Chapter 90: Interesting To Know

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 90: Interesting To Know

The next day*

Year 27: Day 131: The Hint of Danger

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)


"So close." I let out a frustrated sigh, where I have tried to form a [Sword Intent] for the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi], but instead, it caused an explosion in the area when I tried to use part of nature to merge with the [Invisible Sword Qi]. The result of a failure of the merge between the two.

"Still trying to figure a way to come up with a [Sword Intent] for the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi], Ragna?" Raven asks me, as she held the multiverse guide book, continue to read it as it is a lot in there and the only reason how Esdeath manages to finish the book in such a short time when normally it takes years was due to the help of the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] she borrow to shorten the timeframe. Something Raven about to do in the afternoon, as the others want to read the multiverse guide book.

"Yeah, tried to make it a [Nature Sword Intent], but you can already tell it didn't work at all." I point to the area, where there is now a crater as a result of trying to create the [Nature Sword Intent], which would later turn into a [Nature Sword Dao] or a [Dao] related to nature.

"By the way, Yuri wanted to ask if you're up for a spar with her later. Something about she wanted to test something and out of everyone in this family. You're the only one that could help her the most." Raven said to me as she begins to head back inside, "Also, Ryun wanted me to let you know that Pyrrha is the first one to stand on her two feet without falling for a few minutes before falling, and on her first try at that.."

I forget about coming up with another concept to form a [Sword Intent] for the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi] and rush inside the log house, where I found Pyrrha standing, barely, but standing nonetheless. Furthermore, I can see the envy in Black and Rock's eyes upon seeing their sister standing before they could, and to make it worse for them, Pyrrha didn't have practice as her brothers did and just did it.

I didn't think about it and pick up Pyrrha, who let out a cute shriek and begin to giggle as I hug her, which she returned by hugging back with a big smile on her face.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something." I frown as I look at the ceiling, wonder what did I forget after giving Pyrrha a hug for being able to stand for a few minutes.

"You forgot to praise Black and Rock, for being the first two to actually stand on their own, even for a couple of seconds?" Esdeath offer, as she pats her Son's head in comfort. With Raven doing the same with her Son.

"Huh, I could have sworn that I did." I frown, that Esdeath mentions this and wonder if I truly didn't at the time. "Well, just to be on the safe side." I place Pyrrha down next to her Mother, then pick up both Black and Rock, where I hug them, but with Black making baby noise, something about letting him go so he could train even harder while Rock is trying to say the word: Youth and among other things before I place them both down. This lead to everyone seeing the two trying to stand a bit longer than before.

With Black being able to stand on his own for almost a whole minute before falling, while Rock, on the hand, lasts 59 seconds. Just a second short from one minute.

I look over to Rin and Artoria, both didn't seem to care about what's going on around at the moment. Rin is still and will be for a long time, trying her best to use the [Mana] inside the gemstone I gave her. Artoria just continues to chew on her meat on the bone toy, showing that she either hungry or just has the urge to bite things. Going by Artoria's character sheet, it's the former.

"Anyway, how long will it take before you begin your plan for the big takeover, Esdeath?" I ask my first wife as it has been a while now since she thought about being the leader of the Magic Council.

"I'm going to begin tomorrow in the morning. So, if no one able to find me in the morning, it's because I've left to gain a position in the Magic Council first before getting the leadership." Esdeath replied, then stretch a bit after doing some reading, to refresh up a bit.

"Oh, right. Esdeath on your way, mind passing these out for me?" Serafall passes Esdeath a stack of flyers, that has a set of [Magic Circle] on the paper. "These are what I will use for my [Jigoku Tsushin] for the time being and will change it to something else depending on the next world we enter."

"Alright, just letting you know, that some people may not accept it and just throw it away." Esdeath put the flyers in her [Inventory], making sure to make a mental note to pass these out during her trip.

"Hey, Yuri, we can do that spar now or if you wish to pick a different time today or tomorrow to do it." I said to Yuri, who is currently doing some stretches.

"Give me a moment and we can." Yuri replied as she finished stretching and begin walking outside the log house. "Kay, I'm ready. You may want to use [Wonderland], Ragna."

Artoria, Pyrrha, Black, Rock, and even Rin peak up at hearing there going to be a spar between their Father and Mother Yuri, with the former that causes all of them to want to learn more what their Father could do.

On the other hand, with little Asia and Alluka, both are too tired at the moment to notice this as they just finish training under Daniela's teaching. Nevertheless, they're making improvements as they lasted a few more minutes compared to last time.

"I'll make sure the shockwaves don't come close." Ryun saw the look on the children's faces upon finding out her god/husband and Yuri about to spar. So, she may as well give the children the chance to see how strong their Father is. A task she loves to do, allowing others to see how amazing, her god/husband is.

A few minutes later*

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Wonderland)

"Remember, since I'm in my [Cultivation Clone Body: The Sword God]. Therefore, my fighting pace and style will be a bit different from usual than compare to my original body." I said to Yuri, as we about to begin our little spar. "So, what you want me to use and not use?"

"Dual-wield swords. Pure physical stats, but match towards mine. No [Body Enhance Skills]. Also, no [Crowd Control Skills] or anything that would restrict my movement longer than a few seconds." Yuri paused for a moment, to think about anything else to add, as this is very important as anything could be possible whenever she or someone else face her husband. "No [Elemental Skills] as in the nine elements: fire, water, earth, lightning, water, light, darkness, space, and time. Let's see if there is anything else I could think of."

While I wait for Yuri, I use [Archive: Equal Stats - Physical Version] to link with Yuri, so I could actually match with her physical stats. A program I made last year since it's a great way for my wives and me to train. Where they could face someone equate to in a way while I can work on my control even further with the changes in stats to match with my wives.

I pull out two regular mundane swords out of the [Gate of Babylon] for me to use. Then, begin to think of all the [Skills] I could use that use [Mana] and doesn't meet the limitations Yuri requested. And realize I just need to use the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles], with the [Moon Light Sword Style] as the main core. While using the other [Marital Art Skills] in the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles] as support. Plus, the [Fused Skill] doesn't use [Mana] or any other [Energy Sources] other than stamina. Something I have near endless for this current body of mine.

"Ah! Right! Don't use [Sword Qi]. I rather not have my head or anything important cut off." Yuri nods her head in relief, that she remembers how dangerous her husband's [Sword Qi] alone would be and adding this into facing her husband with him dual-wielding just asking for an instant death sentence. "But, you can use [Dao], just not the [Sword Dao]. I rather not end up being killed without even knowing how other than that I was cut down."

I look at my wife with a deadpan, because out of everything she could have stopped me from using. The [Dao] is very powerful, much more compared to the other things, that Yuri bans me from using.

"What? I want you to fight with swords, but that doesn't mean I want you to instant kill me with your [Sword Dao]. At the very least, with you using the other type of [Dao] I won't have to worry about being an instant kill." Yuri proudly said, as if she planned this thoroughly.

'I wonder if Yuri forgot that I have other [Broken Skills] that is unrelated to using a sword or forgot that, the [Sword Dao] isn't the only powerful [Dao] out there.' I thought to myself, but decide not to ruin Yuri's good mood. "Anything else, Yuri?" Better give her a small hint just in case, maybe remember to ban using the [Dao] I obtained from the [Immortal Exterminating Four Swords]. Because those four [Dao] without both the [Sword Dao] and [Immortal Dao] used together with them are still very powerful. Well, the [Immortal Trapping Sword Dao] could be counted as out since it meets one of the bans Yuri made.

"I almost forgot, no using the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] nor the [Blade of Tathagata]. In fact, don't use any overpowered swords in general." Yuri almost forgot about those two swords and among other ones that her husband made over the years.

"Anything else?" I ask dryly, because I never had the thought of using those two swords in the first place. Let alone the other powerful swords I made in the past via [Sengo Muramasa's Blacksmith] and [Wisdom of The Sage]. In fact, I'm beginning to think that maybe Yuri doesn't have the confidence to face me the moment I use either the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] or the [Blade of Tathagata].

Yuri thought about it for a moment, try her best to think of anything else that she may have absolutely no chance of countering at all. And she remembers one, that's very important and Yuri surprised, that she hasn't mentioned this in the first place.

"No using your killing intent." Yuri said in a serious tone of voice, where those on the sideline that have experienced this monstrous killing intent, nods their heads, that this should be included in all spar if possible.

"Fine with me. So, are we going to start or what?" I rather not ask again, because at this point, I wonder how long until the spar begins, and by then, I may as well just fight without any [Skills] other than maybe the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills]. Then I rethink this last part and I may not even get to use the full version of the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills], where I would be limited to certain [Sword Forms]. Ironically enough, I can see that happening.

"Yup, I got nothing else to think of." Yuri snaps her fingers, then her body covered in electrical currents, just about a thin skin layer, using the [Storm God Slayer Magic] more towards defensive than offensive in mind. After all, even with all the bans, Yuri placed on her husband. She knows that still won't be enough nor would her [Aura Shield] be enough to protect her. Therefore, [Storm God Slayer Magic] in a defensive manner would barely do the trick, as Yuri's aim for the electrical currents to stun her husband for a second or so. Which is enough in her opinion. As on her and her husband's level of strength. A second is enough for anything to happen in battle.

This is true at the moment Yuri finished forming her [Storm God Slayer Magic: Lightning Skin Barrier]. A silver light flash and Yuri duck or else her head would have been cut off.

Yuri roll to her right, as the wind cut and the ground where Yuri was a moment ago, has a sword stabbed into the ground. And if one looks very closely enough, there is a thin string is attached to the bottom of the hilt of the sword, where if one manages to see it when the sunlight shines over it.

"Hey! Hey! I didn't ask for fighting two swordsmen! I asked for a single one, who dual-wield!" Yuri quickly figures out what her husband about to do, where he using [Left Arm of Usage: Ito Ito no Mi] to wield one sword in long-distance and make it like an invisible person is wielding the floating sword while her husband himself would fight with his other arm. Making it so, that Yuri is like facing two opponents at the same time, with one that she can't attack back unless she breaks the sword itself, which she gladly did not a second moving out of the way.

"Well, if that's what you want." I smirk at Yuri, as I bring out another regular normal sword. Then, charge at Yuri with a downward slash in a diagonal direction with both swords, forcing Yuri to move out the way once more, not daring to take on the attack head-on.

A stab with the right sword, where Yuri deflects this by hitting the flat side of the sword, with enough force to change the trajectory, but not destroy the sword and Yuri spin around to perform a high spin kick towards her husband's torso.

A sidestep to the left, going for a right stab once more, but this time, I sacrifice power for speed and manage to land a hit on Yuri; however, that end up with the sword destroyed completely under Yuri's [Storm God Slayer Magic] and this was my fault. To be honest, I forgot that the swords I'm using without enhancing it with [Sword Qi] are much easier to break, even when I control the amount of strength and speed put into using it.

Just as I was about to use the sword in my left hand to attack before Yuri could follow up with a counter.

I abandon this approach and even let go of the sword in my left hand, where I move a bit faster than Yuri's average speed to distance the two of us. Where a second later, Yuri's body releases a large amount of electrical currents that expand 20 meters radius.

No hesitation, where I activate the [Dao of Formation] from the [Omega Sword Dao] and gain the insight needed for me to use [Gate of Babylon] to launch multiple swords down on Yuri.

Of course, I made sure all these swords are normal and nothing out of the ordinary other than being very high quality crafted.

I charge straight at Yuri, where all the swords I throw at her would eat away all the electrical currents in exchange of being destroyed in return. A solution I came upon the spot with the [Dao of Formation] made this possible, where I position all the swords in a way, along with the time to strike, and Yuri being in the center would give me the result I wanted. Something that is impossible to work normally. Not even a thousand or so swords would put a dent on Yuri's lightning defensive barrier if just by throwing all these swords at her. So, [Dao of Formation] is a major help for this whole thing,

"Okay! I should have banned more!" Yuri yelped as she begins throwing punches around her, to cause compressed air pressure to destroy the swords from literally erasing her [Lightning Skin Barrier] somehow, even further, and just know her husband is most likely using some kind of weird [Skills] to do it.

"Maybe, and also, [Moon Light Sword Style: Piercing Pulse - Sword Version]." I used a [Sword Technique] version of the [Piercing Pulse], where it is performed by using the palm to send an [Energy Wave] or shockwave to damage enemies. In this case, I just release a [Mana Wave] within the sword, to scatter the electrical currents in front of Yuri. While making sure it doesn't break the sword, where the sword already has a small crack forming already. But, by the look on Yuri's face, she expected something like this.

Because the next moment I know it. Yuri appears directly in front of me, with her right hand grabbing the sword in my left hand that used the [Piericng Pulse - Sword Version] and broke it right in the middle, then flick the broken blade in her hand right towards my left eye.

However, instead of the broken blade piercing through. It ends up being caught. But, I didn't stop the swords from raining down on Yuri, even if I were to get by them. As I made sure the [Dao of Formation] include the condition of not harming the user, as in me.

"Oh, wow, I did not think you would actually catch it with your teeth." Yuri thought out loud while at the same time moving back to avoid having her own eye pierced with the other non-broken sword along with the raining swords. "But, let's see if you can handle my new move."

I spit the broken sword out of my mouth, even if it can't hurt me, but I have to deal with the taste and take out another sword, while putting my guard up to the limit, even using [Archive] to keep track of Yuri at all times. Instead of keeping an eye on Yuri with my own two eyes. The [Archive] is a much better method for me to not miss anything at all.

"[Divine Tempest Dao: The Calm Before The Storm]." Yuri called out her new move, where she literally disappears before my very eyes and to make it even more surprisingly, the [Archive] barely have a connection with Yuri and I don't have precise accuracy of where Yuri is right now.

Putting away the swords back into my [Gate of Babylon]; well, the ones that not broken.

I notice the wind picking up before it began raining. However, this didn't stop me from trying to search for Yuri, who seem to appear and disappearing everywhere. The [Archive] alone isn't enough, but without the help of the [Combo Chain Magic]. I'm very limited in what I could detect and Yuri somehow figures a way to bypass my current level of detection.

The next thing I know it. A storm appeared in [Wonderland] and quickly as possible. I use the [Dao of Formation] to form a barrier around me by using all the swords I put away and bring them right back out around me into a barrier. Because if I was a second late, the lightning bolts from the storm would have struck me multiple times. So the barrier formed with countless swords took the brute damage for me. Though, 99% of the swords end up being destroyed during these few seconds of being attacked with many bolts of lightning.

"[Divine Tempest Dao: Storm Dao Finger]." Yuri's voice is heard throughout the entire storm.

The moment Yuri's voice disappears is the moment a huge illusory finger appears in the sky. Where the world changed colors and the sky showed signs of collapsing. Even the ground begins to crack as if it could not bear the force of this huge illusory finger. The finger contained the power of wind, water, and lightning. The thunder roared as lightning arced through the finger. Clouds collided, creating thunderous rubles and forming countless drops of rain. The finger is filled with chaos.

Just this finger alone made me feel a hint of danger, where it could threaten my life. As in actual damage this body of mine, not the original body. Also, just the presence alone destroyed the remaining 1% of the swords that made up the barrier protecting me.

Therefore, I didn't hesitate to activate the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception], [Elemental Sight], and [Decomposition] together, where I can now see the [Lines of Death] and [Points of Death], even further. I can 'see' everything about this [Storm Dao Finger] of Yuri's. Then, with a single thought, the [Decomposition] took in effect and 'kill' the [Storm Dao Finger] as if it was a living thing. Ending it before it could even touch me. Then, deactivating these three [Skills] the moment I know for sure the danger is no longer there.

All done in a single second. While the [Storm Dao Finger] formed took a couple of seconds and a few more seconds to take in effect. Sadly, I prevent it from happening. Not to mention, I can say for sure, that the [Wonderland] was close to being destroyed with how powerful Yuri's [Storm Dao Figner] was.

"Bullshit! Whatever you did shouldn't have destroyed my [Storm Dao Finger] so fast!" Yuri complained very loudly, and the others on the sideline could understand her reason for complaining in the first place.

"Sorry, but not sorry. Actually, what the hell was that? I felt threatened by it." I spoke the truth, no point in hiding it since Yuri needs all the info she needs for her new move, or moves, since I have no idea if [The Calm Before The Storm] and [Storm Dao Finger] are just [Dao Techniques] that mainly used in combo or a set of [Dao Techniques] that are required to be used in a certain order or requirements for the [Dao Techniques] to take in effect.

"Wait, really?" Yuri asks with a hint of happiness, while a few of the adults are surprised by this news. After all, it would take a lot of things to be able to hurt the [Cultivation Clone Bodies]. In fact, it's almost impossible to deal with actual true damage to these [Cultivation Clone Bodies], and even if one can, it just takes a split second for the damage to be recovered instantly. Unless someone possesses a special [Anti-Regeneration Skill], then they may be able to counter my [Cultivation Clone Bodies] from recovering so fast.

"Yup, so I kind of reacted the moment I felt it." I give Yuri a sheepish smile, "Also, do you wish to continue? This time, I'll make sure not to destroy your attacks so fast and easily."

"Well, of course, I did after all just created these two [Dao Techniques]. I need to test them out to find their flaws and refine it." Yuri replied, then took her fighting stance before reactivating [The Calm Before The Storm Dao Technique] once again.

However, since I have already experienced this [Dao Technique]. I manage to have a bit easier time to detect Yuri, but still unable to locate her exact position. Therefore, this is going to be a bit harder for me to face since Yuri won't get much out of this whole thing if I end up just destroying it instantly.

So almost the entire day, it's just Yuri and me fighting each other, where Yuri would continue to work on her [Dao Techniques] and the help of the [Wonderland]'s effects has shortened the time Yuri required to work on it instead of having to search for opponents to use on for life combat experience.

Of course, I switch things out from using the [Dao of Formation] to just using the [Mixed Martial Art Styles] to counter and avoid attacks that I can't block with my swords. Along with using the [Omega Sword Dao: Soleheart Stance], not the [Intent Stage] or higher, just the stance that was created in the beginning to form the [Brightmoon Sword Art] before becoming the [Omega Sword Dao].

The [Brightmoon Sword Art: Soleheart Stance] is a stance suited for facing a single opponent. Its purpose is to absorb and ablate the power of incoming attacks. So, with this together with the [Moon Light Sword Style] made it even deadlier by just relying on a bit of [Mana] and mostly only just with pure physical strength.

The next day*

Year 27: Day 132: It's Just That Time To Come

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)


"What was that, Ragna?" Raven asks me, as there has been loud bombing like noise lately for the entire morning since Esdeath left to become the leader of the Magic Council.

"Oh, I'm trying to use the [Dao of Archery] together with the [Gate of Babylon]. Since the original owner of the [Gate of Babylon] literally used it to fire off [Noble Phantasm] like they are actual projectiles. So, I'm doing the same, but using actual swords, the ones I don't really care about as arrows and the [Gate of Babylon] as the bow. Surprisingly, it works better than I imagine." I explained how the [Gate of Babylon]'s 3rd Effect is to create a pathway for all [Items] inside the [Inventory] to appear outside in glowing golden ripples in empty air, which can be launched like a bullet if willing so. While using the [Dao of Archery] along with the [Hou Yi's Archery] has made it so, that the [Gate of Babylon]'s 3rd Effect gains an attached effect of these two.

"So, you literally just created a method to use your junks to kill, is that what you're trying to say?" Raven asked, because she didn't bother to try her best to understand everything that her husband said just now and just end up with a headache trying to. So, she just tries to understand the gist of it.

"Better than just lying around in my [Gate of Babylon] forever. Plus, I made sure all the swords, including anything else that are junks. Would end up being destroyed on impact after using it as a projectile." I answered Raven's question, nor did I deny about how I've come up with using junks to kill my foes.

"By the way, hubby, I need a room to be my workplace since I'll be busy soon, thanks to Esdeath passing out my flyers." Serafall said to me, as she hugs me from behind while rubbing Rin's head, who is currently being held by me.

"Sure, I'll work on it a little bit later." I replied to Serafall, who gave me a kiss on the cheek for accepting her request. "Also, Ingui Yoon, how goes merging the other [Martial Art Skills] I gave you into the [Renewal Taekwondo]?" I ask my student, as I'm curious to see if Ingui Yoon could recreate the [Mixed Martial Art Styles] or create her own version based on the [Renewal Taekwondo].

"I'm still trying to memorize the other fighting styles still before trying to merge them into the [Renewal Taekwondo]." Ingui Yoon spoke softly as she held Artoria from trying to wack both Black and Rock with her stuff toy for causing a loud noise, disturbing her peaceful moment of relaxing.

Gabriel would have been the one holding her Daughter, but she is currently helping Daniela out by teaching both little Asia and Alluka, with the former more by teaching her own [Healing Skills] she created in the past for little Asia to learn or to recreate her own version with the help of her [Sacred Gear].

"I see. Well, no rush. You got time to research, and if you want, I'm willing to lend you the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] if you want more time." I said to my student, who quickly shook her head.

"It's fine, teacher... I rather not be alone just to work on this assignment you gave me." Ingui Yoon shiver at the thought of being alone in an empty space for a long time. Then thought about her friends, "If you don't mind, teacher, would it be any trouble if I were to return back to my home universe to do this?" As it has been quite the time since she last saw her friends and family.

"Sure, let me know when you want to leave." I didn't mind and wonder when Ingui Yoon would ask this, even I expected the others in this family to ask and by the look on some of the others' faces. I can bet that soon, there will be fewer people here in this log house today.