Chapter 76: Should Have Expected This

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 76: Should Have Expected This

A week later*

Year 24: Day 78: So Beyond Broken

(Land of Fire)

It has been a week since we enter this world; yet, both Esdeath and I find this world a bit boring. Not boring in we're so powerful and every being in this world is below, but because we just realize, that this world barely has anything else to offer other than besides fighting, killing, stealing, etc. Then again, this is a world of ninjas. Nonetheless, both Esdeath and I continue to stay in this world so Esdeath can be worldwide known as the best chef in the world. So, her Title: [Goddess of Food] would upgrade or something.

We're still learning about what else the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] affects all of us; well, mostly for all my wives.

"So, Ragna. I've been wondering. I've already realized you have over a hundred of [Skills]. Would it be better to have another [Skill] similar to [Chain Combo Magic]?" Esdeath asks me, while we eat the food she made some time ago and just need to take it out of the [Inventory/Gate of Babylon]. "I'm not saying the [Chain Combo Magic] is weak, far from it. I just think it can only link up to 100 [Skills] kind of small in my opinion compared to what we will face."

"Honestly, I lost count and forgot that [Chain Combo Magic] can only link up to 100 [Skills] since most of the time I won't even reach up to 100 [Skills]. Also, some of the [Skills] I got at the time was a bit random and sometimes forgot I have other similar [Skills] to it; well, similar as it targets other concepts, but still technically the same in a way." I explain, "Not to mention, I even made a journal to hold all the [Skills] and [Techniques] I want to turn into [Skills] for me to grab whenever I even remember to get it at the time."

Esdeath blanch that her husband actually done such a thing and honestly, with her entire being, feels very scared of her husband if he ever fights completely serious without holding back. Something she never has seen him done before. Ever. Not even against her and/or the others under the effects of the [Skill: Wonderland]. She can tell right away. Hell, the time she met him, not once did he go all out with her. After all, he did have the [Ultimate Eye] and finally got him to use it on her once. Once was enough to show how outclassed she is with that [Skill] alone. So, to find out he still got lots and lots of other [Skills] ready to be taken is frightening, which made her wonder if the other true Gamers have done the same as her husband.

"Now, that I think about it. I even picked out a [Technique] that could be turned into a [Skill] that should be very powerful if used right and by someone powerful." I thought out loud, causing Esdeath to twitch a little.

"May I see this journal?" Esdeath asks me.

"Sure." I got my original body to open a golden ripple portal before Esdeath via [Gate of Babylon] to drop the journal in mind, for my wife to see.

Esdeath opens the journal and flips to the first page to see what on it and pale instantly; well, she already pales in the first place, but now she has gone ghost white. On the very first page contain a few [Skills] and a list of their effects.

The first [Skill] is called the [Tribulation Body Refiner], which is using the very Heaven's tribulations that are used by those that dare go against the Heavens or going through trials. And by using that Heaven's tribulation to refine one's body, creating a body that gains power beyond one comprehension and the First Effect: Trigger the natural Heaven's tribulations. Going with this, Esdeath's mind picks up many usages with this one effect alone and that by being able to summon such a thing. One has the ability to use the term friendly fire to an entirely new level.

If what Esdeath is reading about the [Skill] is true, then if her husband grabs this [Skill] and uses it in the multiverse, but outside all the universes. He can trigger the multiverse's Heaven's tribulations, surpassing what any universes can make. But, not only would increase her husband's body, but Heaven's tribulations belong to the very multiverse would for sure destroy countless universes for just being nearby. This [Skill] alone can bring complete destructions to millions of universes if her husband planned to use a very large scale Heaven's tribulations.

And what she meant by this, Esdeath meant the [Tribulation Body Refiner]'s 3rd Effect: Gain access to modifying the 1st Effect, but at the cost of increasing the difficulty higher and closer to bring one's death.

That's right, if the 1st Effect wasn't trouble enough, the 3rd Effect just made the feeling of regret into the feeling of 'Why was I even born in the first place?' Making one question their existence.

"Ragna. Did you pick any [Skills] from this journal yet? Like maybe the first page?" Esdeath asks in a very controlled voice, that doesn't show any sign of being very worried about many things. As the [Tribulation Body Refiner] is among the highest and double-edged [Skills] to ever exist. Not just because it affects the user, but it affects EVERYTHING, including the surrounding.

"Don't remember, but I don't think I picked the first page, though. I mostly look at the latest page instead." I replied as I bring up a [Skill] I just remember getting in the past and forgot all about it.

[Dao Fusion Spell] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% -

Description: This is a [Dao Spell] that can fuse anything and make them into numerous amounts of different ones or all fused into one.

1st Effect: Gain access to [All Fusion Mastery]. Success Rate: (level)%.

1st Effect's Requirement: Require the user to use anything like a material to be fused.

2nd Effect: Gain access to [All Separation Mastery]. Success Rate: (level)%.

2nd Effect's Requirement: Same as the 1st Effect's Requirement.

I share this to Esdeath, who look at me and in her character sheet. Literally asking why I would make this into a [Skill] and have I use it yet.

"Going with your unspoken questions. I got this in case I haven't thought of any [Skills/Techniques] to grab to merge my [Skills], this includes existing ones and self-made ones." I answered, causing Esdeath to let out a sigh. "And no, I haven't used it yet. Actually, I was about to use it, but I think it was either you or Ryun called for my attention about something important. It was during our stay in the Food Wars universe. So mostly you, leading me to forget about the [Dao Fusion Spell] at the time."

"So what you're telling is, that you could have fused who knows how many [Skills] and they have the potential or for sure turned into [Broken Skills]?" Esdeath asks with a hint of dread, because she still hasn't figured a counter against a single [Broken Skill] yet, other than simply using her Teigu's [Trump Card: Mahapadma] and her [Time Immemorial Codex] to freeze time before the [Broken Skill] can be activated, but that only towards the weaker ones, where they don't passively affect space and time.

"Yup. Just like this." I activate the [Dao Fusion Spell] and merge all of my [Martial Art Skills] since this way I would save many slots for my [Chain Combo Magic], and not because I got the [Dao Fusion Spell] for this moment, not at all. Okay, it was.


[Dao Fusion Spell] has been activated!

List of [Skills] being merged:

[Pumba] - [Expand for more info]

[Renewal Taekwondo] - [Expand for more info]

[Ssam-Su Taekkyeon] - [Expand for more info]

[Moon Light Sword Style] - [Expand for more info]

[Full Contact Karate] - [Expand for more info]

[Knowledge of Respect] - [Expand for more info]

[Breath Style - Augment System] - [Expand for more info]

[Black Leg Style - One Piece's Version] - [Expand for more info]

[Water Stream Rocking Smashing Fist] - [Expand for more info]

[Whoahyorakgeyok] - [Expand for more info]


[Expand for more info]


You have been given the [Fusion Skill: Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles].

[Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles] - Passive/Active -

Description: The user has reached and even surpass the pinnacle of martial arts by including other unknown methods into the numerous of [Martial Art Skills] that can be used as a support to evolve these merge of [Martial Art Skills] to beyond what the creators could ever comprehend. And the user still continues to learn more and more, with no limit at all.

1st Effect: Gain access to all previous [Skills]' effects that were merged into the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles] and can easily chain those effects together with no problems during the process.

2nd Effect: The user can easily learn other people's fighting style, even the restrictions one that's meant for certain species, and modify to be merged into the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles].

3rd Effect: The user can easily see through one's flaws, no matter how hidden it is.

Upon reading the notification logs; Esdeath had one thing on her mind the moment she finished reading the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles]. And that is, there is no way her and/or anyone in the family could ever match her husband in close-combat battles. No clues on long combat battles, but she doubt it would be an easy fight, that for sure.

"Quick question. Is it possible for me and/or the others to learn this [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles] without any sort of harmful side-effects or would cause us headaches, that most likely cause our brain to die due to overloading with all the knowledge within the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles]?" Esdeath asks me, "Because with this [Fusion Skill] alone would increase the entire family's close combat abilities very fast and helping those that are weak in close range."

"I have no idea. This is my very first [Fusion Skill]." I replied, "I could try using [Rejection], but I got this feeling I would have to keep the [Rejection] activate the entire time until I somehow place a limiter on the [Fusion Skill] to seal up some, if not, 99% of the knowledge contained inside the [Fusion Skill], and even then, just 1% alone would still overwhelm you." I made sure to explain this, even if it's just in theory alone, but something to take caution. "I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm fine is that I already have all the knowledge in the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles] and I just made a permanent version instead of a temporary version whenever I link them with [Chain Combo Magic]."

"I see." Esdeath can understand this somewhat, "Okay, I'm done having my mind blown, again. You can have this back." Esdeath takes this chance to stop herself from having headaches from overthinking unimportant things; well, unimportant for her at the moment. "Are you planning to merge all your [Sword Skills] into one? I think you even included the [Moon Light Sword Style] into the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles] and the [Pumba] as well."

"Hmm, maybe, I have to think about it." I answered Esdeath's question about merging all my [Sword Skills] into a [Fusion Skill]. "As for the [Moon Light Sword Style] and [Pumba]. No worry. With the [Dao Fusion Spell], I can even split the [Fusion Skill] back to their separate [Skills] easily. I'm taking the approach of compressing my [Skills] into [Fusion Skill], that way I can make room for the [Chain Combo Magic]. Even if I could just use [Dao Fusion Spell] to fuse all my [Skills] together into a single [Fusion Skill], but I honestly have no idea would that would lead to and I'm not that curious to find out."

"I'm going to guess this, but is the [Dao Fusion Spell] just a better version and of [Chain Combo Magic]?" Esdeath wanted to know this as she could be wrong. Not that it hasn't happened to her before in the past.

"Eh, kind of yes and no. The [Dao Fusion Spell] takes on the approach of fusing all the good sides of the [Skills] and removing the downsides altogether. Making it so the [Fusion Skill] can be used without any limitations when it was a separate [Skill]. But, that's just it. It fused all these [Skills] so they can be used together without causing any problem. Sure, the effects of the [Fusion Skill] are great and all, but not like with the [Chain Combo Magic], that focus more on quality than quantity. Increasing the effects of the linked [Skills] beyond what it does. In a way, I can use [Bypass Restrictions] on [Chain Combo Magic] to remove the limit of how many [Skills] can be linked and it will surpass any [Fusion Skills] no matter what. As it can even link the [Fusion Skill] with another to bring even greater effects." I carefully explain my answer to Esdeath, that I will still use the [Chain Combo Magic] often. With the [Dao Fusion Spell] just on the side when I need to make room.

"You know. Let resume our travel." Esdeath said to me, no longer want to know the details about how truly broken the [Chain Combo Magic] is and including the [Dao Fusion Spell] just made the former much more broken and overpowered than it already is. Pushing the meaning of quality and quantity to a new meaning. Also, the [Dao Fusion Spell] is no slouch either because it can remove limitations and if [Pumba] is in the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles]. Esdeath pity the fools that dare get on her husband's bad side.

For the rest of the day; we have been taking our time traveling and sometime I would work on my six [Skills] given to this body of mine. Mostly the [Virtuous Noble Travels For Ten Thousand Miles] requires me to actually walk over ten thousand of miles; well, I could cheat a little by removing the word: Walk and make it so I just need to move ten thousand of miles instead. Something I will be thinking about for a while.

On a side note; I finally finished crafting Esdeath a set of knives to be used for cooking with [Sengo Muramasa's Blacksmith] and I would gladly say their quality is much better than average ones. Even Esdeath mentions how much better it is as well, which was true from what I read on her character sheet. Though, she will only use this outdoor and saving the very best ones she got from winning the contest in the Food Wars universe to be used indoor.

Which is still in good condition after having it for 3 years now since then.

A year later*

Year 25: Day 78: Not Even Going To Question This


In hindsight; I should have expected this.

"And that's folks! The winner of the very First World Food War, Ayame from the Hidden Leaf Village!" I shout to the crowd, where countless people are watching this with the help of my original body using [Ninjutsu] on a planet-size illusion of multiple holographic screens for people to watch this. "As the [Goddess of Food] has promise, the winner shall be granted a wish, that can be anything within reason!"

The crowd that actually in person cheered for Ayame, as everyone currently in a massive stadium to be used for the final round of the First World Food War, where there are multiple rounds. The very first one is the mini-tournament being taken in the villages that have multiple rounds in them as well. Then, the final winner would be travel here, to be allowed to attend the final round, which also has sub-rounds in it before the final two chefs.

Overall, many didn't want to do this at all, but after finding out the prize for the whole World Food War being a wish given to the final winner can be anything within reasons. We even give proof of this, and by we, I mean me, who manipulate the reality itself to bring all the people killed by Esdeath back to life. This included Kushina, the first one to die by Esdeath.

To make things interesting, I even brought back previous generations of the Five First Kage. And to make sure no one starts a slaughter fest. I placed a massive [Restriction] on the dimension, that prevents people from using [Chakra] to cause harm to others in any way.

Furthermore, after this happened; Esdeath's Title: [Goddess of Food] shockingly became even more powerful. From before, Esdeath can make all her foods absolutely delicious without any comparison. Now, she can actually create food with just her [Aura] alone now and we even tested secretly in the [Wonderland], to discover that she has the power to create enough food to feed an entire planet with just 10% drain of her [Aura Reserve] for a single day. Talk about never having to deal with hunger problems when Esdeath around since she can create a planet-size amount of food easily enough. Also, Esdeath explained if she can become known throughout an entire universe as the [Goddess of Food], then, in theory, her range of creating food would be universe-size at the end while gaining a new effect.

An hour later*


After granting Ayame's wish, which was literally just a series of books filled with all the recipes of ramen. And this includes the history of cooking experiments for Ayame to learn from. So she can learn from and later on, Ayame can create her own recipe. Rather it is good or not would depend on her.

Both Esdeath and I decide to leave after the whole First World Food War finished. Also, planning to freeze this dimension as well since who knows what would happen to the people in this dimension, that could lead to a bizarre future related to food after our visit. Then again, due to Esdeath's world food conquest. Esdeath accidentally saved the world from having the Fourth Great Ninja War and cause countless deaths. Making her into a hero by mistake; however, like before. The [Karma Threads] that would have actually turned Esdeath into a hero was ignored and removed.

(Ark's City)

"Please tell me you won't be aiming to conquest multiple dimensions, maybe even universes via food conquest." I said dryly because thanks to Esdeath. In a single year; I only managed to max out the [Skill: Sacrifice] only while the rest with levels not even entering the double digits range at all. Honestly, other than the [Skill: Virtuous Noble Travels For Ten Thousand Miles], which is still stuck at level 1 and I still haven't reached ten thousand miles. The [Skill: Sacrifice] I can practice while on the move and keep my awareness of my surroundings at the same time.

Studying the [Immortal Exterminating Four Swords] just taking time and I'm not too into a hurry to develop a [Sword Dao] for each four of them. Also, I still haven't begun studying the [Immortal Trapping Sword Manual] and [Immortal Exterminating Sword Manual] yet. Mostly because these two are just dangerous and very quickly to affecting the surroundings compared to the first two, where they take a few seconds at a minimum. While the latter two would kind of be an instant result of affecting reality.

Last, but not least, my level in the [Profession: Sword Cultivator] is at 10. Yup, just 10. I barely killed anyone since that day when Esdeath and I were leaving the Hidden Leaf Village. Kind of sad in my opinion because I only leveled up six-time during that single year.

"Can't promise something I won't hold." Esdeath kiss me on the lip, to cheer me up a little, "After all, I want to find out what happens after I conquest an entire universe by food alone and want to find out what new effects I would gain from my title. Though, I do have to work on different methods of doing so. I rather not repeatedly do a food duel too many times it becomes boring. Plus, don't worry, Ragna. I promise to try my best, to at least think about it."

"By that, you mean you'll think about it for a few seconds before just go on with it anyway." I said dryly.

"Exactly." Esdeath smirk at me, "Oh, wait. I may think about torture, someone. Don't want to get rusty now. By the way, what universe are we heading next?"

"Back into the Naruto universe, if you wish. There is a universe right there for you to conquest." I give my wife a dull smile, as the year been a bit weird. As I find more and more [Karma Threads] trying to form a connection with me and 80% of them are outside of the Naruto universe. Something must be going on in the background.

"Hmm." Esdeath thought about it for a moment, "Nah. I think it's best I try after you pick the main universe as our home first. I feel like it's better doing so." Esdeath replied, where her instinct telling her to only conquer in any way, including food, of an entire universe would help her in the future.

"Well, alright. We'll go to one more universe if it's not a good one. I guess we'll have just used to the one that is already a candidate." I said to Esdeath. After all, I've already begun working on the History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi universe and merged a few dimensions into it.

"You mean that last universe, you and Raven visited? And you gained the fourth student? Shigure was it?" Esdeath asks me while thinking about if the big war about to begin soon, depending on the next universe they're about to visit.

"Yes on all of them." I answered, "Also, I placed defensives over that universe already. So I don't need to start from scratch to build up defends, not that it would be hard for me to do so." It really didn't and give me a year, then I can potentially build a defense for the main universe, that surpasses anything the three factions could ever make and not have the ability to bypass it. Well, someone very powerful and/or a true gamer. Since gamers can make the impossible possible if they are given time and resources.

"Alright, let's go then." Esdeath didn't see any problem with this, "I'm going be very disappointed if the next universe we're heading to be very weak." Esdeath frown at how less of a challenge in fighting opponents lately, not including her family and husband, the latter just a damned broken beyond belief being that can destroy her easily without much effort.

A few hours later*

(Kuoh Town)

"So, I may need something to jog my memory, but which universe is this?" Esdeath asks me, as she kicks a corpse away from her, where it looks similar to humans except with them having a pair of black feathered wings.

"Highschool DxD." I replied, as I slide my sword back into its scabbard after beheading a few fallen angels, that tried to kill both Esdeath and me just because we're human and we don't have a presence that makes one want to avoid. The joke on them, both Esdeath and I are no longer consider as part of the human race. "Also, these guys are very weak. I didn't even get a level up at all."

"That anime or was its manga series, that all about the main character thinking of big breasts all the time and having some kind of overpowered ability, that could kill a god or something?" Esdeath looks at me with a blank face.

"I guess? The main character is a huge pervert and mostly thinks with his dick 90% of the time if any females with big breasts are nearby." I answered, "I can't remember much about it other than the Arc with the [Excalibur Fragements] and before it." I spoke truthfully, while at the same time wonder if I should include this universe into my main universe or make it as my main universe. The pros and cons of this choice. "And there the whole [Sacred Gears]." I did a small gist about the [Sacred Gear] for Esdeath, who looks like she has no idea what they are.

[Sacred Gears], also known as [God's Artifacts], are items with powerful abilities bestowed upon humans by the original God from the bible. Which was created as part of God's system to enact miracles on Earth. It has been stated that certain individuals with [Sacred Gears] have grown to become very powerful and influential and that a large number of the people who have had their names etched into history, were most likely [Sacred Gear] users. Furthermore, there can be more than one original version of the [Sacred Gear], but that for [Sacred Gears] below the [Longinus Rank] or [Sacred Gears] that much more powerful than the average. Something that has the potential to kill gods and there can only be one user at a time, where there are very few cases of copies of these [Longinus Sacred Gears].

"In other words, they are Teigu, but are merged into humans or half-human from the moment they are born and have the ability to evolve just by the user's desire. The stronger the desire, the stronger the [Sacred Gear] become?" Esdeath asked just to be sure after learning about these [Sacred Gear] that similar to Teigu, but much more powerful than most of the Teigu with a few Teigu barely just below the [Longius Rank], depending on the Teigu user and the trump cards go with that Teigu.

"Pretty much." I replied.

"I'm going to grab a few of these [Sacred Gears]." Esdeath declares instantly, as she now has the desire to grab a good amount of [Sacred Gears], with the main goal of aiming for those [Longinus Sacred Gears]. "Help me find a good one, to match for me, Ragna. I really want to see how these [Sacred Gears] will react to my desires." Esdeath smirk at the thought of possessing these [Sacred Gears] more than just one. After all, with her husband's help. It would be wasteful not to gain possession of more than just one [Sacred Gear]. Maybe passing a few over to the others in the family too." Esdeath knew these [Sacred Gears] could be a great addition to the family to be used in the war. Of course, she knows the three factions should have members with overpowered [Sacred Gears] and years of training with them. Either way, she going to get her hands on these [Sacred Gears] even if they kill the original hosts or not.