Chapter 92: Boredom

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 92: Boredom

The next day*

Year 27: Day 134: Too Easy

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

"I'm bored." Yuri spoke up as she lay on the couch while looking up the ceiling.

"You literally just walk in after training and sat down, then look up at the ceiling for only 5 minutes." Alice said dryly, "Why not take this chance to read the multiverse guide book after Ryun is finished?"

"Eh, not that bored." Yuri knew how important is knowledge, but she the type of person that would rather rely on others, that have that knowledge and just ask them for the answer instead. Of course, this only applies whenever Yuri thinks is possible to do so, if not, then she would gladly do the studying herself.

"You could spar with someone." I offer Yuri of something to do while I'm playing with Pyrrha by controlling her teddy bear to do things with her. Like right now, I'm having the teddy bear chasing after Pyrrha, who let out a happy laugh as she running away from it, but it's more of walking as Pyrrha still hasn't completely mastered on how to walk without falling just yet. So it's more of Pyrrha doing her best walking as quickly as she can while I made it so the teddy bear is barely catching up to her, which she knew of course, but that didn't stop Pyrrha from having fun from this.

"Eh, after sparring with you, Ragna. I rather not have my self-esteem broken down again. I just regain back my confidence." Yuri said dryly, "As for someone else. Well, Ryun is currently in the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] and Esdeath just left to resume her quest for gaining the leadership of the Magic Council. Raven is asleep right now, so she not even an option either. Alice is more of a support with above combat, but the weakest out of almost all of us in combat by herself. Serafall is currently busy with all the new people being sent to hell. Gabriel isn't much of a close-range fighter and won't help push my limit. Also, she busy watching over the other kids that you should be watching over, Ragna. Not just Pyrrha." Yuri points out all the opponents she could spar with and no one available. Well, the ones that could fight. Therefore, Repellista wasn't even considered an option at all.

"Hmm. You could go into the [God's Sanctuary]. Honestly, it's mainly used is just for us to get Esdeath the ingredients to cook for us before the whole [Goddess of Food] became a thing. In fact, I was planning to use [God's Sanctuary] to send the kids there to train and with the [Geno Cultivation System] in that universe would increase their bodies, even further and give them this experience to earn their power along with everything in the [Super Gene Universe]. This reminds me. I need to send Serafall and Gabriel over there later too, since those two are the only ones that haven't reached the peak level in the [Super Gene Universe] like the rest of us." I frown, that I would forget such a powerful training [Skill], that would help my family.

Then again, I have mainly used the [God's Sanctuary] as a replacement for [Dungeon Creation Skill] I was supposed to gain as the Gamer. For me to speed up my leveling and this also allowed my wives to have a powerful body, while Yuri just made it even stronger compared to the other. At the moment, out of all my wives, only Serafall and Gabriel hasn't even begun gaining [Geno Points] for their bodies to become stronger.

"But, I've already reached the peak in that universe. Plus, I find it a bit lame, that anyone that's native in the [Super Gene Universe] has all the benefits they could get from the [Geno Cultivation System] while the rest of us could only increase our physical aspect and that it. We can't even gain those [Beast Souls], not even when we tried to obtain one from the natives. Nothing. They just disappear the moment we try to merge with the [Beast Souls]." Yuri scowls at the bad memories during her time in the [God's Sanctuary] which took place in the 10,000 years training.

"Well, other than the [God's Sanctuary]. I could just use [Wonderland] to let you fight whoever you want. Remember, the [Skill: Wonderland]'s 3rd Effect is to allow me to recreate opponents that I have faced before to fight with and having [Wonderland]'s level at 100, making it so the opponent would have 100% same strength as the original, but only the ones I faced the last time. So these opponents won't change at all once you defeat them." I figure that Yuri won't be entering the [God's Sanctuary], then [Wonderland] is the next best thing for Yuri to use. Otherwise, I got nothing else.

"You know what, Ragna. I'm going to get a hobby because there almost nothing much for me to do while we wait for the year to come by and be over with." Yuri said to me, as she got up from the couch and head outside to find her hobby.

"Should we stop her?" Alice asks everyone once Yuri closed the door behind her. "Because out of all of us, she among the one that could cause massive destruction to the point of breaking a good chunk of this planet by accident." Alice wanted to point out, that there is a bad outcome of leaving Yuri alone to search for her hobby.

"Eh, I'm sure she would have an easier time finding one compared to me and should be fine." I said with bitterness as I still haven't found a hobby other than maybe making the whole finding a hobby into a hobby, which is weird and a bit sad in my opinion.

Not a second after I finished speaking, the door open, with Yuri coming back inside and she didn't come back empty-handed as she changed her outfit into a long-sleeved pink business shirt, with a long maroon skirt and matching blouse.

"I'm back and have discovered my hobby, and I'm going to be a designer or just make clothes in general. It's mostly the latter." Yuri walks in with a smirk on her face, with a hand on her hip and with the eyes filled with excitement and pride.

"I'll be right back for a second." I said in a monotone.

A few minutes later*

The sound of explosions appears in the past few minutes in the forest before I return back inside the log house.

"Well, Yuri. I'm glad you found your hobby, I truly am." I gave Yuri a hug, where I can feel Yuri shiver in my arms. Knowing that I was a bit pissed off that she found one so easily while I still haven't found mine. "Anyone else found or have a hobby they would like to share with everyone else?" I let go of Yuri from my hug and I really hope I wasn't the only one without a hobby, because if so, then this is really sad.

"I like making wines when I feel in the mood, my god." Ryun is the first one to replied and she does have a hobby. Then resume reading the multiverse guide book.

"Huh, no wonder Esdeath continues to come to you whenever the meal requires wines." I thought out loud, because in the past, before the [Goddess of Food] became a thing. Esdeath would always go to Ryun for wine and I just thought she got Ryun to go buy it somewhere or something. Never knew it was Ryun's hobby of winemaking.

"Eh? Does eating count as a hobby?" Alice asks me, tossing a potato chip into her mouth.

"There competitive eating or speed eating, where participants compete against each other to eat large quantities of food, usually in a short time period." I felt pity for anyone wanting to do a food eating contest against Alice, but at the same time could see this is something of a hobby Alice would have, with how much food she eats daily.

"Wait, that is a thing? Well, now, I guess I have a hobby and look like things won't be too boring after all, without any actions happening that much in this family." Alice grin at the thought that such a hobby, which involves eating, or speed eating; nevertheless, Alice wanted to try this whole competitive eating soon. Who knows, maybe she will like it.

Raven didn't say anything, other than pulling up her blanket.

"I guess Raven's hobby is napping." I said dryly, while at the same time thinking if things come to worse, I'll try the whole napping thing, but I highly doubt I could do it.

"Yup, Raven always loves to nap when she can." Alice smiles down at Raven, running her hand through Raven's long hair, who mumble about something in her sleep.

"I mostly just like watching people doing good deeds while my time back in Heaven." Gabriel replied with a smile on her face, where she recalls all the good times she watches many good people doing good deeds. But, what's unsaid is how much she hated, that she couldn't help those good people when they were in danger or something. "Now, I just want to watch the kids in this family of ours to grow up happy." Gabriel knew that she no longer has such a heavy restriction placed on her, to prevent her from helping those that are in need. But, that was in the past now, and Gabriel has changed to only care about her current family. Of course, Gabriel will happily help someone in need if they are nearby if the person deserves it in her eyes.

"That's nice, to hear, Gabriel." I wasn't that concern about the way Gabriel is and just find it a nice of change in the family, where almost everyone in this entire family, not including the children, to be a bit too bloodthirsty in a way. I'm also included in that group of bloodthirsty people.

"Thank you, husband." Gabriel gives me a bright smile, then resume playing with the kids.

"I'm pretty sure, Serafall's hobby or at the least right now would be acting, since the whole [Dao of Deception] is based on acting. I would guess Serafall takes acting as her hobby or something else that would help in acting." Yuri said to everyone as Serafall is in her little building doing her business of sending people to Hell, or at least in this dimension's Hell.

"Yeah, I can see that." I nod my head while at the same time feeling a bit depressed that almost everyone, the adults, have a hobby but me. Then I look over to Repellisa, to see if she has a hobby.

"Hm? Oh, I just like taking pictures of the kids growing up and make an album out of it for me to blackmail them later on. If you were to ask me in the past, then I would say watching people and making plans with said people as my hobby after making a shady deal with them." Repellista grin, as she can tell that her brother-in-law is becoming more depressed by the second due to almost everyone in the family has a hobby but him.

"Yeah..." If I didn't know any better, I would see Repellista as someone who likes children in a sexual way with all the pictures taken, but that dropped the moment I read on her character sheet and the notes on all the things, that could get the children to do things for her in exchange of not embarrassing them. Even there were some small notes, where these would be very effective against the ones who are a bit more prideful compared to the others.

"Still haven't found a hobby yet, Ragna?" Alice asks me with a hint of pity in her eyes, knowing how badly I need a hobby other than having sex every night to release stress.

"Does finding a hobby for a long count as a hobby itself?" I ask back, where almost everyone thought about it, and slowly, they shook their heads. Because there is a limit of how much one could find before every other option is unavailable. "Thought so."

"Oh, don't be sad, Ragna. You just haven't found the right one." Yuri pats her husband on the back.

"I should travel." I spoke up as I got up, but before I could, Yuri has her grip on my left arm with a now awake Raven on my right, both holding my arms tight enough that I would have to try a little to make them release me. However, I didn't since I can tell by their character sheets and the others, that they are just very concerned and worry about my mental safety. Plus, I rather not end up ripping off their arms by accident from using too much strength to get them off me.

"You just had to wake me up." Raven growl before letting out a tired yawn as she was only a few hours in her nap. "Now, what triggers you to cause the urge for me to wake up right away, huh?" Raven narrows her eyes at her husband before glaring the nearby people, to see if they were the one was the fault of triggering her husband's urge to do something fatal and stupid, mostly fatal.

"Ragna is having his moment again whenever it related to the subject of one having a hobby." Alice helpfully provides an explanation to Raven's question.

"I see." Raven nods her head, understanding what's going on now. "I'll reword my question, who trigger Ragna here, to cause my wake up from my nap?"

Yuri begins to whistle and looking her left while feeling Raven's glare directly at her without looking.

"Hey, Yuri. Since I just woke up, mind sparring with me a bit to help my body wake up quicker?" Raven asks Yuri in a sweet voice, that just sends a chill down Yuri's back.

Something that most, if not, all the family know that Raven is someone you don't want to face in an all-out battle. Especially when Raven can use her [Heartforce] to cause untold horrors to others. Much more dangerous than facing Raven when she just using only a sword, and if Raven uses her [Heartsword Art], then it just got way worse and only a selected few could counter Raven's [Heartforce] and her [Heartsword Art].

"Uh, I'm kind of busy researching my new hobby?" Yuri tried to get out of this spar with Raven, whom she has a bit harder time facing and Alice coming in third, with Esdeath at the top of the list of people she would not like to face. Her husband is not even on the list or else she would be stressed out forever by trying to use him as a measuring stick.

"Why don't we talk as we spar with each other. Improve our awareness and reflex. I insist." Raven releases their husband and grabs Yuri by her arm, preventing her from escaping. "Come on along now. Ragna can stay here to watch over the kids with Gabriel." Raven didn't bother to listen to what Yuri and drag her outside, with the help of her [Heartforce] to overcome the differs between her physical strength and Yuri's.

Yuri sends looks, that cry for help to everyone.

Sadly, Alice was watching TV and snacking to notice or more like, Alice pretending not to notice. So she won't be much help or more like knowing the type of person Raven is and getting in her way just cause more problems than solving the present ones.

Ryun is too busy reading the multiverse guide book at the moment and doesn't notice the cry for help look on Yuri's face. Even if she saw it, unless her god command it, then she won't do a thing.

Gabriel was too busy looking after the kids, so no help there. Same with Serafall as she is technically doing her job as a devil at the moment.

Repellista is not a fighter nor does she possess any blackmails on Raven, and even if she got the chance to, it would be destroyed before it could be used against her and getting her revenge afterward.

"I wonder what Esdeath is doing right now?" I thought out loud, as Esdeath left this morning to resume her task to become the leader of the Magic Council, which didn't take her that long to find a way to join the Magic Council yesterday.



"Maybe she having a fun time compared to what we're doing right now." Alice replied, trying her best to ignore what's going on outside. Plus, this is something of payback against Yuri for not helping her out yesterday when Esdeath targeted her.

"Maybe." I sat back down and resume playing with Pyrrha, who look very confused the entire time before she begins laughing again as her teddy bear begin chasing after her again.

(Earth Land: Era: Magic Council Building)

-Esdeath's POV-

"Hehehe~!" I let out a devilish giggle, as I finally take over the entire Magic Council after finally mind control all these fools that tried to manipulate me once I revealed myself. "So everyone agrees that I shall be the leader of the Magic Council from this point on?" I ask in a sweet tone of voice while continuing to carefully use the [Freezing Time Dao: Emotion Lockdown].

[Emotion Lockdwon] is a [Dao Technique] I created last year with the help of my dear loving husband. Where I can 'freeze' the mindset of the target currently have and would prevent them from changing. An example of this [Dao Technique] is where I use it on a target, where they became the happiest in that one moment and nothing could go wrong, then I would lock that down; therefore, making target forever happy. This technically not bad, but if the target is always happy, very happy, then if I were to cut one of their arms off. The target wouldn't get mad, afraid, anything negative. They just laugh with happiness to see their arm chop off and wouldn't do anything about it. Too happy to care about losing a limb, this is what made the [Freezing Time Dao: Emotion Lockdown] very dangerous towards and myself.

After all, if I don't time it right, then I could lock down a mindset into something I didn't want or if I don't know what their exact current emotion.

"Yes, Mistress Esdeath." One of the Magic Council members spoke up in an agreed manner. Following up with the others doing the same.

'All I had to do is make them in an agreeing mood and their fate is sealed.' I thought to myself, 'And suddenly I'm bored...' I mentally curse myself for making this whole challenge done so easy, not to mention I made the challenge easy with the help of the [Mind Lockdown Dao Technique]. 'All those studying. Waste of time...' I felt that almost 80% of the stuff I studied was useless since I just needed to know the main important ones, like how to become a candidate to be among the Magic Council.

I let out a sigh and wasn't bothered if others would cause a problem for me by asking a few questions with these weaklings. I just have to order them to make an excuse or forget about the whole thing, to prevent them from following others' command but mine.

In fact, making my worst food and give it to these weaklings would have given me absolute control over them as well, with them all going insane due to how heavenly foods are, even if they the lowest quality created from me. Better than others, that's for sure. 'But, why would I feed these fools?' I scoff at this thought.

"Make sure to get everyone done." I order these puppets of mine, "And if anyone asks why just make up a reasonable excuse for the sudden change in the leadership."

Getting up from the uncomfortable seat, 'No wonder these people were so irritated most of the time. These damned chairs are the cause.' I had the urge to freeze the chair I sat on and break it afterward, but I wanted the next person to come here and sit in it as well. A tiny reason, but a reason nevertheless.

The next day*

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Fairy Tail Building)

-Chifuyu's POV-

"HEY! Stop idling and do something profitable!" Erza roar at one of the Fairy Tail's members.

"Is it just me or does Erza seem to change, other than her being younger?" One of the Fairy Tail's guild member comment as they try to avoid the wrath of Erza, someone they did not expect to see after a year nor younger than her actual age.

"Nah, it's not just you. I feel the same, where Erza seems more of aiming for profits and almost like the old Laxus before he changes his attitude." Another Fairy Tail's Member replied.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask with a hint of interest and find it a little amusement these people can't even detect Kaori and me, while everyone else focuses on Erza, who is currently shouting and commanding the members of the Fairy Tail Guild like she the master of this place. Honestly, I won't be surprised if she becomes the Guild Master by the end of the week.

"Well, it seems like Erza is looking down at the weaker members from what I could tell by the way she acting to them compared to the stronger members." The previous Guild Member replied before realizing something wrong and turn around to see the two girls that came with Erza on their table. "Uh... Uh... Uh..."

"What's wrong? Do continue on." Kaori said calmly, but to others, it sounds cold. Something she gained by growing up with a Mother like Esdeath. Therefore, very often, Kaori would speak coldly, without realizing it.

"Excuse us!" The first one that spoke up before drag their friend and ran away, even go a far as grab a jab off the board and rush off to do it, just to get away from Kaori and me.

"Did I do something wrong?" Kaori looks at me with concern and a hint of sadness, for scaring the two members belong to Erza's Fairy Tail Guild, she always talks about.

"It's not your fault." I said to my sister, while at the same time, I try not to say whose fault it is and rather not say it out loud period. I like my second life and do not wish for it to end so shortly. "Anyway, it's been a few days now, almost the weekend. So is all we're going to do is sit around doing pretty much nothing?"

"I'm not so sure. Erza just led us to here, and yet, I find myself wondering why we haven't dragged her away from here with all the shouting she doing right now." Kaori replied with a small frown on her face.

"Eh, I think it's because we know if this was our universe, we would do the same as her." I glance at Erza, who is yelling at one of the members to stop lazing around the place do some jobs already since most of the powerful members are gone for the time being. "Also, we'll have to physically drag Erza away from here when it's the weekend."

Kaori nods her head in agreement, because on the weekend, we'll get the chance to face our Father and hopefully get that wish.

"By the way, I wonder how the boys are doing." I thought about our brothers, "I hope Killua isn't having a hard time with him. I know how Gon get some time."

"I'm sure they're fine. After all, they were raised in this family." Kaori points this out, causing me to nod my head.

"Good points."

"I said move it!" Erza yelled, causing people to move fast and some end up crashing into each other without looking where they're going. Making Erza even madder and wanted no more than to bash some heads into the ground.


Omake: Danger Seeker!

-Killua's POV-

Day 1: I Should Have Expected This...

"Hey, Killua! Look at what I found!" Gon shouted to me, where I was bored out of my mind from all the walking in this forest without much to do other than to watch over Gon's safety.

"What is it?" I glance at what Gon found and pale a bit, to see Gon holding what looks like a giant egg that way bigger than Gon himself. But, what made me feel a little fear is the beast that laid the giant egg, literally just standing behind Gon. And he seems to not notice the menacing beast about to take a bite out of him for stealing its egg. "GON?!"

I quickly rush towards my brother to save him, but end up falling on my face when the menacing beast didn't bite Gon, and instead, just lick Gon like a pet dog would do.

"Hey! Stop that!" Gon cried out happily, as he put the egg down.

Day 2: Seriously?

"Gon, do you even know where we are going?" I ask with a hint of cautious due to the fact that we're very lost in this forest. I can't even go to the tallest tree that won't help me find a way out of the forest or even find where the family's log house is.

"Not really, but isn't this the best part of adventuring? Exploding the unknown?! I'm sure we'll find interesting things! I hope we find some wildlife to make friends with!" Gon shouted excitedly, not noticing all the eyes of wildlife eyeing on him and his brother from the background.

"Yeah, make friends with the wildlife." I said dryly, where I spotted another snake on the tree on my left. Then throw a rock at it, to scare it away when it looks like it's about to jump at Gon.

Day 3: Seriously?!

"Gon." I call out to my brother in a calm tone of voice while trying my best not to trigger him in any way. "Put the glowing rock down." My forehead begins to be covered in cold sweats as I watch my brother picked up this glowing rock, that triggers the alarms in my head of the danger it could bring.

"Why? What's wrong with it?" Gon asks with confusion in his voice as he held the glowing rock, that glow in a shade of light blue and the size of his head. "I'm sure Pop would love to see what we found and this should be a great part of the collection of our adventure. Though, I wonder what it is?"

"It's something that... dangerous to keep. So, Gon. Please put the glowing rock down before it does anything." I begin to wonder why Gon didn't cause so many problems for me in the past, then remember, there were others with me to help me suppress Gon's urge to find dangerous things. At this point, maybe it wasn't a good idea to split off from my sisters' group. At least I have three older sisters to help me stop Gon from putting his life in danger.