Chapter 87: Just Be Cautious, That's All

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 87: Just Be Cautious, That's All

A few hours later*

Year 27: Day 121: Why? Just Why?! Part 3

-Babies' POV-

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

"Damn it, Alice! Stop grabbing from my side!" Mother Raven shouted as she uses her silver knife to block Mother Alice's silver fork from stealing her food.

"So good!" Killua shouted, "I forgot how delicious Mother Esdeath's food are!" Then, quickly increase his eating pace due to everyone else is devouring the feast like there is an eating contest going on.

"Hey! That was mine!" Alluka shouted at someone, who just took one of the food near her area.

"Must be really good." Artoria drools as everyone eating all these delicious foods before her eyes. Yet, fate was cruel as she and her siblings that just born are not even allowed to eat a single piece. Not because they weren't physically old enough to eat solid food, but because of all of these foods contain something that would drive her and her siblings into madness. Therefore, she and the others were told they will have to start off eating foods made by normal mortals. Before slowly going up until they are finally allowed to eat the foods made by Mother Esdeath.

"This is so cruel!" Rin cried out, as she wanted a bite, just a single bite would do, but even her own birth Mother denied her, even when she begged for just a bite. Rin beg! Even cried! Nothing worked to persuade her birth Mother or anyone else to let her have a taste of the massive feast before her eyes.

"I'm kind of fine with what we have. It's just that we have to wait until then." Pyrrha said to Artoria and Rin, as she enjoys the banana muffin given by her Father. "Plus, what we have is good enough for me."

"Yeah, these are good." Black munch on a blueberry muffin, "Besides, it's not like we won't eat them later. May as well take this time to train!" Black finishes his muffin and begins his training aka learning how to stand on his own two little feet without losing balance every few seconds, with the current record of being able to stand still for 5 seconds.

"Not again." Mother Esdeath sighed, as she instantly noticed her Son beginning his so-called training. "You know what." Mother Esdeath points her left palm at her Son, then he drops on the ground snoring. "There. I will wake him up after this."

"My brother!" Rock shouted, "Why are you asleep?! We must continue-" And he was cut off as he falls on the ground asleep like his brother. As to how; well, Mother Raven is the one that puts him to sleep similar to how Mother Esdeath did with Black.

"I think it's best for us just to enjoy what's given to us." Artoria mumble to Rin, then picks up her muffin to eat while at the same time continue to glance over the feast just next to her. This must be some kind of cruel punishment for what she must have done in her past life.

An hour later*

-Ragna's POV-

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House: Frontyard)

"I say it again and will in the future, but man, Esdeath your food is to die for." I rub my stuff stomach as we just finished eating a feast, wherein most people's eyes, it's a feast for an army. But, for us, it's just a decent size for a daily meal.

"Thanks for the compliment, Ragna." Esdeath said to me, as she sat next to me on the front porch as we watch the others training a bit, with the adults helping the kids of the family on how to fight in the most efficient way. Well, more brutal. Even Gabriel is showing Erza how to wield a spear, to kill in a single thrust with precision and being aware of one's surroundings. Yeah, after the countless takeover, Gabriel became much more ruthless when it comes to fighting.

"Shouldn't this be a good time to ask Erza to find out what timeline we're in?" Serafall asks everyone that's not training while hugging her baby girl, who is currently looking at everyone training in shock.

"Maybe." Alice didn't want to talk too much at the moment, as she laying next to Raven and relax for a couple of minutes. "By the way, should we be concerned about Erza trying to pull a fast one on us to 'save' her friends in this dimension and so on, in the name of the greater good or something on that line?"

"Eh, I say we let her. We're on break for the time being and nothing in this dimension could harm us; well, other than maybe [Curse Magic]. No clue if we're completely immune to it." Raven replied to Alice's question. "Actually, do we even have a list of things that could fatally kill or at least seal us away for who knows how long?" Raven look at her husband since he the one that has more knowledge over this due to his massive amount of [Skills].

"Oh, definitely. I just use [Rejection] to make sure it doesn't happen. I even made sure to merge a few powerful [Restrictions] onto everyone's clothes to turn them into something like an armor against supernatural abilities." I rub my chin with my right hand while using my left hand to hold Artoria, who looking at the training in awe and eager to attend it herself, but was prevented from doing so. "Actually, I could have sworn I wrote a few books about this subject somewhere in my [Gate of Babylon] in my free time."

All my wives, including the adults of the family, gain a sudden interest upon hearing this.

"Ah, here it is." I pull out a brown journal, with a picture of the Fairy Tail's Guild Symbol. "This is what we need to be concerned about anything related to the Fairy Tail universe." I toss it over to Raven, who easily caught it with one hand. "And this one for the multiverse." I pull out another book, which Esdeath directly took from my hand the moment I finished my words.

"I'll be reading this one first." Esdeath said to everyone, when most of the people stared at the book in Esdeath's hands, but knew to wait as only a selected people could command Esdeath to do something.

I got up from my seat, then head over to the kids that are training while holding Artoria still. Of course, this would be very dangerous, but I can easily protect my Daughter without any problems.

"Hey, Gabriel, you mind letting me talk with Erza for a bit?" I asked Gabriel, who is the one currently training Erza, where Kaori being trained under Ryun; Chifuyu with Yuri and the rest of the kids being Killua and Gon under Daniela and Ingui Yoon.

"I don't mind, husband. Erza, we'll take this time for a small break and get right back into training afterward." Gabriel smile at me, then at Erza, who just nods her head tiredly and grateful for the small break.

As Erza almost had the eager to puke up the food she ate. Something she has no desire to happen. And secretly, Erza wonders if all angels are this strict in training or it just Mother Gabriel only.

"Now, did you figure out what timeline we're in when you head into Town?" I ask Erza, ignoring the way Artoria trying to look at the other training, but couldn't due to the others are training in the other directions and with me having my back turn to them, forcingly preventing Artoria from watching as well.

"Hm." Erza thinks about it for a moment, to recall what she gathered today and should have told her family by the time she and the others return, but was distracted by the sight of Mother Esdeath's foods, especially the strawberry slice of cake. "From what I heard and question around before heading to the Fairy Tail's Guild Building. I learned, that we have arrived a year after the disappearance of Tenrou Island that is supposedly destroyed by Acnologia. Also, an old comrade of mine or at least the parallel version, Macao Conbolt, just recently became the Fourth Guild Master. A week ago to be exact."

"So we got around 6 years before your parallel self in this dimension and the rest of the Fairy Tail Mages that are on Tenrou Island be unsealed and return into the world." I thought about what to do with this information, then glance at my Daughter, Erza, who looking at me with hopeful looks, where I see on her character sheet. She hoping for me to free her parallel friends by unsealing the Tenrou Island and allow those on the island back into the world ahead of time. "Well, time to resume your training Erza." I smile at my Daughter, who pouts at me, because she knew that I knew what she wanted.

"Come on along Erza, I got a special [Spear Technique] I want to teach you." Gabriel places a hand on Erza's shoulder and leads her away. "And while we train, you can tell me what's on your mind. If it makes you feel better, I will try my best to speak with your Father about it."

This made Erza look at Mother Gabriel, who gives her a gentle smile, "Really?"

"Of course, but between you and me. I think he just wants you to speak what's on your mind instead of letting him find it out himself, because he already does that with the others, including myself, and I bet he doesn't want to do the same with his kids." Gabriel explains to Erza about how the way their husband/Father treat a certain group of the family differently.

Erza blinks her eyes, thinking about Mother Gabriel's words and wonder if that's true, then glance over her Father, who is playing with her little sister. This gave Erza some thinking and will need to speak about this with Kaori and Chifuyu later.

The next day*

Year 27: Day 122: What's Your Desire?

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

"Okay, seeing how everyone is getting used to this place. Anyone wishing to leave to travel?" I ask everyone, "Because if so, remember, there are certain rules needed to be followed or you're not allowed to leave."

During the morning after breakfast. Kaori and Chifuyu leading by Erza have asked me for permission to leave the family to travel on their own or more like Erza wishes, with the help of her sisters, to travel around to figure on their own ways, to free the Fairy Tail Mages sealed away on the Tenrou Island ahead of schedule.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I want to travel!" Gon shouted in excitement, causing some of us to snort at how hyper he is, to see new things. "Killua and I wanted to take this chance to travel around as training when it's time for us to enter a similar world to ours in the future."

"That's smart of you, Gon." Gabriel smiled at her adopted Son, who grinned sheepishly.

"It was my idea." Killua said casually, causing Gon to let out a laugh while rubbing the backing of his head.

"Oh! Well, I hope you make sure Gon doesn't cause too many problems." Gabriel smiled at Killua this time, causing him to blush a little and mumble he'll do his best to make sure to keep Gon from making problems for the family.

"Little Asia. Alluka. Either the of you girls want to travel or stay home?" Serafall asks the two, "We won't force you nor would anyone else will. It's fine if you stick around, even I will stick around for a while to raise Rin." Serafall smiled as she rubs her cheek with a frustrated baby Rin, who clearly didn't like not having the ability to stop this.

"And now for the rules." I spoke up, causing the kids to focus their attention on me, including the adults as well. "Here the list." I took out a piece of paper and use [Ninjutsu] to make it so everyone can see it like they holding it themselves and reading it before their eyes.

Family Traveling's Rules:

1. Never travel alone. (That means you, Erza).

2. Always return at the weekend for a family gathering. (Will teleport everyone back to home and will teleport back to your previous location).

3. Always checks if the person you speak outside of the family is trustworthy.

4. Never underestimate anyone. Ever.

5. Never reveal what the family truly is. (This means, do not reveal about the multiverse and us being outsiders of this universe).

6. When fighting an enemy that aims to kill you. (DO NOT GIVE THEM A SECOND CHANCE).

7. Do not share anything related to the family to the natives until given permission to.

Everyone reads the rules I put down, where I even have more other rules, but that would take forever for everyone to read; well, the kids will take a longer time while my wives can for a bit longer until they burn the papers that have the rules on them for making them wasting so much time reading all the rules.

"Quick question." Erza spoke up first among the rest of her siblings that about to travel, "How do we check if the person we speak outside of the family is trustworthy?" This question alone made almost everyone curious about how does one check.

"There two ways to do this." I bring out a sharp knife, that frightens smoking for some reason and filled with cracks on the flat size, where it look like a human's veins. Pulsing every few seconds. "You can stab them with this, where it will force them to speak the truth, and only the FULL truth, no lies, no half-truth. Just complete, plain full truth."

[Seeker of Truth] - Rank: D+ - Durability: 1000/1000 - ATK: 3

Description: A [Magical Artifact] that forces the target stabbed with this knife to reveal the truths, the FULL truth, without trying to hide anything. If it's related to the truth, then it will be spoken, even without asking about it.

1st Effect: [Maximum Truth Revealer] - Anything with intelligence stabbed will answer with absolute truth when question.

I share the info on the [Seeker of Truth] for everyone to see, not including the babies since they don't need to read about it, not that they won't know anything about it since I just explained what it does.

"And the second option?" Erza leans back, trying her best not get stabbed by the [Seeker of Truth]. Nor does she has any desire to stab someone else with it, but she got a feeling some of her siblings are willing to use it.

"How does one feel having their limbs chop off, including partial cutting the head off from the torso, and live like that for the rest of their life?" I blink at Erza, who pale instantly, including some of the others as well.

"Knife please." Erza easily chooses the lesser evil, at the very least, she can explain the best of her ability and hope others don't get offended by this. Oh, who is she kidding, even she will be offended if someone used this on her and would outright attack the one that did the stabbing. Nevertheless, better than having to deal with living limbless and barely having one's head attached. Erza doesn't know how, but just know it's possible whenever her Father is in the picture.

"Good choice. Now, I don't have to put some of my time aside to kidnap the people you meet and make sure they trustworthy enough not to cause any harm to you in any way." I smirk at how Erza facepalms at this, but secretly, I didn't have to kidnap and just need to read their character sheet, then let my kids know after a few minutes later after they no longer in the area near the target.

"Huh, I did not think I would be one of the leaders in the [Evil Faction]." Esdeath thought out loud, as she continues to read the book on the multiverse, that's mainly what we should not do most of the time, where it even includes who we should watch out for. And it looks like Esdeath found a counterpart of herself among the [Evil Faction].

"Yup, there many of us, including myself, are among the three factions. Wouldn't be a shock if we were to face an alternate version of myself, who became a hero of justice or something. But, weaker, since there can't be any copy among the True Gamers that are allowed to travel the multiverse. If there were, then I would be very concerned than usual when facing the three factions." I said to Esdeath, while at the same time just revealed big shocking news to the kids, where the adults weren't that surprised at this news at this point and already have some ideas of this being true or not in the past.

Therefore, upon finding this out, the adults just nod their heads, understanding, that will be in the future of facing their counterparts, something Raven already has done.

"Huh, that reminds me of my alternate self in Edolas." Erza thought out loud, then pale upon realizing that there is a more evil version of Mother Esdeath out there and she among the leaders of the [Evil Faction] too.

"Before any of you kids ask if there are more powerful versions of your Mothers; well, I would say no and yes. Mostly no as long none of you, kids enter their universe. No, because all your Mothers are unique and can't be copied at all. In fact, even if we enter a universe that could create a parallel version of ourselves. It won't with me in it due to my status as [The Broken Player] and True Gamer. All True Gamers can't have a parallel version of themselves in the multiverse, as parallel True Gamers, non-Gamers, yes. In fact, new restrictions have been forming in the multiverse, where your Mothers' counterparts can no longer leave their universes or the one they're in. Same with mine." I explained to the kids, including the adults since they don't know about this information; well, until they read the book Esdeath have currently. "Now, back to the previous topic." I gave Killua a [Seeker of Truth] as well, which I made many since they are useful.

"Don't worry, Pop. I'll make sure to use the [Seeker of Truth] often." Killua said to me, as he put away the knife by attaching it on the back of his waist. Then, glancing over at Gon. "Yeah, often..."

"Hmm, if I didn't have a Son to watch over, I would travel around myself. Oh, hey." Raven noticed something in the book she reading, "I did not expect that we need to avoid breaking the [Eclipse Gate], which is a [Magic Item] created and used by combining [Celestial Spirit Magic] and a certain [Magic] from the [Books of Zeref], to enable people to travel through time when the sun and moon intersect in a Solar or Lunar Eclipse. In fact, we need to avoid the area completely."

"We have a [Time-Travel Magical Item] here?" Chifuyu asks in dumbfounded, "Because I did not expect time-travel is a thing here or it one those false time-travels and just create a new parallel dimension you've told us before, Father?"

"It's real time-travel, but come with heavy requirements to use it. If you miss any one of the requirements. It won't work at all." Raven informs Chifuyu and anyone else that's curious about the [Eclipse Gate]. "However, in this book, Ragna has written down. It's the latter for us if we go near it. Because in the new parallel dimension, we'll be completely split off from the rest in this dimension."

"Oh." Chifuyu realized that she must read the book in Mother Raven's hands before leaving or else she and her siblings may end up in a completely new parallel dimension from this one without realizing it.

"This reminds me of the [Vongola Rings]' rumor, where it has the ability to travel down the [Vertical Space-Time Axis], which means the Vongola of the previous generations can be passed down directly from the past to the future." Daniela said to everyone, then look at the [Sky Vongola Ring] attach to her right middle finger.

"Oh, it's true." I said to Daniela, who look at me blankly, "What I mean is, that you can draw out your previous generations' [Skills] and learn from them, in fact, the [Vongola Rings] allows the true owners to communicate with their predecessors, whose wills have been sealed in the rings."

"How come am I knowing this just now? Wait." Daniela lets out a frustrated sigh, "It's because I never asked about anything related to the [Vongola Rings] in that matter, isn't it?"


"Knew it." Daniela shook her head, "I'll deal with this later."

Ingui Yoon pat Daniela's back in comfort, knowing how their teacher is and they forgot one of the main important things, that deal with their teacher. Always ask what's on your mind, no matter what, even if it's just something simple. Chance are, their teacher will answer, and if not, he will explain why he won't answer the question.

"Anyway, today, you kids will face your old man." I ignore the horrifying looks on the kids' faces, "And don't worry, I'll hold back a lot. In fact." I hand Artoria over to Gabriel, then move a bit further away from the log house and made a circle on the ground, with a radius of 10 meters. "I'll stay in this circle. As long as someone manages to make me move out of this circle I'm currently in. I'll make it my loss. To make it even fairer for everyone. I won't even use anything, but a bow and a limited amount of arrows."

I took out a specially made bow, that I made last night for non-lethal.

[Tora-Longbow] - Rank: A+ - Durability: 10000/10000 - ATK: 0

Description: This a special crafted [Longbow] and has numerous [Restrictions - Rank: Abstract] infused into it. Making this [Longbow] unique, wherein many normal situations in battle completely useless. But, at the same time, make things more difficult for the enemy. For this bow is just meant to torture the target without giving them the sweet release of death. It has a tiger strap on the handle. A [Demonic Longbow] that will not rest until it tastes blood.

1st Effect: [Give Me Blood!] - Anything fired off from this [Longbow] would lead to the target hit by it be extremely in pain no matter what. The more the same target gets hit, the more the target feels in pain until blood is shed, but the pain continues to increase no matter how much blood is loss.

2nd Effect: [No Death Here!] - Prevent the target from dying at all cost, by making all 'arrows' used by this [Longbow] cause no death to the target no matter what.

"And don't worry, with this bow here. No one will die, not that I'll allow it." I said to everyone, mostly towards the kids while the adult has a wry smile on their faces. "I'll limit myself to 100 arrows and the moment I used up 100 arrows. It's my win." I've already thought of good motivation for the kids to do this. "As for why I'm doing this; well, I got to make sure you kids don't slack off your training and to make sure you don't. Every weekend, those that traveling will face me like this. And to motivate you kids, I'll promise that if I lose, then all of you can think of one wish to ask, within reasons, and it's a group wish. So no personal wish. Therefore, you kids will have to talk about it among yourselves to think about the wish you want from me. Remember, it could be anything, but within reasons."

"Quick question about the whole group wish. But, can we save those wishes and stack them up for later?" Chifuyu asks me, causing her siblings, or most of them, to understand in this way, everyone could get a 'personal' wish. Theoretically, that is. As long as their Father agreed to this whole idea.

I smirk at Chifuyu, where I knew what she planning, "Sure, why not." But, the thing is. They got to win this little challenge of mine to even get their wishes, let alone stacking them up.

The kids became excited upon hearing this; gathering around, the one that leading the group is Killua and Erza, with the former knowing [Assassination Skills] and among other things taught to him by the family over the years, even if it's just for a short time, like a year and not in a supernatural universe, but it was plenty enough for someone like Killua. While the latter has the experience of leading due to being a Guild Master before in her past life and among other things that made her into a leader, even if it's just for a short moment most of the time.

My wives, and the other adults, knew this right away and can definitely say, that the kids will have a hard time even getting one wish let alone wanting to stack up their 'wishes' for each of them to have their own wish to be granted.

"Now, the rules are, that I can't move from this circle and you kids need to make me move out of it to win while it's my win if I were to use up 100 arrows, and don't worry, I will make sure not to shoot all 100 arrows in such a little time, so do plan things carefully. You have 10 minutes to plan before I shoot the first arrow." I said to the kids, where they've already begun planning everything, to make this work.