Chapter 86: Just Idle Around

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 86: Just Idle Around

Year 27: Day 121: Why? Just Why?! Part 2

-Babies' POV-

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

"How come I get this false meat on a bone while you get a gemstone of all things?" Artoria asks Rin, who seems to know her counterpart, the Saber-class version of herself.

"Didn't you hear what our Father said?" Rin already accepts her current situation as she tries to figure out how in the world this gemstone she holding in her baby hands, contain so much [Prana], that put all the ones she owns in her previous life and her previous generations altogether, to shame. "He knows we're [Reincarnators], who was reborn into a new life and still kept our memories from our previous life. So, I guess the reason why our Father gave you that is that he thought you like it. Besides, our sister over there, Pyrrha."

"Hello, again." Pyrrha spoke up. As she currently holding a red teddy bear given to her Father.

"Can even confirm about this as she met our Father before she was reborn into this family." Rin said this, not noticing the way Pyrrha grim as she was forced to remember something unpleasant.

"I see." Artoria nods her tiny head, "By the way, should we do something about our... brothers over there?" Artoria looks over, where both half-brothers, Rock and Black are trying to learn how to stand up on their own without any assistance.

"I can do this! Standing up so early on as a kid is nothing before the great Black Star!" Black shouted, but came out as a baby scream instead for the adult.

"Right on, brother of mine! I'll stand before the day's end, and if I don't, I shall do 100 pushups!" Rock roar with excitement and begin following Black's example.

"Leave them alone. I don't want to go near those two." Rin glance at her brothers and shiver a little, because those two are too hyper for her comfort. "Also, I got the feeling, that everyone going to tease you more out of the rest of us."

"Why you say that?" Artoria asks Rin, not realizing she is in a lion costume.

"Uh, I got my reason." Rin replied as she continues to figure out the gemstone she has, not realizing that she and siblings are acting very abnormal for toddlers. Even more, compared to their older sisters.

-Ragna's POV-

"Ragna, is it alright for baby Rin to hold such a dangerous thing?" Serafall asks me, with a hint of concern once she felt the [Mana] inside the gemstone I gave to our baby girl something that could destroy a small mountain if the [Mana] inside is released.

"No worry, I made sure to place down multiple [Restrictions] on it." I gently grab the gemstone in baby Rin's hand, who tightens her grips, not allow me to take it away from her, as she puffs her cheeks, causing some of us to go 'aww' at this sight. Then decide to stop and let Rin keep it, who glare at me for daring to take it away from her, but in mine and my wives' eyes, baby Rin is pouting.

"Well, if you say so." Serafall still feels a bit uneasy with her precious baby girl playing with something so dangerous.

"You know, these two boys are really different compared to their older sisters when they were at their age." Esdeath said to everyone, as we watch Black and Rock continue trying to stand up, which should be impossible to do when they were just born not that long ago, even if they have accelerated growth to the age of one; furthermore, their older sisters took more time to do the same.

"Just wait until they enter [Wonderland]." Raven dreads when that happens, "They won't stop until we force them to." Raven shook her head, knowing who her Son was in his previous life.

"Good thing they only accelerate in their growth to the age of one or else we have to worry about kids entering their teenage stage at day one and we will have to deal with that." Esdeath chuckle at this, "Yet, I can't wait for it so I could deal with that problem personally." Esdeath grin coldly, causing all five toddlers to shiver and look at Esdeath all at the same time, which caused another shiver to occur.

"Oh, wait, I just realize something great with having these two as my Sons." I said to everyone, as an idea just struck me.

"What's that, hubby?" Serafall tilts her head, "Is it because they were powerful in their past lives and will easier become even stronger due to their past experience?"

"That and something more. I can teach Black and Rock my [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles] after teaching the [Martial Art Skills] that merged into the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles]. Though, I could teach both Gon and Killua too, but those two already in the stage of developing their own fighting style and adding mine would just cause them to break it down and merge it into their own fighting style instead of the opposite way." I nod my head once I realize this.

"What about Rin, Artoria, and Pyrrha?" Serafall asks me, as she raises baby Rin to me, where my Daughter looks at me, with hopeful eyes that I have something to train her with and going by her character sheet, baby Rin is eager to learn what this family she born into could do.

"Hm. I could go many ways with her. One of them is to help Rin here, to modify her [Jewel Magecraft] to use a different [Magic System] to remove the weakness of [Magecrafts]." I replied, where I see baby Rin's eyes light up with excitement. "Another one is to place down a list of [Magic Systems] she could learn from instead, completely abandon her [Jewel Magecraft]." And now, Rin glaring at me for even thinking such a thing. So, that option is out from what I can tell by the thoughts going through my Daughter's character sheet. "But, we just have to see in the future."

"What about little Artoria?" Gabriel hugs her baby girl close, but made sure to catch the stuffed meat on a bone toy whenever Artoria's grips become loose.

"Well, seeing how she already knows how to use a sword and a lance. I'm thinking about teaching how to use everything as a weapon." I answered Gabriel's question.

"[Pumba]?" Esdeath asks in Gabriel's place. "If so, it would take her decades to even master the basics."

"Eh, maybe. We'll see in the future." I shrug my shoulders as I continue to hold Pyrrha, as Ryun massage my shoulders, something I didn't ask, but she did it anyway. Not that I was complaining. "As for Pyrrha; well, I'm sure with her [Semblance: Polarity] alone would make her powerful. All she needs is training. Besides, I'm sure my little girls can become a master before they reach their 20. After all, their elder sisters are close to being a master of their own too."

"By the way, do you think the others doing fine without the rest of us?" Gabriel asks with a hint of concern, "I'm not looking down on them, but Repellista only has, Yuri, Alice, Ingui Yoon, and Daniela to help her out while there more kids for them to watch with just the five of them."

"They should be fine. After all, Yuri and Alice there to fight off anyone that stupid enough to want to fight those two. With Ingui Yoon and Daniela backing them up. I would be surprised if the enemy lasts for more than a couple of seconds." Esdeath replied to Gabriel's question, "If that isn't enough. The kids aren't weak themselves. Three of them are [Reincarnators]; therefore, they have the combat experience to back up on to face any leftover enemy that is lucky enough to bypass Yuri and Alice, especially with Alice while using her [Dao of Music]."

"Yet, if they somehow do get into a problem, where even Alice's [Dao of Music] can't solve right away." Ryun spoke up, but continue to give her god/husband a shoulder massage, "I'm sure Repellista will let us know if they need us. Then, we'll be there instantly to help them."

"That is true." Gabriel rests her chin on top of her baby girl's head.

"By the way, what are we going to do in this world again other than spending time with our family? I mean, we have other [Skills] beside combat, don't we?" Raven asks everyone. "I mean, I could bring the Yami over here to make another base, but I don't think that would be wise since they would aim to fight with anyone that would think for a second, that these mages are worth fighting. By the end, in most cases, the mages would be killed and the people begin labeling the Yami as a Dark Magic Guild or something. Other than leading a group of powerful martial artists and doing too much paperwork, I got nothing else I could do. And before anyone asks. No. I will not do any paperwork."

"Alright, you'll be in the group for taking care of the kids, as in the five babies here with us?" Esdeath asks Raven, who thought about it for a moment as she catches her Son from falling again, then carefully sat him down on his butt, which didn't last long. As Rock tries to get up again, to stand on his own two little legs.

"Hm. I never try the whole raising a child of my own before, so sure, plus I can do something my canon version should have done. Rise my own child instead of abandoning them." Raven smirk about how she did something better than her canon, again. Making this whole thing much more satisfying to her.

"I'm going to be with Raven on raising the kids, of course, if my god desire for me to do something else. I won't reject it." Ryun said to everyone, where she stops massaging my shoulder and wrap her left arm around my neck as she hugs me from behind while rubbing Pyrrha's head with her right hand.

"Don't worry, Ryun. I don't need you to do anything else besides taking care of our second child." I said to Ryun, who just smile filled with love.

"Hm. I could run for a spot on the Magic Council." Esdeath thought out loud, "Hey, Ragna. What are the conditions to join the Magic Council and gain leadership over it?"

"Eh?" I raise an eyebrow at this, but answer my wife's question anyway, "Going by the [Information Dimension] in this dimension we're in. The easiest, but hardest, way to join the Magic Council and becoming the Chairman. Just get the King of Fiore to give you the position. As to how you get him to do so, that depends on yourself. But, knowing you, Esdeath. Just legally and peacefully get some way to meet the King of Fiore and persuade the guy to give you the position. Shouldn't be that hard for you." I explained to Esdeath as I finish giving a gist of what she wanted.

"Heh, yeah, I think it will be an easy task for Esdeath alright." Raven snort in agreement, that this is the easiest, but the hardest as well; however, this is only hard for others but not for someone like Esdeath.

"Oh! I can take on my mantle as a magical girl and bring all hope and love for the people!" Serafall said cheerfully, as she spins around while holding baby Rin, who had a horrified look on her face. Something Serafall noticed right away and stop spinning in happiness, "What's wrong baby? Do you not want Mama to be a magical girl of hope and love?"

Baby Rin quickly shakes her head, or at least, the best she could do that come close to shaking her head, to tell her Mama, that she do not, absolutely do not want her Mama to be a magical girl.

"Okay, I will be something else, to make you look up to me!" Serafall didn't care about being a magical girl and more out of just wanting to mess around for the fun of it. Yet, she rather not have her baby to avoid her like a plague due to being one like how her little sister would be in public.

I chuckle at this, "Whatever you girls want to do, make sure you enjoy it at the very least. Since we're using this universe as a vacation resort for the family." I grin at everyone, "Though, I don't think joining the Magic Council would be stress-free in my opinion. Too much politic."

"Eh, it's more fun for me." Esdeath smile coldly, causing the babies to shiver again, "After all, I love it when I make people coward before me without me having to lay a hand on them. Also, it's so joyful that I could make people do things against their wills." Esdeath closes her eyes and already imagine all the kinds of stuff she can make others do in the name of politics. "Who knows, maybe I can break their minds slowly before they no longer useful."

"You do you, Esdeath. As long as you're happy." I said dully, as if I heard this more than once from my wife, same with the others, as they didn't even twitch from Esdeath's words, but the babies, on the other hand, are now looking at Esdeath with frightening gazes.

"Oh, I will." Esdeath whispers in delight, causing the temperature to lower for a few seconds before it returns to normal once Esdeath has a regular smirk back on her face, that is filled with pride and look down on many people, but at the same time, it is hidden from those that don't know her that well until the moment of truth reveal.

"We could go around helping people." Gabriel said to everyone, causing almost all the other wives to look at Gabriel, making the angel in question tilt her head, waiting for someone to say something.

"Go ahead. Just make sure not to be taken advantage of." I didn't care if Gabriel wants to be a good guy or a hero in some way. Better to have an angel like Gabriel do than me, who failed to 'save' Pyrrha's life before she became my Daughter.

"By the way, how long do we have to wait for the other to return? I'm curious about what timeline we're in from Erza. Sure, we could have Ragna just look into the [Information Dimension], but that would ruin the surprise for me." Raven asks everyone, as she held her Son, Rock after he tired himself out. Same with Esdeath, where she holding Black, who clearly out of breath.

"Can't you sense them coming here anytime soon, with [Heartforce]?" Serafall looks at Raven with a confused look on why she would ask this.

"As I said before, I don't want to ruin the surprise since I read about Erza's world before in the past and find it interesting. Also, because I'm too lazy to use [Heartforce] right now." Raven gives Serafall a lazy grin.

"You remind me of one of my friends from your laziness alone." Serafall comments while begins teasing her baby girl by trying to take the gemstone away again, with baby Rin doing her best not to lose the said gemstone.

"Does your friend finish all their works before lazying around?" Raven asks with a hint of curiosity because honestly, Raven barely met anyone from Serafall's side of friends and family, not out of lack of trying, but because she wanted to finish everything on hands so she could have more time to lazy around until her next job appear.

"Nope. He tries his best to push it off to someone else and if things become too serious, then he will take action. Of course, that doesn't mean he not paying attention to his surroundings in case of someone trying to do something they're not supposed to. Also, he strong as well." Serafall explained cheerfully, as she now rubbing her cheek with her baby girl's after finish playing around with her Daughter.

"Oh! I just remember something!" Gabriel shouted, "Ragna, I just remember there was something I was wondering if it was possible."

"Go ahead. I'm listening." I let Ryun take Pyrrha off my hands since I may need my hands for what Gabriel about to say to me.

"I would like your help to learn the [Dao of Heaven]. Where I could learn about what truly heaven is and wonder if such a thing is possible since Alice has her [Dao of Music] instead of [Dao of Sound]. This is what I want to be my [Dao] in the honor of my late Father." Gabriel gives me a beautiful smile, causing even people like Rock and Black to look at Gabriel in awe. Well, more like they are appreciated Gabriel's smile.

"Wait, is there such a thing?" Serafall asks me, where even the others are curious if this was possible. "If so, is there a [Dao of Hell] or something close to it?" Serafall's eyes light up, since if there heaven then there is a hell to go with it.

"I honestly have no idea, but I think it's possible; however, this is much, much, much more difficult compared to others since in most cases of the heavens related to cultivations are very ruthless and carry all the [Dao] of that universe. In fact, there is such a thing called the [Heavenly Dao], which contains all [Dao]." I look up at the ceiling, recalling all I can think of related to the [Dao of Heaven]. "As for the [Dao of Hell], this is a first or I haven't found one character, cultivating the [Dao of Hell] or something close to one."

"So neither is possible?" Gabriel looks a bit sad, that she won't be like her deceased Father.

"Never said that it was impossible." I replied instantly. "Just that it be difficult. That's all. I'm sure I could help the two of you out. In fact, I should be able to create a [Dao Skill] that's like the [Omega Sword Dao], but it would be extremely difficult for the two of you girls to gain insight into them." I explained to my two wives. "So, do the two of you really want to pick the [Dao of Heaven] and the [Dao of Hell]? I'm saying, this is a bit quick to decide, it has only been a day since we talk about what type of [Dao] you girls want to go into."

"Oh." Gabriel blinks her eyes, then begin to think real hard about this decision of hers, including Serafall as well. "So it's possible, but will be a lot harder." Gabriel mumbles out her thoughts.

"Actually, Ragna. Don't you already have a [Skill] made in your books? I'm pretty sure somewhere in those books you wrote down the ideas for your new [Skills] should be something on the line of the [Dao of Heaven] and the [Dao of Hell]." Esdeath reminds me of my books I wrote down the [Skills] I may want in the future.

"Oh yeah, give me a moment. To check." I bring out the said book via [Gate of Babylon] and begin searching.

"While Ragna here starts her searches, how about the rest of us talk about what we should do to raise our children or do the same as with Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza." Esdeath said to the others.

A few hours later*

"Okay, I got it." I spoke up, as I finally found the one I wrote down years ago and forgot about it. I bring up status windows for my wives to see what I got for Gabriel and Serafall.

[The Heavenly Dao Scholar] - Passive/Active -

Description: Pursue the [Dao] is to comprehend the truth of the Heavens. Where one's flesh and soul can decay and disappear from the world. The mind, however, can live forever and break open the cage known as the concept of life and death. Many can cultivate to defy the Heavens, but [The Heavenly Dao Scholar] comprehend the heavens. That is also defying the heavens.

1st Effect: Gain the ability to comprehend the Heavens.

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Heavenly Dao Creation Techniques].

[Jigoku Tsushin] - Passive/Active -

Description: The [Hell Link] or [Hell Correspondence] is the medium of contracting the user for requesting their service. Once the [Hell Link] is accessed and a request is sent. The user decides whether they would accept the request or not based on the requester's [Karma]. If the user accepts the request, the user will appear to the person who requested the user's service and will form a contract with the requester, for the target to be sent to Hell and the requester will be sent to Hell too as the price, but only after death.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Karma Detection Mastery].

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Spacetime Teleportation Mastery].

3rd Effect: Gain access to [Hell Medium Creation].

3rd Effect's Requirement: The [Hell Medium] must be something easy for others to use.

4th Effect: Gain access to [Sender To Hell] - Able to send the target to a [Personal Hell] for eternity.

4th Effect's Requirement: Will only work with [Hell Medium] made from the 3rd Effect.

"Okay, I just want to say, that this is the closest I could find unless you two want me to personally use [Bypass Restrictions] to actually create the [Dao of Heaven] and the [Dao of Hell], which could end being literally anything." I said to both Gabriel and Serafall.

"I'm going out of my way, to say that going with either would be very painful and could likely change who you are forever." Esdeath said to both Gabriel and Serafall, as she begins to give out examples of what results they would end up in by picking these two [Dao].

"Hm, I guess it is my nature to want to get the [Dao of Hell]." Serafall giggles as she realizes how dangerous it could be by studying the [Dao of Hell] and the untold horror it could bring, to herself and others. Mostly herself in the beginning. "That reminds me, maybe it's the habit I made to always compete with Gabriel. Yeah, it's fine, hubby. I will take that [Skill]. In fact, maybe by using this for a while I can figure out what kind of [Dao] I should aim for instead of continuing following my devil instinct."

"I was hoping to follow my deceased Father, but I guess it's better I choose something for myself instead." Gabriel gives everyone a sad smile, but wasn't completely bother about this. "Husband, I decide not to take this [Skill]. I will continue to think about what [Dao] I want to pick. You can give this [Skill] to someone else who wants it."

"Alright." I nod my head at my wives, then import the [Skill: Jigoku Tsushin] to Serafall via [Bypass Restrictions]. Then, toss my book into the [Gate of Babylon]. Though, I didn't really check all the books, where I wrote down the [Skills] I have desired to get at some point in the future. But, I rather not go through all of them as they will take me forever to look for the right one and I may end up forgetting which one I have read and which one I haven't yet.

"Huh, this is something I did not expect." Serafall said in dumbfounded, "This [Skill] has so much knowledge, that I felt like I study about it for all my life. Is this what everyone else felt whenever hubby give out [Skills] to others?" Serafall asks the other wives.

"Yup." Esdeath said to me, "Anyway, anyone got any ideas what we could do for fun with the kids, both the babies and the teenager ones? I rather not sit around doing almost nothing."

"We could see our babies' reaction to things we show." Raven said to Esdeath, "Like so." Raven took a black teddy bear and use her [Heartforce] to control it like a puppet, where she made the teddy bear perform a series of punches and kicks, even doing a couple of flips, causing the toddlers to look at the teddy bear in awe.

Even Pyrrha looking at her own teddy bear, wondering if it could move on its own.

"Well, I know what we can do for the time being." Esdeath grin, as she had a sudden idea. Leading for the others to wonder what that is.