Chapter 73: Time For A Challenge!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 73: Time For A Challenge!

A week later*

Year 24: Day 69: Trying Something For Fun

(Hidden Leaf Village)

So a week ago; Esdeath and I enter the universe that happens to be the universe of Naruto. Almost 80% were very close to canon at the beginning of part one of the manga and anime series of Naruto, but different variables most would be gender-benders for some characters and others are changing point at the end, where Naruto would have a time skip of two and a half years after Naruto Uzumaki leaves the Hidden Leaf Village to train with Jiraiya, but this is the part where things changed for Naruto. Talk about different mentors for Naruto to be taught or gaining powers from different universes.

Of course, I made sure to check if this Naruto universe was a crossover universe or not, but found out it barely counts as a crossover universe, since barely 5% are crossover dimensions. Furthermore, in this 5% of the overall Naruto universe. Barely any other characters that don't belong to the Naruto universe appear, while some just mention and left behind the [Skills] and [Techniques] for Naruto Uzumaki to learn at a young age before becoming powerful in his world and start face-slapping, not literally, those that treated him badly in the past.

Anyway, finding this out; Esdeath and I enter a dimension among the 5% and that is far away from canon as possible, but with some major factors stays.

The time period Esdeath and I, it's Esdeath who picked, have decided to go to the time where the Chunin Exam Arc begins.

It wasn't even worth the effort for Esdeath and me to sneak into one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries.

For a ninja village; I must say the security system is kind of pathetic in my opinion. Though, I can't really blame them since both Esdeath and I have many [Skills/Techniques] to easily avoid all these ninjas. Most importantly, neither of us have [Chakra]. Making us invisible to [Chakra Sensors]. However, this will cause some problems for us as we have no [Chakra] in our body. As for those native in this world would claim that possessing no [Chakra] are supposed to be dead, or at least in this dimension than some of the other dimensions.

Once we enter the Hidden Leaf Village; we picked a nice place to stay for our time here as we want to see this dimension's Naruto would do upon if he can find either or both Esdeath and me, where this world Naruto is neglected version with his family alive and having an older twin sister, Mito, where she holds the [Chakra] of the Nine-Tails, one of the nine Tailed Beasts and should be the strongest out of them.

While Naruto carries the soul of the Nine-Tails, leading to the villagers hating his guts and others neglecting him for Mito. However, to my surprise, Naruto and Mito get along, even to the point, where Mito willing to help Naruto's ninja training secretly after their parents didn't want to.

"It has been a week now, Ragna. How long do we have to wait?" Esdeath asks me, breaking me from remembering what happened over the week of us coming into this world. "Also, how in the world are we going to train the kid if we can't even use [Chakra], which is the main [Energy Source] of this dimension, and the kid can't even use any other [Energy Sources] if what you told me that this dimension doesn't carry any other [Energy Sources] beside [Chakra]. Not including [Nature Energy] for [Senjutsu]." Esdeath points this out to me while we're walking around the place without caring if someone overhears us or not.

Which they can't. Due to the fact, that I'm using [Ninjutsu], my version, to trick everyone around us from thinking we speaking about something else and can't even read our lips either, to see if there is an illusion over us or not. Furthermore, with [Ninjutsu]; I can affect the native here without them even knowing about it. Since I'm not affecting their [Chakra], but their senses.

"Well, maybe he is training under his ninja teacher or his older twin sister. If you want, we can train someone else if you're that bored with waiting for him to seek us out." I said to Esdeath, while a little surprise, that [Karma Theads] haven't formed between Esdeath and/or me ever since we can into this dimension. Therefore, picking Naruto as someone to be our student was out of whim. Then again, it's just because most of the Naruto in this universe is too loud, with the whole always pay attention to me, attitude. While in this dimension, the Naruto is quieter and would follow his older twin sister around like a puppy.

"How about that Hinata girl? I remember us watching the Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie with the kids. I like her character, so I want to see if it's possible for me to change a timid version Hinata into the one in that movie." Esdeath said to me, already planning to cause a problem for many people in this world.

"Uh." I look at my wife with a deadpan, then use [Elemental Sight] on this dimension, to see the type of person Hinata Hyuga, and I was surprised, to find out this world's Hinata is a major sadist and not in love with Naruto, but do have the desire to want him for herself. However, I didn't reject it when I inform this to Esdeath.

"A sadist you say?" Esdeath slowly has a sadist grin, that disturbs me a bit, because whenever I see that. I find myself being punished by her for many reasons, that sometimes not my fault at all, but she still punishes me for it as a way to make me take revenge on her, I do, then later punish the other party without me 'seeing' her doing it.

"Yup, you can blame that on Hinata's Mother, who is still alive and actually the real head of the Hyuga Clan secretly, but in public, it is her husband that leads the Clan. Even the Elders of the Hyuga Clan coward before her." I add this in, causing Esdeath to let out a giggle, that just caused a chill to go down my back.

"I know where we should go today." Esdeath didn't need me to point out the direction, where the Hyuga Clan's Main Household is, as we've been here for a week already and knew all the places in this Hidden Villages.

A few minutes later*

(Hidden Leaf Village: Hyuga Clan's Main Household: Main Entrance)

"Who are you and what business do you have with the Hyuga Clan?" One of the Hyuga Clan guardsmen spoke up the moment Esdeath and I approach the Main Entrance.

"We have an appointment with Saya Hyuga." Esdeath said to the Hyuga Clan guardsmen, while I use [Fundamental Force Manipulation: Attraction & Repulsion] on the Hyuga Clan guardsmen to be less interested in what Esdeath said is true or not, and too lazy to bother to inform others about this.

"Alright, go in." The same Hyuga Clan guardsmen spoke, where the other one just opens the doors for Esdeath and me to go through.

"Thanks." Esdeath smirk at the Hyuga Clan guardsmen before entering.

A few minutes later*

(Hidden Leaf Village: Hyuga Clan's Main Household: Backyard)

"I still find it interesting, that everyone can see us, but in their minds. We are less important than the wall." Esdeath said with amusement, "By the way, Ragna. If Naruto doesn't find us at all, are you planning to take anyone in this world as a student at all?" Not caring for the people around us to listen, not that they will even bother to remember at all.

"Not really. Furthermore, I can just grab all the [Skills] in this universe once I gain ownership over it and pass it over to other people, if they can use [Chakra] that is, otherwise this universe is kind of useless for us, but not completely. Since we have an army of supernatural ninja, where 90% fight in the open." I replied, causing Esdeath to snort at me. 'Furthermore, including the [Laws] of the Naruto universe into the one I already have would give other native people in my collected, merged crossover universe the ability to use [Chakra].' I knew that [Chakra] is powerful in many ways, but at the same time could be very weak in other universes.

"I still can't believe they are called ninja when they don't fight in the shadow most of the time." Esdeath watched/read the Naruto Series mostly out of boredom and to spend time with the kids, where most of them like the Naruto series for some reasons.

"Who knows, but at least they know how to perform the role as a ninja when needed. Just not often." I replied, as we've arrived where Saya Hyuga is and she with her eldest Daughter, Hinata, where both are training, mainly Saya teaching Hinata in her own personal [Gentle Fist].

"Well, I thought about it just now and don't want a student in this world." Esdeath said to me, causing me to raise an eyebrow at her.

"If you're not planning to take a student of this world, then what's the point of us staying here, then? I can just grab the ownership outside of this universe right away and we could visit a different universe." I look at my wife before looking back at Saya showing how to perform a few things belong to her personalize [Gentle Fist] for Hinata to learn.

"Because I want to have fun, and also, to have us spend together doing fun things before we reunite with the others. And by we, I really meant the two of us, I won't leave you alone until either we've found the universe to be our main one or after getting tired of finding unworthy universes to be our main universe." Esdeath answered. Not caring how she is treating this dimension as a playground when in her mind, it is a playground for her and her husband to mess around as they please.

I sweatdrop at Esdeath's thoughts and wonder how many deaths would occur if I were to prevent Esdeath from having her fun. Thinking about it just for a few seconds and find myself thinking it just delay the future deaths, depending on the people, while having Esdeath around would just quicken the time for a massacre to happen.

"So, what are we going to do here? We found Hinata and she is being trained by her own Mother." I said to Esdeath, who looking at Saya and Hinata, with the eyes of a predator waiting for the preys to give her the moment to pounce.

"Hey, Ragna. How do you feel about having sex slaves?" Esdeath asks me, causing me to pause right there and then.

I slowly turn my head to look at Esdeath if she was being serious or not. When I did, I can see the smirk on her face still. So, just to be very sure, I glance at her character sheet and found she was testing me, not that interested in sex slaves at all. But, curious if my sex drive went crazy without her there to deal with it and wonder if having sex with the others just made me wanting more.

"Nevermind. You won't accept a sex slave if they were to stand right in front of you naked, with a collar over their neck, with them revealing all their private areas and giving you a look of eager to have sex." Esdeath continues off, without giving me a chance to say anything.

I give Esdeath a deadpan look, because that's exactly what Esdeath did one time in the past.

"By the way, I'm thinking about making another clone, to train in the art of assassination. Like plain old assassination." I said to Esdeath, who stop for a moment from watching Saya and Hinata training, then look at me with a confused look on her face.

"Why would you do that? Don't you have five overpowered clones made already?" Esdeath hinted my [The Sword Immortal/Demon/God/Devil/Ghost's Cultivation Clones] I made with the [72 Earthly Transformation Skill] I unlocked from the [Profession: Immortal God Sun Wukong].

[72 Earthly Transformations] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - Cost: Varies

Description: Allows the user to shape-shift into any form. Furthermore, the user can use the hairs on their body to transform into another form, animate or inanimate form.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Shapeshift] - The user is able to transform their form into something else for (level) days.

1st Effect's Cooldown: Upon the transformation at the duration, ending or just stop the effect would enter in a cooldown phase. Cooldown: (100 - level) days.

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Body Outside of Body] - Specifically refers to the ability to transform the user's hairs into clones of themselves.

This is also considered a [Broken Skill] due to the limitations for this [Skill] is close to zero and while there are some limitations, doesn't take away the most important part of the [Skill], that make it broken and powerful.

The [Body Outside of Body] is what I consider the [72 Earthly Transformation] a [Broken Skill] since this one effect alone allows me to create infinite clones as long I have hair. Also, through trial and errors, I found out that when I clone myself, I can change the clones' stats and among other things easily as well by using the 1st Effect together with [Rejection] to remove those small limitations.

And the best part is that I can merge these clones back to my original body, increasing my stats and gaining more [Skills] as well. But, most of the time, I would put them inside the [Gate of Babylon] and be put to sleep until I need to awaken them to come to my aid or just switch body, where I would gain full control over the [Cultivation Clone Body]; however, I would be limited to certain [Skills] that can only be carried over to that [Cultivation Clone Body].

"Well, Esdeath. I want to create a [Clone Body] meant for assassination only instead of full out assault. Sure, I have the [Omega Sword Dao: Shadowless Dao], but I won't be needing that much in most worlds. So I want to make this as a challenge for myself in case I ever run out of [Mana], [Sword Qi], [Void Energy], [Dark Matter], and [Heartforce]. To rely only on my physical abilities. Well, limited physical abilities since I can still destroy a universe by crushing it with pure force of strength." I give Esdeath a grin, as I've already told her before, during the week about how I been destroying some universes belong to [Hero Faction] and stealing the ones belong to the [Neutral Faction]. Where I destroy the universes in many ways, with one of them I just throw a full power punch without any [Energies] backing up the punch, but it was still enough to destroy the universe. Weak ranked universes that is. Above those universes would just cause cracks instead.

"Really now. And 10,000 years of training aren't enough for you?" Esdeath asked her husband before sighing at how bored her husband is. Yes, she knows he is doing this for a challenge, but more out of boredom than anything else. Something she could relate a few times, but not all the time like him. After all, out of the entire family, he is the only one that can't do anything normal-related things. Well, that was in the past now and he got better control over his [Volition Sword Dao], finally.

"Nope. You can never stop training, after all, I still haven't reached the cap level and stats as a Gamer yet." I replied.

"Didn't you reach the cap, which was [Tier 10 - Stats] and at [Profession: The Gamer {Tier 10: Lvl.100}] before?" Esdeath asks with confusion, "I could have sworn that what you were at near the last year into our training."

"I only get to that when I merge with all my [Cultvation Clones]." I answered, "Plus, I want to see if I can break through this cap. If not; well, I can just gain other [Professions] to increase my abilities beyond what my stats allow me to with the help of [Rejection]." I smirk at this, causing Esdeath to shake her head at me, making me want to poke fun at her since Esdeath has already reached the peak of her cultivation. "Not to mention, the [Volition Sword Dao] is never-ending, so I don't think I can ever reach my own peak now that I think about it." What I really meant is that the [Sword Intent/Domain/Dao] of the [Volition Sword Dao] will never stop growing and this [Sword Dao] alone will make me surpass even the strongest in this multiverse in time or hasn't already since I never used the full power of the [Volition Sword Dao] yet.

"So, why the whole new clone body for assassination, then?" Esdeath really wishes she can read minds, rethinking about it for a moment and completely dropping that bad idea, as her husband's mind is a death trap for anyone dumb enough to try to read his mind would up dying or go insane if they somehow live through it.

"Well, I was planning to give my new [Clone Body] to rely on [Skills] that doesn't require using any type of [Energy] other than stamina." I answered.

"Hmm. How about instead of assassination, why don't you do something that's unrelated to combat in general." Esdeath offers a better challenge for her husband to take on with his new [Clone Body]. No need for him to get another [Clone Body] used for combat when he already has five of them, not including ones created by the [Ancient Clan Cultivation], where she no longer have any ideas how many he has by now and she won't count the souls inside his [Magical Arsenal] as they don't count as his [Clone Bodies]. So why not get her husband to do something else, that would maybe become his hobby. "Actually, if you make a clone, then it shouldn't have your killing intent, right?"

"Yeah, as long I have [Rejection] linked to the [72 Earthly Transformation] beforehand, to place the conditions before creating the clone." I knew how it doesn't matter if I clone myself with the [Skill] if it contains all my [Skills] and stats, along with the downsides I still carry with me today, then it just an extra me for battle or something, but with [Rejection], that changes things.

"Then, create a clone, that mainly to refine some of your [Skills] or gain a certain [Skills] only to be used without instant maxing out the level for those [Skills]. Try to manually level them up, doesn't have to be combat-related, but knowing the type of person you are. That's asking a lot." Esdeath explains to her husband while knowing that if he does anything unrelated to combat in general would make him frustrated multiple, even with the help of the broken down [Gamer's Mind Skill].

"Well, there is a [Sword Skill] I was planning to get as a way to increase the might of my [Volition Sword Dao]." I just remember there a novel, that contains powerful [Sword Techniques], where I was thinking of getting before I gained the [Volition Sword Dao] from my [Void Weapon] in the past if trying gaining a [Sword Dao] from the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills] didn't work out so well.

Esdeath gives me a deadpan look, then look over at the Mother and Daughter Hyuga almost finishing. "Sure, you go ahead. Make what is already considered overpowered be even more powerful than it already is." Esdeath said in a dull voice like she wondering if this what it felt like to be next to someone that continues to become strong without a limit, even if there such a thing to limit her husband. He'll find a way to overcome it no matter what; nevertheless, she loves him with all her heart. She just has to become stronger to stand next to him.

"Okay, I will be right back." I said to my wife, then teleport myself back to the [Ark] and into the multiverse to do everything.

An hour later*

-Ragna's New Clone Body's POV-

(Hidden Leaf Village)

"Oh, welcome back, Ragna. You seem..." Esdeath looks at me with a frown before letting out a tired sigh. "Mind giving me a list of your current set?"

"Sure." I replied as I bring up the list of [Skills] I gave to this body.

[Immortal Exterminating Four Swords] - Passive/Active - Cost: Varies

Description: These four [Sword Manuals] are part of the ten main scriptures created by the [Lord of Numinous Treasure] and part of the [Prime Clear Lineage]. Allowing one to comprehend these [Sword Manuals] to gain the [Sword Dao] within them.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Immortal Ending Sword Manual].

1st Effect's Requirement: Require the user to be a true [Sword Cultivator] to bring out its true might or only be able to release a small portion, even when the user reaches the [Sword Dao].

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Immortal Slaughtering Sword Manual].

2nd Effect's Requirement: Same as 1st Effect's Requirement.

3rd Effect: Gain access to [Immortal Trapping Sword Manual].

3rd Effect's Requirement: Same as 1st Effect's Requirement.

4th Effect: Gain access to [Immortal Exterminating Sword Manual].

4th Effect's Requirement: Same as the 1st Effect's Requirement.

[Sengo Muramasa's Blade-Testing Art - Nasuverse's Version] - Passive - Lvl.1/100 - Exp: 0%

Description: A practice of testing the quality of swords. However, Sengo Muramasa has reached to the point of being able to cut even causality from the countless times he has used [Blade-Testing Art] while crafting many swords.

1st Effect: Gain access to (level)% Sengo Muramasa's experience of testing the quality of swords.

2nd Effect: Gain access to (level)% Sengo Muramasa's swordsman [Skills].

[Sengo Muramasa's Blacksmith - Nasuverse's Version] - Passive - Lvl.1/100 - Exp: 0%

Description: As a [Blacksmith], Sengo Muramasa is confident about his [Skills] as he has reached the territory of God.

1st Effect: Gain access to (level)% Sengo Muramasa's experience of [Blacksmith].

2nd Effect: Gain access to Sengo Muramasa's [Workshop] created by [Territory Creation].

[Devil Style] - Passive - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% -

Description: The [Devil Style] nullifies any coincidence; the skill prevents whims of fate from interfering with a battle. This ability is the opposite of a conventional of a main character; it degrades the hero, as they are usually just really lucky. And so, this ability will render all the main characters that came before the user relics of the past.

1st Effect: Nullifies all coincidence affected by fate.

1st Effect's Limitation: Only work on the concept of battle.

Other Effects: Locked (Require level 100)

[Sacrifice] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: 1 MP per step

Description: This is a [Movement Skill], where each step taken will accelerate their user's momentum and increase the power they can achieve. The more steps the user takes, the more power and momentum they can use.

1st Effect: Increase AGI x (level) per step was taken and increase next attack by (STR + AGI)

1st Effect's 1st Restriction: The user can only attack in close combat during the activation of this skill.

1st Effect's 2nd Restriction: Once the user attack, the skill deactivates itself, even if the attack miss.

1st Effect's 3rd Restriction: The user must continue moving without stopping or the skill deactivates itself and the user will lose all the effects.

1st Effect's 4th Restriction: The user is limited to the number of steps of their END stat.

[Virtuous Noble Travels For Ten Thousand Miles] - Passive/Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP Cost: Varies

Description: This allows the user to walk thousands of miles without feeling tired. Furthermore, just like its name, when the user walked over ten thousand miles and are familiar with the [Technique], this will become quite good when it comes to dodging within a small area, also, when the user completed other several tens of thousands of miles, the user would be able to feel their body becoming light as a swallow and even become like a dragonfly skimming on the surface of the water.

1st Effect: [Ten Thousand Miles Tempering] - Increase END and AGI x (level).

1st Effect's Requirement: Require to walk over ten thousand of miles. (Mile Count: 0)

2nd Effect: Locked (Require level 50 to unlock)

Other Effects: Locked (Require level 100 to unlock)

"Well, I can say you've picked with little to no defense at all." Esdeath grim at these six [Skills], with the first one, would give her husband, four other [Sword Dao] in the future without a doubt and if she can guess by going by the first four effects' names, then she can say that it's very powerful and must be the [Sword Skill] her husband mention an hour ago. "And your stats?" Esdeath hinted that she wants to see my clone's stats.

So, I didn't bother and share it with her, no skin off my bone.

Character Name:

Ragna D. Mercer (6th Clone)



1st Profession:

[Sword Cultivator {Tier 0: Lvl.1 - EXP:0%/100%}]

Equip Title:


Unequip Titles:


HP: 100%/100% - Regen: 1% per hour

MP: 100%/100% - Regen: 5% per hour

Sword Qi: 100%/100% - Regen: 1% per minute

"Hey, Ragna, where are the stats?" Esdeath asks me with a confused voice, "All I see is your name, [Profession], titles, which you seem to not have any, and the ones to keep track of your health, [Mana] and [Sword Qi]. Other than these, I don't see the rest. Where are they?"

"Made it so this body won't have the full effect of the [Gamer's Body], so if I get my limbs chopped off. I won't regrow it back or reattach them unless I bring my original body here to use a [Skill] to heal or someone to heal me. Furthermore, I lack the infinite stamina I'm given by the [Gamer's Body] too." I grin at my wife, who looks at me like I'm an idiot, which I won't blame her. "Plus, I have my original body in the [Ark] to guard this universe. So, we don't have to worry about anyone from the three factions coming here to ruin our fun."

"I'm not going to bother to ask for any extra information. I just want to know one thing." Esdeath knew that she may have to help her reckless husband in many things, not to mention, if her husband planning to use this body for sex. He got another thing coming, because she will not have sex with a body that would quit on her during the fifth round if he pushes it. "Does this body have [Gamer's Mind]?"

"Yup, didn't change a thing." I replied.

"Meaning, that this clone body has the exact same [Gamer's Mind] your original body has." Esdeath said dryly, "As in a broken down [Gamer's Mind]. Good to know."

"You make it seem like it's a bad thing." I answered, not really bother about this.

"It is." Esdeath looks at me with a blank face, "Anyway, since you left. I was almost swarmed by all those people in the Hyuga Clan and if this was me before meeting you. U would have slaughtered my way out, causing a large panic among the civilians, then this would lead to ninja coming at me in waves until I kill everyone in this village.

"Oops." I knew I was forgetting something when I left Esdeath behind. "Would it make you feel better if I would apologize?" I give Esdeath a sheepish smile, then look around, where we are currently in a random street, where I can see civilians and ninja walking around.

"What would you think?" Esdeath snort at her husband, for thinking that a simple word apology would be worth anything. "You know the deal, get your original body back down here for a bit, then I shall forgive you." Esdeath didn't have to explain what her husband needs to do in detail when this happen before in the past when her husband wants her's forgiveness. "Also, don't speak too casual like before since we won't have your [Ninjutsu] to make things more to our advantage." She didn't care if someone nearby listening onto them right now after losing the protection of the [Ninjutsu]. She will just kill them afterward and anyone helping them.