Chapter 83: Conversations

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 83: Conversations

Year 27: Day 119: Theoretically That Is Part 2

(Ark's City)

"Well, the main character is a major pervert and aim to be a Harem King, not to mention the Highschool DxD has lots of fan service to the point some people would confuse it to be hentai. So... you tell me." I said dryly, because even I was surprised upon seeing the last two requirements and wanted to see why there are such requirements and found out why.

Luckily, I'm also a pervert and have a harem. After all, if I wasn't a pervert, then I wouldn't willing to have sex with my wives daily to the point, where it won't be a shocker, I would have thousands of kids by now if my Gamer's ability didn't have the feature to give me the option for my wives to get pregnant.

"So, if we were to pick another main universe to take over. We just need to be concerned about who the main universe's main character is, to plan things out." Esdeath frown on this, because this makes taking over the main universe a lot harder than normal for other universes.

"Oh, that's just the requirements to enter the main universe, not the requirements to take over it." I try not to coward under the glare Esdeath sending. Mentally, I curse at my broken [Gamer's Mind] that still have this weird on and off switch whenever I'm next to my wives. So, my emotional, mental state isn't suppressed by the [Gamer's Mind]. Great. Thankfully, I have many [Dao] I gained over the years to help me out. The most important one is the [Volition Sword Dao].

"And pray tells; what're the requirements to take over a main universe?" Esdeath said slowly, with the others listening very carefully. Not wanting to miss a word, even Repellista has her [Lighthouse] to record every single word.

"I honestly don't know if I should say it." I gulp from 'reading' the requirements for the ownership of the main universe of the Highschool DxD.

"Why? Is it something very hard to do?" Yuri asked, where she is a bit confused about why her husband hesitates to say it out loud.

"For most people." I begin. "But, for others. Well..." I really feel uncomfortable having to say this out loud and before all the females. Making it much harder for me; furthermore, my [Gamer's Mind] is temporary off right now due to my wives around me. So, I can't rely on that [Skill]. Therefore, I switch over to [Heartforce] to put myself into a calm, peaceful, mind. Which is better, but not enough. Still better, though.

"I'm going to just guess this. But, is it related to sex in general? Not as in the sex of gender, but as in sex we fuck each other silly." Esdeath glance at me, demanding me to say she is wrong.

"The latter." I let out a sigh, remember how Esdeath is the one who has the biggest sex drive out of everyone here, where Repellista has zero sex drive. "The requirements to take over the main universe of the Highschool is to get the main character; well, there're many options, but most of them are perverted. For example, one of them is to get the main character laid, to be specific. It has been on a certain date to work and depending on the girl." I rub the back of my head since these requirements are similar to the routes of a hentai dating sim.

"Think we can switch this guy out for you and have Gabriel and/or Serafall have sex with you instead?" Esdeath asks me, where everyone remembers that both Gabriel and Serafall are from the Highschool DxD universe, even if they're not from the main universe, but they are still part of it no matter what.

"Maybe? One of the requirements was to get laid by either an angel or a devil. Hell, one of them is where we got to get Issei to have sex with that fallen angel, his first girlfriend instead of her killing him on their first date due to his [Boosted Gear] and other reasons." I answered. "What made this difficult for all the requirements. Are the rules that goes with it. One: No mind-controlling anyone. Two: No forcing anyone to do things they don't want. It's these two rules that would make things difficult for us." I point this out and a bit relief since there only two rules and no more.

"Huh, then that's simple for us. We got Esdeath here, who could easily talk her way into making people do something they would never think of doing. Almost all of us are the result of Esdeath talking to us." Raven said to me, then glance over at Esdeath, who just smile after realizing how easily taking over the main universe is now.

"Okay, let's put it into a vote. Should we go for the main universe of the Highschool DxD now or later? I vote no because we already have 99% of all the universes of Highschool DxD; therefore, only we can enter it. So we don't need to be in such a hurry." I said to everyone while giving out my vote already and my reason why.

"Quick question before I give my vote." Esdeath looks at me and going by her words, then everyone can tell she alright with the whole voting, "How many years before one of the three factions reach 50% control of the total universes under the Highschool DxD category?"

"Depend on the people of the three factions. I can't give you an exact date, but I would say we got over 40,000 years. After all, we got over 4,000 universes of the Highschool DxD while the three factions have zero at the moment. The [Evil Faction] is the one that fastest among the three factions, but that requires 10 years for a new universe. So at the minimum, the [Evil Faction] requires 40,000 years to make 4,000 universes. But only if they mainly focus on the Highschool DxD category and not others. So, the time would be more than 40,000 years." I answered Esdeath's question and even go into a bit of detail as well.

"Alright, I vote no." Esdeath said to everyone, then glance over at Yuri, seeing how she the 2nd wife, so she should vote next.

"I vote yes to get it over with." Yuri shrugs her shoulders, "But, I don't mind waiting honestly. Either way, we're bound to take over it before 40,000 years pass."

"I vote no since this is the wish of my god." Ryun didn't even think about it a second and follow her god/husband.

"I vote no." Alice didn't give her reason why she picked no as her vote nor did others wanted to question her.

"I vote no, less work for me." Raven let out a yawn, notifying everyone that it's close to her nap time or sleep time. Either one is fine since they both involved sleeping for hours.

"It's obviously a yes, for me." Serafall spoke up before Gabriel, not that anyone would complain.

"I vote yes." Gabriel smiles softly.

"So, that's 5 against 3. So, we're going for another universe for the time being." Repellista counted, not wanting to be involved in this vote, even if she knows that everyone will count her input for the vote. Nevertheless, she rather not, but at least for Repellista, she knows her family care for her opinion for that matter. Plus, this time she won't be the tiebreaker. Too many times already for comfort. Also, too many times Esdeath would glare at her. Enough said.

"Aww." Gabriel looks down with a pout. This would have made many people want to do everything in their power to cheer Gabriel up, especially males.

"Don't feel so bad, Gabriel." Daniela gentle pat the angel on the back, while at the same time feel relief, as she wasn't dragged into the voting as things get nasty and unlike back home. She no powerhouse here.

Ingui Yoon rubs the pouting angel's head in silence. Secretly, she just happy to be ignored this entire time, because she gets to rest her sore muscles from training under her teacher. Even for years under her teacher's training. It's still hard and brutal.

"So, what universe are we aiming for this time? We got [Sacred Gears] and other things inside the Highschool DxD cover. Anything else we want to grab and/or prevent the three factions from continuing to have?" Raven asks every one, but mostly looking at Esdeath and Repellista, as this is the subject mainly goes to these two. "I mean, should we aim for quantity or quality? Like should we aim for mundane universes as in quantity to deal with stuff we won't have time to do or universe similar on the fighting abilities as Highschool DxD." Raven paused for a moment to think about her words, "Never mind, on a similar level of Highschool DxD. I mean supernatural/fantasy universes. Not mundane universes to be exact."

"Just a heads up. Most of the requirements to enter the main universes that are mundane would force us to be suppressed. As in, all of us will be limited to our [Skills] that only require stamina. Nothing else. Furthermore, our physical bodies would be reduced to just to the peak of what the mundane world would allow us, this means, if we get hit by bullets. We get hurt, at worse, we die. So be careful." I explain to everyone about the restrictions the main universes have unlike most universes, be it normal or crossover, which all of us can ignore without any problems. But, the main universes, that's a whole different story.

"Oh. So does that mean, among us, we shouldn't send out the ones that have weakness in hand-to-hand combat? Because if so, then I can see a selected few of us will have to step back from entering a mundane main universe." Raven said to everyone. "I think I could do some help, but if a mundane main universe prevents us from using [Energy Source] that not stamina, then I and the organizations I run won't be much help. Since the one under me, mainly use [Ki] and others. I could check someone among the grandmaster fighters, that could fight without the help of [Ki]." Raven frown at these restrictions, not so used to playing by the rules.

"Then I won't be much help, my god." Ryun looks down, surrounding herself of aura of depression for not being able to help her god in any way.

"It's fine, Ryun. No one can be perfect." I said to Ryun, and I would gladly come over to her and wrap her in my arms to comfort her if I wasn't next to Esdeath, who clearly the jealous type and would try to do something I would get mad at for attention. "Now, to what universes are we aiming for? I don't mind either mundane or not."

"Code Geass?" Yuri offers up a universe we could aim for, "There the whole [Geass] and those humanoid war machines. Pretty sure all of us haven't piloted a giant robot before."

"Because we can destroy one easily without even trying." Raven replied, to Yuri's comment about piloting giant robots in general. "In fact, I almost destroyed one that the size of a universe before it escaped."

"Then, it's a good thing Code Geass doesn't have a universe size robot." Yuri said dryly, with a hint of envy that she couldn't fight the Tengen Toppa Gurren Legann herself.

"Okay, Code Geass is the first on the list. Any other universes we should try? Remember, it has to be something that would actually hurt the three factions. The [Geass] alone is kind of at the bottom in my opinion, but it's still something worth noting." I said to everyone, "For me, I would say the Fate series aka the Nasuverse. However, this one would be a bit of a hard one. So we'll come back to that one at a later time." I explained the harsh requirements for this, and by harsh, I mean one of the requirements to even enter the main Nasuverse is one have to be a Hero or at least have a title with the word hero in it.

Once everyone heard that one requirement for entering. Everyone knew it's almost impossible for most of us to enter the main Nasuverse. Therefore, everyone agreed to leave this one alone. Not that anyone could enter at the moment, including the three factions.

"Hunter x Hunter?" Ingui Yoon spoke up for the first time today, "The place offer [Nen] and it's unique for each user."

"Better than [Geass] that for sure." Daniela back Ingui Yoon upon the universe she brings up. "Both of us could prove the Hunter x Hunter universe could bring many powerhouses depending on the person." Not to mention, this is the universe the two met.

"Hm. A good one. Alright, this will be the second choice. Anyone else?" Esdeath looks at everyone, for other options.

"Naruto." Yuri said dully, "The bullshit in this series near the end makes the universe somewhat worth taking over, but won't be a big change for the three factions with all the other universes out there. That is much more powerful than [Chakra]." Yuri stretches her arm before continuing, "Another is Bleach for the [Spiritual Bodies] alone. However, bring a cultivator that cultivated in something related to the soul, then the people in Bleach are doomed. So, another one that's decent enough, but not enough for a game-changer if we take over Bleach. So, I say we aim for universes with cultivation in them."

"That's true." Raven nods in agreement, "In fact, we would make a big difference if we aim for the main universes with cultivations. Due to the whole going against the heavens, and immortality to go with it. Not to mention [Reality Manipulation] is a common thing for cultivators later on."

Everyone agreed that cultivations are bullshit and completely overpowered.

"Aim for cultivation universe?" Alice asks everyone.

"I'm game." I agreed, "But, we still have to be careful in these cultivation universes since they can attack our souls."

"A challenge I can take on." Esdeath gives off murderous intention before disappearing a second later, but everyone felt it and shiver at how cold it is.

"Wait, does this not cause more harm to the [Evil Faction], though?" Alice points this out, "I know there some cultivators in the [Hero Faction], but most of them are in the [Evil Faction]."

"[Evil Faction] is still part of the three factions, and we're at war with all three. So, I say we take down the [Evil Faction] since they will be filled with ruthless entities compared to the other two factions." Raven replied to Alice's question.

"You know, now that I think about it. Aiming for the main universes are much harder for us." Repellista spoke out her thoughts, "Not to mention, even the three factions do not even have a single main universe under their control. Either they don't even know about the main universes or they are still trying to meet the requirements for specific universes they're aiming for." Repellista finished explaining. Allowing the rest of us to think about this.

"Okay, I think we are getting off track. Our main goals are to search for the False and True Gamers, to allow Ragna here to gain access to his lost Gamer's features. Afterward, we'll mostly go into hiding for the time being." Raven spoke up, "I rather not all of us do these useless tasks just so the three factions won't have them. In fact." Raven looked at me, "What are the highest entities in the three factions, including the True Gamers. I mean by [Tiers]."

"Don't know." I shrug my shoulders, "Before anyone asks. I meant that I can't access the data of the highest [Tiers Entities] in the multiverse's [Information Dimension] at the moment. I'm at [Tier 5] right now and I would have to go higher if I want to have better access for higher [Tiers]." I explained how the [Information Dimension] work for everyone, not to mention I even tried with [Bypass Restrictions] before and I only had enough time to block the three factions' access to the [Information Dimension] of the multiverse during the time I was messing around with the [Bypass Restrictions] and figure that others have been gaining more information on it too.

Therefore, at this very moment, the [Information Dimension] of the multiverse is the only accessible to me, but at the cost of many things.

"Oh, so that's why you won't use your [Bypass Restrictions] for many things." Esdeath said slowly and paling a little. "To think we were close to falling into their traps for us." By that, Esdeath meant the time where her husband could have done many things so easily if he just uses his [Bypass Restrictions]. Esdeath and the rest always wonder why, now they know why.

"Wow, no wonder you were so furious that one day during our 10,000 years training." Yuri didn't look so good or feel good for that matter after this big reveal. "How are you so calm with this information for years? And why now to tell us instead of back then?"

"Wanted to make sure everything was alright before telling everyone. By now, I confirm many things with lots of facts backing it up. So, I can say for sure, we're completely safe from all those higher entities from knowing what we're doing, other than a rare few could track us across the multiverse. But, don't worry, thanks to the [Information Dimension]. I will know ahead of time and can get us out of danger." I explained to everyone why I hide this big information from everyone, even Esdeath as well.

"You're lucky, Ragna, that I know the importance of this piece of information would have doomed us if you haven't done your research thoroughly." Esdeath said to me in a tired, but in relief.

"So, wait. Does this mean, no one in the three factions has access to the multiverse's [Information Dimension]?" Raven asks me, no demand.

"Yup. It has been over 7 years now since the last time someone from the three factions gain access into the [Information Dimension] of the multiverse. The best part? None of the three factions know this and just thought something went wrong. Why do you think the three factions haven't been trying their best to take us out? Other than sending one True Gamer. A weak one at that. It's because they are trying to gain Intel on us due to no longer having access to the [Information Dimension] to tell them." I slowly and calmly place down examples of how the three factions have been treating this whole war of us and against them. "This is why I never again used [Bypass Restrictions] on the [Information Dimension] once I noticed members of the three factions been taking notes of it when I discovered it by accident when I was accessing the [Information Dimension] one day. Luckily, they only started just a few years after losing access; furthermore, I made sure to modify existing notes, digital, physical, etc. That has recorded our data."

Raven's eyes turn cold, "Forget about the main universes for now. All of us need to grab every single universe that normal, not crossover ones. We'll leave those alone for the time being. We won't allow the three factions even have the chance to gain access to the main universes as long we prevent them from having ownership of 50% of the total in the category for the universes."

Everyone's eyes became cold, instead of worrying about the three factions that have information about all of us for over 20 years now didn't matter to us. All of us have improved over the 7 years and we still continue to train ourselves.

Out of everyone here; only Yuri and Ryun have reached the [Tier 8 - Entity] range. The former from the body alone and the latter from the [Cultvation System]'s [Unverse Creator] is [Tier 8] in the multiverse.

Furthermore, [Tiers] are not everything after learning how Yuri and Ryun still can't defeat me. Especially Yuri since she still hasn't developed a long-distance attack.

"If we had more people with universe travel ability. This would have been quicker, but only the two of us can." I said to everyone, as to who the other beside me; well, that Ryun as she has already created a [Universe Travel Technique] via [Dao of Fire and Spacetime]. "Actually, we can forget the mundane universes, for the time being. We have already agreed to aim for cultivation universes, for the time being. So, anyone got one for us?"

"Coiling Dragon? I've already reached the peak of that universe and could take over it easily. We just to be prepared to face characters with the same [Cultivation Level] like me, the [Universe Creator]." Ryun picked the universe, that's where her [Cultivation System] came from.

"Very tempting to go there." Esdeath mumbles to herself, "I could gain more insight into the [Dao of Ice] if I were to comprehend the [Profound Laws of Water] in the universe of Coiling Dragon."

"Thinking of using another [Cultivation System]?" I grin at Esdeath, who just scoff at me.

"Don't be silly, Ragna. Unlike you, all of us can't use multiple [Cultivation Systems]. I'm just going to include the [Profound Laws of Water] into my [Dao of Ice]. I may have evolved it into the [Dao of Freezing Time]. But, that doesn't mean it won't stop me from using the [Dao of Ice] thanks to my Teigu. Plus, the better my [Dao of Ice], the stronger my [Dao of Freezing Time] become." Esdeath explains why she has the desire to increase her insight into the [Dao of Ice].

"I think I could use the [Edicts of Destruction]." Yuri spoke up, after Ryun explained to everyone about the [Cultivation System] of the Coiling Dragon.

"Oh, I could infuse the [Four Edicts of Fate, Life, Death, and Destruction] into my [Dao of Fire]." Ryun's eyes light up. "I have already infused all the [Profound Laws] in the Coiling Dragon into my [Dao of Fire] upon reaching the [Universe Creator]." Ryun said this to both Gabriel and Serafall since these two didn't know a single thing about her [Cultivation System] nor how she reached the [Universe Creator] when the canon main character required fusing the [Cultivation Clone Bodies of Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind] to reach the [Universe Creator Stage]. But, for Ryun, she didn't have to follow the same path thanks to their husband modifying her [Cultivation System] to allow her to.

"I don't think I will try to gain anything from Coiling Dragon's [Cultivation System]. It was hard enough for me just with the [Dao of Music]." Alice frown at everyone, "I think I will just help out by taking the support role." Alice knew she wasn't someone who could cultivate to the peak and have extreme willpower to do so.

"Don't worry, Alice. I'm sure there are other things you could learn from this universe." Raven tries to comfort her lover as she pats Alice's hand. "Is there, Ragna?" Raven glance at me, hinting me to help her out with Alice before she enters her depression by eating a 100x amount of her usual average intake of food.

"There are the [Magic Formations] in Coiling Dragon, which is exactly as their name implies. Capable of many things, from casting illusions, to sealing things, to amplifying the power and so on." I explained what the [Magic Formations] from the Coiling Dragon; furthermore, I explained how I don't need it since I already have the [Dao of Formation].

"Quick question. Is it easier for me to learn [Magic Formations] compare to [Dao of Formation]?" Alice asks me, "Because if not, then I rather not learn it."

I avoid looking at Alice, causing her to let out a sad sigh.

"There's the [Profound Mystery of Music] under the [Profound Laws of Wind] if you want to test your luck on that, Alice." Ryun came over to Alice, "I'm sure you can do well with the [Profound Laws of Wind] and infuse it into your [Dao of Music]."

"I guess." Alice pout, as she places her chin on the table, "We will see." Alice didn't seem to be completely against this, but the rest of us will find out in the future.

"I'm going to continue thinking." Raven didn't pick any of the [Profound Laws] just yet, seeing how she only got a bit of insight into the [Dao of Sword] and using [Heartforce] as well. Even until now, Raven hasn't found her main [Dao].

"Think either of us could learn the [Cultivation System] of Coiling Dragon or should try for something else?" Serafall asks everyone, while Gabriel had a thoughtful look, thinking about what would suit her.

"We can all think about later, for now, it's time for dinner. All of us, but Ragna, can't think with an empty stomach." Esdeath said to everyone, "As for you and Gabriel." Esdeath points at Serafall and Gabriel, "The Coiling Dragon's [Cultivation System] isn't the best for the two of you. So after dinner, I'll help out. So, everyone. We'll decide if Coiling Dragon will be the next universe to enter."

No one disagrees with Esdeath as multiple stomachs started making noises. Even as cultivators and/or supernatural beings. Where all of us don't need to eat for a long time, but no one wanted to miss eating Esdeath's handmade, personal cooked instead of summoning the food, as they are too good to give up.