Chapter 85: Hello Again!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 85: Hello Again!

Year 27: Day 120: I May Have Miscalculated, Whoops! Part 2

(Ark's City)

"So, do we have to worry about someone from the three factions entering the universe while we're in it?" Yuri asks me while ignoring the frighten screams going on in the background and the cold laughter Esdeath making.

"Nope. I made sure to place a large amount of [Restrictions], even as we speak right now, I haven't stopped making more [Restrictions], not to mention it was ownerless just a few seconds ago. So, the three factions will have a harder time entering. Unless they have the same attacking power as the powered-up [Forlon Arrow] with [Hou Yi's Archery]. They won't even make a crack into the [Restrictions] I have placed." I replied to Yuri's question, trying my best to think about what to make my kids happy as I've already surpassed the million digits range of [Restrictions] I created so far and have lost count over the years.

"Good to know." Yuri didn't know what else to talk about. So she just watches Esdeath continue scolding the kids with Ryun next to her, looking at Erza with disapproval, that made the redhead teenage girl feel ashamed by the look she got.

"Let everyone know that we'll leave in an hour. I need to pick out which [Skills] I could use freely while [Chain Combo Magic] is currently active for the time being and if I try to switch or add in new [Skills] would cause the [Chain Combo Magic] to be deactivated for a few seconds, leading to my current body's presence be no longer suppressed." I said to my wives and the others that watching the kids being lectured/scolded by Esdeath, who is using her words only, but that was enough to push a massive pressure onto the kids alone. No need to take physical action when it is unnecessary.

"Sure." Yuri replied, but secretly, she wonders if her husband even needs to pick out [Skills] in the first place when his current body alone could just flick someone to kill them without any effort.

Of course, I can tell most of my wives kept their eyes on me, causing me to feel very awkward; therefore, I pull out a chair and sat on it while I go through my [Skills List], that mainly use [Mana] as [The Sword God] can't use any other [Energy Sources], but [Mana].

It didn't even take 5 minutes of searching for me to pick out which [Skills] to use for the year or more like I only picked two. The two are [Fundamental Force Manipulation] and [Hou Yi's Archery - Seeking the Flying Sword Path's Version]. Both are very overpowered and together just make it even worse. The former due to many abilities in one and the latter the same deal, or more like, I use the former together with the latter.

Furthermore, with these two [Skills] alone would cause major problems for even higher entities. Maybe at [Tier 7 - Entity] range or higher would able to counter them. But, I'm sure no enemy that high would show up any time soon. If one does show up, then the [Skill: Sword God Magic] would do the trick to take care of them.

But, just to be on the safe, more than already, I included the [Restriction Mastery]. Making a total of four [Skills] for me to use, with the [Wisdom of The Sage] just to activate the [Fundamental Force Manipulation] in the first place so I may as well include that as well into the [Skills] I will use for the time being.

However, even though I picked these four [Skills]. I got to adjust my control over them due to my [Mana] is infused with [God Qi] thanks to the passive effect of [Sword God Magic] being the main core of this body of mine. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up killing a normal mortal by just using the weakest [Magic Spell: Breeze] would shred the normal mortal without even leaving anything behind. Let alone using the [Hou Yi's Archery], where a single arrow is enough to kill even the strongest dragon in the Fairy Tail universe.

So with a few quick thinkings and changing the way I used the four [Skills]. And the answer came by using the [Wisdom of The Sage] every time before fighting or anything that requires using [Mana] to give me the extra stats in INT and WIS, for to calculate the exact amount of the bare minimum of [Mana] needs to be used in the current situation.

After that's done. I debate if I should use a sword or not. For one, the [Hou Yi's Archery - Seeking the Flying Sword Path's Version] would likely destroy a good chunk of the planet if I were to go up to the 3rd arrow or so. So it won't be a problem, but I feel like if I do, then there no point in using the [Fundamental Force Manipulation] at all if I wield a sword. So, I gave up the idea of using a sword in the Fairy Tail universe, nor bother to do close combat with the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles].

Now, that is all done. I glance over to my family, to see Esdeath still scolding the kids while Gabriel somehow got little Asia and Alluka away from Esdeath's wrath, and look like enjoying a good conversation among the three, where I could see all of them smiling. Unlike the other kids, where they all have frightened looks on their faces.

'Hm. Maybe I should take this chance to check over a few things just in case and think about what I should do in the Fairy Tail universe. Rather, if I should just idle around, hunting down some dark mages for their bounties or should I grab this chance to gain more insight into what kind of [Sword Dao] I could gain from the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi].' I thought about what my options to do, then glance over the kids and decide to do spend more time with the kids instead of training all the time or doing something by myself. When I should take this time to spend quality time with the rest of the kids like I did back in the Food Wars and Pokemon universe.

Shaking my head, where I should take a bit more time enjoying life than quickly finish things as soon as possible. I've already missed a good chunk of my kids' childhood.

Once I thought of this and decide not to think about anything else besides spending time with all my family. I felt a bit more relaxed.

Getting up from my seat. I walk over to where the kids are and I just arrived right on time when Esdeath finished scolding the kids about not attacking me or something. I didn't catch everything, too busy having my mind feel a bit clearer than normal. I need a bit of time to adjust this.

"So... would I be forgiven if I were to hand out, sorry gifts?" I ask the kids, where some are eager to find out what my sorry gifts going to be while some are skeptical about this. And some of them didn't care about the sorry gifts.

"I feel like they shouldn't even get sorry gifts after they hit their own Father." Esdeath glare at the kids, mostly at Kaori, who cowards behind Chifuyu and Erza. "I say only give the gifts to the one that didn't attack you, Ragna."

"You sure?" I ask Esdeath, causing the kids to look back at me where I'm holding what looks like a giant strawberry cake, and it wasn't a surprise to see Erza drooling at the sight of the giant strawberry cake. "I even made the cake myself." As in making it with the [Gate of Babylon]. "But, if you say so." I was about to put the giant strawberry cake away when one of the kids shouted.

"Wait!" Erza cried out, but she did not dare move closer to her Father, "I'm sorry! Forgive me for punching you, Father. Punish me as you wish, but please don't take away the strawberry cake!"

"My little gift, you know what kind of punishment you're getting." Ryun gives Erza a disappointed look and before Erza's horrified look, Ryun took the giant strawberry cake and puts it away in her [Inventory]. "Your punishment is to not eat the cake or any kind of strawberry cake for a week."

"NO!" Erza scream in absolute horror and ready to faint if she didn't know doing so would cause her punishment to be more, something she experiences in the past. "Mommy, please don't take the cake away!" Erza wouldn't dare move a step towards her Father after coming to her senses, but she willingly with her Mother. So, Erza, without any shame, hugs her Mother's thighs while begging with tears going down her cheeks.

"Heh, I wouldn't beg if-I'M SORRY!" Killua was about to make some kind of cool remark, but switched his tone of voice when he saw Mother Esdeath took away another giant cake from his adopted Father, that is completely made out of chocolate. But, unlike Erza, who knew her Mother won't do anything like hitting and won't push her off if she doing something shameless like hugging her Mother's thighs; however, for Killua, he wouldn't dare do the same with Mother Esdeath, not even if someone gave him unlimited lives.

"Wow, they must really like those cakes." Serafall is surprised to see Erza and Killua acting this way.

"Kaori." Esdeath look at her Daughter, "I was planning to cook your favorite sea bream, but I don't think you deserve it after you hit your Father. Something I would never expect you to do." Esdeath shook her head, knowing how much her Daughter loves sea bream the same way Erza and Killua are with their strawberry cake and chocolate.

Kaori falls onto her hands and knees, quietly sobbing that she won't be able to eat the sea bream cooked by her Mother, something she loves and eager to eat again after 2 years of not eating her Mother's cooking, especially her favorite sea bream.

"Gon." Esdeath looks over, causing Gon to gulp. "Hand me your fishing pole." Esdeath stretches her left hand out at Gon, who became a bit pale; nevertheless, Gon hands his precious fishing pole over with shaky hands. "You're not allowed to go fishing nor will you have this back for a week."

Unlike Erza and the others, who didn't faint. Gon did once he realizes what is his punishment. Something he never experienced in this family yet, compared to the other kids. So, to hear from Mother Esdeath that he can't fish, something he loves to do in his free time, and have his precious fishing pole away for a week was too much for him.

"Oh, dear." Gabriel quickly heads over to Gon, to make sure nothing wrong after he hit his head on the ground when he fainted. Little Asia and Alluka follow Gabriel, to check on their brother.

"Now, kids come over here. So I can introduce everyone the new additions to the family." I said to the kids after I passed Chifuyu a red-eyed black puppy after I made sure it linked with Chifuyu. Yup, I gave Chifuyu the [Sacred Gear: Canis Lykaon] from the Highschool DxD as her sorry gift. While I gave both little Asia and Alluka matching pair white pendants. Which contain my [Sword Qi] that will act the moment where either or both little Asia and Alluka are in danger. "These two are my wives as well, Gabriel, who is an angel and Serafall who is a devil."

Almost all the kids look at me with a deadpan.

"If you have questions, ask your Mother Esdeath." I point at my first wife, who just smile at the kids, causing them to shiver. They kept their mouths shut, not that eager to find out why I gained two new wives. "On other news, you guys are going to have another sibling. Especially you, Erza. You're going to be a big sister." I grin at Erza, who just finished letting out a good amount of tears to Ryun, blankly stare at me before looking at her Mother.

"Oh my." Ryun's cheeks redden a little, where everyone could see the big smile on her face.

"The thing is, Ryun the only one who will give birth, the rest of us won't. Well, not yet at least." Esdeath said to the kids, not paying attention to both Gabriel and Serafall thinking about having kids.

"Do you want to join in with Ryun to have kids?" Alice asks Raven, who thought about it for a moment.

"Hey, Ragna. Can you tell me if I end up giving birth to a [Reincarnator] or a new soul?" Raven looks at me, depending on my answer would lead to her decision to getting a kid of her own or not. Of course, for this, I won't check her character sheet to find out what her choice will be.

"Kind of, more like I can see the 'chance' of the gender and if they will contain the memory of their past life. If I wanted to find out who they are in their past life; well, I have to go deeper into the [Karma Thread], which is something I can't do right now." I pause for a moment to consider my words, "Well, actually I can, but I don't think the kids along with some of us would be fine if I were to summon [The Sword Immortal's Body]." As in, out of the other [Cultivation Clone Bodies], [The Sword Immortal's Body] will cause massive change to the surrounding compared to the other ones.

"No need!" Raven shouted, "If you require to summon that body, then it's better not to find out. Just knowing you have the ability is enough for me to decide." Raven frown, then glance at the artificial sky inside the [Ark]. "Alright, I will have a kid as well."

"Oh?" Esdeath raises an eyebrow at this, because she didn't think Raven would have a kid of her own, nor did she would in the first place with how lazy she would be when she gets the chance to. In fact, Esdeath wouldn't be shocked if she gave Raven a pet fish to take care and a few days later, to see it died due to lack of actions from Raven, who would be asleep and lazy to bother feeding the fish for a few seconds. "Maybe I should have a second kid as well?"

This caused the other wives to peak up. Seeing how now even the main wife wanted a second child made the rest thinking about if they should have one of their own as well.

"Wow, Pop about to be very busy." Killua thought out loud, causing his siblings to nod in agreement with little Asia and Alluka being excited for having younger siblings to spoil with by being the older siblings.

"Is it weird, that none of us gave them the talk, but they still know where babies come from?" Alice whispers to Yuri, who thought about it and agreed with Alice's statement.

"I blame it Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza, because the three of them are [Reincarnators] and the rest are just normal kids." Yuri whispered back, "Plus, this family isn't normal, to begin with, so I find that weird is normal for us. Though, I think I'm alright just with Chifuyu." Yuri wasn't going to birth another child for the time and walk over to her Daughter to have some Mother-Daughter bonding time.

"Okay, I guess there will be more kids." Esdeath did a headcount, and it looks like it will be Ryun, Raven, and herself. "Anyway else want to have kids? Take this chance now. Also, Ragna mind extending that one year to maybe a decade or so before resuming the war with the three factions?" Esdeath glance over at me as she ignores her Daughter hugging her feet still.

"I don't mind." I was not going to make the same mistake in the past and neglect my kids.

"Okay, then. Since this is going to be a bit of a delay, we won't head into Erza's origin universe for the time being." Esdeath announced to everyone.

"Wait, what?" Erza looks confused, where almost all the kids are confused as well.

"Oh, did I forget? Yeah, we're going to a universe you should be very familiar with, Erza. After all, it's where you lived in your previous life." Esdeath grin at Erza, where she happy to see the shocked look on the teenaged redhead girl.

"Wait, does mean we will visit our universe too?" Chifuyu asks with a hint of hope, really wanted to see her little brother again, even if it's just a parallel version of her little brother and no longer her little brother in this current lifetime.

"Yup." Yuri pulls Chifuyu into a hug, who currently holding her new pet puppy.

"I'm sure, Gon here would be very excited to know this once he wakes up." Killua comment, but everyone, the adults, can tell he would rather not go into said universe, but is willing for Gon.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Does that mean we get to travel somewhere new?!" Alluka shouted happily, "The place we were before with those nice people is great and all, but school is boring." Alluka pout before her face brightens up, "So does this mean, we're going to into the place where Erza used to live?"

"In that order. Yes, as for school being boring, I agree, and yes. So, you want one of us to teach you, kids, instead? I'm sure Esdeath here won't mind after she gets pregnant, then giving birth." I glance at the artificial sky, "I wonder if it's the same with the first three. Only required a single day, for you to get pregnant on the stage to give birth and giving birth on that same day."

"Let's find out." Esdeath said to me, as she told the kids that we'll be back 24 hours later. Leaving Alice, Yuri, Repellista, Ingui Yoon, and Daniela behind to watch over them.

"Anyone up for Exploding Go Fish to pass the time?" Repellista offers a game to play, for the wait.

"I'm in." Daniela replied instantly, where everyone else wants to play as well.

The next day*

Year 27: Day 121: Why? Just Why?!

(Ark's City)

"We're back!" Serafall shouted to everyone as we exit from the building used for the whole event to gain new addition into the family. "Guys welcome your new siblings and my baby girl, Rin!" Serafall held up her baby girl, who seems to be in shock and in pink full-body pajamas for a toddler.

"I would like everyone to welcome my precious little one, Artoria." Gabriel held her Daughter gently, looking at her precious one with a motherly smile. Where Artoria looks almost the exact same as her Mother. Same hair color and eye color. And also wearing a cartoonish male lion costume, makes her stand out compared to the other babies.

"I don't know why, but I feel like it would have been best for my mental health for not having a kid, but anyway." Raven let out a sigh, "I'd like everyone to greet my Son, Rock B. Mercer." Though, compared to the tone of voice Raven using, everyone could see the loving smile on her face as she held her baby boy.

"Erza, meet your little sister, Pyrrha." Ryun walks over to her eldest Daughter, to show her younger sister, who is also shocked, but at the same time, very happy.

"Don't worry, Raven, if needed. We just need to put the fear in our Sons together." Esdeath smirk, "Everyone meets Black D. Mercer. And before everyone ask. All of them are [Reincarnators]."

"I have regrets." I mumble to myself, as I was the last one to exit the building and feel like what sanity, I have left, even if there is just a tiny piece left will be gone soon. All due to who my kids are, especially my two Sons.

Rock Lee and Black Star. These two are the characters I have absolutely no desire to meet up with unless it for me to kill them if they annoy me too much. But, now they are my Sons; well, fate is a bitch.

On another note; I have two new Daughters, both from the same universe. One is a Magus, who became the student under a certain vampire troll and the other used to be the King of Knights; however, this one is the Lancer servant version not the Saber servant version. Which made it a bit weird for me.

By weird, I mean, this group of new kids of mine doesn't use swords as their main weapon. Artoria is close, but she has taken lance over the sword. Black Star knows how to use the sword and can wield it, but not his main weapon.

Still, I have regrets. But, these regrets I shall accept without any hesitation on my part. Also, I, and their Mothers, learned the Rock Lee and Black Star we got as Sons are the ones that died near the end of parallel canon in their universe. Where Rock Lee died in the Fourth Great Ninja War from overusing the [Eight Gates] and Black Star just became a Warrior God, but end up dying due to blood loss somehow. Either way, these two are going to be problems for me later on. Mentally that is.

"Yo, Pop, you look like someone found your darkest secrets and blackmailing you it." Killua said to me, the moment he saw me looking a bit more tired than usual.

"I hope you're ready to take care of very, very, energetic brothers." I said in a tired voice, and as if my LUCK stat decides to help me.

Both Rock and Black begin struggling, causing their Mothers to frown on this.

"It's decided, Killua, you shall help watching over little Black and Gon, you will watch over Rock." I pause for a minute to think if these two would be a good choice or not, "Actually, Chifuyu you can watch over Rock instead and Erza with Black. I'm sure the two of you can handle them." I ignore the look on my Daughters' face at being assigned to be babysitters at the get-go. "Anyway, for many years now since the last time I slept. I'm going to take this chance to nap and I'll see what would happen, but first, to the Fairy Tail universe."

Erza brightens up, eager to meet her old, but parallel version, friends.

"Quick question. Am I allowed to punish my little brother, if he does something bad?" Chifuyu asks me while she ignores her puppy trying to wiggle out of her arms.

"If you deem it something bad, ask one of your Mothers, and if they are okay with you doing the punishment, then sure." I replied, "Now, come on, I need that nap and everyone want to go into the Fairy Tail universe."

A few minutes later*

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest)

"Okay, Esdeath and Repellista are in charge." I said to everyone, as we arrived into a parallel dimension of Earth land in the universe of Fairy Tail via [Ark's Gate]. To be exact, in a forest just outside of Magnolia Town, the main setting and location of one famous or infamous in some people's eyes, the Fairy Tail Guild. "Time for me to sleep." I said to everyone, as I bring out the old, but very familiar log house Esdeath and I lived in when it was just the two of us.

Esdeath's eyes moist a little, as she sees the familiar log house and felt her heart racing at the precious memory she and her husband shared in this home and now will be used for the rest of the family.

"Call me if someone needs me for something." I stretch my muscle a bit as I walk inside the log house, "And don't worry about me deactivating the two [Skills] that keep this body of mine from destroying the universe we're in. I can keep hundreds of [Skills] active even while asleep." I mention this to those that worried about me slipping up in my control of keeping the [Skills: Ninjutsu and Rejection] active at all time.

"Wait!" Serafall shouted, causing Rin to snap out of her shock, "How about you spend some time with your newborn children first before you sleep? I'm sure your Daughters and Sons would love to spend their first day in their new life with their loving Father." Serafall quickly pushes baby Rin into her husband's arms, as Serafall gives her husband a kiss on the cheek.

I glance down at baby Rin, who looks back at me, trying to comprehend how in the world she ends up as a baby, and then, she let out a baby sigh, where she realizes who the cause of this.

Character sheets. Thanks, karma I have it. To know what everyone is thinking.

"Alright." I didn't mind to delay my nap, "I wonder if I should be concerned about the jewels I stored away." I mumble this on purpose, where I easily noticed the glint in baby Rin's eyes. "Alright, I just need someone to stick around with me while everyone enjoys themselves in this world." I said to everyone as I continue to hold baby Rin.

"I'll stay." Gabriel smile at me.

"I think it's best for those who gave birth to stay and the rest can go. Repellista you're in charge, with Ingui Yoon and Daniela helping you out as well, kids listen to them and don't cause trouble. If you do." Esdeath left the threat hanging in the air, causing almost everyone to feel uncomfortable, mostly with the kids, "Now go ahead. We'll be right here when you guys are done exploring. Come on, Ragna, we got stuff to place down and expand the house." With that said, Esdeath walks into the log house while carrying her baby boy, who is currently looking at everywhere in awe and excitement.

Omake: The New Additional of the Abnormal Family Entering!

-Third Point of View-

In a room, where five beautiful, but pregnant, women laid on separate beds, each for these women. All of them are giving birth at the same time, shockingly enough for those who would learn about this.

"Okay, just to be on the safe side for everyone, including the babies, I have placed down many [Restrictions] to prevent everyone from using their abilities, and also, suppressing everyone's physical strength down to human level, as in the same level a pregnant woman going to give birth." Ragna said to his loving wives, where all of them understand, but at the same time, some of them are concerned. Something he noticed right away. "Don't worry, Serafall and Gabriel. For something important like this, I'm willing to risk my original body to make sure the delivery goes on smoothly." And by that, Ragna is already using [Rejection] to prevent any problems from occurring and among other things, [Left Arm of Usage: Ope Ope no Mi] to perform the operation, and lastly, [Miracle of Life] to give the absolute best knowledge on how to deliver a baby safety.

"Okay, the first one is Serafall." Ragna walks over to his left, where Serafall is completely naked and looks to be in a bit of pain. Where the other pregnant wives are in pain as well. "Now-SHIT!" Ragna panic when he saw all his wives didn't wait any longer and push with everything they got. Therefore, Ragna, in his original body, quickly uses with absolute control over the [Ope Ope no Mi] to help the support the babies coming out of their Mothers' vagina.

"I can see the heads!" Ragna shouted, sweats covering his forehead as he didn't think this would happen, then again, there were more people at the time when Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza came into the world, and Ragna just by himself.

Ragna made sure not to pull on anything, including the umbilical cords. Once the babies' head came out, where Ragna noticed some of them rotate a bit to one side, and the next pushes, one-shoulder emerge, then the other.

Once the shoulders are out, Ragna continues to support the babies and lift them very slightly toward their Mothers' stomachs. The rest of the body came out easily and with the knowledge from the [Miracle of Life], Ragna uses [Rejection] to speed things up and wrap the newborn, where they grow to the appearance of a one-year-old toddler, just like their older siblings from before, in a baby pajama. Blue for boys and pinks for the girls. Then sat the newborns onto small beds for them to rest in, easily made via [Wisdom of The Sage].

"Well, everything is fine and I would like to say, the delivery went great." Ragna uses [Rejection] to heal his wives up instantly, allowing them to get out of the beds with ease. Not bother to put on their clothes as they gather around to see their precious babies.

"This one here is Serafall's and the gender is female, and it's a yes in her being a [Reincarnator]." Ragna point at his and Serafall's baby girl is. Then, Ragna point which babies belong to whom. "All of them are [Reincarnators]." Ragna provides the character sheets for all his wives could read and see who their babies used to be in their past life.

"Oh..." Raven's left eyelid begins to twitch once she realizes, who her Son is. "I'm going to have my work cut out for me, that's for sure."

"You're not the only one." Esdeath looks like she wanted a redo.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Gabriel and I have babies from the same place!" Serafall shouted in awe, "Does this make them twin in some way?!"

"Pretty sure that's not how it goes." Ragna said dryly while looking at the ceiling as if he looking at the gods and goddesses are the main cause, for giving him his first two Sons. But, make sure to pick out the ones that might cause lots of problems later on as they grow up.

"Alright, everyone gets dress and we can leave." Esdeath said to the ladies that gave birth, as she already back in her normal outfit and carry her baby boy, who she already lots of plans to make sure to raise her Son into a powerful man and someone not very annoying. Especially, the part of making sure her Son won't end being so annoying and loud.

"Welcome to the family, my little gift." Ryun picks up baby Pyrrha and gently held before giving her baby a kiss on the head softly, "I'll make you get all the love you need as your loving Mama. No one will cause any harm to you, I promise this."

Baby Pyrrha looks like she about to cry, as she got a Mother in her life now, but also because Pyrrha just realized something very important upon gaining a second life. She won't be able to see her friends for a long time and they may be adults and have their own families by the time she reaches to her original age on her death, causing a big rift between them.

"There. There. There, my little gift. Your Mama is right here." Ryun softly whispers to her Daughter. Then, Ryun put on her clothes back on with just a thought and follow the rest out of the building to greet the others.