Chapter 93: The Things I Do

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 93: The Things I Do

The next day*

Year 27: Day 135: I FOUND IT!

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

-Ragna's POV-

"I hate all of you." Yuri slouch on the couch, where she mentally tired from sparring with Raven for an entire day yesterday. "Why no one helped me in my time of need?"

"Because I want you to feel despair like I did with Esdeath before. I look directly into your eyes and you look away." Alice blankly stares at Yuri, who flinch at this and knew she would have gotten some help if she had helped Alice before.

"Okay, I guess that's fair." Yuri frown, then her expression changed to a confused one. "By the way, should we be worried about those two close to relearning how to walk, and later on, how to run?" Yuri point at both Black and Rock, where these two have already beaten their previous records and time will tell when these two will move on their own and cause more problems for everyone.

"Eh, I'm sure Gabriel got that covered, with Repellista there to help her out." Alice wave off Yuri's concerns about the troubles Black and Rock could cause later on.

"I got it!" I shouted, "Finally, after all these years! I have found a hobby! HAHAHA!" I let out a laugher of madness.

"Here we go again." Raven let out a tired sigh before grabbing her sheathed sword and use all her force to swing it at her husband's head, who ducked and counter with a right palm strike towards her torso and would have suffer major damage if she hadn't used her [Heartforce] to create a shield made out of it, with the concept of nullifying physical attacks.

"Oh, did I go into the deep end again?" I ask Raven with a sheepish smile after reeling my right hand back and secretly sighed in relief that I didn't injure Raven for knocking my sanity back into me. 'Good thing Raven figures a way to include concepts into her [Heartforce] now.' I find it a little baffle that Raven is trying to become the counter type fighter since her [Sky Sword Dao] is more of a balance type than a counter, but I'm sure she could figure it out herself.

"Yeah, you did. Now, before you go insane. Again. What kind of hobby did you think up, this time?" Raven places her left elbow onto her husband's right shoulder, mostly using her husband to lean on while holding her sheathed sword in her right hand. Raven tries to see what got her husband to have his little episode. Where she sees her husband have one of those boxes filled with medicine and carry around by those doctors. It even has one of those red cross shapes on the front of the box.

"I'm going to be a wandering doctor. After all, having the [Miracle of Life] is great and it still has the ability to become even better by comprehending new-found knowledge related to life and medical would benefit me massively." I even explain to Raven, that by doing this. Theoretically, this should either suppress my endless killing intent or at least strengthening the [Miracle of Life] to become stronger than it already is. So when the time comes where I end up having my original body damage like before and require a year to recover. Then, in the future with the [Miracle of Life] gaining more knowledge and should be able to heal my original body instantly without having to wait for such a long time to heal.

"So, you're going to become a doctor to save people? I thought the whole hero thing doesn't suit you?" Raven asks in disbelief, to think her husband would dare pick something like becoming a doctor as a hobby.

"Oh, that just a side benefit for others. I'm doing this for us since technically, I'm grinding for the live experience of using [Miracle of Life] and gaining the insight related to life and maybe develop the [Dao of Life] as well. I'm not going to just treat humans, but other races as well." I explained to Raven how I'm planning to use the [Miracle of Life] to be not just a doctor, but a true healer for all living beings. As long it's alive, then I'll treat it if it sick.

"And who is going to be tagging along with you? All of us know that you can't be alone yourself. After all, look at what happens to your original body." Raven points out one of the major reasons why not allow her husband to be alone.

"She got a point there, Ragna." Alice tosses a slice of apple into her mouth.

"We should get someone who has at least some knowledge of medicine." Yuri said to everyone, not noticing the way everyone is slowly looking at her together. Not including the kids. "In fact, it should be someone who could at least be very caring and patience with others." And just like that, everyone looks away from Yuri.

"But, Gabriel is too busy taking care of the kids most of the time." I knew exactly who to take with me, but that's the thing. She is busy most of the time when she isn't training both little Asia and Alluka in [Healing Magic].

"Guys I'm back and taking a break from all those sinners!" Serafall burst through the door with a big, bright smile, but one could tell she hasn't slept for a while due to her baggy eyes. Serafall did the next thing, which made others wonder why she hasn't done it sooner. As Serafall walks up to the couch, then falls face down before snoozing away.

"Well, she going to be out for a while." I thought out loud, then grab the medicine box I made with the [Skill: Wisdom of The Sage] and begin thinking about where to find my first victim.

"And where do you're going?" Raven gritted her teeth, knowing that if her husband takes one more step, then he'll be gone for who knows how long and/or face massive dangers during his time of absence.

"Looking for my first victim?" I look back at Raven with a hint of confusion in my eyes.

"Don't you mean patient?" Yuri points out.

"I know what I said." I wasn't going to lie to myself and thinking of saving others. I'm searching for victims to allow the [Miracle of Life] to grow by using these victims to experiment on. Not to mention, that the [Miracle of Life] is completely cruel in the wrong hands. It could be used to save and at the same time, make it the victim stay alive in a living Hell as death is a mercy. Using [Rejection] on [Miracle of Life] just made it more lethal than it was, to begin with.

"I don't know why, but I have this sense of fear coming from, Ragna." Gabriel frown at this sudden feeling of danger.

"Eh, it just Ragna thinking dangerous things again, that could either cause massive deaths to others and/or fatally kill himself." Raven said to Gabriel, who deeply feel disturbed about this.

"Shouldn't we be concerned about this or do our best to help our husband?" Gabriel looks at the others, for being so calm while their husband is mentally ill in some way.

"Trust me, Gabriel. If even Ragna here can't heal himself, then no one else can. I mean he got [Miracle of Life] and among others [Skills] to heal others and himself, be it mental or physical." Yuri is the one that answered this time and even explained with their husband being a Gamer, who could just fall asleep and wake up without any sickness and any sort of fatal injuries. Completely recover back to healthfully. It still didn't work. Not even being [The Broken Player] helped either, even if not all its effects are revealed yet. Just look at the original body, still badly injured and stuck at 1% HP for an entire year.

"Oh." Gabriel looks down with sadness, making her feel like before in the past where she was helpless of not being able to help others. Then she thought about what to do to help her husband and anyone in the family. Gabriel now has a goal other than help out raising the next generation of the family. "I know what to do." Gabriel passes Artoria over to little Asia, then bring out her notebook and begin writing with a goal on her mind.

"Well, I guess you have your hands full of taking care of the kids, Ragna. Since it looks like Gabriel is busy writing whatever is on her mind." Raven said with a hint of amusement.

"That's fine. I guess I'll just go with my backup plan in case I can't travel." I shrugged, then place down my medicine box.

"Backup plan?" Raven raises an eyebrow and wonders what disaster awaits for her and the others.

"Yeah, since I thought about studying these victims of their diseases with [Miracle of Life] and just rely on the [Dao of Karma] to find them. But, since I'm going to be stuck here instead. I thought about bringing them here instead or a nearby location from here, maybe open a small private clinic in Town." I explained what my backup plan was and I literally just thought about it on the spot.

"I pity these victims of yours." Raven has a rough idea of what her husband planning to do in order to treat these victims' diseases, and not in the common ways in this dimension.

Yuri and Alice shared a look, knowing that all these patients are either have painless treatments or be extremely in pain during the process of being healed. Both secretly are relief, that both have a way to heal themselves and not have to rely on their husband to heal them, which may or may not hurt them in some way.

"Why?" I look back at Raven for saying such a thing.

"No reason." Raven sometime wonder if her husband was saying these kinds of things completely serious or joking most of the time.

A week later*

Year 27: Day 142: Thanks For Your Time

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: My Clinic)

"What kind of doctor are you?!" The victim cried out, as they having theirs inside being eaten alive by insects crawling inside them. One can even see the just beneath their skin having worm-like insects moving around. "GET THEM OUT OF ME!"

"But, why should I do such a thing? You should be happy. After all, these little buggies are eating away your disease as we speak. Just wait for ten more minutes and you should be completely cured." I look at my victim in baffled, to see how they are screaming so much when I made these [Disease Eater Bugs]. I made sure it doesn't cause any pain to the victim.

[Disease Eater Bug] - Rank: D+ - Durability: 1/1 - ATK: N/A

Description: A man-made lifeform that was created in a way to eat the disease of the target and at the end of curing them at the cost of these lifeform's life. As their main purpose is to eat the disease and only the disease before dying inside the target to replace the missing parts that were infected by the disease.

1st Effect: [Disease Eater] - Able to eat the disease, no matter how powerful the disease is, it's still just a meal for the bug to eat.

2nd Effect: [Bug Multipler] - Multiple the bug into more depending on the size of the disease, to counter the disease from infecting the bugs.

3rd Effect: [Painkiller Influence] - All the bugs will make sure the target won't feel a single pain at all during the process of healing.

4th Effect: [Bug Replacer] - Once the target's disease is gone, then all the bugs will replace the missing parts that were infected by the disease and change to match the target's body without causing any mutation or anything else.

I actually created this little thing with [Black Arts] and [Miracle of Life], with the [Elemental Sight] and [Archive] to give me all the information I need to make it without any fatal side-effects.

"I DON'T CARE! GET IT OUT OF ME!" The victim screams at the top of their lungs and would have torn it out themself if their limbs weren't strapped to a table.

"I'm sorry, but you signed the waiver, that to completely cure your disease. You will no longer have any say in anything during the process of healing, nor do you have the right to speak what is used to cure your disease." I smile down at the victim, where I want to see how my [Disease Eater Bug] work before my eyes and how long it will take before the disease is gone.

So far it has been three minutes and in my calculation, it will be done in nine minutes from now.

"SOMEONE HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" The victim figure that they're not getting any help here, decide to shout for help instead.

"Huh, I guess I forgot to mention that the entire room is soundproof. So no one can hear you." I happily explain this to the victim, who blankly stares at me for a few seconds before screaming bloody murder. "Ryun, mind putting our victim to sleep? I rather not go deaf, even if it's just temporary for a few seconds."

"Anything for you, my god." Ryun, who is my nurse/assistant, response to my call and walk up to the table, with the victim strapped to it and raise her right hand as it lit up in fire, covering it in a dark shade of green flames, then cover the victim's face with said flaming cover hand, causing the victim to scream even louder in absolute horror.

The scream lasted for 5 seconds before everything became completely quiet.

"When I said, putting the victim to sleep, I don't mean eternal sleep." I glance at the victim with [Elemental Sight] and sighed in relief, that the victim isn't dead. Just scared to the point, where they fainted.

"Don't worry, my god. I made sure not to cause you any problem." Ryun smiles at me, not paying attention to the fact that her right hand is still on fire and hasn't removed from the victim's face yet.

'I wonder why the others made Ryun my nurse?' I thought to myself, 'Sure, Ryun has medical knowledge after I place them inside her and she caring person in a way. But, why do I keep getting the feeling the others wanted someone else to be my nurse while at the same time picking Ryun to be the one to take in the position?' I continue to think about this while watching the [Disease Eater Bugs] do their thing.

Ryun smiled in bliss at her god/husband and happy that threatening the others to take this position for herself is worth it. Now, she just has to make sure this is a permanent position as she finished reading the multiverse guide book.

"Okay, well, the [Disease Eater Bug] is a success from the look of it." I bring up my [Archive] to type down all the notes needed about the whole session. Including the victim was beyond terrified and is able to talk while in fear. "Ryun, what's on the next list for us to experiment with?" I ask my wife/nurse.

"There is the [Recovery Sense Liquid] you made, where it should be able to restore the lost sense the target lost in some way." Ryun replied while looking happy at the way her husband is grinning madly with excitement.

[Recovery Sense Liquid] - Rank: D - Durability: 1/1 - ATK: N/A

Description: A special drop of liquid that will recover the consumer's sense that has been lost in some way, either it's completely gone or partially gone.

1st Effect: [Lesser Sense Recovery] - Upon consuming this drop of liquid in any way, the consumer will regain back the lost sense, be it one or more, by 10%.

"Great, we should test it on the next victim that about to come here for it." I said to Ryun as I use the [Dao of Karma] to bring the one that has the most connection with the [Recovery Sense Liquid] in this dimension. The one that is chosen to get it. And by including a few conditions to pick that person to come. "By the way, did the others contact you about anything important back home?" As my mindset begins to return back to normal after finish typing the notes of the experiment using the [Disease Eater Bug].

"Other than explaining how all the kids now are able to walk on their own without falling any longer. Which is a bit earlier than Erza's generation." Ryun replied happily, as her little precious is now able to walk on her own two feet and thinking about bringing her along for work in the Clinic.

"Oh boy." I know the type of person Black and Rock are; nevertheless, they are my Sons now and I should spoil them a little while leaving their Mothers to be the one to discipline them. Especially these two and I don't envy them of having Esdeath and Raven as their Mothers.

"Also, it seems like Esdeath got bored of being the leader of the Magic Council and decided to quit, but not after making sure her position is still there for her to use whenever the situations call for her to take back the leadership. So now, it's just there for others to take in name only and with limited authority." Ryun continues off what the others have told her today while her god/husband was busy with his experiment.

"Can't blame her." I can understand why Esdeath got bored of being the leader of the Magic Council. I have many reasons why and choose not to be the leader of such a big organization. I would leave it to those that are much more capable than I am and could do so much more. Not to mention I still have my [Skill: Magic Arsenal] with a massive amount of souls under my command. So there that.

The [Slaughter Realm] and [Scholarly Realm]; these two alone could bring countless of lives to their deaths. As for my other two realms created with [Dark Matter] and [Void Energy]. I still haven't got the chance to use them yet up to now since their creation. Sure, there lots of souls going into them, but still, I need to find the best place to use them. Even though I didn't find one and just an excuse to use the [Scholarly Realm] once in the RWBY universe one time.

"My god." I was brought out my thought as my wife called for me.

"Yeah?" I deactivate [Archive] and give Ryun my absolute focus now.

"Esdeath just reported, that she just discovered that there have been reports of people trying to learn about your background." Ryun explained, as she finds this interesting and praise her god/husband for being so famous now, that others wanted to know about him.

"Oh, did Esdeath do anything about discovering this?" I did not expect people would try to look into my background, then again, I have been curing uncurable diseases left to right for an entire week so far.

"Yeah, she destroyed everything related to you. In fact, she made sure that none of us appear in any hidden files in the Magic Council's database. Well, all the ones she could find at the quick moment." Ryun replied, "Also, Esdeath just said she coming home now for lunch."

"Alright, now we just have to do one more victim then before heading back." I'm a little eager for Esdeath's return, to the point of just dismissing the next victim to test the [Recovery Sense Liquid] on and just be done with the one I have right now after finish testing the [Disease Eater Bug].

A few hours later*

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest)

After the last victim was treated with the [Recovery Sense Liquid] and have their memory wipe about how they were experimented on before sending off their way after treating them. Ryun and I close up the Clinic and begin heading back home.

"So, how life been so far with you, Ryun?" I ask my wife as we took it slow to walk back home while Ryun hugging my left arm, as we ignoring the people nearby walking away and grumbling about how unfair it was for the Clinic to be close so early today.

"Great with you in my life." Ryun smiled at me. "Honestly, life keeps on getting better and it will be even more once we've finally finished the war or at least reach our goal."

I nod my head in agreement with my wife's words as neither of us wanted to be in an endless war that has no end. Plus, facing the three factions will never have an end, but just a temporary pause. For in this multiverse, the three factions will always be a thing.

"Well, we just have to hope we come across more False Gamers or by the time we do, the kids should all be grown up and ready to fight the three factions by themselves as well." Ryun let out a sigh at the thought of her babies fighting the three factions just because they were born into this family. Nevertheless, Ryun will make sure to take down a good amount of the three factions before they could do anything major to her little gift and precious.

"I really hope that doesn't come true. Because otherwise, this whole family will be built on blood and war only, where this family would soon become the fourth faction. Something I truly don't want to happen." I frown at the thought of becoming a fourth faction as the [Information Dimension] of the multiverse mention countless of a new and old faction trying to take the fourth position before it was destroyed by all three factions, and even if it succeeds in staying alive for years. Then, even more, new factions appear until almost all, but the three main factions of today are still alive compared to the other ones, that are dead or merged into the three factions.

"Well, we can just hope this event doesn't come true. I'm sure most of us will figure a way to make sure the three factions back off before we make sure all of them become weaker and cause them to become a former of their original strength." Ryun snort with her eyes going cold at the thoughts of the three factions daring to push her family into a war that last generations.

"Either way, let's leave this topic alone. I'm eager to see what Esdeath will make today for lunch." I said to Ryun, where our stomachs begin to growl at the mention of Esdeath's food. Something that even the [Gamer's Body] can't stop from happening. Esdeath's foods are just heavenly.