Chapter 84: That Moment of Regret

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 84: That Moment of Regret

The next day*

Year 27: Day 120: I May Have Miscalculated, Whoops!

(Ark's City)

After yesterday's dinner; we got back into a meeting before it was decided, that the cultivation universes are to be left alone for the time being. Since not many of us could fight the peak cultivators in a one versus one fight. Not to mention, both Gabriel and Serafall need to figure out what type of [Dao] to learn and used as part of their main fighting style.

Serafall already leaning towards the [Dao of Ice], but wasn't completely so sure just yet, and if she does decide to go into the [Dao of Ice], then Esdeath is willing to help her out. While Gabriel continues to think about it, but she did say that if there is a [Dao of Light], then she willing to pick that [Dao] as her backup unless she can't find one that suits her after a certain time passed by.

The meeting continues on until it was morning. Just now, we just finished discussing which cultivation universe we are entering, where it was Coiling Dragon, but decided otherwise.

Not because the Coiling Dragon's [Cultivation System] is useless. Far from it. It was because the moment we arrived near a universe of the Coiling Dragon. We found a large number of cultivators belong to the [Evil Faction] and placed down a universe-size [Magic Formations] around the Coiling Dragon universe. If that wasn't enough, these cultivators are from the Coiling Dragon and most of them are [High Sovereign Stage]. Just below the [Cultivation Stages: Overgod and Universe Creator]. There are exactly four [Universe Creators] among them, which made it more difficult.

Therefore, it's more like we can't even enter the Coiling Dragon universe even if we wanted to. Just to be on the safe side. I made the [Ark] visit all the available Coiling Dragon universes, but came with the same thing. All guarded by powerful cultivators. With four [Tier 8 - Entities] protecting the universe under them.

Because of this discovery; we decide to visit other cultivation universes. Again protected by one or ten [Tier 8 - Entities]. Among the most powerful cultivation universes that include many different types of [Dao], [Laws], etc. There would be a single [Tier 9 - Entity] there among an army of cultivators guarding the universes. Thanks to the few programs Repellista made to do a quick scan and we left before the enemy notice us.

"Well, I guess the [Evil Faction] ain't playing around." Raven spoke after we visited what was like the 500th cultivation universes, which didn't take that long and only require just a second to check before jumping to another universe. It didn't even take 10 minutes to check over 500 universes.

"What now?" Alice asks everyone, "Should we check the other universes if they are being guarded?" By that, Alice meant non-cultivation universes.

"May as well. Because if the three factions trying to protect all the universes under their control, then it will be a lot harder for us to take over other universes that owned by than compared to the ones that ownerless. I guess we can go on the offense after training Gabriel and Serafall more into the [Dao]. Ingui Yoon and Daniela are on their way, but I would only rate them at [Tier 2 - Entity] range for now." I answered Alice's questions.

"You know what? Forget the whole takeover universes. We are fine with the one we have now and don't even need to worry about them trying to use the main universe to steal from us due our home universe being a crossover one. Unless there is a main crossover universe?" Esdeath looks at me, with everyone doing the same. Waiting for me to tell them if there such a thing or not.

With a quick search into the [Information Dimension], "No, there no such thing, or more like, there are many times that occurred in the past, where a crossover universe becoming a main universe, but many things prevent such a thing to happen. In fact, the main crossover universe has barely any information out of everything in the [Information Dimension]. I only know there are many methods for creating one, but most, if not, all these methods failed at the end." I explained to everyone.

"How about we make one ourselves?" Daniela asks everyone, "Unless a True Gamer has tried, but the only result of failure?"

"Yeah, many True Gamers of the past has tried, but end up being killed instead, leading to new True Gamers to appear afterward. So, I think it's best we ignore this for now unless we could figure out the reason behind all the death and destruction about why a main crossover universe never formed." I replied as I continue to look into the [Information Dimension].

"Right then, forget about all that. What's important right now is to locate the Gamers. It doesn't matter if they are True or False Gamers." Esdeath reminds everyone what our true goals, "Actually, how many do we even need to find, Ragna?"

"No idea. We just have to continue hunting down Gamers, until my own Gamer's ability no longer absorbs the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core]." I shrug my shoulders as I cut off my connection with the [Information Dimension].

"That would be kind of hard for us to find. It has been, what, 6 years or something since we found a False Gamer, Jack I think that was his name since we last saw another Gamer." Yuri frown on this, because it was this Jack that caused her personal alone time with her husband for a year or so, but was cut off short. "Is there any way for us to locate these False Gamers at all?"

Everyone begins to think about to locate them since it looks like there is a high chance of us taking over universes wouldn't much easier compared to how we've taken over the universes of the Highschool DxD category.

"I could create a [Skill] that specializes in tracking down Gamers." I said to everyone.

"Don't if we do, then the three factions will definitely know what we are aiming for and would increase their protections around them. They've already found out we're aiming to take over many universes and look how they react." Raven rejected the idea of me creating the [Skill] to track the Gamers down. "Hey, Ragna. Do you still make the [Sorrowful Longbow] and the [Forlon Arrow]?"

"Yeah, not that hard to make. I got like hundreds of them. Why you ask?" I raise an eyebrow at Raven, while everyone else continues to think up of an idea how to track down the Gamers. The only ones paying attention to the conversation between Raven and me, are Esdeath, Ingui Yoon, and Daniela.

"Are they powerful enough to take care of an army of cultivators? Including the [Tier 9 - Entity]?" Raven gives me a cold smile, that would have caused many people to feel for their life is very close to being beheaded by the cold steel of a sword.

"Honest answer? I have no idea. But, I can try it out by powering it with the [Hou Yi's Archery - Desolate Era's Version] to see how much damage I could cause to a [Tier 9 - Entity]." I already know both the [Sorrowful Longbow] and the [Forlon Arrow] under the effect of the [Hou Yi's Archery] have caused in the past, and that was just using up 1% of my HP. Thousands of universes have been destroyed by a powered [Forlon Arrow] and killed a small army too. "Let me try."

I disappear via [Cleave Sword Intent: Short Cut] and outside the [Ark] before anyone could stop me.

(Multiverse: Unknown | Outside the [Ark])

I activate the [Restrictions] on the [Ark], then placed even more before putting the [Ark] into the [Gate of Babylon]. As I have no idea if the shockwave of the [Forlon Arrow] would be able to break all the [Restrictions] and other defensives onto the [Ark], even if the defensive survives from the shock, I don't think it would even last for a second. So better to be in my [Gate of Babylon] than out in the open.

A golden ripple appears, where it pops out the [Sorrowful Longbow] and [Forlon Arrow], which caused an ancient aura to be felt throughout the vast multiverse, causing many to locate my position with ease; however, before they could lock onto me. I activate [Omega Sword Dao: Shadowless Dao] and [Rejection] linked together, causing all entities from the three factions to unable to find me. Even with the ancient aura spreading out in this entire area, to the point of affecting the nearby universes.

With the [Sorrowful Longbow] in my left hand and the [Forlon Arrow] in my right; I release my original body out of the [Gate of Babylon] before sending it away to far away from this area as possible before I pull the bowstring.

I waited for a few minutes as I split my mind in two, with this current body of mine and my original body.

I let out a sigh, that this 6th clone body of mine will soon disappear. Been many years since I made it, but it the youngest out of my other bodies.

An hour later*

I smirk, where I can 'see' countless cultivators and other entities are quickly heading to the area I'm in. Not even the members of the three factions that are in the nearby universes around me can't help at all. This is due to the ancient aura from the [Sorrowful Longbow] and [Forlon Arrow] preventing them.

Pulling the bowstring, where I activate the [Hou Yi's Archery - Desolate Era's Version] after linking it with multiple [Skills] under the effects of [Chain Combo Magic].

[Rejection] to prevent others from affecting the [Forlon Arrow]'s trajectory.

[Immortal Ending Sword] is to give the [Forlon Arrow] the ability to end anything in its path, be it real or illusory, formless or without form. Anything will end.

[Immortal Slaughtering Sword] for the [Forlon Arrow]'s killing power being further enhanced before the [Hou Yi's Archery]'s effects kick in.

[Immortal Trapping Sword] to give the [Forlon Arrow] the ability to rip the spacetime apart and collapse anything space and time-related as to prevent the [Forlon Arrow] from reaching its destination.

[Immortal Exterminating Sword] will make sure the [Forlon Arrow] would extinguish even the Heavens if someone crazy enough to use such a thing as a barrier.

[Devil Style] make it so the fate won't affect the [Forlon Arrow] nor does it allows anyone with the so-called plot armor to be able to stop the [Forlon Arrow] from completing its purpose.

[Black Arts: Soul Withering Curse] to make sure anything hit by the [Forlon Arrow] will be unable to reincarnate.

And finally, the [Karmic Sword Dao: Annihilation]. One of the most powerful [Sword Dao Techniques] I have created over the years. This will erase everything that blocks the [Forlon Arrow]'s path. Powerful enough to annihilate the chains of [Karma]. Increasing the damage of the [Forlon Arrow] by 10 times and ignore all [Damage Invalidation Technqiues], ignore damage reduction abilities, ignore armor, even ignore the [Resurrection Skill] of anyway. Only certain death is the result.

Once I linked all these together with the [Forlon Arrow]. I pour in 100% of my HP and slowly my body begins to crumble away as I release my grip onto the bowstring.

(Multiverse: Unknown)

-Ragna's Original Body's POV-


Player, your 6th clone has been destroyed and won't be recovered.

I look back, where I lost my connection with my 6th clone and luckily, I absorb the [Skills] from the 6th clone before it's destroyed. Then, a second later, I end up spitting a large amount of blood out of my mouth, even my body was badly damaged as well and my vision quickly became white, black, then back to white and black. Rapidly for at least 10 times.


Player, you have lost 99% HP!


Under the unknown effects of [Forlon Arrow]. The Player's original body will stay at 1% HP for a year to recover from the unknown effects of the [Forlon Arrow] thanks to the [Skill: Miracle of Life and Rejection] helping the Player.

"Shit." I grim at this, because this means I will be at my weakest moment for an entire year. But, on the bright side, I'm glad to have the [Miracle of Life] and [Rejection]. Otherwise, who knows how long it will take for my original body to recover or if it's even possible to recover at all.


Player, you have destroyed 30% of the total universes in the multiverse!


The [Title: The Broken Player]'s unknown effects have activated and absorbed all the newly gained [Titles] related to the destructions of the 30% of the total universes in the multiverse.


The [Hero Faction]'s main priority is now to kill the Player.


The [Neutral Faction]'s main priority is now to kill the Player.


The [Evil Faction's main priority is now to kill the Player.

I frown at this, because this means I have to go into hiding now. In fact, this is the worse news to get due to the fact, that I won't be able to fight at my peak condition and will have to worry about being attacked by entities that will be able to eliminate that last 1% HP of mine.

Further into the bad news; the [Skill: God Hand - Gamer's Version] won't help at all, because I'm affected by the [Forlon Arrow], and if I do die, I will stay dead as the [God Hand] count as a [Resurrection Skill].

I switch over to my other [Cultivation Clone Bodies: The Sword God]. Where I summon it out of my [Gate of Babylon]. A massive golden ripple appears throughout the multiverse and [The Sword God] appears, wearing a golden color [Cultivator's Robe].

[The Sword God's Body] is a giant so large, that seemed capable of propping up countless Heavens of all kinds. Not to mention, the size of a universe, radiating with golden light, making it seem like a [Heavenly God].

The nearby weaker universes, that managed to survive barely with numerous cracks and just one moment away from being destroyed, now disappear under my current body's murderous aura overflowing all around. Soon thousands and thousands of universes nearby broke down beyond repair until barely even fragments of the universe remain.

I use [Chain Combo Magic] to link with [Rejection] and [Ninjutsu] to shrink [The Sword God]'s universe-size body into an average human-size body. Afterward, I use these two linked [Skills] to reel in the murderous aura. This stops the destruction of more universes, but the damage has been done.

Afterward, I transfer my conscious over to [The Sword God] and put away my original body into the [Gate of Babylon] to be protected.

-Ragna's [The Sword God's Cultivation Body]'s POV-

Taking one step with the [Skill: Sacrifice] to increase my speed. I disappear from the area with incredible speed.

But I did not count for more universes being destroyed just from using one of my [Skill] that used [Mana]. Where it seems like I need to push the two linked [Skills] further, because now, even the [Mana] is filled with killing intent.

A few hours later*

I stop and look at the random universe, I decide to use for my temporary stay for a year, then release the [Ark] and enter after I activated the [Restrictions] to void any [Detecting Skills] to the area.

(Ark's City)

"Ragna-! Why are you using the [Cultivation Body: The Sword God]?!" Esdeath was about to give her husband a piece of her mind before she saw the familiar golden robe her husband is wearing and knew instantly something must have happened in the last few hours.

Seeing the concern and worry looks on everyone's face. I begin explaining what happen a few hours ago, including what I used on the [Forlon Arrow] to the end, where my original body is badly damaged and is extremely dangerous to leave out in the open. Along with the three factions' main priority is now set to kill me. Plus, the fact that I destroyed 30% total universes of the multiverse all belongs to the three factions, making this a big hit onto their resources.

"Didn't you say only using the [Hou Yi's Archery]?" Raven looks at me in disbelief, no one could blame her, "Other than using your 6th clone's entire lifeforce, but you even include linking the [Immortal Exterminating Four Swords] as well. That's just asking for trouble. I'm pretty sure you would be dead by now if you were just a bit closer to the blast range instead of only being hit by the last bit of shockwave."

"Oh, so this is why everyone is so concerned about leaving hubby alone." Serafall thought everything the other wives mentioned in the past was just an excuse for everyone to stick with hubby, now she truly knows that her hubby doesn't think about the consequence of his action.

"Yeah, Ragna tends to do something that will end up killing him even though most of them it won't, leading to Ragna dismissing as something not fatal. Honestly, I feel like he became like this when he gained the [Title: The Broken Player]." Yuri said to Serafall, with a frown on her face.

"Then, we just have to be sure to stick around husband no matter what, even in battle." Gabriel nods to herself, vowing that she won't allow her husband to never be alone at all.

"Heh, good luck with that. If Ragna wanted to. He could disappear on us without a chance of stopping him. Like he did a few hours ago." Raven shook her head in frustration, "To make it worse. If we're out in the multiverse instead in a universe. The only one among us who could come out of the [Ark] without ending up dying from the raw pressure of the multiverse alone. Only Yuri and Ryun can survive out in the vast multiverse with Ragna. Yuri with a powerful body and Ryun due to her being a [Universe Creator]."

"Seriously, Ragna. We're just worried about you." Esdeath looks at me with a sad expression, that causes my heart to ache a little.

"Alright. I won't go out by myself." I give everyone a small smile, which didn't make almost everyone feel better because this will happen again in the future; therefore, among everyone's minds is to try to come up with a way to survive outside the universes and in the multiverse, "Anyway, I found a universe for us to stay for a while until my original body recover. I have no idea what universe it is, but we should be fine since I don't detect anyone strong in the universe, that could cause any of us harm. In fact, even both Ingui Yoon and Daniela could be considered a powerhouse in this universe we're about to enter."

"In other words." Daniela spoke up, "A universe, not worth taking over or you'll at the end when we leave?"

"Hold up! Before we even think about entering the universe." Raven quickly stops everyone, "Sheesh, it feels like I'm the only one that actually thinks about the small details." Raven sighed in relief that everyone's attention is on her now, "Ragna, with your current body. Wouldn't it cause problems the moment you enter the universe? Like would the universe, even handle the body's existence at all without breaking down?"

"No worry. I got both [Ninjutsu] and [Rejection] under the effects of [Chain Combo Magic] active this entire time and will keep it active for an entire year, something I can do easily, but I won't be able to burst out lots of [Skills] if we come across a very powerful enemy that above [Tier 5 - Entity] range." I answered and by pointing out, that Repellista, Ingui Yoon, Daneial, Gabriel, and Serafall nearby aren't affected. Something my wives, not including Gabriel and Serafall realized this since they knew how powerful just the existence of my [Cultivation Bodies] alone can cause damage to the surroundings just by existing alone if I don't use something like [Rejection] to suppress this.

"Fine. Let's head to this universe, who knows, maybe we can bring the kids out of the home universe to be together as a family for a year before resuming back into the war. Though, I got the feeling the kids will be hating your gut, Ragna, for a while. Since you sent them away before they could say anything." Esdeath smirk at me, for not considering the kids' opinion and can't wait to see their reaction after 2 years apart.

"Oh..." I'm beginning to think that pushing them away into the home universe wasn't my brightest idea. "Think they will forgive me if I spoil them with lots of presents?" I just realize how bad of a Father, I am after thinking about what I have done so far with the kids.

"Maybe for the simple-minded ones. The ones that are not? You should know that answer." Esdeath quickly thought up with a plan using the kids.

"Alright, give me a moment to check what universe this is first before I bring the kids out of the home universe once I placed all the defensive around this universe." I said to Esdeath and the rest.

A few minutes later*

(Ark's City)

"So, the universe we're about to enter is Erza's origin universe." I said to everyone once I got the info on the universe.

"Oh! Our little gift's origin universe, I can't wait to see the place in person after reading about it." Ryun said with delight, "I'm very sure our little gift would love to visit a familiar place." Ryun gives me a bright smile, "I need to sort through the things in my [Inventory]!" Ryun quickly sat down and go through what's in her [Inventory].

"You want to bring the kids here. Plus, they get to meet Gabriel and Serafall." Raven said to me, while Esdeath and Yuri got together with Ryun to make up a family plan to do in the Fairy Tail universe.

"Alright." I give Raven a wry and worried look before I summon the kids out of the home universe and into the [Ark].

The next moment, I got punched in the face and everywhere else on my body. By the following of Erza, Killua, Gon, and shockingly Kaori as well, who I would never expect to do such a thing.

I can see the look on Esdeath's face that she didn't think her little girl would do such a thing as well, even Ryun looks like she about to have a heart attack upon seeing Erza punching me.

"Huh, they got bigger." Alice commented, "Hey, Raven, I forgot. How old are they now?" Alice tried to be as quiet as possible when asking this. Luckily, the kids were too busy releasing their frustration to pay attention to what Alice just said, even those with a superhuman sense of hearing.

"From what I could recall. Most of them should around the age of 15. Some may be younger or a few years older." Raven whispers back, as she watches in amusement of seeing the kids trying to beat up their old man, but failing to cause any harm at all, not even causing their old man to take a step back. What made it funnier is that her husband has this awkward look on his face, which shows he has no idea what to do in this situation. At this point, Raven thinking about having a kid of her own.

"Kaori!" Esdeath shouted, causing the kids to stop, and then, almost all of them instantly pale in fright. Especially Kaori, who clearly just realize that her Mother is here and saw what she just did.

"They forced me to!" Kaori didn't care if this made her into a traitor among her siblings, but if it means getting away from being punished by her Mother, then she will do it a thousand times if given the chance and gladly do so without having a guilty conscious.

"It seems like 2 years without my presence have made you bold." Esdeath smile at her Daughter while walking towards Kaori and the other kids, where the temperature of the area slowly going down.

"No! No! Kaori has been a good girl! Kaori has been a good girl!" Kaori cried out, where everyone noticed her speaking in third person and can definitely tell she scared out of her mind of being punished by her Mother.

"In fact, you kids have been very bad." Esdeath didn't lose her smile, causing the kids; well, teenaged kids held each other in fear, not even thinking to escape Esdeath's wrath, for they knew, that escaping just made it much, much worse for themselves.

"Well, at least we know kids still fear Esdeath." Yuri said dryly while thinking about if her Daughter fears her like how she fear Esdeath. Then, Yuri snorts at that thought, because there is no way she could be any scarier compared to what Esdeath could do.

"Do you think we should stop Esdeath before she hurt the little ones?" Gabriel asks with concern for the kids.

"Can you even stop Esdeath?" Serafall asks Gabriel, who thought about it, then decide to offer a prayer for the kids instead.