Chapter 91: Idea Lead To Action

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 91: Idea Lead To Action

The next day*

Year 27: Day 133: With Only A Single Action

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

Thanks to Ingui Yoon's request to return back to her home universe for an unknown period of time. Daniela requested the same for returning back to her home universe and will come back later.

Of course, both Gabriel and Serafall also wanted to go back, but for different reasons; however, these two decided otherwise and when the whole war with the three factions is over, then they will go back for a visit.

Yuri and Repellista had the look of wanting to go back, but completely different from the previous two groups. Yuri wanted to go back because she wanted to deal with personal problems, as in killing a selected group she has on her hit list while Repellista wanted to see if she can restart one of her personal plans before she was technically kidnapped and wanted to see it come into action. But, Repellista is willing to wait, after all, she knows for sure among the future travel for other universes. The one belongs to Yuri, Ryun, and her would arrive, soon or later. It's just a matter of time.

As for Ryun, she did not care one bit about going back to her home universe. Nor does she has any desire of wanting to even visit at all. As if she cut all ties with that place and stay with the family she in right now. No one bothers to ask her for the exact reason. More like no one wanted to ask due to Ryun's personality and someone very powerful and could just snap her fingers, and the person would be burned alive, where Ryun even has the power to make sure the person does not die from her flames and continue to be torture of being burnt alive until Ryun deemed the person their sweet merciful death or heal them afterward.

Esdeath was the same case with Ryun if she had stayed for a bit longer to hear about this whole event. So out of everyone, only Ingui Yoon and Daniela left for their home universe, where they are inside the [Gate of Babylon]. So there was no need for exiting the Fairy Tail universe to travel for those universes.

Of course, there Alice and Raven, but neither the two wanted to go back since they have close to zero connection with their home universe other than being born there. Even Raven doesn't want to see her niece, who is actually her Daughter in other RWBY universes. Nor does Raven want to reunite with Qrow either. Alice is the same, in fact, she doesn't have anyone at all other than Raven. Therefore, there was no point in asking these two when this whole thing occurred. Plus, the fact that their former bandit family abandoned them in the One Piece universe, where Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza was born in. So there another reason not to visit the RWBY universe as it brings bad memories to these two.

"I wonder what you want to do once you grow up." I poke Rin's cheek, who let out an angry baby roar, trying to scare me away as I finished recalling what happened this morning. "You're lucky I can manipulate the sound of your scream or you would have given everyone a headache." I continue to poke my Daughter, who understood me and now trying to punch me but failing.

The moment Rin briefly allows her grip on the gemstone loose a bit is the moment she regrets for a long time as she watches her Father take it from her, then did something unbelievable and would never expect to see her Father toss the gemstone with so much [Prana] into his mouth. Rin expected her Father to blow up after swallowing the gemstone. But, he didn't, much to her shock.

I made a fist with my left hand, then create another gemstone, this time a ruby, and made it so it is empty of [Mana]; however, it should be able to hold 10,000 MP under [Tier 0 - Stats]. Any higher would just break the gemstone and explode.

Presenting it to Rin, who has a frown on her face, where she senses no [Prana] at all in this gemstone and glare at me for not filling it up.

"Cheer up, Rin. In the future when you're all grown up. I'm sure you would figure a way to make your own gemstone." I grin down at my Daughter and wonder if she got my hint about how she would be able to make her own gemstone, but from the skeptical look on Rin's face. I guess she didn't get my hint at all. 'I wonder what her reaction would be if I were to pass on a [Creation Skill] over to her, even if it just created little things like a gemstone.'

"Hubby! Help!" Serafall cried out in a panic from her room or more like a small building I just made from the side of the log house for her own personal workplace. "I'm being overwhelmed! Hubby! HELP!"

I roll my eyes, then pass Rin over to Yuri, who was watching the TV as she taking a break from her training. "Watch over her for me a bit."

"Sure, no problem." Yuri replied, not moving her eyes away from the TV.

A few minutes later*

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Serafall's Workplace)

"What's wrong, Serafall?" I enter the small building, where I find myself seeing lots of flyers made from the [Jigoku Tsushin] attached to the walls, with Serafall rolling on the ground while whining.

Serafall stops rolling around, sat up and give me a teary face, "These people are mean! 80% of the flyers Esdeath passed out were used as a useless waste of papers to wipe or something, which they are not used for their main purpose! One even childishly wrote down their own name to send themself to Hell! Look at this!" Serafall got up, pushing a paper that is in her left hand, for me to see.

Taking the offer paper from Serafall, then begin reading what is on it and to my surprise, the person who wrote their own name onto the flyer, and what I can tell from Serafall's notes on this paper. There was even a picture of the person who wrote this to make sure Serafall don't end up getting the wrong person somehow and even a brief summary of the history of the person and their mood at the time when using the flyer.

"Huh, I have no clue who this person is from the series, nor do I find this person that important in this dimension, let alone the universe itself of Fairy Tail." I comment on the first thing that came into mind. "In fact, why in the world did Esdeath give the flyer to a kid? Though, on your notes, the kid barely learns to read recently and just barely understand the words on the flyer and just thought it was to put down their own name down instead. So honestly, I don't why you mad about if this person is childish, because it is done by a child, not a teenager nor an adult." I wanna point this out since even Serafall knows about this and she was the one that wrote this down, but she still comments about it.

"Because a child shouldn't even have my flyer in the first place!" Serafall whined.

"Uh huh, and you want me to do about this exactly, how?" I raise an eyebrow at Serafall while handing back the original flyer, which is linked to the copy flyers Serafall gave to Esdeath to pass out.

"Well, can't you use your [God Qi] to do something to make it so people would stop messing with my flyers or something? And make it so children under their teenage years from using it?" Serafall tries her best not to look like she putting most of the boring work onto her hubby.

"I see you're working on your [Dao of Deception]." I said dryly, "Also, you do realize even with [God Qi]. This isn't something supposes to be used on. Plus, can't you do this on your own with your [Devil Magic]? I mean, isn't it based on imagination only? Where you can do whatever you want with that [Devil Magic]. It's only limited to your own imagination." I point this out to her, while mentally, I begin to wonder how come in all those Highschool DxD universes we were taking over, most of the devils would just throw raw power without any [Techniques] or anything as a way to augment their attacks.

In fact, this is among the many reasons why the devils were among the top 10 that were defeated so easily during those years of the takeover. And that's if Serafall wasn't trying to lower the devil side down as she could possibly do.

"I could." Serafall nods her head, not letting it be known that she actually forgot that [Devil Magic] is bullshit like with [Sacred Gears] and forgot about the whole thing, with many other things that just plain overshadow the [Devil Magic] and forgot, that many things, be it powerful or something else. All originally came from one's imagination.

"You didn't even remember this one small, but very important fact about your [Devil Magic], am I right?" I stare directly at Serafall's eyes, who quickly avoid eye contact and begin to whistle. "Well, I guess you won't need my help then. I'll be on my way and leave you back to your work." I begin to walk out when Serafall grabs me from the back of my hoodie.

"Wait!" Serafall shouted, "Can you please remove all the copy flyers I gave Esdeath before some unwanted people begin to gather them and cause us a problem in the future?" Serafall knew how some of the devils in the past had major problems at the beginning whenever it's related to summoning a devil.

"You didn't install some features, where all the flyers you're passing out would disappear if one of the conditions for it to disappear, like what's happening with that child who wrote their own name on it?" I point this out to Serafall, but I did help Serafall via [Rejection] easily enough.

Serafall let go of me, as she begins to think on my words, "You know, I do wonder how in the world the devils back in my home universe and the other versions of the Highschool DxD never had this problem of people trying to use these summoning flyers to trap a devil and among other things."

"How would I know?" I didn't know about what the author of Highschool DxD was thinking while making the series. "Anyway, I erased the copies that Esdeath gave away and that wasn't used for their main purpose. Your welcome."

"Thanks, hubby!" Serafall said cheerfully and gave me a kiss on the lip before letting me leave.

A few minutes later*

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

Once I got back, I found Gabriel playing around with the kids, mostly the babies, with both little Asia and Alluka playing around with their baby siblings.

"Ragna! I'm hungry, also when is Esdeath coming back?" Alice asks me the moment I return, while she continues to lay on the couch, not bother to get up as she eating a bag of potato chips she stored up to snack on whenever she got the chance to.

"How should I know? Also, can't you just call Esdeath yourself?" I ask my wife, as I sat next to Yuri, who hand Rin back to me, where Rin begin making baby growl at me.

"Eh? I rather not do that, who knows what Esdeath currently doing. If it's something important and I somehow called at the wrong time. She would be on my case for sure, but with you, she would be more forgiving compared to the rest of us." Alice points out that out of everyone in this entire family. I'm the only one that Esdeath would easily forgive, but the others, not likely, even Kaori only got a bit better treatment, but not much different from the rest.

"I think you got the wrong idea, with Esdeath and me. She would likely try to get me mad in some way than try to forgive me." I didn't mention, how would Esdeath make me mad, but Alice and the other has an idea and remember what Esdeath did in the past in the name of making me mad at her.

"Better you than the rest of us." Alice grin at me, "Besides, I would have got Ryun to do it, but she kind of busy at the moment." Alice glance over to Ryun, who is currently sitting at the corner of the log house, where she is meditating and there a few times of heat being released from her, that caused others to want to move away or risk getting a heat stroke or getting burned at worst, which is possible. "So, other than Ryun, who could survive against Esdeath. You're the best option I got."

"I'll message her later." I look at Alice with a deadpan expression. "By the way, who has the multiverse guide book right now?" I ask Alice since I remember that Raven just finished it and it should be someone's turn. Just a little curious who has it now and I could easily find out by using one of my [Skills] to locate it easily, but I wasn't in the mood and just ask instead.

"Yo!" Alice raises the book with her left hand, where she took it out of her [Inventory]. "Also, I'm going to need that [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] later and I'll need more food to keep focus." Then up catching the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] after finish speaking. "Thanks."

"If you're planning to begin your reading. I can just provide you the food for the time being." I said to Alice, while I'm preventing Rin from punching me in the nose with the way she angry at the moment and getting even more angry with the way I'm semi-ignoring her.

"Hmm. Temping offer." Alice thought about this really hard, this is a matter of life and death for someone like her, who love food and can't be without it.

'Well, she is going to be quiet for a while.' I thought dryly due to the fact that whenever food is involved and a choice is required in the subject of food. Alice would take maybe a few seconds to almost half an hour, no longer than 30 minutes since the last time she did. Alice ends up almost being cooked alive by Esdeath and roasted by Ryun for making everyone wait to eat.

"So, Raven. I know this is very late and all, but I'm curious if you made up new stances for your [Heartsword Art]?" I ask because out of all three, Alice, Raven, and me, who use [Heartforce]. It's mainly Raven, who specializes more into [Heartforce], with me coming in second due to the fact I have a massive amount of [Skills] and [Dao] to work on while Raven is only limited to a few, but she takes quality over quantity much more.

"You're very late indeed. But, to answer your question. I made four new stances, making it a grand total of nineteen stances for the [Heartsword Art]." Raven replied, "By the way, once we get back into the war and if we face any of my counterparts. Leave them to me, I want to prove the difference between me and them." Raven scowls at how many of her counterparts that are mostly cowards while the rare few cases of the ones she willing to speak with before fighting them.

"No problem." I had the sudden feeling, that Raven may end up trying to take over all the RWBY universes, be it a crossover universe or normal ones. Then, I had this sudden urge to do something that may end up causing me a headache. But, I felt the need to do this still. "Hey, Raven, do you still remember how to cook?"

Raven furrow her eyebrows, looking at me with a confused look on her face, then said, "It has been a long time since I last cook. So, if I try now. I would say no. Why ask this all of a sudden?"

"Wanted to see if Esdeath could sense if I'm about to eat someone else food other than Esdeath's." I said to Raven, who look at me as if I was about to do something stupid, and in my honest opinion, even I can say this is for sure stupid on my part since I tried this before in the past and Esdeath found out instantly.

"I'm not going to get killed by Esdeath just because you wanted to do something that would surely get Esdeath angry. And don't think she won't, because she will and with your [Skill: Wonderland], Esdeath will for sure go for the kill and more than one time." Raven ruthlessly rejected this whole bad idea nor did she want any part of this foolishness.

"Fine." I roll my eyes. Yet, I wonder why I got this sudden urge to do such a foolish thing when I know for sure that Esdeath would be pissed, then I thought that maybe I'm just missing Esdeath or just her food, maybe both. "I'll just buy food nearby, that should do the trick." I got up from the couch and begin walking out, where I'm taking Rin, who still angry and doesn't seem like she about to stop any time soon.

"Go ahead, but leave the rest of us out of it." Raven didn't bother to stop her husband from doing something stupid nor does the other wives and Repellista wanted to stop him. Not that they could in the first place with his current body, that's very powerful.

Neither Yuri or Alice said anything, not even Alice, who would eager to ask for her husband to bring back local food, but knowing Esdeath. She will always know if someone in the family eats someone else food but hers.

20 minutes later*

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town)

"Come back here and face your punishment like a man you are!" Esdeath roar with fury, as she chases after her husband, who is currently running away from at, normal, human's speed after her instinct scream at her for some reason related to her husband and going by her instinct, she found him eating some bitch's food. And now, she is trying to capture her husband, but made sure not to go above the average speed of what humans in this dimension could go.

Not because of secretly or preventing casualties to the native. But, because there Rin included and very weak at that. So both Esdeath and her husband can't go beyond the average of the laws in this dimension, which applies to Rin and her siblings for the time being until she and the rest leave this universe to have her limitations placed on her by the universe to be removed. Therefore, Rin would likely end up dead if going beyond the speed her toddler body could handle, even if Rin's body is abnormal compared to the native in this dimension and much more powerful thanks to the genes from her parents. But, this still won't be enough for Rin's body not be destroyed, so in this case, both Esdeath and her husband going such a slow speed in their opinion but fast to the native.

"I rather not." I didn't shout, but that didn't prevent Esdeath from hearing due to the adults in the family have very heightened senses and the ability to control the level of how much we sense, making it so we could become near deaf to be able to have the sense of hearing, that goes beyond what anyone could gain, be it innate born or trained.

"You don't have a choice in this matter! How dare you eat someone else food! You're only allowed to eat mine only!" Esdeath roar, where she was this close to using her Teigu to freeze time itself, but this would lead to hurting little Rin, something Esdeath has no wish to cause, not even if she angry and willing to do anything to satisfy her anger. This includes hurting the innocent, be it young or old. But, this is different when said person is part of the family and are children that are easily be killed by just a casual move from her. Therefore, Esdeath truly wonders if her husband knew this by taking Rin with him. Yet, she knows it was the opposite and Esdeath knows for sure, that he would never put their kids in danger unless it's absolutely required.

A few minutes later*

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest)

Once we exit the Town and into the forest where the log house is located. I adjust Rin into my left arm, to free my right arm and bring out a sword I remade into my own version after finding them in the past.

[Supervibrato Lightning Release Sword] - Rank: E++ - Durability: 100/100 - ATK: 1000 (+Varies)

Description: A sword is made in the idea for cutting, using either edge of the blade, but also could be thrown with great accuracy. Furthermore, channeling [Lightning Energy Source] through the sword will increase its vibrating frequency and boosting the piercing and cutting power even more.

[Lightning Channeler] - Depending on the quality and quantity of the [Lightning Energy Source] to boost the sword, but going beyond would likely destroy the sword.

I didn't hesitate to use [Fundamental Force Manipulation: Electromagnetism Manipulation] on the sword in my right hand to destroy the icicles being hurled right at my legs. Of course, this won't last long for me as I can see cracks forming on the sword with each time I deflect or destroy the icicles.

With a flick of my wrist, I throw the sword straight at Esdeath before it completely breaks down.

Not bother to check if the thrown sword did anything to Esdeath and pull out another [Supervibrato Lightning Release Sword] and resume deflecting the icicles away from even touching me. Since all of them are infused with her [Freezing Time Dao], even if it only freeze me for a within a second, but enough for Esdeath to capture me in the timeframe.

"Stop running! Face your punishment already!" Esdeath repeated once more, not that she wants to change most of her words as she just letting out all her built-up frustration from having to deal with troublesome people on the way to meeting up with the people to become a member of the Magic Council.

A few hours later*

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

"Oh, hey, you found Esdeath." Raven said dully, noticing how little Rin looking very dizzy and close to fainting at any moment.

"Yeah, this knucklehead here, though it is funny to eat some slut's food when he knows that I would sense him doing so." Esdeath glare at her husband, "In fact, by the time I found him. He has already finished eating three plates of food. He just lucky I was okay with Rin eating too since she hasn't got to the point of being able to eat my food without becoming insane afterward."

"Well, Alice wanted to know when you would return, to make her food because she about to enter the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] to finish reading the multiverse guide book. And she wanted me to call you, so I did." I quickly place the blame onto Alice, who was still eating her potato chips, or maybe a new bag, and end up choking upon hearing what I just said.

"This is not what I meant!" Alice cried, already jumped off the couch right away, because if she didn't, then Alice would have her body frozen as the spot where Alice was before had formed a bit of frost, but disappear afterward. Just to show how strong Esdeath has control over her ice and close to freezing Alice into an ice statue.

"You were the one that planted the idea into him." Esdeath growl as she begins to chase after Alice, trying her best to avoid the kids and damaging the log house.

"AAAHH! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Alice cried out in a panic because she can't really use her [Dao of Music] without affecting the kids. One of the downsides with the [Dao of Music]. It has a passive area of effect, that's very hard to control.

"Get back here and face my wrath!" Esdeath continues her best to freeze Alice, but Esdeath keeps on missing, not because of Alice is too fast but because Alice always knows the best moment to evade.

As to how Alice easily dodges and knows when is due to 'listening' to Esdeath's attack and intention with the help of the [Dao of Music]. This is what gives Alice the ability to always know when someone about to attack, be it the attack aiming for her or others. Alice will always know.

"Come on, Rin. Time for you to play with the other." I said to my still dizzy Daughter, who wasn't completely sober with all the moves I perform to escape from Esdeath and now that I switched her target from me to Alice. I can have some room to breathe.

Of course, I do feel guilty for shifting the blame onto Alice, but technically this is Alice's fault, for causing me to have this sudden urge to piss Esdeath off. Either way, I'm sure after today. Alice won't be asking me to call for Esdeath when she not around. Yet, I also have this feeling Alice would still do it anyway. Weird.