale Kingdom: Beacon Academy)

"So, I'm guessing we're not sticking around to help out? I thought you wanted to be a hero." Raven teases me the moment she appears next to me, where we're currently at the place where a large statue and fountain of a Huntsman and Huntress standing atop of rock, beneath which a Beowolf cowers. There's also a large circular pond feature surrounded by a pathway and a garden of red trees.

"Well, I tried, then end up killing Pyrrha." I said dryly, while a bit frustrated with my LUCK stat, but that's normal. "I'm not sure I'm up to the whole hero work." I give Raven a wry smile. "By the way, are you going to leave your counterpart back there? I thought you wanted to do something with her before?" I was a little curious why Raven left her counterpart behind so easily after how much emotions she has shown me in the past about how she clearly wait for the day to come, for her to get her hands on her counterpart. Just one is enough as long the Raven is close to canon.

"I've already done what is needed." Raven grin at me, then leans a bit forward, to give me a better look of her breasts. "After all, I did manage to get team RWBY to experience something they won't be able to forget for the rest of their life and whenever they are bored or too much free time. They will remember. They will always remember." Raven gives me a look, that asking if I wanted to know.

A glance at her character sheet, Nope. No way am I going into bondage. Bad enough I became a sadist whenever I have sex with Esdeath alone or with others. Then, with Esdeath returning back to the role of a sadist and try to take revenge on me in a way to make me want to take revenge back at her. An endless cycle that Esdeath and I won't be coming out anytime soon or even thinking about ending it.

This doesn't include the other fetishes the rest of my wives have already. So, adding bondage is just asking for problems.

"Since we got nothing needed to be done here, we can leave. Plus, I've already placed a mark on this dimension. So we can return here whenever we feel like it." I said to Raven, then bring the both of us into the [Ark] first before coming out of the [Gate of Babylon] and into the multiverse.

(Ark's City)

"What were we doing before entering the RWBY universe?" Raven asks me, as it hasn't even been an entire day inside the RWBY universe, but neither Raven or I felt that we really needed to be in that universe that long in the first place.

"The choice of entering the universe next to us or enter the RWBY universe." I reminded Raven of what we were doing before entering the RWBY universe, including the part where we almost killed [Tier 3 - Entities], but they escaped us before we could deal the finishing blow, even though we were holding back a lot to prevent the three factions from knowing our true strength.

"Well, let's get to it then. What universe is it anyway?" Raven asks me, "Also, does anyone this universe?"

"Huh, well, at the very least I can say my LUCK stat plan ahead. Because this universe is actually the home universe of Ingui Yoon. Therefore, we don't need to search for it at all." I quickly grab Ingui Yoon's home universe and put it inside the [Gate of Babylon] right away before someone try to take it. "Furthermore, it looks like the time in the dimension of Ingui Yoon's home universe wasn't that long from when we left and the time Ingui Yoon teleported into the Hunter x Hunter dimension with Daniela. Anyway, it's ownerless too, talk about lucky." I explained to Raven about what I discovered about the universe I just took.

"How about grabbing Daniela's home universe, along with everyone else?" Raven asks me, wondering I haven't done so.

"Don't have the medium to search for them. Sure, I could use the others as the medium. But, I've tried that before out of boredom in the past and I keep getting randomized, parallel universes instead of the home universe." I explain to Raven, that I have tried to search for the others' home universes. "Though, I do have a for sure way to get them."

"And why haven't you done so?" Raven asks me, as she lay on the bed after taking it out of her [Inventory]. "If you had a way, why not do it already and get it over with?"

"Honestly, I forgot about it or used it for something else." I shrugged my shoulders, then begin using the [Skill: Bypass Restrictions], to grab all the home universes of Esdeath, Yuri and Ryun's, along with the crossover universe of Alice and Raven's. Before placing lots of defensives to protect them from anyone taking it away or cause any problem to them without my notices. "And done."

I give Raven a thumb up, with a smirk on my face, where she just stares at me blankly.

"It was [Bypass Restrictions] wasn't it?" Raven asked dryly, actually just remember her husband possessed such an overpowered [Skill], that just give the rules the middle finger and do anything he wants without having to deal with certain consequences afterward.

"You know it." I sometimes forgot even to use the [Bypass Restrictions] after the cooldown phase is over and could be reused again, but my mind keeps on getting distracted and end up forgetting about it for a while until I remember about having the [Bypass Restrictions].

With the remaining time of the [Bypass Restrictions]. I decide to think about what else do I need to use it for before it enters a cooldown phase. But, got nothing. So, I just deactivate it. Putting it a 3 days cooldown phase until I can reuse it again.

"So, you have any idea where you want us to visit or do you wish to reunite with the rest of our family? I'm sure someone else would like to tag along with me." I ask my wife for her input. "I mean, we already got everyone's home universes. So we don't need to visit any other universes that are the same as those ones since we can visit the one I already have in the [Gate of Babylon]. Though, I have no idea what happen if I try to merge two universes that are the same. Other than that, I just need to think of a universe to be used as our main one, or at least after looking through more universes first before deciding."

"How long has it been with just us two?" Raven asks me.

"Around 4 months." I didn't give Raven the exact time and knew she just wanted to know the amount of worth of months we've been together.

"Hmm. Then, we're 3 months shorts compared to Alice when she was with you." Raven frowns a little, wondering if she really wanted to at least reach the same time Alice spent with their husband alone or may as well go back with the rest of the family. "Ah, screw it. Let's go meet up with the others. I don't think I can help much, Ragna. Well, helpful when I'm awake, but not much when I'm asleep. Plus, I never knew I would get less sleep when it just the two of us. On one hand, I get to be with you alone, which is great and all, but I like to sleep as well. However, with your problems, it would lessen my sleep time due to you being alone with your thoughts most of the time without someone there to snap you out of it. I didn't have to worry about this since there is the other nearby to do it instead of myself." Raven knew the pros and cons when it just the two of them alone compared to being with the whole family.

"Alright, let me contact Esdeath if it has been it has been a year or so yet on their side." I said to Raven, as I activate [Archive] to call Esdeath.

Raven snort, "Yeah, right. I'm pretty sure it hasn't even been a month for them. After all, it has only been what, like, a week on their side when it was half year outside of it."

"Is something the matter?" Esdeath asks with concern in her voice along with a worried look on her face the moment she answered the call.

"Nope. Just wanted to inform you, that Raven wishes to go back with the rest and someone should take her place." I answered, then look at the time difference between us and to my surprise. It has only been a day for Esdeath and the others, much to my surprise at this big difference.

Esdeath frown, then glance at the time zone difference on the side, like I did not a second ago and she widens her eyes in surprise as well. "Oh, wow. You know what, give me a second." Esdeath said to Raven and me, "Hey! Everyone get in here! I got something to say!"

Raven and I move back a little due to Esdeath's loud voice, then we watch Esdeath giving everyone in the family a role and responsibility while she is gone for who knows how long, where it could be just a few hours, a day, even months before maybe a year or two.

"Okay, Ragna. Send me over. It has been a while when it's just us two. Raven, I'm putting you in charge and with Repellista helping you out. I know how you are, but I don't think of anyone else can be responsible. If you can name someone else, tell me now." Esdeath looks at Raven, who clearly didn't want to be in charge and open her mouth to argue, but close it when she thought about it.

Yuri would mostly go to places that are extremely dangerous and likely to cause major problems for everyone else.

Ryun would be too overprotected over Erza and some of the other kids, that it would make the whole gaining life experience in combat useless due to Ryun's presence.

Alice won't even think about leaving Town and just stay in one area since she has all the foods she needs to eat.

"What about Ingui Yoon or Daniela?" Raven thought about those two and maybe grab one or two members of the Yami to be the one temporary in charge before dropping that idea as they are martial artists, not babysitters. Something she knows they would reject instantly as taking a disciple is one thing, but babysitting is just crossing the line.

"You do realize, that they are Ragna's students, making them having a lower status in the family, even though we technically don't do the whole status things. However, in strength-wise, do you really think the others would listen to either of those two?" Esdeath raises an eyebrow at Raven, for thinking about putting those two in a position that just asking them to fight against the entire world by themselves, which is something they would gladly do instead of being in charge of this crazy and messed up family.

"Hey, at the very least you don't have to worry about the organizations in the History Strongest Disciple Kenichi universe since I can just freeze it, making it so nothing change in there until one of us needs to go into the universe." I tried to cheer Raven up, as she does have work of being the leader of Yami.

"I'm not getting out of this, am I?" Raven asked when she already knows the answer, "Forget it. May as well, better than me instead of someone else." Raven knew all the problems she going to have to deal with when she in charge. "I swear, the two of you owe me big for doing this."

"Don't worry, if the time difference shortens again for whatever reason. You won't have to watch over them that long." Esdeath point this out, causing Raven to brighten up, once she remembers about the time zone being different from inside and outside of KonoSuba universe.

So, Raven may not have to be in charge for too long, leading to her sighing in relief and now gladly take the position to be in charge of the family. "Okay, I'm ready."

A few minutes later*

"So, how was it?" Esdeath asks me, as the [Ark] heading towards a nearby universe, where it only takes 5 minutes at best to reach.

"How was what?" I ask back. A little confused by what Esdeath meant. Also, ignoring the way Esdeath is grinding herself against me while sitting on my lap.

"Having sex with the others, without me in it?" Esdeath asks me casually, "You and the others must have lots of sex while alone, huh?"

"Are you trying to guilt me or something?" I didn't dare answer this question, that's a landmine I rather not step on.

"I don't know, is it working?" Esdeath honestly didn't care, she already knows that her husband loves her the most compared to the others, something she deeply cares about.

"Okay, what do you really want from me?" I've already read Esdeath's character sheet just now to figure out what's going on and knew Esdeath wasn't mad at me, but just a little sad and annoyed that she didn't get some alone time with me, even though she spent more time with me alone before already in the past, but Esdeath didn't care and wanted more alone time with me.

"You know what I want. Don't think I haven't noticed the way you look at the others and me. I know you have some sort of [Skills] you have gained without my notices or use your [Chain Combo Magic] to gain something similar to mind reading." Esdeath leans back to give me a smirk, as she gives me the look, that says if I dare lie to her, then better be ready for the punishment.

On her character sheet, she even thought about all the punishment she would inflict on me, be it physically or mentally, mostly the latter than the former. As the former would be almost useless due to the [Skill: Gamer's Body]. Along with other [Skills].

"Alright, let's enter a universe first, then we can go on all the dates you want, including sex during the date or afterward." I replied, causing Esdeath to kiss me on the lip before using her tongue to make this kissing even better and decide to continue kissing until we enter a universe.