Chapter 77: Good or Bad?

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 77: Good or Bad?

Year 25: Day 78: Not Even Going To Question This Part 2

(Kuoh Town)

"So, where should we stay for the time being?" Esdeath asks me, as we're currently just in the middle of some unknown street at night time.

"There that Abandoned Church, and since we've taken care of these fallen angels and we just have to take care of those stray exorcists, then we have a place for us to stay." I pause for a moment, "After I change a few things with it and making it so the church can't be recovered by the [Angel Faction] in this dimension. Oh, yeah, want me to check the timeline we've entered or do you want it to be a surprise?" I already know what Arc we're in going by these fallen angels we just killed, and luckily, it's an Arc I know and wonder what a major changes we have caused because of this.

"No point for me to know. I rather not know what the plots of this universe. All I care about is those [Sacred Gears]." Esdeath replied, "And thinking another unique way to conquer this dimension through food or some way to include food."

"Alright. Come on, I have already located the Abandoned Church before we enter this dimension." I said to my wife and start walking in the direction where it is.

"So, what's your plan for this universe, if you don't mind me knowing. I've already told you what I'm planning to do anyway, even if we haven't come into this universe." Esdeath looks at her husband, who already gave up the challenge of only using the six [Skills] he picked for this body, but still continue to work on the [Skills] for a bit before cheating with [Bypass Restrictions]. So, she is curious about what else he would do in this universe.

"Maybe work on my [Skills]. I'm thinking about at the very least, to max out both [Sengo Muramasa's Blade Testing Art] and [Sengo Muramasa's Blacksmith]. Planning to see if I could use these two [Skills] to improve my control of my [Sword Dao] in some way." I explain to Esdeath how during that one year in the Naruto universe. I had this sudden idea, where if it was possible to improve my control by using these two [Skills] by using the [Sword Intents] from the [Immortal Exterminating Four Swords] as the materials and craft them into physical form.

In a way, I'm trying to create a [Void Weapon] like my [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword], which contains the [Volition Sword Dao]. But, without it having to be an exact [Void Weapon] and more of a [Dao Weapon] that is a [Dao]'s physical form instead, if such a thing exists, and if not, then I will try to make one myself and be the first one to possess one.

If this idea works, then I will craft multiple [Sword Dao Weapon] for all the [Dao] I possess, giving me a set of powerful weapons to be used in the incoming big war.

"Hmm. That reminds me of the [Dao of Time] I develop from the [Time Immemorial Codex]. Do you think it's possible to make a [Sword Dao Weapon] for my [Dao]?" Esdeath asks me, forgetting about how she has a powerful [Dao], which is both ice and time itself. Mostly the former evolved into the latter. "The [Skiajati] is good and all, but I really need to get a replacement since I know for sure it will break the very moment I try to channel my [Time Dao] through it."

"Maybe, but I got to see if I could make my own first before, let alone make one for you and the others if they want one." I didn't dare promise something that hasn't been started yet. Not that there won't be a chance, but there will be since I do have the power of the [Bypass Restrictions] and [Rejection]. But, I want to try to make one on my own without these two [Skills]; however, by the time we leave this universe. I will have to use the [Bypass Restrictions] and max out the [Skills] and forming the [Dao Weapons] afterward. Since we have enough time to be prepared to go against the three factions of the multiverse.

"Alright, well, leave the killing to me. You get busy making our new temporary home." Esdeath said to me, as we have arrived at the Abandoned Church.

The next day*

Year 25: Day 79: The Deal

(Kuoh Town: Former Abandoned Church | Temporary Home)

"Done?" Esdeath asks me, as she looks up from her book she reading to pass the time while I was busy leveling up my [Skills], which I did with both [Sengo Murasama's Blade-Testing Art and Blacksmith] to level 10. Finally breaking into the double-digit range.

"Yup, sorry for the wait." I replied, as close the door behind me, which led to the [Sengo Muramasa's Workshop] before the door disappeared after deactivating the [Blacksmith Skill].

"It's fine. I know you wanted to work on it, and technically, it's my fault for preventing you to work on them with the way I keep making you do all the stuff back in the Naruto universe for the First World Food War." Esdeath spoke truthfully, as she knows she has been taking advantage of her husband more than she can count and wanted to let him do his own thing at some point or he would snap. Something Esdeath knows she would too if she was in her husband's position.

"So, what do you want us to do today?" I ask my wife while changing my clothes, which is the same one Shirou Emiya wears when his body became a [Pseudo-Servant] and possessed by [Sengo Muramasa], and back into my default clothes.

"Is there any [Sacred Gears] in this Town up for the taken?" Esdeath asks me, and by what she meant, she meant for us to take the [Sacred Gears] from the hosts, rather they like it or not.

"Remember that main character, who is a huge big breasts obsessed pervert?" I said to my wife, who nods her head at me that she remembers, "Well, he have the [Boosted Gear], one of the [Longinus Sacred Gear] and I can't remember much about it, other than this [Sacred Gear] is a major waste for the main character, who clearly didn't use it for many ways, that could easily bring him above the average at the beginning of the Arcs."

"How do you mean?" Esdeath asked with curious mostly, because if this [Longinus Sacred Gear] any good, then she might grab it for herself.

"Well, the [Boosted Gear] is one of the [Longinus Sacred Gear]. It has the ability to [Boost] the user's abilities overall every 10 seconds without limit. But, of course, there is a weakness to this [Boosted Gear]. The user becomes vulnerable to anything related to dealing with dragons in general, making the user seem like they were dragons. Also, continuous use of the [Boosted Gear] will drain the user's stamina to a significant degree." I explain to Esdeath about the [Boosted Gear] from my memory alone. Further information would require me to use the [Elemental Sight] on the [Boosted Gear] to learn more about it. "Now, what the main character could have done with the [Boosted Gear] was to focus on the [Boost] to strengthening one thing instead of everything, where he may not get the full effect of that [Boost]. For example, he could have used [Boost] to focus mainly reflex and anything related to it, making his reaction be more than what he normally capable of." I finished explaining to Esdeath why the [Boosted Gear] is a waste on the main character, Issei Hyoudou. "And remember, [Sacred Gear] become stronger on desires, so this should be possible."

"I see." Esdeath mumble, as she closes her eyes and book she was reading, to think about this carefully. "Give me a minute to think this very carefully."

A few hours later*

(Kuoh Town: Temporary Home)

"Esdeath. Why? Just why?" I look at Rias Gremory, the devil that turned Issei into a [Reincarnated Devil] and the heiress of the Gremory Clan. Standing before blushing like a school girl having her crush's attention onto her.

"I want to see if she can give birth to your child, where said child will have the [Power of Destruction] and whatever the child gain from you." Esdeath said to me like this is a normal thing to do.

"Esdeath. No." I said blankly, causing Esdeath to frown at me, then I look at Rias, who looks very confused about what's going on now. That makes it two of us. "Okay, explain to me what she said to you, for you to come here personally alone."

"Um." Rias glance over at Esdeath, who just made a hand gesture to just explain. "Mrs. Esdeath here said that she could solve my problem if I were to pay for the price." Rias' face begins to turn red as she said the word: Price. Rias stop for a moment to see if the person before her would say anything, but only seeing him staring back at her with a blank expression. "The price is to give birth to your child."

I have no words to describe what I'm dealing with right now and to make it a bit worse, for me, is that Rias' character sheet show she very desperate to not marry Riser Phenex, the one that already has a harem and mostly wanting Rias for her name and body only. Rias here wanted to marry someone she loves herself, not in a loveless marriage.

The irony was not lost to me; Rias is willing to give birth to a child of a stranger to escape from an arranged marriage that is meant to unite the two families and to preserve the bloodline of [Pure-Blooded Devils]. Also, to give birth a child with the [Power of Destruction] and the superior regenerative abilities of the Phenex Clan. And here she is doing the exact same thing. The only difference is that I hold no feeling for Rias Gremory nor do I want her to give birth to my child. But, Esdeath must have used her silver tongue to manipulate Rias to agree to this whole thing, which shouldn't be possible at all.

"Yeah, no." I said dryly, "Esdeath. Bad. I thought we were done with this? I have no wish for more wives."

Esdeath just snorts and looks away, "Fine. But, she already here and knows about us. I've already shown her what I could do it and reveal a few things you could do. You have no idea the effort I had to put in, to get this girl here alone. Can you at least do something for all my trouble?"

I blankly stare at my wife, where her true goal is to distract Rias long enough for her to grab Issei's [Boosted Gear] from him and the [Sacred Gear] belongs to Rias' [Peerage]. But, she has no idea how so Esdeath is stuck at this and waiting to speak with me later to give her something to allows her to remove the [Sacred Gears] from their hosts by herself instead of relying on me to get remove the [Sacred Gears] for her.

I let out a sigh, then look at Rias, who looks upset that I rejected her, which I figure I must have wounded her pride or something. "Okay, first thing first. What is that you wish for my help with? Just be upfront with me. As for the price, I'll give you a few options to pick, and no, I do not want you to give birth to my child. Esdeath here, who is my wife, can give birth to my child instead." I glare at Esdeath for putting me in this current situation and clearly she knew I would be a bit mad about this, but still did it and I knew it's because other than her true goal, she wanted me to be mad at her so I could deal with her the next time we have sex.

"Wait, she is your wife?" Rias look at Esdeath then at me before back at Esdeath with a dumbfounded look on her face. "Why would you want another woman to have sex with your husband?" Rias clearly can sense that neither of these are devils, and she has no idea about the other race in the supernatural would allow one to have more than one person as husband/wife as a harem than the devils or other races.

"Including me, he has five wives." Esdeath happy to reveal this to Rias, and is delighted with the way Rias is acting. And she wasn't disappointed when Rias frown at her husband.

"Enough of that. So explain your problem." I said to Rias in a firm tone of voice, that even Esdeath knew she shouldn't mess around anymore right now.

"I want your help to remove my arranged marriage with Riser of the Phenex Clan." Rias said to me, "I'll do anything to get out of this forceful loveless marriage." A black with red outline aura covers Rias' body, which she is leaking her [Power of Destruction] through her rage.

"Enough of that." I cover the right index finger with the [Ending Sword Intent] and poke Rias' forehead, stopping Rias from leaking out her [Power of Destruction] any longer.

Rias looks at me with absolute shock, but then a hint of greed appears in her eyes.

"Oh? Is that greed I see in your eyes?" Esdeath leans forward with her hands behind her back as she gives Rias a close up of her smile, that's filled with so much negative, causing Rias to flinch at this.

The moment Rias blink; Esdeath's smile no longer feels with so much negative and just a normal smile now.

Many would not know what happen or tell the difference between Esdeath's smile. But, Rias knew right away, that Esdeath here could easily kill her and she can't do anything about it. Nor does Rias have the ability to run away as Esdeath has targeted her and will never let go unless she desires to. This is what she felt the very moment she saw Esdeath smile at her and just blinking once, the feeling disappears. If Rias didn't personally felt it, then she wouldn't have noticed at all.

"Answer me girl." Esdeath continues to smile at Rias, causing the latter to shiver even when it's just a normal smile.

"N-No." Rias mentally curse herself for stuttering. "Anyway, what do you want from me, to remove this arranged marriage of mine?"

"Are you willing to do anything?" I stare directly at Rias' eyes, just a normal stare without any [Skills] activated nor did I channel my [Sword Intent] into my gaze.

For some odd reasons, Rias feel like she making a deal with the Devil, with the capital D. But, to not marry that bastard, Rias is willing, so she nods her head.

"Great." I clap my hands, "You have three options to pay for our service. One: You can give up one of your servants' [Sacred Gear] for us to take. No worry, we have our way to remove people's [Sacred Gear] without killing them. Two: I take away your inborn ability: [Power of Destruction], and yes, we also have a way to take it from you without you ending up dead. Three: You become my slave for life." I gave Rias her three options to pay for removing her arranged marriage.

"Ragna, isn't the last option what you just rejected not a few minutes ago?" Esdeath asked me, being confused about why I put this as an option.

"Never said anything about her giving birth to my child, and no, Esdeath, that does not give you the right to demand her to; furthermore, by a slave. I was mostly thinking about having her watch over the kids mostly and if she does good. Well, she will be rewarded and so on." I replied to Esdeath's question. "So, what is your choice, Rias?"

"Before I pick, can I ask a few questions?" Rias looks very nervous now, that there are people who could remove her [Power of Destruction], something that is impossible to do, but then remembers what Esdeath did to prove her before coming here, made her a believer of whatever these two monsters say and she will believe them 100%.

"Go ahead. I'm in no rush." I shrug my shoulders.

"May I know who are you people?" Rias asked this question that is among the many that were on her mind for a while and she can't recall anyone at all, that match these two appearances and their abilities.

"Eh, better if you don't find out who we are. I'm pretty sure it would turn your world upside down, and maybe killing many people that could be important to you if the knowledge of our true identities been found out." I lied through my teeth.

"Yup, lots of lives lost." Esdeath follows up, with a big smile on her face like she just found something interesting to do while hunting down the [Sacred Gears] of this world.

"But, don't worry. It's literally impossible to find out who we are unless we tell you ourselves." I said to Rias before she goes into a panic attack, "Any other question?"

"Do you really have to take one of my servants' [Sacred Gears]?" Rias asks with a hint of sadness at losing something that makes her [Peerage] powerful. But, that doesn't mean she won't pass off this option and who knows, maybe she can a deal with these two people for the return of the [Sacred Gear] after dealing with Riser.

"Yup. Unless you wish to lose your [Power of Destruction] or become my slave for life?" I remind Rias of her other two options.

Rias bit her lower lip, thinking about this real hard.

'Hey, Ragna. Why do you want the [Power of Destruction]? Don't you have the [Dao of Destruction]? Something that much more powerful than some devil's inborn ability that may not be that powerful in most universes?' Esdeath asks me via [Archive]. 'Are you planning to turn the [Power of Destruction] into a weapon or something?' Esdeath has a few ideas about why her husband wants the [Power of Destruction]; however, 90% of the ideas Esdeath came up on the spot is that her husband planning to turn the [Power of Destruction] into something else and give it away to someone in the family to be used, instead of using it himself.

'Eh, kind of. I was thinking about using the [Power of Destruction] as a material for me to craft into a sword for one of the kids to use when they grow up. As a gift for entering into adulthood. But, if none of them can handle it or don't want it. I would give it to Yuri, since out of everyone else, she would be the best to use it fully.' I replied as I wait for Rias' answer.

"Okay, I decided to give up one of my servants' [Sacred Gear]." Rias answered and knew which servants, and she only has two that possess [Sacred Gears]. Honestly, Rias figure she doing a favor for her cute servant as he has no control over his [Sacred Gear] and she may finally be able to help her servant, even if he no longer possesses a powerful [Sacred Gear]. Better to have her servant be alone in a trapped room with barely any contact from the outside.

"Right then, I'm willing to give you the choice of picking which servants to give up their [Sacred Gear]." I said to Rias, while ignoring how Esdeath is looking at the sky from the window, something must have caught her attention.

"I know just the one. But, he kind of sealed away and we'll have to go to him, if that is alright with you?" Rias asks me, then blink, "Hey, where Mrs. Esdeath?"

True to her words, Esdeath is no longer with us, "Oh, she went off to do something important." I replied as I've already noticed Esdeath's disappearance thanks to my [Detecting Technique] develop with the [Ending Sword Intent], and as to where she disappeared. Well, Esdeath just jump out of the window and took off. Something she usually won't do unless there's someone with me nearby to keep me in check. But, I did not expect Esdeath to trust Rias to keep an eye on me. "Anyway, I don't mind. We can go to where your servant is."

20 minutes later*

(Kuoh Town: Kuoh Academy: Occult Research Club Building)

Standing on the ground floor of the old school building's room that's been made the "Sealed classroom'. But, actually, Rias explained to me on the way here that her servant's [Sacred Gear] were uncontrollable and was required to be sealed in that sealed classroom for the safety of others and the servant himself.

There are lots of magical seals carved onto the door, but I can destroy pretty easy.

"This is Gasper Vladhi, my servant and was reincarnated with my [Mutation Bishop Piece]." Rias said to me, with the last part I didn't really need to know. "Until now, Gasper's powers are loosened deep in the night, and if it's just in the old building, he can exit the room, but my cute servant refuses to do that."

"Alright, then." I wait for Rias to undo all the magical seals before opening the door.


An outrageously high scream emitted from inside, causing me to twitch a little from that loud scream.

Rias didn't look surprised, rather while sighing, entering the room.

I follow behind her without thinking if this is a trap or not. Since the moment I find out if this is a trap, then I'll eliminate Rias and whoever is helping her.

"Gasper, I came here to inform you, that I found someone who could help with your problem of controlling your [Sacred Gear]." Rias said to her servant gently, trying her best not to scare her servant, who is very shy and can be scared easily.

"R-Really?" Gasper asks with a hint of hope.

I walk next to Rias, where I can finally see who this Gasper is and must have been a character introduce after the Excalibur Arc.

Gasper is an androgynous-looking male with platinum blond hair and pinkish-violet eyes. His hairstyle is short bob cut with several small fringes over his forehead, and he has pointed ears. Also, wearing the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform with thigh-high socks.

Honestly, if it weren't for Rias continued to use the male gender terms when talking about Gasper and having the character sheet. I would never expect Gasper is an actual male, because he does not look like a boy at all and more of a girl instead. And I just realized, that maybe Gasper is one of those anime/manage traps, which is either a male or female that looks and/or acts as the opposite sex, even dressing up the opposite gender outfits.

"This here is Ragna. He'll be the one helping you." Rias look at me, wanting me to tell him how I would 'help', and by that, she meant me removing his [Sacred Gear].

"I'm going to be removing your [Sacred Gear] from you." I went straight to the point, then rush at Gasper before he could react as I made my original body channel the [Skill: Rejection] linked with [Miracle of Life], preventing Gasper from dying from losing his [Sacred Gear] and bury my entire right arm into Gasper's head, which normally should have my arm extending out the back of Gasper's head, but instead, it looks like Gasper's head contain a pocket dimension and trying to pull my entire right arm into his head.

"What in the name of Satan?!" Rias cried out in shock. Then watch me pull out my right arm, leaving no wound or anything on Gasper's head and in my hand is a glowing yellow orb that is the size of an eyeball.

"Done. He shouldn't have any problem at this point." I said to Rias while thinking about if this is a good [Sacred Gear] for Esdeath. Seeing how this [Sacred Gear] has the ability to stop the time of anything in the user's field of view.

Gasper blankly stares at me before his eyes roll back into his skull and fall onto the ground unconscious. This just shows, that even if it's just a few seconds, it was too much for poor Gasper, causing him to faint.

"So, seeing how I got my payment already. I shall take care of your problem. Do you wish for me to take care of this Riser now or later on a certain day?" I ask Rias, who is still looking at the [Sacred Gear] in my right hand in disbelief like she did not expect me removing the [Sacred Gear] from Gasper was so easy and quick.

"Now if possible." Rias replied subconsciously, as her mind is still trying to reboot itself right now from watching an event that she would never expect to see such a thing in her entire life.

"Sure." I replied, using my original body to locate Riser Phenex and control him for a short period of time via [Fundamental Force Manipulation: Attraction & Repulsion] to make him do my bidding without realizing he is being controlled.

The next day*

Year 25: Day 80: Esdeath's Playtime

(Kuoh Town: Temporary Home)

"I'm dreaming. This is all a dream to me." I said mostly to myself, as I do not see an extremely beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure, with green eyes, and the most important thing about this woman is a halo positioned directly above her head and the 12 white feathery wings on her back, which seem to be changing into the color black but back to white, repeating between these two colors the entire time since she appears before me along with Esdeath.

"Ragna. You told you haven't dreamed since the day you became the Gamer." Esdeath said to me, where she has a smirk on her face that just tells me that she enjoys my reactions right now and also says on her character sheet as well.

I ignore Esdeath's words, "I do not see my wife has somehow abducted an angel, one of the Four Great Seraphim to be exact." I also ignore who this angel is from the character sheet I unconsciously create from this angel out of habit at this point. Nor do I find myself feeling attracted to Gabriel the Seraph due to her body alone.

"Come now, Ragna. I even went to Heaven and brought her here for you." Esdeath grin as her husband is in denial and find it fun to mess with her husband still, even from the years being with him before the others came in and to the present. "Look at her, she at the borderline of falling from grace because of you, shouldn't you be taking responsibility for this?" Was this a bad move on her part? Yes. Would she be fine with a new addition to the family? Eh, she already tolerates the other four, having another won't make much a difference. Will her husband be mad at her for this? Oh, she hopes so! And may have a new partner in bed, an angel at that, fallen or not, an angel is an angel.