Chapter 89: Checking And It's Good!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 89: Checking And It's Good!

The next day*

Year 27: Day 130: The Beginning of The Travel

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

I did a couple of spin kicks, to gather momentum before releasing it all into the ground, causing it to crack. With a twist of the left foot used to stomp on the ground, where it caused the crack to spread and became deeper.

I throw a left palm strike to forward, causing the air to make a loud pop sound.

While performing a set of the basic kata of the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles], that's mainly used for increasing one's body without any downsides and could be used in combat. This is something I came up with for the kids to learn, even the adults could learn it if they remember all of it. But, I can tell by their character sheets. Not all of them could memorize all of it.

The only ones that remember 100% of just the basic kata set are Esdeath, Yuri, Raven, Ingui Yoon, and Chifuyu. The rest either got too confused with the way I move or begin to feel a little faint due to the basic kata of the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles] include of playing tricks on the enemies' eyes, making them seeing things, along with disturbing ones' center balance slowly and/or fast to the point, where one will long to be put under the control of the user of the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles] through the whole fight.

Well, theoretically that is, if one has mastered the basic kata set and has the combat experience in using them.

In fact, the basic kata set of the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles] includes aerial combat. So yeah, this is the most mention from everyone's character sheets that cause their problems from trying to learn the entire basic kata set.

I finish off by dragging my right heel against the ground into an arc, where dust picked up and punch with my right fist while rotating it, causing a vortex to form around my arm and forcing the dust to draw into a mini-tornado, soaring forward and slam into a few trees. Some of the trees broke down and other uproot from their spots, knocking against other trees in the process.

"Okay, that is the 5th time I've done. Do I need to do it again, for those that still have a problem remembering?" I ask everyone, where this what I'm teaching the kids to train in during their travels.

"Uh." Alice raises a finger up before it was pushed down by Raven, who clearly did not want to watch their husband go through the basic kata set again, not because it's boring.

No, for Raven, she can tell that some of the others are about to faint, with both Erza and Gon already fainted from the 2nd round of basic kata set being performed midway.

"We're good, for those that haven't. Well, they'll come to you when they can." Raven said to her husband, "In fact, it's time for the kids to leave. So let's gather the things they'll need to survive without us." Not that they haven't already back in the home universe, but in that universe. There were people to look after them, so technically, this shall be their first time, not really, to be independent of the family.

"Right." I nod my head, then glance over my kids, the ones that fainted, and use [Rejection] to wake them up. "Okay, today is the day, for your travels."

The kids, Erza and Gon, begin to become excited, as the time has finally come to them, to travel without the adults of the family always watching over them. Therefore, they get to decide what they can and can't do. Yet, the smart ones knew that the adults will still watch over them. For example, each of the kids gets a [Lighthouse] to contact the family, but who to say, that their Aunt Repellista isn't watching over them through these [Lighthouses].

A few minutes later*

"Now, let's do a quick check to see if everyone got what is given to them!" Gabriel said with excitement, for she wants to see the children enjoy their travel to the fullest or close to one.


"Got it." Kaori spoke up for the group once all of them checked together. Even though, the girls and boys will split later.


"Right here."

"Survival kits?"

"Here and checked if all of them inside."

"Sleeping bag?"


"A copy of the guidebook for what not to do?"

"Here." Kaori and the rest held up the books before putting it back into their backpack, which is enchanted to be similar to a [Bag of Holding], as in a pocket dimension inside.


"Can't lose that, so here."

Gabriel ignores someone grumbling about each of them required to have a [Lighthouse], and continue to mark down on the list of the things the kids should have for their travel.

"And lastly, pack of spare clothes?" Gabriel paused for a moment, to check if she read it correctly, and yes, it does say on the list, for a pack of spare clothes.

"Uh, I think I have Erza by mistake, because I'm pretty sure, for one, I don't wear a skirt at all." Killua spoke up, taking out of his backpack, where he held up a skirt, which leads to Erza growling at Killua and snatches it out of his hand, including the backpack.

Quickly, the kids begin to search everything in the backpack to tell who is who until a few minutes later. Everyone got their right backpacks, stopping a misunderstanding and big mistake later on.

"Well, everything looks good so far. Anyone else got to include?" Gabriel looks at the other adults.

"Sorry, kind of have my hands full at the moment." Esdeath didn't really pay much attention to the kids going on their travel as she currently busy taking care of both Black and Rock.

"Nah, I'm good." Yuri replied.

"I can't think of anything else." Ryun is currently trying her best to feed her little precious without causing any food to spill on her teddy bear.

Alice didn't say anything, or more like this is one of those questions not meant to be answered by her.

Raven just fell asleep just a few minutes ago, with earmuff on, so no one going to get any response from her any time soon unless someone brave and strong enough to wake her up, leading to a beat down. Plus, she took care of the two troublemakers aka Black and Rock just an hour ago and around six hours by herself. So, she deserves this nap and anyone says otherwise will have sword through the neck.

"What? I wasn't paying attention at the time." Serafall said to Gabriel as she was busy playing around with her baby girl, Rin together with Artoria, where the latter is trying her best to not show how annoyed she is due to having her cheeks pitch and poke by Serafall, but failing as she begins fighting back. As in, Artoria tried to bite Serafall's fingers for a while now. Yet, Artoria missed the entire time.

"I take that as a no for everyone." Gabriel said mostly to herself. Not bother to wait for her husband to say anything. After all, he was the one who wrote this list and Gabriel don't have anything else to add herself. "Well, you kids are good to go. Leave whenever." Gabriel tries not to tear up, to see the children leave for their journey.

"We'll do our best to come back here!" Erza shouted to everyone before charging north without waiting for Kaori and Chifuyu to catch up, causing the latter two to scowl at this and quickly follow after their troublesome sister.

"Come on, Killua! Adventure awaits for us!" Gon yelled to Killua, as he begins running the opposite direction of where the girls went.

"Alright. Alright. No need to rush, we got enough spare time." Killua waves back at his family while running next to Gon, who wave back as well.

"And there they go." I said to everyone, "Alright, Esdeath. Hand those two over. So you can get a head start on becoming the leader of the Magic Council." I reach over for my two Sons, where these two are pretty much a handful, and much harder to take care of compared to their older sisters.

"Sure." Esdeath didn't hesitate to give the duty of babysitting over to her husband, nor does she envy him taking care of the two. Then, she takes out the books she needs to study on how to become the leader of the Magic Council, along with the rules. Who knows, where maybe among the rules she could use to her advantage. Then thought about if she should do this on the front porch and quickly change that by bringing out a table, with an umbrella attach in the middle and a chair for her to sit.

Quickly, Esdeath places all the books on the table, then pause for a moment if she missing anything before she brings out a cup of ice coffee in case she needs it or just thirsty.

"Ryun! Gabriel! Come help me out, I want to work on my [Dao of Deception]." Serafall changed her tone of voice in the middle of speaking, where it was an excited tone before switching over to a calm and business-like voice for an important meeting. As she passes her baby girl over to Yuri and Artoria to Ingui Yoon.

"Alright." Ryun shrugs her shoulders, not minding helping Serafall out.

"Sure thing." Gabriel is happy to help others out, and move a bit further away from the log house and just a couple meters away in an open area, where others could watch the plays about to begin, with just the three of them alone.

Now, that almost all my wives are busy. I have both Black and Rock to take care of, where Pyrrha is being taken care of by Alice. Repellista is available for whoever needs help, and when not in need of helping someone, she would be watching over the kids that are traveling. Like right now.

Of course, there little Asia and Alluka, both of them would gladly help out watching their younger siblings. But right now, they are being trained by Daniela herself in fitness and body endurance training.

"Now, what to do, with you two." I thought out loud, as I look at my two Sons, both trying to stand on their two legs. Again. Something I dread for them to be able to do soon, because if they do finally manage to walk and run, on their own two legs. The trouble they could cause would be bigger than what could do as they are right now.

"You could always just let them continue to practice standing on their two legs until they exhaust themselves. Easier to take care of them afterward." Alice gave a piece of advice, but even she doesn't believe her own advice since with both Black and Rock somehow recovery back their stamina within a few minutes before going at it again for almost half an hour once more.

"We could give them something else, to distract them. That's what most of the people do when raising my little brother at the time when he was growing up." Ingui Yoon spoke up softly, causing Yuri, Alice and me to look at her, which lead to Ingui Yoon staring back.

"That could work, I mean, look at the girls. They're not causing any problems." Alice point at Pyrrha, Rin, and Artoria, all three pretty much quietly, then again, Rin too busy, and still is, trying to figure how the gemstone work. Pyrrha just enjoying her new life and hugging her teddy bear. Artoria doing the same, but with her meat on a bone stuffed toy or more like she trying to hold it in a way to bash someone's head with it.

"And pray tell, what could we give to these two, to keep them from making problems for others?" I tried not to play favorites, but honestly, Black and Rock just make it a bit harder on their case. Not even Erza was that much of a problem and I was wrong about Pyrrha by thinking she would be another Erza, but so far, not once she even mentions trying to convert the family into the good guys or something more of a hero like with Erza.

Ingui Yoon begins to think for a couple of minutes, where Alice and I waited quietly. And the only sound could be both Ryun, Gabriel, and Serafall doing some kind of role-play of a police interrogation a criminal, with Serafall being the criminal, where both Ryun and Gabriel being the polices. Other than those three, there Daniela giving a lecture to both Alluka and little Asia.

"We could let them watch anime or a movie, to let them focus on that for a while." Ingui Yoon finally thought of something, "I would have offered what the tutors did for my little brother, but he wasn't like these two." Ingui Yoon thought about stopping here, but that would sound rude from her. "My little brother at the beginning wasn't so much active compared to Black and Rock." There, this shouldn't make it sound rude like before in Ingui Yoon's mind.

"Oh! I know what to do." I quickly snatch my two Sons off the ground, causing them to whine, which I ignore and rush into the log house.

Yuri, Alice, and Ingui Yoon stare at each other before picking up the toddlers and go inside as well.

A few minutes later*

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

"Let's see. Which one should I play first?" I mumble to myself, where I'm deciding which anime to put on for the kids to watch. Since I just finished making a flat-screen TV and many small bean bag chairs for the babies to sit in. Now, I just need to pick out of all the countless anime I have in my [Gate of Babylon].

I glance over to the kids, where Black is making lots of baby sound and on his character sheet, he wanted me to play something with him in it and among other things.

Over to Rock's character sheet, he just wants to see anything youthful and/or ninja.

For Pyrrha and Rin, these two didn't care, where the latter is more of glaring at the TV like it's her worst enemy with the ways she tries to hiss at it.

Artoria is already taking her nap while chewing on her stuffed toy.

"I know what to play." I knew this would come to bite me in the butt later on, but I can't pass up the chance of rewatching One Punch Man.

"Hope it's something good." Alice said to me, as she opens a new bag of chips to snack on and made sure to make herself comfortable as the show begin.

40 minutes later*

-Kids' POV-

"HOW?! JUST HOW IN THE WORLD COULD SOMEONE BE THAT STRONG?! AND HOW IN THE WORLD DID HE END UP BALD FROM JUST TRAINING FOR THREE YEARS?!" Rin shouted in shock after finish watching episode 1 of One Punch Man, and at this point, Rin could say that this Saitama if was ever summoned as a servant during the [Holy Grail War]. Well, there won't be a war, but a slaughter with this guy in it!

"I bet I could take him on when I was at my prime." Black said in an arrogant voice. Believing that he could and would defeat Saitama in battle alone.

"He is very youthful! I shall have to increase my training even further to even catch up to Saitama's youthful strength!" Rock roar with fire in his eyes of determination after watching Saitama defeating his foes with only one punch, something so youthful and Rock desire to be like him one day.

Artoria snore, as she continues with her nap, not realizing she missing out on something big and funny at the same time.

Pyrrha's mouth opens in disbelief and realizes, that maybe at some point, she and the rest of her family may meet this Saitama. At this point, Pyrrha wonders what would her world be like if there were someone with Saitama's strength existed in there.

-Ragna's POV-

"I'm a little curious, but what could Saitama [Tier - Entity] be at?" Yuri asks me.

"At least, [Tier 3 - Entity] and [Tier 5 - Entity] at best, going by how strong Saitama is against the people in his world. Okay, next episode." I begin the episode 2, causing the kids to quiet down.

"Before you begin, Ragna. I got a quick question for you." Yuri said to me, causing me to pause from hitting the play button.

"What is it? Oh, and hold that thought for a second." I blink and look to my left, as something caught my attention. "Here the remote, I'll be back." I gave the remote control over to Ingui Yoon, then disappear before anyone could say anything, then appear above my log house, with [Tora-Longbow] in my left hand and a regular wooden arrow in my right.

Straight toward the west around 50 miles away; there is a giant lizard heading here and it will be here around half an hour with the rate of speed it going at. So, I fired an arrow to its head, causing it to scream in pain and quickly rush in the opposite direction in a panic.

Once I checked the area of 100 miles radius for any wild animals, be it big or just plain dangerous to the kids. I found a couple and send them off via an arrow to the head, with [Tora-Longbow] making sure they don't end up dead and just leave in the opposite direction or any directions, that's not towards where my family is.

After this is done, I return back inside the log house, "Okay, your question is, Yuri?"

"I'll ask you after we watch a few episodes of One Punch Man." Yuri wasn't that eager to ask her question, and more importantly, want to see a character that fights with pure raw physical strength like she does and begins to take notes.

4 hours later*

"Well, that was fun to watch." Alice said with a surprised look on her face, "I think I won't be able to see anyone bald the same way ever again, not without thinking if they did the same training as Saitama and the reason why they being bald." As she and the rest have just finished watching the 5th episode.

"What's this about being bald?" Esdeath asks Alice, the moment she came inside and being bald from Alice.

"Oh, we were watching an anime One Punch Man. The main character is a bald guy, who only trained for three years that anyone of us could do with ease and he became the strongest man in his world. Just a single punch from him is enough to defeat his foes. Some of the weaker ones end up exploding into pieces." Alice explained who Saitama is and how strong he is.

"Hey, Esdeath, since you finished reading the book of the multiverse guide. Mind telling me the list of [Tier - Entity]? I know this is way late, but after watching One Punch Man, where Ragna rated Saitama as a [Tier 3 - Entity] at the minimum and [Tier 5 - Entity] at best and wanted to know why." Yuri looks at Esdeath, who sat at the corner of the big couch the adults are sitting in.

Esdeath raises an eyebrow at Yuri, "Sure." Esdeath brings out a [Lighthouse] from her [Inventory] that mostly has her note in it and begin showing the notes of what all the [Tier - Entity] are.

[Tier 1 - Entity: Mortal] - These are entities that even mortal humans can defeat and even with mundane weapons.

[Tier 2 - Entity: Triumph] - These entities are those so-called geniuses and are above the average. Furthermore, the entities here could do the impossible and fight beyond what normal humans can do.

[Tier 3 - Entity: Myth] - These entities have surpassed what the normal people could comprehend and become a legend, where people have no idea if they are real or not. But, for those that do, will know that fighting these entities will be a death sentence.

[Tier 4 - Entity: Truth] - The point of becoming something more or the downfall of one's life. Making the people in this [Tier] hard to tell if they are really strong or weak, where they are just a bit better than those under their [Tier].

[Tier 5 - Entity: Transcendence] - These entities have managed to discover their own or gone through the trial of evolving, surpassing their own limit and reach to a higher level. Reaching to the point of becoming a new being and/or gaining new abilities.

[Tier 6 - Entity: Controller] - The people have gained the ability of absolute control over a concept, depending on the concept, these entities will have the chance to go even further into the next [Tier], but for those that are unlucky, then they may end up stuck in this [Tier] forever.

[Tier 7 - Entity: Creator] - The entities that are either lucky from the previous [Tier] gained a concept over creation, which would allow them to reach their [Tier] easily. Where one require to somehow able to create something that not normally possible for anyone else. As in the power to even create an entirely new concept, to give them the ability to be an entity that above their own universe. Of course, that doesn't mean every entity on this [Tier] can't be defeated by the lower [Tier].

[Tier 8 - Entity: Outsider] - The entities have gained or created the ability to exist out of their own universe and able to keep their existence intact even if their own universe was destroyed. However, the entities could become weaker depending on what universe, they enter, where the universe could reject them due to being an entity that's not native to the universe. Therefore, an entity on this [Tier] could be considered very powerful in a certain universe or even weaker than [Tier 3 - Entity].

[Tier 9 - Entity: Changer] - The entity on this [Tier] have the ability to change the universe they're in without any rejection. In fact, it wouldn't be surprised for the entity to take over a universe not owned by another entity of this [Tier], but if there is one, the chance of a fight happening is close to zero as the entities in this [Tier] have the power to cause the destruction of the universe, causing a pointless battle if the universe in mind is destroyed. Nevertheless, the previous [Tier] for rare cases of entity could be considered on this [Tier] as well. But, barely, not even true ones.

[Tier 10 - Entity: Unknown] - The entity that has reached the peak and is a complete mystery for those under this [Tier]. However, they contain great power to the point of destroying any entities below this [Tier] by just breathing.

"Any questions? Also, these are just a summary of the [Tier - Entity System]. In the book, which has more pages than it looks and a lot more details on these [Tiers]." Esdeath made sure to point this out before others get the wrong idea.

"Yeah, there some parts that mention that lower [Tiers] could also be in the higher [Tiers]. This part confused me a bit, like how that's possible? Isn't there a reason why there a [Tier] for each stage? So, why would some be able to defeat a higher one and could also be both a lower [Tier] and a higher one?" Yuri asks with a confused look on her face, which is matched by Alice and Ingui Yoon.

"Well, from what Ragna here wrote in that book." Esdeath glare at her husband, for making her read more than she should for a single book. "There are many reasons why. The first reason is that entities possess [Skills] that change their own base stats or something related to combat. A good example is the [Broken Skills], those are called broken for a reason."

"Huh, I actually forgot about that." Yuri felt a little silly for not thinking about the [Broken Skills] coming into play. "I wonder if I should be worried about the enemy at lower [Tiers]." Yuri frown, that she kind of been lucky so far with all the enemies she faced, and actually thought that low [Tier - Entity] just means she can kill them with a flick of her fingers. Therefore, this is another wake-up call for her, along with the others that read the notes on the [Tiers]. Especially for those that will soon read the multiverse guide book afterward.

Currently, the book is in Raven's hands for the time being. Who is currently still asleep and who knows when she will wake up, but she should be done with the book soon.

"Anyway, I'm going to make dinner. Someone should go call the others in." Esdeath said to everyone in the room, as she heads for the area for cooking since this log house doesn't have a built-in kitchen funny enough. But, that didn't stop Esdeath one bit.

"I got it." Alice got up from her spot on the couch and head outside, to call for the others it's time for dinner.

"Ingui Yoon, mind watching over the kids while I set up the table and chairs for dinner?" I ask Ingui Yoon, who just nods in my direction and I got up to bring out the large table for the feast Esdeath making. Also, I got the feeling the kids that are traveling will be wishing they haven't decided to travel. Since they won't be able to eat Esdeath's food for the weekdays. There's always a downside to everything, a motto the family used more than once for most situations.