Chapter 94: Cautious

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 94: Cautious

The next day*

Year 27: Day 143: Trouble On Its Way!

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

"Hm. You know, I still can't help feeling like using your [Broken Skill: Rejection] to clean the mess we made after having sex is a bit of a waste." Serafall said to me, as she stretches her arms, causing her naked breasts to jiggle a little.

"Hey, it saves us the trouble of cleaning the mess and having one of the kids discovered how much of a mess we make every time we have sex." Alice grin at Serafall while she lay on the bed on her side. "Plus, without the [Rejection] used every time all of us have one big orgy. I'm pretty sure most of us would be mindless with only sex and more sex on our minds. Barely able to do most tasks we normally do every day. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if one of us end up dead from having sex non-stop without any rest at all, including skipping meals."

"True." Serafall nods her head, seeing Alice's points. "By the way, tomorrow is when the kids coming back home. Do you think they will be able to finally push you out of the circle, hubby?" Serafall knew how much the kids wanted that wish, group wish to be exact, but sadly, they've failed twice in a row now. With tomorrow being their third try.

"Who knows, maybe? I know Chifuyu is getting better at using her [Sword Intent] and Kaori has already shown improvement of creating her [Monomolecular Mana Wires] in both speed and quality." I replied as I rub both Esdeath and Ryun's head, with the former lying next to me on my left with the latter on my right. Both have their eyes closed to enjoy the feeling of my hands rubbing their heads.

"I still find it amusing that your own Daughter manages to gain the [Sword Intent] from the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills] naturally while you got a completely different one through a forced method." Raven smirk at me while using Alice her body pillow to lean on.

"Eh, I would have envied Chifuyu, but with how many different [Sword Dao] I currently have, not including the [Volition Sword Dao] and the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi], I don't think it's worth envy my own Daughter for doing something I couldn't. Besides, this is great in my opinion. Since that means Chifuyu actual proven that one can gain a [Sword Intent] from the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills] and later a [Sword Dao] too." I praise how great Chifuyu is and as my own Daughter. "Oh, yeah. Do you girls wish to stay in this universe a bit longer after an entire year passed by for my original body to completely be healed or want to go somewhere else? After all, there no False or True Gamers in this universe at all."

"Don't care." Esdeath replied calmly as she continues to enjoy having her head rubbed. Of course, she would rather have something else rubbed instead, but this is fine for her at the moment.

"If you had asked me before on the first day here, I would for sure say yes, to leaving after waiting for a year for your original body to recover. But, now that I have a hobby I just began. I rather stay here a bit longer. Who knows, maybe I can become a master of making clothes." Yuri said to me while she lay on her stomach on the bed.

"I'll follow whatever you desire my god." Ryun replied, not bother to explain as her words alone are enough.

"You already know my answer." Alice grin at me.

"Meh." Raven shrugs her shoulders.

"I hope we can stay a bit longer, husband. We still have lots of things to do in this dimension." Gabriel said to me, where she sitting in front of me, where I can see her glorious large breasts and her loving smile. "Also, I think this dimension will be perfect for the kids to grow in." What Gabriel didn't mention is that she wanted to continue staying here since she could do a lot more here compared back in her home universe and the next one may have some restrictions in some way, that may end up preventing her from doing what she desires to do.

"I just spread my fame, hubby." Serafall hugs me from behind, pressing her breasts against my back. "Rather than leaving so soon. How about we stay here until we get bored of this place and I don't think we'll be bored; well, very bored staying here for a couple of years."

"By the way, husband. I decided what my [Dao] will be and I made a decision, and I'm willing to take the [Skill: The Heavenly Dao Scholar] as well along with the [Dao] I have picked." Gabriel thought about this a while and the moment she found out not many have tried to help their husband when he sometime mostly mentally unstable. She knew what to pick after doing research on the subject.

"Really now?" I ask with a hint of interest in what Gabriel wanted, where everyone else wanted to know as well. Since out of everyone here, only Gabriel hasn't picked a [Dao] yet.

So Gabriel begins explaining to everyone what [Dao] she wanted and explained why she picked it.

A few minutes later*

[Dao of Alchemy] - Passive/Active - Cost: Varies

Description: A [Pill Concoction Method] that could control the [Energy] of heaven and earth, using [Yin] and [Yang] as fire, refining the multitude of living things in the world. Use the heaven and earth as the furnace, capable of refining everything in the world to extract their essence.

1st Effect: Gain access to [All Alchemy Mastery].

1st Effect's Requirement: Require the user to use anything like a material.

"Huh, I did not expect you would pick this as your [Dao]." Serafall spoke in confusion after Gabriel obtained the [Dao of Alchemy] from their hubby along with [The Heavenly Dao Scholar].

"Well, someone got to figure a way to help our husband. If he can't do it, then I'll just be the one to do it. I don't care if he and the other True Gamers can't figure a way to solve this problem." Gabriel knew her goal will be a hard one, but she will reach it no matter how long it will take.

"Good luck, Gabriel." Raven said to the angel, as she truly needs it if she planning to use the [Dao of Alchemy] as a way to heal their husband's unstable mind.

I open my mouth to say something to Gabriel before frowning. Something my wives noticed instantly.

"What's the matter, Ragna?" Yuri asks, as she and the rest tense up. Because every time their husband frown. Nothing good comes from it.

"Look like someone with a [Divine Predicting Skill] have located us and has already sent an army towards this universe." I explained as one of the programs I made with [Archive] have detected someone from the three factions managed to find us even after I placed down numerous of [Restrictions] to hide the universe. But, it looks like it wasn't enough if someone's [Divine Predicting Skill] located which universe we're currently in.

"Wait, for real?!" Raven cried out in shock, sitting up and no longer leaning on Alice. "It hasn't even been a month yet since we came into this universe, but we were founded out already?!"

No one can blame Raven's reaction as everyone else is very disturbed by this news. Even though the three factions have been trying to discover where this family's locations all the time. All of us have been able to hide away in a random universe for a few years before changing it, but now that the three factions managed to find us. This is bad news, a huge one at that.

"This is troublesome news. The kids haven't even got the chance to stay out of the home universe that long." Ryun frown, that the kids won't be able to have their fun and experience the unknown of the universe they're in.

Of course, most people would be more concerned about something much, much more important than about some kids not being able to have their fun. But, then again, they are not Ryun.

"Man, I was really hoping to relax a bit more." Alice groans that she won't be able to take her time to enjoy eating her foods and even relaxing together with Raven without having to worry about the dangers related to the three factions.

"Wait, hubby's original body hasn't recovered yet!" Serafall recall, that it takes an entire year for the original to no longer be stuck at 1% HP. "Do we have the means to take on the three factions right now without the help of hubby's original body to fight off the stronger enemies?!" Serafall was no mean foolish and know her limits along with the others.

"I should be able to stall the three factions all by myself if I were to use [Army Skills] to face off the armies the three factions brought along." I let out a sigh, "I would use a [Forlon Arrow], but they're too close that the shockwave would damage the [Ark]." I knew that [Forlon Arrow] and [Sorrowful Longbow] would easily destroy the armies the three factions coming our way, but that doesn't mean there won't be friendly fire if I use these two destructive weapons.

"Other than Yuri and Ryun. The rest of us can't fight outside the universes and in the multiverse." Esdeath scowl that this is one of the major weaknesses that Esdeath and the others have when facing the three factions head-on in the vast of the multiverse.

"Well, we could fight from inside the [Ark], that's what I did before when I was fighting along with Ragna before in the past." Raven explained how she mainly used [Heartforce] when dealing with the universe size robot and their husband facing the 5th True Gamer, three years ago.

"Hm. We could, but this would cause a problem for the ones fighting outside the [Ark]. Since Ragna, Yuri, and Ryun will have to protect the rest of us in the [Ark]. No matter how much Ragna put all kinds of protections onto the [Ark]. It won't last forever, nor would it be enough to protect us from being attacked by a massive number on the enemy's side." Esdeath replied, sitting up as she folds her arms under her breasts, causing her naked breasts to be pushed up.

"Also, not all of us have the firepower to attack outside the multiverse and actually do damage to the enemies. Raven can with her [Heartforce], but I don't think my [Holy Magic] can even hurt most of these enemies, with powerful bodies that can survive without any protection in the multiverse." Gabriel said with worries, because including herself, there Serafall, who even though she has [Devil Magic]. Won't have the ability to deal with any major damage either, unless the enemy's side brought along low [Tier - Entities].

"Wait, before we get ahead of self." Alice stops everyone before taking any action. "Ragna, how long will the three factions arrive here?"

I close my eyes, to concentrate and use multiple programs of [Archive] together with the [Elemental Sight] to gain access to the [Information Dimension] for a second or two before getting my answer.

"In one week in this dimension's time zone." I answered, opening my eyes, I knew that I'll have to bring out even stronger [Skills], even thinking about gaining new [Skills] that I personally made but haven't had my Gamer's ability absorb the books to be turned into actual [Skills] yet.

"That's not long then, depending on the zones of the multiverse the three factions would use to come here." Yuri has already read the multiverse guide book and among the information in this book. Are these zones of the multiverse, that is like crossroads for people to use to travel. Simply, it likes the streets for people to use to get where they wanted. But, make it into the various sizes of being small as a rock to multiple universes put together.

These zones are what normal people of the three factions used to travel in the multiverse to reach other universes. Some zones can take days to reach certain universes while it could take thousands of years to cross over a zone to reach one universe from other zones.

"It's fine. I made sure to pick a universe, that is in a zone that requires a long period of time to reach one universe to another." I'm glad that I have a method to ignore these zones, something all the three factions are unable to do, this even includes the other True Gamers. Maybe the 5th True Gamer could upon reaching higher [Tier] due to being specialized in the element of space.

"Well, thank goodness for that." Alice sighed in relief upon hearing this, with almost everyone agreeing with her. "Now, that we have a week, not that much really, but we got some time to prepare." Alice knew there is a limited option of what to take. "Actually, Ragna. Even if it takes a week for them to arrive, the distance is still too close for you to use the [Forlon Arrow]?"

"Yeah, in the past, I would always make sure the distance between me and the enemy's side should take the enemy more than a month or more to reach me to be barely considered as a safe distance for me to use a [Forlon Arrow]." I answered. "Anyway, we need to take this time to get ready for either taking on the three factions or find another universe to hide in."

"Well, as much as I want us to face head-on. I'm going to have to say we head to another universe. Because I am not risking you dying on us, Ragna." Esdeath let out a sigh, "And don't even bother thinking of using one or more of your [Cultivation Clone Bodies]. Since all of them are stuck on [Tier 5 - Entity] and only hit [Tier 10 - Entity] by merging with your original body. The risk is too huge for us to fight the three factions right now."

"This is true." Gabriel nods her head, "It's better for us to retreat and wait until we're ready." She and the others know that their husband won't be able to fight at 100% without his original body. Therefore, the option to fight the three factions right now is almost a death sentence.

"That's fine for me. This will give us more time to train the kids personally. With the help of the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book], we should have more time to train them in this one week." I said to my wives. "But, honestly, I rather not use the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] on the kids at all. Since they'll age even faster and we still don't know if the kids born into this family will become an ageless immortal like us."

This caused everyone to realize, that this is true. The ones that were born into this family, which are the [Reincarnators], but that doesn't mean they would gain immortality from their parents.

"I should be able to make something to give them immortality with the help of the [Dao of Alchemy], but I have no idea how long it will take me though." Gabriel said to everyone, but this option has a low chance of working before the time the kids die due to old age and still haven't created a solution to give the kids immortality.

"We could just have them start cultivating. Since among the point of cultivating is to gain eternal life." Raven put up an option that has a higher chance than Gabriel's option, for the kids to at least extend their lifespan.

"Hm. That's also an option, but before we decide this. We have to find out if they even want to live forever instead of just wanting to enjoy this second life until they die of old age." Esdeath said to Raven and the rest. "Plus, I have this feeling that some of the kids rather not live forever period."

"Wouldn't be a surprise if one or more didn't want eternal life." Serafall chuckle with bitterness at the memory of some of the devils in her home universe had changed over the years, for the better or worse. Just because they have a longer lifespan as a devil.

"I don't know why others don't want to live forever, I mean all the foods you can eat and new ones to try!" Alice said in a joking manner, trying to lighten up the mood, which worked as everyone begins to smile.

But, that didn't stop the main topic from returning, making the mood turn from joyful to serious and a bit of depression.

"Well, either the kids live forever or not. Right now it isn't important. What's important is who stays with the kids in this universe while the rest of us head to another universe to hide until my original body's recovery is finished." I said to my wives, where all of us are currently in a new floor of the log house, that was made on the first day after arriving in this dimension of the Fairy Tail universe. "It doesn't matter if they found us, we just have to switch for another zone in the multiverse to prevent them from catching up. Of course, that doesn't mean there some powerful entities won't be able to catch up if they abandon the armies behind. So, technically, we just have to deal with the stronger entities instead of worrying about the armies heading our way."

"We'll think about this later, for now, we relax." Yuri said to everyone before falling backward, lying on her back as she closes her eyes to take a nap. Not caring that she is still naked when the others are still naked as well.

Alice snort at this, "I think we can have all the time we need to discuss this in the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book]. So, as Yuri said. Let's relax for now."

The next day*

Year 27: Day 144: A New Beginning

(Earth Land: Fiore: Magnolia Town: Eastern Forest: Log House)

"Hey, Esdeath. You mind sparring with me for a bit? I finally got a [Sword Dao] for my [Skill: Innate Invisible Sword Qi] finally." I said to Esdeath, who is messing around with our Son, Black, by gently pushing him back onto the ground whenever he tries to get up.

Something Black took as a challenge and tried to get up without being pushed down by his Mother.

"Oh?" Esdeath knew her husband been trying to find the right [Sword Dao] for the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi] for a long time and now he finally got one for it. "Now, this is interesting. Sure, why not." Esdeath got up from her crouching position and pick up Black from the ground, to hand him over to Gabriel, who wasn't that far away from her, with Gabriel playing around with the rest of the kids.

"[Hoi]. [Joso]. [Ketsu]. [Wonderland: Open Field]." I create a huge [Kekkai] around Esdeath and me the moment Esdeath and I moved away from the others, then activate my [Skill: Wonderland] afterward.


The [Skill: Wonderland] is being activated. Checking for the requirement is fulfilled.


The condition to activate the [Skill: Wonderland] is a success.


All entities inside [Wonderland] can no longer have the ability to die as long [Wonderland] is active.

The entire area inside the [Kekkai] didn't change other than everything, that are tall grasses, sticks, and rocks are removed under the effects of [Wonderland: Open Field]. Furthermore, the [Kekkai] will be almost impossible to break from inside due to [Wonderland]'s effects of making nothing could be destroyed. All damages will disappear in a matter of seconds.

"Well? Are you going to reveal what [Sword Dao] you obtained from your [Innate Invisible Sword Qi]?" Esdeath asks her husband, ignoring the way Raven on the sideline twitch upon mentioning said [Skill].

"It took some time, but I figure that since the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi] is similar to the [Volition Sword Dao] that evolve without an end. I wanted it to be something much more, but at the same time help me continue to have control over the [Volition Sword Dao]. This is my answer." I bring out a regular sword and infuse it with my new [Sword Dao] that instead of the familiar red mist whenever I use [Sword Qi]. A black mist covers the regular sword instead. "[Dawn Sword Dao], the [Sword Dao] that is to comprehend everything and understand what is the [Dao] and how it comes to be. With enough understanding to form a solid foundation and forever growing. Allowing me to wield the [Dao of Beginning] with absolute control."

To make it more interesting for Esdeath. She felt no killing intent from the black mist whatsoever. Truly, this is very unusual for Esdeath as she too used to feel such dense killing intent whenever her husband use [Sword Qi]. But all of a sudden it disappears. No. It's more like it never existed, unbelievable as this thought came to Esdeath.

"[Volition Sword Dao] gives me the instinct I need to wield it. The [Dawn Sword Dao] give me the knowledge for me to learn from it. So, tell me. Esdeath." I grin at Esdeath, pointing at her with the sword. "How will you fight without your senses?"

"Senses?" Esdeath look confused before her eyes widen. Where she felt something really wrong and right there and then. Esdeath hurls multiple icicles at her husband before she forms a dome around herself, infused with the [Freezing Time Dao].

"That won't stop me at all." I said to Esdeath as I easily cut all the icicles. Not affected by the [Freezing Time Dao] infused into these icicles. Since I cancel it out with the [Dawn Sword Dao: Canceler Effect]. One of the first [Sword Dao Techniques] I created for the [Dawn Sword Dao] and the main usage for it. A way to counter the target's ability in more than one way.

In Esdeath's case of the [Freezing Time Dao]. I counter by using the [Flowing Time Dao] to make the icicles that can never break or melt, able to be breakable and meltable. By making it so it no longer stopped in time.

I appear next to the icy dome and slash it with [Dawn Sword Dao Technique: Burning Effect], this contains the [Dao of Heat], covering the icy dome in a black mist, causing said icy dome to melt due to the intense heat from coming from the black mist.

However, before the entire dome was covered in the black mist. Esdeath already broke through the opposite side from where the heat began and exit the dome before it was completely covered. A second too late, then Esdeath would have likely been burned alive together with the melted icy dome.

"How about this?" Esdeath snaps her fingers at her husband, where a sharp cold wind surrounding her husband fast. Ices forming the ground instantly and the air has ices forming in midair. Before even three seconds passed, the entire area of 10 meters radius with her husband in the center formed a block of ice.

"Eh. You may want to speed up a bit if you want to catch me." I grin at my wife, where I just increased my speed to avoid being frozen by Esdeath. "However, I don't think you can." I point at Esdeath with my sword, where I use [Canceler Effect] once more, but this time I mess up Esdeath's sense of speed instead of her sense of instinct to prevent her from sensing my killing intent.

Now, Esdeath can't even tell how much speed she needs to move or able to tell how fast I'm moving in general.

I appear in front of Esdeath, who clearly was surprised I was already in front of her. And before Esdeath could put up her defense up; Esdeath found her left arm cut off from the rest of her body.

Then, [Wonderland] took in effect and reverse the event, returning Esdeath's left arm back where it was, to begin with.

I jump back as ice spikes erupt from the ground around Esdeath. However, unusually, Esdeath's ice spikes erupt very slow, to the point that someone like Repellista can avoid it.

"Alright, that's enough. I still have to spar with the kids coming here soon." I return back all the senses, I removed from Esdeath with the [Dawn Sword Dao], a very interesting [Sword Dao] I didn't expect to come from the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi]; nevertheless, I can say for sure that the [Dawn Sword Dao]'s potential is equal to the [Volition Sword Dao].

"What was that?" Esdeath asks me, as I deactivate [Wonderland] and the [Kekkai].

"[Dawn Sword Dao: Canceler Effect]. It is among the few [Sword Dao Techniques] I created with the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi] upon obtaining the [Sword Dao] for it." I explain how that the [Dawn Sword Dao] came to, with the idea of using the knowledge of all the [Dao] formed and merged into the [Volition Sword Dao] and use an opposite force to cancel it out. Therefore, the [Dawn Sword Dao] is the ultimate counter sword while the [Volition Sword Dao] is the ultimate attack sword.

I even went into more detail, that even then, the [Dawn Sword Dao] is behind the [Volition Sword Dao], which is my fault since I literally just obtained the [Dawn Sword Dao]. A brand new [Sword Dao] that isn't even a few days old. Compared to the [Volition Sword Dao] that's been with me for years.

"Huh, well, I know for sure, that Raven will be very envious of you having the [Dawn Sword Dao]. Since she is a counter type fight after all, and once she learns about the [Dawn Sword Dao]. I can say that Raven will be on your case, no question about it." Esdeath smirk at her husband.

"Damn it, Ragna! I already hate the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi] already, but now you made it into the [Dawn Sword Dao] just piss me off even more!" Raven roared at me, where it looks like she heard everything, from the beginning to the end. "You and me! Now!" Raven speed walks straight to me after handing Rock over to Gabriel to watch over. "And don't bother to deny me of this fight! The kids can wait after I finish dealing with you!"

"He's all yours." Esdeath raises her hands up and walks around her husband. Not bothered that she won't have more time spending with her husband. Since Esdeath wanted to see if she could gain anything by watching from the sideline and be more prepared in the future whenever she faces her husband again, now that he obtained the [Dawn Sword Dao].

Against my will; I reform the [Kekkai] and reactivated the [Skill: Wonderland], but of course, I could just say no and Raven can't stop me. However, I still need to test out the [Dawn Sword Dao] and Raven is the best person for me to spar with. Yet, I didn't ask her, in the beginning, to spar with and asked Esdeath instead.

And look like my plan work, because now Raven won't decline and make up some kind of excuses to avoid sparring with me. Now, that Raven is the one that requests the spar, I'm jumping with joy, but I made sure not to show it and kept the sheepish smile on my face, for causing Raven's rage of discovering the type of [Dawn Sword Dao] is and where it originally came from. The very same [Skill] that causes no end of trouble for Raven.

"Alright. Alright. Alright. No need to bite my head off." I said to Raven, as I duck and jump away when Raven attack right away the moment [Wonderland] took in effect. "I thought of you when I made the [Dawn Sword Dao], Raven. I don't know why you're so angry. Shouldn't you be pleased that you are the cause for a new [Sword Dao] to form?"

"No!" Raven glared at her husband, because she knew how much problems her husband cause her with the [Innate Invisible Sword Qi] at the beginning. And now that he turns it into something more. This just made it worse for Raven from this point on. Of course, Raven is happy, in fact, very happy to the point of wanting to jump her husband and have her way with him, right there and then. But, she has an image to hold in front of everyone. So, she must face her husband and prove that she isn't afraid of the [Dawn Sword Dao].

Of course, later on, Raven will drag her husband somewhere private just the two of them, as a way to show how happy she is for being the main cause of a new [Sword Dao] formed and something that will help face against the three factions.

"Well, I guess we just have to see who will go down first." I smirk at the thoughts Raven having by reading her character sheet. Honestly, I love that I have these character sheets for me to know what my family truly thinks about or I really think Raven is really mad at me for having the [Dawn Sword Dao]. "Come on, Raven. Show me what you got!"