Chapter 96: I Wonder...

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 96: I Wonder...

A week later*

Year 27: Day 151: The Choice We Make

(Ark's City)

It took a week before we came to a stop before a universe to enter. As to why it took a week; well, that is because we needed to create even more distance between us and the three factions once I manage to create a new program with [Archive] and the help of the [Information Dimension] to block the three factions from finding our present location. In fact, the last location the three factions managed to locate us is the same area where the formerly Fairy Tail universe used to be before it was merged into my home universe.

"Hey, Ragna. Are we entering this universe or what?" Yuri asks me, as she just came out from one of the empty buildings, that is used as her personal place like Serafall did upon returning back to the [Ark].

Right now, Yuri's current outfit is a smart gray jacket, over a black T-shirt, and black trousers. Her latest outfit she personally made for herself after checking her canon version's outfit once it's Yuri's canon scene time again.

"Give me a sec, to find out what universe this is. Depending on what it is. I may need to switch out my current body for a different one." I replied to Yuri's question while explaining to her and everyone else, that I wanted to use the other [Cultivation Clone Bodies] due to not wanting to overuse the one I currently using at the moment. Plus, this should help me work on my [Dawn Sword Dao] further by using it together with the other bodies compared to the [Volition Sword Dao] already have for years.

"It shouldn't be too dangerous or else there no point of bringing the kids into the universe. Not to mention, the babies." Ryun points this out since all the babies are with us. Instead of leaving them in the home universe, where it's a lot safer than entering other universes that most likely not safe at all until taking over said universes.

"Oh, this is the Beelzebub universe." I said with a hint of surprise.

"Beelzebub?" Serafall asked, "Wait, what?" Serafall quickly takes out her [Lighthouse] and access the database for all the info related to anime, manga, etc.

"I'll be right back. I need to change body." I said to my family before entering one of the building and placing down numerous of [Restrictions] all over the walls and among other [Skills]. To prevent anything from leaking out of the building. Then, I summon the body I wanted to use in the Beelzebub universe.

A golden ripple appears in midair before the sound of footsteps came from inside it. Where the [Cultivation Clone Bodies: The Sword Demon] appear, wearing a green [Cultivation Robe]. [The Sword Demon] possesses the same size as an average human, not like the original size of [The Sword God], which I had to use a few [Skills] that are linked to reducing the body size to the average human size.

The aura of bloodthirst appears throughout the entire room, the desire to kill that was not deranged nor mad, but cold and calculating. [The Sword Demon]'s body gives off the feeling of ferocious and benevolent. It would cause many to feel numerous emotions upon being near this body. Making it impossible to ascertain as to what many would truly feel what [The Sword Demon]'s current emotions are. Since it always changing to something else before one could react.

Luckily, I plan ahead with the [Restrictions] and among other things. Otherwise, my family would have driven into madness from feeling all the emotions [The Sword Demon] is releasing and the massive bloodthirst as well.

I transfer my conscious over to [The Sword Demon] and put away [The Sword God] into the [Gate of Babylon]. Freeing me from having to keep the [Chain Combo Magic] active throughout the entire time when I was in [The Sword God]'s body.

-Ragna's [The Sword Demon's Cultivation Body]'s POV-

Quickly, I use [Dark Matter] to suppress the bloodthirst and through force of willpower, with a bit of [Sword Qi] to help this out. I crush down the countless random emotions this body of mine going through until I only give off the feeling of cold and calculating. Making it like I'm a cold-hearted person, that would attack at any seconds the moment I'm offended in any way.

Once this is done. I switch my current outfit for the default one instead. Since the Beelzebub universe takes on a modern-day setting.

Walking out of the building; I noticed the look I'm getting from my family, mostly the kids than my wives and Repellista.

"Something on my face?" I raise an eyebrow, causing some of my wives to give me a deadpan look.

"Nah, just that the kids are surprised to see their Father's eye color changed from golden to emerald green. Also, I don't know about the kids, but the rest of us can see the bloodthirst in those eyes of yours. Why [The Sword Demon], Ragna?" Esdeath places a hand on her hip and raise one eyebrow. "Unless you're trying to match some kind of theme in the universe we're about to enter? Because that's the only reason why I think you would pick [The Sword Demon] out of the others."

"Eh, kind of." I give a so-so hand gesture, that Esdeath is technically right. "Anyway, should we enter this universe or should we search for another?" I mentally pray that it this universe, because I just switched bodies. If it is a no, then I may need to find other universes that mostly have demons in them.

"Well, it's a modern-day setting. So, similar to Ingui Yoon and Daniela's home universe. You know what, I'm a little curious to see if there anything worth checking in this universe. So, you got my vote in entering the Beelzebub universe." Esdeath agreed and gave her vote first on rather enter or not to enter the Beelzebub universe.

"Don't care. As long there food for me to eat." Alice gave her vote, as she continues to eat from her table filled with food of all various dishes from different cultures.

"We should enter, because then I could do a bit more research on this universe's culture in clothing." Yuri agreed as well, because she has a hobby she likes very much. Now, Yuri's desires to learn more about how to make clothes, more in her taste than others' fashion style actually, but also learning about how to make clothes in many different ways.

"Pyrrha agreed to enter the Beelzebub universe, to meet with the baby Beelzebub and see if she could make friends with him." Ryun smiles down at her little precious one.

"Ah?!" Pyrrha cried out in shock, because she didn't say anything about this, or more like, she hasn't even spoken her first word. Yet, her own birth Mother has made it like she wanted to go into this unknown universe, that she has no knowledge about it.

"See. She wanted to go." Ryun raises her little precious one, who is still holding onto her teddy bear and has a shocked and confused look on her face.

"Okay." I shrug, not caring if it just Ryun's ways of just letting everyone know she agrees with entering the Beelzebub universe. Then I look at Raven, Gabriel, and Serafall, since these three haven't given their votes out yet.

"You already know my answer." Raven let out a quiet yawn as she kept her holds on her Son from running off around this place.

"I'm fine either way." Gabriel smile at me, while hugging her Daughter, who is currently asleep and has a bubble coming out of her nose, that grows big when she breathes out and becomes smaller when breathing in. But, that doesn't stop Artoria from biting on her stuff toy meat while she is asleep.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Serafall jump with joy, "We need to enter this universe right away!" Serafall quickly explains to everyone why she so excited. Upon learning the way to use her [Demonic Power] from the native in the Beelzebub universe will give her another tool for her usage in the case of her [Devil Magic] and [Dao of Deception] don't have the raw power she requires. With [Devil Magic], anything is possible, which is why she going to merge the method of using the [Demonic Power] of the Beelzebub universe into her [Devil Magic].

"Alrighty, then." I see that all my wives agree, then look at Repellista, who is currently too busy to care about this and playing with the kids, or more like doing her usual thing, taking pictures for blackmails.

A week later*

Year 27: Day 158: Greeting! I'm New Here!

(Ishiyama High School)

It took some time, even for Esdeath to obtain the position of being the principal and making sure all the paperwork are dealt with, and now is to introduce herself to her students, with me tagging along after we just finished 'moving' nearby, just next to the main character of Beelzebub's house.

Currently, it's just Esdeath and me while the rest are doing their own business.

Yuri went ahead to study all she can about subjects related to making clothes online. Ryun became a stay home wife, who get along with the main character's parents and acting like she normal. Of course, this time it was Ryun, who is my wife while the rest are just friends that live together as roommates. Weirdly enough, Esdeath seems fine with this.

Alice and Raven follow Yuri and Ryun's example by staying home as well, to watch over the kids, with Repellista there helping as well. So, in the public views. Alice and Raven are Yuri and Ryun's cousins and staying to raise all the kids together instead of separate. As to where their supposed husbands should be? Well, that question never shows up due to the fact that the [Restrictions] placed on all my wives and kids, along with Repellista. Made it so people will never have those thoughts in the first place.

As for Gabriel, she took this chance to become a teacher at the Ishiyama High School. Of course, currently, Gabriel is staying home to study all she needs to teach at school. Not to mention, a school filled with delinquents, that makes it impossible for new non-delinquents students to enroll in the school.

Serafall actually went to the Underworld or something similar to one in this universe since Serafall has a goal in mind that she wanted to do in this universe. So for the time being, most of us have no idea where she is at the moment nor what she doing.

"So, this is the place?" I ask Esdeath while I'm one of the teachers of this school as well along with Gabriel. But, for a completely different one and a brand new class that Esdeath manages to get the people of higher up to make it possible, but only for this school only. Power and money solve lots of problems. Also, threats. Mostly the threats and promises Esdeath made it very possible for this class of mine to be made.

"Yup. Quick question, why did you want us to take over this school and not the other ones nearby in this Town?" Esdeath asks her husband while ignoring the looks she getting from the students.

"Mostly because this place is mostly not boring compared to a normal school. Unless you can stand teaching or be in an education position without becoming bored?" I glance at Esdeath while we continue to walk into the school ground.

Both Esdeath and I changed our outfits to something more on the line of a casual business. With Esdeath wearing a white dress shirt and light blue dress pants, and to finish the outfit. Esdeath wearing matching light blue high heels.

As for myself, I have a green dress shirt, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. Overall, both Esdeath and I feel a little weird out wearing these types of outfits nor do we own these before. Of course, Yuri made these outfits before I had the chance to make them myself via [Wisdom of The Sage].

"Hm. I guess." Esdeath can see why now, that her husband picked this place and entering this universe. "By the way, I forgot to ask before, but is this a normal universe or a crossover universe?" This been on her mind for a week now ever since entering this universe, but many things were distracting her and/or her husband a while now. So, better to ask this question now before something gets in the way.

"It's a normal universe." I answered Esdeath's question. "So we don't have to be concerned about unexpected people from different series popping up. Though, there is one interesting about this universe or more like this dimension to be exact. Honestly, I don't if I should find this funny or sad."

"Why is that?" Esdeath ignores the group of students forming behind. As we enter the school building.

"There is a [Reincarnator] here and is a recent one too. Not the rebirth types like our children, but one that took over a recently deceased body of the native in this world." I said to Esdeath, not caring if people overhear us since I placed an illusion over Esdeath and me with [Ninjutsu] to make it look like we haven't spoken up to now from entering the school ground to entering the building. "Give me a moment. We got an unwanted company."

"Alright." Esdeath smirk at the sight of watching her husband blast the students with the aura of fear via releasing just the presence of the [Sword Demon Magic].

[Sword Demon Magic] - Passive/Active -

Description: Multifarious and bizarre, that forever changing and causing unknown random effects. Borne from the rage, sadness, and madness of becoming something that wasn't supposed to. Possessing a thousand faces, a thousand emotions, through the merge of [Dark Matter] and [Demon Qi].

Through training and practice; by just using emotions are the medium alone has it made it possible to channel the [Sword Demon Magic] without losing any control. Also, making it so the [Dark Matter] that has merged with [Demon Qi] to be able to devour the target without having to physically touch them. Just by using their emotions alone work for the [Dark Matter] to kill them, this includes other beings beside Akuma and Noah. Of course, through absolute control. Killing or not killing is now a choice rather than a chance.




Multiple screams of terror among the students can be heard throughout the area as the sound of these terrified students ran with all their might to escape from the front entrance of the school.

"I do wonder if this was expected or not, for the [Dark Matter] to be merged with [Demon Qi] that perfectly match it." Esdeath shook her head, curious if this was fate's work or something. Since her husband explained that the [Sword Demon Magic] is similar on the line of [Heartforce] that affects the enemy's heart. But, much more on a crueler level and stronger killing power.

"Hey, at least this way I don't have to use killing intent, which would just kill the weaker ones with a weak will. Plus, the way I'm using can be easily changed on how much emotion I could put that drive people to their death to just small enough that many would barely ignore it if they know about it." I smirk at the thought of using [Dark Matter] in such a way, that I honestly didn't know what other ability to use the [Dark Matter] other than maybe replicate the abilities belong to the Noah Family back in the D. Gray-Man universe and using the [Yami Yami no Mi].

Now, with the aura alone coming from the [Sword Demon Magic] that causes many to be forced to go through numerous emotions in a matter of seconds would drive them insane if I don't control the [Sword Demon Magic] and just let it run free. Plus, with the use of [Yami Yami no Mi] will make it even harder for enemies to fight back without most of them being able to use their abilities due to the [Yami Yami no Mi]'s nullification ability.

"Maybe." Esdeath finds it funny that out of all the [Cultivation Clone Bodies] her husband possesses. [The Sword Demon] possesses the highest abilities to cause fast worldwide destruction, not through deaths, but through massive discord in ones' emotions and souls. As in causing many to destroy themselves and those around them.

"Now, do you have any idea where the former principal is?" I glance around to check the place, but all I see are these students, where all of them are glaring at Esdeath and me; well, more like giving a lustful look at Esdeath and making meowing sounds. Something Esdeath quickly solves by leaking just a silver of her killing intent, leading to all the people nearby to faint instantly. "Maybe you should have left me to get rid of these students instead of causing them to faint." I sweatdrop that most of them peed their pants and unlike me, Esdeath doesn't have enough control to hold back even more of her killing intent at all without causing others to faint at minimum. Of course, there's still a high chance of them dying from heart attacks.

"From a trusted source, the former principal should be somewhere doing the garden outside." Esdeath completely ignored the last comment made by her husband. No regret for causing all these students and anyone else hidden to be knocked out cold.

"Alright, after meeting with the former principal, who you rehired to tend the garden." I pause for a moment and even Esdeath stop moving forward, because both of us see a set of ten students' heads and partial their upper torso buried through the walls in the hallway.

"Oh? Well, this is interesting." Esdeath smiled at this dreadful sight before looking up ahead, where the main culprit is the cause of this. "Ragna, be a dear and find this Tatsumi Oga. I want to try something out."

"Sure, also the [Reincarntor] is with him." I figure Esdeath must be curious about what a demon baby is like and among other things. Even though, technically, Rin is half-devil. Kind of like a demon baby in a way.


"I think you may have your work cut out for you, Esdeath." I said dryly, as the school building shook for a few seconds and it occurs on the third floor.

"I may only become a principal recently, but that doesn't mean, I'll allow what is now mine, be destroy by others." Esdeath grit her teeth, "Ragna. Lead the way."

I shook my head, knowing how possessive Esdeath is, when it comes to certain things, this includes myself most of the time. Nevertheless, I did as Esdeath's requested and lead her to where the main culprit that caused the building to shake.

20 minutes later*

"Hello." Esdeath greets Tatsumi and the others, where one of them is looking at Esdeath in disbelief as if they actually know Esdeath from somewhere.

"Careful. She no one simple." Hilda said to Tatsumi and the others. Her full name is Hildegarde and a demon that serves as both the adoptive Mother and wet nurse to Beelzebub IV. The green-haired naked baby boy on Tatsumi's back. "Who are you?"

"Me?" Esdeath responded with amusement. "I'm the principal of this school." Esdeath's smile widens at the sight of one of the group members gasp in shock upon hearing this, and she got her answer on who the [Reincarnator] is from just this alone. "Now, learning about who I am. It's my turn, who are you? You don't look like a student here."

"She Oga's wife!" Takayuki Furuichi shouted, quickly making an excuse before things get bad. "She just came here to deliver the food for the baby, which Oga forgot! Yeah! That's why she here!"

"Ho?" Esdeath looks at Takayuki, one of the main characters of the Beelzebub universe and also the [Reincarnator]. "Is that so?"

"Yup! Isn't that right, Hilda?!" Takayuki quickly nods his head, then looks at Hilda with wide eyes, hoping she would get his mental message to play along.

Sadly, for Takayuki, the [Reincarnator]; Hilda didn't play along and continue to stare at Esdeath with a serious look on her face.

"Look like she disagrees." Esdeath won't bother to point out why would they bring a baby to school and many other questions that most people would ask in a normal school.

"Wait, we have a principal?" Tatsumi asks in a confused voice.

"Of course, this is a school afterward." Esdeath narrows her eyes, causing Hilda and Tatsumi to tense up, along with Takayuki, who clearly trying to comprehend how in the world Esdeath is in Beelzebub.

"By the way, is that a demon baby?" I finally decide to speak up, causing attention to focus on me. The look on Takayuki's face almost made me want to pity him if I had any pity to give out. "I'm pretty sure a demon baby shouldn't be out in the mortal realm without another demon or a human host to protect it." I bullshitted my explanation and happy to see these people begin to sweat. Especially with Tatsumi, where his character sheet says he can feel the dangers coming from Esdeath and me.

"Now, that you mention it." Esdeath grin as she realizes what her husband is doing and decides to play along. Plus, she is curious about the [Reincarnator] and wonders who this person is after taking over Takayuki's body. Also, what the trigger to allow this [Reincarnator] to come into this world of Beelzebub.

"What do you two want?" Hilda demand, where she drew out her sword from her umbrella, which is used as a sheath for her sword. "Do not think I'll allow you to come near the young master. Speak. Why did you appear before us?"

"Now. Now. Now. No need to get all worked up." I smile at Hilda, "We don't want to cause any problem, do we?" I release the aura of fear via [Sword Demon Magic], causing everyone, but Esdeath and me to fall on their knees or lying on the ground, barely breathing. Of course, I increase the aura of fear a bit more compared to before with those students that are way weaker than Tatsumi's group.

I only release the aura of fear for just one second before reeling it back in. From the character sheets from Tatsumi's group. In their point of view, it felt like forever from experiencing the aura of fear.

"Esdeath. I'll leave the talking to you. I'll just have a few words with this student here." I walk over to Takayuki and pick him up by the back of his collar, where he instantly went stiff from absolute horror. "I'll be right in this room." I forcibly drag Takayuki into the classroom just next to on our left.

"Kay, let me know what happens. I'll just have a small chat with these people here." Esdeath didn't mind having her husband not being near when technically he still near her just with a thin wall in between them.