Chapter 75: Did Not Expect That

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 75: Did Not Expect That

2 hours later*

Year 24: Day 71: Regrets Part 2

(Hidden Leaf Village: Ramen Ichiraku)

After Esdeath announced her challenge. Both Teuchi and Ayame really did not want to take on this cooking duel, but their reputation would be ruined if they decline, even if they accept, they are guaranteed to lose still. It is a lose-lose for them.

Nonetheless, Esdeath didn't care one bit about this. Teuchi and Ayame are just the face of strangers she won't put too much focus on.

'Well, that's what Esdeath told me via [Archive], but otherwise, I have no clue since I don't have access to [Chain Combo Magic] and the other [Skills] to gain access Esdeath's character sheet, unless I want to make it easier onto myself, but I'm technically challenging myself to limit myself to the six [Skills], with [Archive] just pushing it.' I thought about much trouble things became for me without all my countless [Skills] and [Chain Combo Magic]. Also, not even a few hours ago, I even broke my rules of the challenge by using the [Dao of Karma] out of habit.

Rubbing my chin, ignore the crowd going ah and oh as Esdeath perform a flashy way stretching the dough into long strands before being boiled.

"So, she's your wife?" I didn't bother to turn my head, knowing it was the Fourth Hokage asking me, as his family is here to watch the show, with his wife, Kushina, being one of the three judges. With the other two being random customers picked out of the crowd by Esdeath, while Kushina volunteers before the last slot to be a judge was taken from someone else. Of course, Esdeath knew who Kushina is and someone that is a major fan of ramen. Especially made by the Ramen Ichiraku.

Also, going by how Minato is talking to me, I would have to guess he either foolish in thinking he can take me on, then remembering I'm in my [Clone Body], so maybe he can, or he doesn't know the previous heavy presence he felt yesterday came from me via [Slaughteirng Sword Intent]. Either way, Minato trying to get information out of me seem right in this current situation going on.

"Yup." I replied as I continue to think of how to use the [Ending Sword Intent] to make a [Detecting Technique] without too many flaws.

"Where do you and your wife come from, if you don't mind me asking." Minato asks while trying his best to ignore some of the children pointing at him as right now, he needs to focus on the main task on the hand.

"Far away from here." I answered, causing Minato's mouth to twitch at my response, that doesn't reveal much.

"COME ON TEUCHI! YOU CAN DO THIS!" Kushina shout, not caring that she is a judge not one of the spectators; therefore, this makes it like Kushina is willing to say Teuchi's ramen is better than Esdeath's without even trying it yet.

"Look like it was true about how the Uzumaki are loud and brash when it comes to certain things they obsessing with." I comment on how loud Kushina being.

Minato blushes at this instantly, "That... uh, my wife." Minato paused when his brain registers a certain keyword. "Wait, you know Kushina is an Uzumaki?" Minato stares at me with eyes of searching for any lies.

"Unless there are any other Clans of redheads other than the Uzumaki or I could be wrong and Kushina, the redhead woman over there is part of the Hidden Sand Village's Kazekage's family. Because most of the male members of the Kazekage's family are redheads. So she may just be one of the rare female redheads in that family." I answered, then felt a familiar, but at the same time, very unfamiliar presence around me. As I tried to comprehend the [Immortal Ending Sword Manual], to develop the [Detecting Technique].

"Have you met an Uzumaki before?" Minato wanted to know if there any survivors of the Uzumaki Clan. If so, then he will do his absolute best to bring them over to the Leaf Village, so his wife can reunite with someone from her Clan. Who knows, if it's someone Kushina know at a young age.

"TEUCHI! YOU NEED TO HURRY! SHE ALMOST DONE!" Kushina yelled with worry, trying her best to cheer her close friend to win this.

"Try the Hidden Rain Village." I wonder how everyone would react to meeting Nagato and the one that in the Akatsuki, that hunts down the Tailed Beasts as their main goal.

Minato frown, then went into deep thought about this and wonder if he has anything to know about this village beside the location and among the basics.

'Ah, now I remember.' I finally figure out what this familiar, but the unfamiliar feeling I've been having. It's that I have discovered the [Ending Sword Intent] is like the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception]. But, much less focus on the [Lines of Death] and [Points of Death]; however, I can tell for sure that the [Ending Sword Intent] is much more than bringing death like the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception]. Plus, with the [Ending Sword Intent], it doesn't require my eyes to like it does with the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception]. So, there is one upside to the [Ending Sword Intent]. No clue what would happen when I reach the [Ending Sword Dao], though.

Suddenly, I have this idea, a very risky and dangerous idea, but an idea nonetheless, and I really want to test this out. Yet, I require a living person to test it on and the risk of killing them in the process is very high and I don't have the [Skill: Rejection] to prevent their death from happening if things go wrong. Even so, this idea is something I can't leave alone without trying it out, because the possibility of this alone would open so many paths for me, that the [Ending Sword Intent] alone would be very powerful to the point of being on the same level of bullshit as [Broken Skills].

Slowly, and very carefully, I convert my [Sword Qi] into the [Ending Sword Intent] I barely just comprehend on the spot. Very dangerous and barely have any control over this [Sword Intent] since I'm trying to use it instead of just releasing its presence into the world as I did with the [Slaughtering Sword Intent].

While expanding the [Ending Sword Intent]'s range; countless people started to have a hard time breathing as if their ability to breathe has been taken away from them.

The one that has it worse is the Fourth Hokage, who clearly finally realizing and confirming who released the heavy presence yesterday; however, this time it was much worse. Instead of not being able to move a muscle due to the survival instinct screaming danger doing so. This time, Minato can say that this presence was something he often felt in the past and still to these days. The feeling of being helpless and just waiting for his end to come.

I continue to allow myself to feel the [Ending Sword Intent] slowly, trying my best to gain insight from it as I allow the [Sword Qi] being converted using the [Immortal Ending Sword Manual] to expand the range of the [Ending Sword Intent] around me. Once I reached a 10-meter radius. I stop there, then try to develop a [Detecting Technique] with the [Ending Sword Intent] in this 10-meter radius range.

Tilting my head to the side, where I did detect something, but this something appears and disappears rapidly, making what I'm sensing is at the borderline between appearing and disappearing. Then, realize that what I'm detecting is everything within this 10-meter radius, where I can 'end' anything by striking the moment, whatever that's appearing just about to disappear, which mean, using the [Ending Sword Intent] won't be like the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception], where I just need to cut the [Lines of Death] or [Points of Death] after searching for them. The [Ending Sword Intent] requires me to time the 'ending' of everything and strike that moment. Pretty sure, I can 'create' the 'ending' on the target, but may need to work with the [Ending Sword Intent] further to be able to do such a thing.

If I were to go with another example of the [Ending Sword Intent]. It would be the [Noble Phantasm: Azrael] of [The Old Man of the Mountain] from the Nasuverse, which has the ability to terminate life with the slightest cut. The imposition of death can affect an opponent of any strength or statue. However, the [Ending Sword Intent] is much more than [Azrael]. Just a small example like with the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception].

Once I got what I wanted, I reel back the [Ending Sword Intent] right away, causing the nearby people to breathe in deeply with their ability to breathe return. Some even started coughing when they breathed too quickly and end up choking on their spits by swallowing it at the wrong moment.

But, what I did not expect was a [Magic Circle of Symbols] appear beneath me and I know Minato or any ninja was not the cause of this, as they too were surprised by this with the look on their faces.

The food duel was even paused, as the [Magic Circle of Symbols]' glowing attracted everyone's attention towards it.

"Nope." Esdeath appear within the magical circle and have her [Skiajati] out of her [Inventory] and stab the [Magic Circle of Symbols], where I used my original body's [Skills Set] to find out what this and came to a shocking discovery, that someone was trying to summon my [Clone Body] to another world via a [Hero Summoning].

Too bad, for the one that tried to summon me and force me to become a hero, leading this [Clone Body] to join the [Hero Faction] was stopped by Esdeath. As she easily destroyed it by using the [Time Immemorial Codex: Former and Present Will - Remover].

The [Former Will] is based on the past, which Esdeath can use to create a [Time Technique] for it. Same with the [Present Will] that is based on the present like in its name.

All Esdeath did was using the [Present Will] with her Teigu to freeze time, then use [Former Will] to rewind the moment the [Hero Summoning] appeared before continuing using the [Former Will] to erase the [Hero Summoing], which cause the effect of the [Hero Summoning] to disappear in the present, as if it never existed in the first place.

"Well, now. That was a close one." Esdeath said mostly to herself, then walk back to resume the food duel, not bother about the [Hero Summoning] I quickly inform her via [Archive].


You have doomed a world to its fate.


Player, your wife has gained the Title: [Hero Remover] - The ability to kill heroes and deny the fate from influencing her battle with the heroes. Also, having the power to prevent a candidate from becoming a hero.


The Title: [The Broken Player]'s unknown effects has activated and negated the Player from gaining the Title: [Fallen Hero] - The person who has failed to become a hero, but still, have the urge to help others.

I sweatdrop and find myself what would happen if I didn't break my Gamer's ability, to gain [The Broken Player].

Not caring about the food duel anymore and perform a scan on the [Title: Fallen Hero].

[Fallen Hero] - The person who has failed to become a hero, but still, have the urge to help others. Passive Effect: The titleholder will always find themselves in situations that require a hero.

I grim at this, because if I really had gained the [Title: Fallen Hero]. I know for sure, that this [Fallen Hero] would force me to become an actual hero in some way.

As for Esdeath's new title. I'm not too sure if this is a good thing or not. But, at the very least, now that Esdeath gained this title. She can actually influence the kids from becoming a hero. Furthermore, all my wives' titles' effects will be boosted. Therefore, I'm a little interested in seeing how Erza will grow up, now that Esdeath has [Hero Remover].

An hour later*

(Hidden Leaf Village)

"Will you leave us alone already!" Esdeath glare at Kushina, who has been following her since the food duel, with her winning. Not surprising. Where even Kushina couldn't lie and had to speak the truth about how good Esdeath's ramen is.

"Not until you give me the recipe for that miso ramen!" Kushina shouts back, not knowing that she annoying someone that could easily kill her with just a snap of the fingers.

"You're getting on my nerves. Leave or I will kill you." Esdeath leak the tiniest amount of killing intent, which was enough to allow even a stubborn person like Kushina to realize how much on thin ice she is on right now. "Actually..." Esdeath thought about it for a moment, then slowly turn her head at Kushina, who felt a chill going down her back and taking a step back.

"No. Bad." I flick Esdeath's forehead when I read her character sheet. Yes, I gave up on the challenge of only using [Archive] to connect our thoughts and willing to use other [Skills] my original body possesses, but still willing to woke on this body and the [Skills Set] for it, to keep me busy for a while before ending up bored.

Esdeath narrows her eyes at me, but going by her character sheet. I would say she became aroused by this as she gets off by being humiliated in front of people nearby. No matter how small it is and something developed with the other wives, where all of them can see how Esdeath act during an orgy.

"W-What?" Kushina looks very confused now, but she still cautious after feeling the killing intent from the blue-haired woman and now the man in a weird outfit as well after seeing how he flicked the woman's forehead and not get attacked in return for this, be it verbal or physical.

"Nothing. Just leave us. We only came here because my wife wants to prove to all those who run a food business, that she is the best. Since my wife has done that now. We will be leaving." I said to Kushina coldly, causing her to take another step back as I use a bit of [Sword Qi] to use [Sword Gaze], which wasn't that hard to recreate into the [Slaughtering Sword Intent] when [Sword Gaze] was created with [Volition Sword Intent].

The difference between the two was the latter is simply like the gaze of someone you would never expect to be a killer and end being killed by the next second and all you see is nothing in their eyes as killing you is something simple to do. However, with [Volition Sword Intent] is more lean towards animal style, where a predator lay their eyes on a prey.

"Ruin my fun, why don't you." Esdeath mumbles to me since this body does have good senses, and so, I can easily hear her mumbling. "Don't bother us or you will regret ever doing so." With that said, Esdeath turns her back on Kushina and begins walking towards the exit/entrance of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Of course, it is a big mistake of turning one's back toward a trained ninja, but Esdeath can easily kill Kushina before she even has the chance to use a [Jutsu] or anything that kill a person.

"HEY!" Kushina's fearful moment disappears after a couple of seconds before speed walking right up to us, "All I'm asking is the recipe for miso ramen! Not the damn collection of recipes of ramen!"

Esdeath didn't want to ruin this whole having fun time in this universe; therefore, she gives Kushina enough killing intent to knock her out, with a low chance of dying from a heart attack.

"Oh..." I wince a little when I watched Kushina grab her chest in pain and having a heart attack, which Esdeath didn't seem to care one bit and I'm debating if I should use [Rejection] to prevent Kushina from dying or not.

By the time I was close to picking my choices; Kushina drops to the ground dead.

"Must be the ramen. Eating so much wouldn't do well for one's heart." Esdeath didn't look even sad about Kushina's death was her fault.

"Should I revive her?" I ask Esdeath, because I can do that before the time limit is over, plus, Kushina's body is intact, nothing missing.

"Nah, I want to see how people react would be upon finding out she dead." Esdeath said to me, then calmly resume walking away, where there is a good amount of witnesses around us saw everything.

10 minutes later*

(Hidden Leaf Village: Front Gate)

"[Rasengan]!" Minato roar with absolute rage, as he tried to grind the woman to death, who killed his wife. But, much to his annoyance, the woman continues to use her [Sealless Ice Ninjutsu] to freeze the [Chakra] inside the [Rasengan] completely, forcing him once more, to disconnect the [Chakra Flow] from the now ice ball in his hand, which he quickly drops or risk having it explodes on him like the first time.

"You want me to join?" I ask my wife, who hasn't moved from her spot since Minato came rushing straight at Esdeath with killing intent, bloodshot eyes and aiming to kill Esdeath, where Minato is blinded with the fury of learning his wife died.

"Nah, I'm alright. Just make sure no one interferes, that's all the help I need from you, Ragna." Esdeath said to me, as she easily blocks the fast punches and kicks from Minato before he disappears in a yellow flash, to appear above Esdeath and throwing multiple [Hiraishin Kunai] at her.

"Alright." I replied, watching my wife using her sword to deflect all the [Hiraishin Kunai] with ease and even throwing some back at Minato before another yellow flash and Minato disappear from the sky.

As the fight going between Esdeath and Minato, I kept the Hidden Leaf Village's ninjas from helping their Hokage with a simple using the [Ending Sword Intent] to 'attack' these ninjas' minds about wanting to help their Hokage by 'ending' those intentions and thoughts, forcing them to just watch this fight at the sideline. Furthermore, I'm using these ninjas as training targets for my [Ending Sword Intent] to work on my control on it.

Because in the beginning; I think I killed around a dozen ninjas by the time I have comprehended more insight into the [Ending Sword Intent] and develop another [Technique] for it. Leading to me experiment/training this new [Technique] I named: [Absolute Result], which can be used in multiple ways. Like right now, I just had to work on my control, and now, I can make it so everyone is no longer has the thoughts of wanting to help out and simply want to watch this whole fight going before their very eyes.

Also, I based the [Absolute Result] off the [Fundamental Force Manipulation: Attraction & Repulsion] and [Rejection]. Mostly a bit of both together and on the heavy side of [Rejection].

If I wanted to; by just using the [Ending Sword Intent] without holding back without a care of control. Using the [Ending Instantly Technique] would end, many random things at the same time. Not that surprised of this overpowered [Technique] since the [Immortal Ending Sword Manual] is overpowered as well, along with the other three.

On a side note; I gained 3 levels into the [Profession: Sword Cultivator] due to killing those ninjas out of lack of control.

"Come on, I'm getting bored here." Esdeath even yawn, to make her point as she casually parried his attack that aimed to strike her in the back, with the sheath of [Skiajati]. "If this is the best you can do, maybe I should have a fight with your wife instead. I bet she could put up a better effort, but then again, she had died from a simple heart attack after just feeling a tiny amount of my killing intent. Talk about disappointing." Esdeath begins mocking Minato, who started to lose his mind to rage. "If I knew you were this weak and your wife as well. Maybe I should just leave her alive instead of killing her. Save me the trouble of having to deal with you."

That last sentence caused something in Minato to snap.

Now, instead of a rage face and filled with anger; Minato took on a blank cold facial expression, where he no longer fights in a reckless life-threatening manner.

In a blur, Minato performs numerous hand seals, creating multiple afterimages like he has multiple hands.

"Oh? What are you planning now?" Esdeath didn't move to stop Minato from completing the hand seals for a [Jutsu] and must be a powerful one, to require this amount of hand seals and he doesn't look like he about to stop anytime soon.

If this was in a different fight, then Minato would never be able to finish this [Jutsu] that requires so much hand seals and the enemy would never allow him to perform more than a hand seal or two. As the enemy try their best to prevent him from completing the requirement of hand seals. The only reason why Minato taking such a big risk was that his mind became clear and noticed how his enemy is arrogant and he bet that she won't try to stop him from using this [Jutsu] and his bet was a success, as she not trying to stop him at all.

I frown and weirdly enough, I got this gut feeling that I should stop Minato from activating whatever [Jutsu] he trying to use on Esdeath. So, I use my original body's [Skills Set] and find out what Minato is doing and was deeply shocked, to find out that he using an experimental [Space-Time Jutsu] that actually meant to form a wormhole between universes. Not dimensions, but universes.

I didn't bother to think about it and use draw out my Common Sword], channeling the [Ending Sword Intent] through it and throw it at Minato, where Esdeath noticed and wonder why I would do such a thing. Nevertheless, Esdeath knew something must be wrong and quickly hurl multiple icicles at Minato, forcing him to abandon the plan of using the [Space-Time Jutsu].

But, for all three of us, along with the crowd watching this whole thing. A wormhole appears in the sky, even though Minato failed to complete all the hand seals to cast it.

"You know, I was not thinking this would happen." Esdeath spoke out.

Then, suddenly the wormhole expands into a massive size, that pulling me and Esdeath while everyone else is fine, not being affected by this wormhole and after going through all my original body's [Skills Set]. I just realized this wormhole wasn't even created solely by Minato as it looks like the deities of this dimension forcibly use this as a medium to kick both Esdeath and me out of this dimension and universe.

I didn't bother to hold back as I made my original body outside the universe use [Rejection] on the wormhole and forcing the deities from having access to this dimension, making them unable to interfere with the mortal realm.


You have lost 70% HP!

You have taken a large damage from falling from a high height.


Your left arm, three ribs, and left knee are broken from the fall.

"I did not think this through and forgot this body is very weak compared to my other bodies." I mumble to myself, as I haven't adjusted myself to using a weaker body.

"You alright, Ragna?" Esdeath asks me, as she lands not too far away and quickly kills Minato and the rest of the ninjas nearby before coming over to me, helping me sit on a chair she pull out of her [Inventory] for me to sit. As I'm badly injured.

"Physically, not really. I'm down to 30% of my health and my left arm is broken and I won't be able to stand on my own due to my left knee broken as well. Three ribs are broken as well, so there that as well. So, yeah, having a nerfed [Gamer's Body] suck big time." I inform Esdeath of my injuries. "Oh, yeah, on another note, I just blocked the deities of this dimension from interfering with the mortal realm. So all they can do is watch. Maybe the God of Death could interfere with the [Dead Demon Consuming Seal Jutsu] and maybe the [Shinigami Mask] as well."

"Ragna, you need to be more careful. You're not using your original body, nor those other bodies formed for your five different [Cultivation Systems]." Esdeath said with concern in her voice, not caring how she just slaughters the Hokage, the top ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village and a good amount of Leaf Village ninjas as well, putting the Hidden Leaf Village's fighting power lower by maybe 60% or more.

"Yeah, I forgot. Come on, we need to leave." I said to my wife as I got my original body to restore this body back to peak condition via [Rejection] and begin to run in the opposite direction of the Hidden Leaf Village's Front Gate is while thinking about making another [Common Sword] since the one I had broken under the use of the [Ending Sword Intent] for just a few seconds. "I don't think we want to be here when more ninjas show up. Unless you don't want to continue your conquest of being the best chef in the entire world?"

"If this was your original body, I would say forget about it and we should return back to the [Ark] so you can heal up. But, I really want to claim another world through food conquest. I can feel my title as the [Goddess of Food] will become a lot stronger once I do." Esdeath explains to me how her title: [Goddess of Food]'s effects seems to become stronger if she manages to conquest a world through getting people to recognize that her food alone is the best there is and nothing can be compared to it.

"Alright, let's get this over with and maybe I can work on this body during the time you're doing your food conquest." I said to my wife, "Now, let's leave. I still haven't finished developing my [Detecting Technique] with my [Ending Sword Intent] yet."

"Alright, and you should explain to me what the [Ending Sword Intent] even do on the way to the next village." Esdeath said to me, where she is curious about this new [Sword Intent] after learning about the [Slaughtering Sword Intent].