Chapter 97: Something To Do

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 97: Something To Do

Year 27: Day 158: Greeting! I'm New Here! Part 2

(Ishiyama High School)

Once I close the door behind me, I give Takayuki a smile that just causes Takayuki to take many steps away from me until he across the classroom and look ready to jump out of the window, even if he breaks something. But, it looks like Takayuki is willing to pay the price just to escape. At this point, I wonder if this [Reincarntor] has the gut to do so instead of just putting up a front and not doing it. All bark and no bite.

Reaching behind me, where I activate the [Gate of Babylon] for me to take out the [Seeker of Truth]. Then, before Takayuki could react, I stab him in the left shoulder, not enough to cause major injury, but enough for the [Seeker of Truth] to take in effect.

Just to be on the safe side, I place down a few [Restrictions] to prevent Takayuki from moving.

"Now, who are you?" I ask the [Reincarnator] as I use [Rejection] to prevent him from dying from blood loss by making it so no blood is spilled the moment the [Seeker of Truth] was stabbed into Takayuki.

Sure, I can just get all I wanted from the [Reincarnator] via the character sheet, but sometimes it's better to use a different method. Also, because there are somethings that won't be revealed on the character sheet.

"I'm Furuichi Takayuki (Isamu)." Takayuki replied to the question without hesitation, causing a surprised and shocked expression to appear on his face as his mouth moved against his will.

I raise an eyebrow, this [Reincarnator] said Takayuki's name and his true name in a whisper like something is forcing him from not revealing it. Look like I guessed right instead of using the character sheet at the get-go.

"Is the body you in right now is originally yours? And if not, what happened the previous owner of this body you're in?" I ask this question because I figure I may as well be forward as I can, but at the same time not giving out too much away. After all, there is a chance of someone able to look into the past to see this discussion going on right now.

"No, I came into this body just 20 minutes ago and I have no idea what happens to the original owner of this body I'm currently in. I just appear in it without knowing why just the moment I've died by being run over by a truck." Takayuki response, much to his horror and glance at the exotic knife jabbed into his left shoulder, wondering if this is the main cause for making him spill the truth.

"Who are you before you transfer into this body? And do you happen to know who this body's previous owner is?" I ask the second question, to find out if this Isamu will reveal a bit more than just saying Takayuki's full name and that it.

"I was an orphan, who just finished high school and searching for other part-time jobs to gather enough funds to pay the tuition to go to college along with paying my rent since I live on my own. As for the previous owner of this body, who goes by the name of Furuichi Takayuki, one of the main characters of the manga/anime series: Beelzebub." Takayuki answered, paling by the seconds as he continues answering until at the end. His face lost all color and felt like all hope is lost.

"What are your goals once you realize, you've become Furuichi Takayuki?" I was almost done asking all the questions I have in mind, also because Esdeath has been messaging me via [Archive] a minute ago if I was done by now.

"To become a harem king and the strongest being, where no one is able to mess with me." Takayuki declares, almost had the urge to shout before it became a mumble near the end. Sadly, that is now impossible for him, revealing all his important secrets to someone he has never seen before.

"Okay, I got my answers." I thought out loud, then poke Takayuki's head to use [Rejection: Rejected Memory] to erase the memory of what happened inside this room, then remove the [Seeker of Truth] and throw it back inside the [Gate of Babylon].

Afterward, I message Esdeath back that I'm done and coming out, with Takayuki still a bit out of it, but that wasn't my concern and exit the classroom, where I see Tatsumi kneeling on the ground with cold sweats covering his forehead. Even baby Beel is kneeling next to Tatsumi, with his entire body shivering in fear.

As the reason why these two are so scared is due to both Hilda and the old man, Alaindelon, a demon as well.

But a [Transdimensional Demon] to be exact, that is capable of manipulating space. Allowing them to transport people or objects long distances by concealing them in their own body and can even transport them in-between worlds.

Both of these demons are badly injured and on the ground next to both Tatsumi and baby Beel. Most parts of their bodies are covered in a layer of ice. All caused by Esdeath herself, who is currently stepping on Hilda's head like she an insect to be stepped on.

Going by the smirk on Esdeath's face and her character sheet, she already has the idea of forcing Hilda to become the family's personal maid to serve us forever. Mostly for the kids, the baby ones, so the rest of the adults don't have to watch over them all the time. Also, Esdeath even has the thought of having Hilda as her own personal maid to do her bidding when she doesn't feel like it.

"So, do you still want to find the former principal or you're too busy with what's going on right now?" I ask Esdeath, who thought about it while continuing to keep her feet on top of Hilda's head, much to the latter's rage and humiliation of this.

"Hm. How long will it take you to find the former principal and bring him to me?" Esdeath knew that with her husband, anything is possible if left alone, but she really can't leave this group of interesting people alone just yet. Furthermore, there those students of hers that need to be disciplined afterward are still watching what's going on. Well, when she feels like it, then they are getting scoff free for the time being before they get their beating sooner or later.

"Well, he is right there." I point out the window, where not too far away from the building. There is an old man tending the flower bed, who seem to be very careful and have a happy look on his face. The nearby delinquents made sure not to go too near the old man, afraid of hurting him. Showing that at the very least, the delinquents here won't hurt the old man for no reason.

"Oh? This makes things easier for me. Ragna. Watch over them for a few minutes, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere until I come back." Esdeath said to her husband before sliding the window open, then before under many eyes. She jumps out the window and easily lands next to the old man without causing any noises upon landing if the way the old man not reacting to Esdeath's sudden appearance or too focus on tending the garden.

I look away from Esdeath, who is now speaking with the former principal about being hired for a job to work on the gardens around the school ground.

"That bitch." Hilda growl as she lifts her head and try to stand up, but wincing in pain and fall back down on the ground.

Alaindelon didn't bother to get up or more like he out cold for the time being since compared to Hilda's injuries. His is much worse and Esdeath must have done a bit more work onto him than on Hilda.

"So..." I have no idea what to say at the moment, with Takayuki coming out of the classroom with a dazed look on his face. To see the injured Hilda and the scared look on both Tatsumi and baby Beel's face. "I'm your new teacher, for the new subject that just been made to especially deal with delinquents." I may as well spill out who I am with these students in the background and to both Tatsumi and Takayuki.

"What subject are you teaching?" Takayuki asks the new teacher, with confusion in his eyes, while there is still fear in his eyes, but it is a lot more intense compared to a few minutes ago. In fact, he can't even recall how he ends in the classroom at all. But, that didn't matter at the time being because he is freaking frighten to the core to see the injured Hilda and Alaindelon, while Tatsumi, whom he knows is very fearless, but looking at him now is completely different from canon.

"How to survive in the real world." I grin at everyone, causing most of them to be confused by this. Even Takayuki, who has lived another life before is confused by this subject being taught.

"Uh, what do you mean by that? Are you going to teach us how to fight better or something?" Tatsumi asks with a hint of excitement, because if this truly a class that teaches how to fight or fighting involved, then he won't mind coming to school all the time!

"You just have to find out in class tomorrow." I shrug, not revealing anything, but Tatsumi and the nearby students in the background begin talking with each in an excited manner, where they can't wait for class tomorrow for the first time. 'I wonder how they'll react after coming to class tomorrow.' I've already thought about what I'm going to teach for my first class tomorrow.

"Hmph, like a mortal could teach the young master how to fight." Hilda sneer at the human before her, where she can easily tell this male human is a lot weaker than the female one, who she will get her revenge on in the future.

"Well, you don't know that." I smirk as Hilda narrows her eyes at me, "After all, if I can tell this is a demon baby. Then, I have a method to deal with one and how to make them stronger as well." I knew I had Hilda when she thought about my words and glance at Beelzebub. Now, I just have to send out a bait for Hilda to grab.

I didn't use the [Sword Demon Magic] since that may lead to unknown effects on Hilda due to her being a demon and all, same with the other two demons in this group. Therefore, I activate the [Skill: Touki], which I haven't used in years. Covering my entire body in [Sword Qi], leading to causing countless sword cuts around the surrounding just from the aura of the [Sword Qi] alone. But, I made sure to use the [Rejection] to prevent anyone from being cut by being affected by the [Skill: Touki]. However, that didn't mean they can't feel the [Sword Qi], even though it's not even directed at them.

"Hey, Ragna. We can leave now." Esdeath appears next to her husband via jumping right back in through the same window she jumps out of.

"How goes with the former principal?" I ask Esdeath, curious if she successfully hired the old man to be the gardener of the school.

"Great. He agreed, didn't even care about how much he is being paid. But, seeing how things were going well. I decide to just give him a salary of 10,000 yen hourly." Esdeath answered, ignoring the shocked look on the students' faces upon hearing how much money is being paid to the former principal. Plus, to Esdeath and her husband. The concept of money is no of value honestly. Not to mention, Esdeath decides to be nice for a change for the old man by giving him a higher salary compared to his old one when he was still a high school principal.

Of course, to Esdeath, if the old man does a bad job or something she finds unsatisfying. Then, forget having a higher salary. She'll make her absolute best to forcibly change the old man's mindset to the point where he is willing to do everything for free with a big bright smile on his face. Like how she did with the Magic Council back in the Fairy Tail universe.

"Alright. See you kids in class tomorrow." I give them a small wave before heading out with Esdeath, who grinned down at Hilda, who is still on the ground fuming with rage the moment Esdeath appeared.

"Make sure to show up at school tomorrow, for those that don't. Well... I can't wait for tomorrow. Hehehe..." Esdeath let out a small devilish giggle, that send a chill down in almost everyone's back the moment they heard this giggle-filled with evil intention. Then, Esdeath follows after her husband, humming some random tune, which just causes more people to shudder at how it sounds so evil in their ears. While at the same time, Esdeath no longer pays much attention to Tatsumi's group.

A few hours later*

(Mercer's Household)

"Hm. That hit the spot." I let out a satisfied sigh as I just took a sip from the rice wine handmade by Ryun herself. Never can get enough of it. "What you girls up to?" I sat down in the comfortable leather chair I made myself. While looking around the Living Room, where on my right, there is the Training Room, where it is a pocket dimension for open space. Made with lots of [Restrictions] to make it possible, with a few extra programs from the [Archive] to remove the bugs.

"Yo, Ragna! Get in here! I need to put some more control into my strength or else I may end up killing someone by accident in this world." Yuri calls out to me from the Training Room. As she pauses in the sparring match against Raven, who is a bit tired out due to not using her full abilities or else it be Yuri that's tired out.

"If Ragna taking you on, then I'm good to go." Raven scratches the back of her head in annoyance as she left the Training Room to take a nap, not caring if her husband accepted Yuri's request.

"Fine." I bring up the wine bottle and drink the entire bottle before throwing it into the [Gate of Babylon] to be destroyed. Then got up and head inside the Training Room, where I activate the [Wonderland Limiter Program], which is based off the [Skill: Wonderland], but a downgraded version, where it can only prevent the people that enter inside from dying 10 times before being kicked out by one of the safety programs. Unlike with the [Wonderland Skill] that don't have a limit on how many times people die inside it.

With a thought, I call [Ruyi Jingu]. The main weapon for my [2nd Profession: Immortal God Sun Wukong] and something I haven't used in a while. So may as well use it now to face Yuri, not to mention, I can take this chance to use the [Ruyi Jingu] more often due to it being a brute weapon instead of using a sharp weapon, a sword to be precise. Though, I just have to lower my strength not to break anything too important.

It's a good thing I have the [Skill: Pumba] merged with the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles]. Allowing me to use many moves that shouldn't be possible with the staff.

"You know, with each new universe or old ones in parallel universes. We always end up having to work on our controls or risk drawing unwanted attention. Even though, it didn't matter at the end since we end up killing almost everyone else most of the time." Yuri said to her husband, where she is searching for the weak points in her husband's fighting stance; well, the lack of it, but she won't fall for that.

"Well, unless you want to kill everything in one punch, be my guest." I joke with Yuri, who scowl at this, because no one wants to be that character being able to one-shot everything, then everything will be just plain boring and in the end, that character may turn up insane in some way that leads to their own destruction in some way if nothing done to help their mental state soon.

"[Divine Tempest Dao: Lightning Time Alteration]." Yuri call out her [Divine Tempest Dao Technique], putting her into the state of the time it takes for a lightning to strike and alter it by sending Yuri into a different time zone that close to slowing time of being stopped, but at the same time going the same speed like a lightning in other people's point of view.

"[Time Alter: Chronos Rose - Beggar's Song Dance]." I mumble out one of the [Pumba's Techniques] merged with the [Skill: Time Alter] via [Chain Combo Magic] and quickly, swings around the [Ruyi Jingu] around me like a sphere. Deflecting all incoming attacks from Yuri, who forgot that she trying to control and lower her strength to a mortal of this world and went right towards using a [Dao Technique] at the get-go.

In a clash of high-speed attacks; both sides cause shockwaves to occur multiple times within a single second that only a single massive shockwave appears instead. Shaking the entire area, where even the ground has already begun forming craters everywhere.

Swinging [Ruyi Jingu] upward, then slam down on Yuri, who directly punch the staff with her own right fist. Yet, it did no damage to Yuri's right fist.

Yuri uses the small force of rebound created in that brief moment to grab hold of the staff, preventing it from moving for a bit. Then, directly punch her husband in the face, knocking his head backward, but with his iron-like grip on the staff made it much easier for Yuri to continue throwing multiple heavy jabs at her husband while keeping one hand lock onto the staff, to anchor her husband in place.

I tighten my grip on the [Ruyi Jingu], then drag Yuri closer to me, who releases her grip to get away, but that didn't do much. As I kick Yuri straight into her stomach, blasting her off her feet and sent flying.

"You do remember, we're trying to get your physical strength under control, right?" I remind my quick to temper wife, who sometimes gets mad easily depending on her mood and what is used to get her mad. Sometime the previous ones won't work anymore or it still does. All depends on Yuri herself.

"Right." Yuri replied, then took a fighting stance, where it is much easier to attack and at the same time block the attacks as well. "Let's do this before I end up killing someone in this world."

So for the rest of the day until it was dinner time. Both Yuri and I continue to fight each other.

The next day*

Year 27: Day 159: You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

(Ishiyama High School)

"Okay, class. Sit down or not, either way, you will soon wish you can sit down on your own." I said the moment I walk into the classroom, I was assigned to and glance at the students of mine, where I notice almost all the main characters or at least the important enough to be mentioned more than a few times from the Beelzebub series early on.

"Ha~?!" One of the unknown male delinquents tried to walk towards me by acting all scary looking to cause me to coward before them. Trying being the keyword, because the moment he took a step. A white chalk came out of nowhere and struck the unknown delinquent's forehead, instantly, with enough force to knock the guy out and fall backward with a loud banging noise.

"Now, would anyone like to keep on standing up instead of sitting down? Because I don't mind helping you sleeping on the ground instead." I said in a bored, casual tone of voice, causing the weaker ones to quickly sit down, but since there weren't enough seats going around. The stronger ones, who actually came into this classroom willing to learn about how to fight from what the rumors say about this class are all about, would kick the weaker ones out of their seats for them to claim it themselves. This leads to the weaker ones having to just sit on the ground, too afraid that by standing up, they may be knocked out as well like the first one.

"Uh, hey, teach. I got a quick question." One of the braver weaker ones asked without raising their hands, leading to them having the same fate as the first one. A white chalk to the forehead, sending them out cold as well, making it two delinquents knocked out cold by their teacher. Not even 10 minutes into the class and all this happen already.

"Raise your hands, if someone wants to ask a question. We're in a classroom with the school in session. So, you can ask without raising your hands outside of class or when class is over." I said to the students, where some nods their heads like they learned something very important just now, making me sweatdrop, and wonder how in the world these kids manage to reach high school let alone successfully passing the middle school and elementary school.

At this point, maybe I should speak with my wives about sending little Asia and Alluka to enroll into this high school, even if little Asia technically can protect herself and Alluka from being harassed by the delinquents. Luckily, neither are attending this school just yet and waiting for the rest of the female students to attend in a few days from now. So this way, both little Asia and Alluka will have the other female students to help them out, hopefully, that is or risk the wraths of my wives.

A student raises their left hand into the air, causing most of the other students to look at the one that just raised their hand. "Hey, teach, is it true, that you're going to teach all of us how to fight better as the rumors say?" Sadly, the student earned a white chalk to the forehead like the previous two. This caused the others to look at this in awe to be able to beat someone with just a small object like a chalk.

"Once you raise your hand, wait for me to call on you before speaking." I didn't care if I should have mentioned this a few seconds ago, but eh, the student spoke up before I could continue. Lame excuse, but I find myself not caring when dealing with delinquents that require actions to do the talking instead.

One of the delinquents that were just a tiny bit smarter than the previous three and raise their hand, waiting to be called on.

"You." I point at the student waiting to be called on. "What's your question?"

"Is it true, that you're going to teach all of us how to fight better as the rumors say?" This student repeated the same question that was just asked before by the previous student.

"No." I simply answer, as there is no reason to lie about this. "This is a class to teach everyone here about the real world. Some of you don't even have the [Skills] to get the average jobs that many could get easily. In fact, there is a fighting specialist private high school meant solely for the elite. With a special event, where these students have brutal fights with their lives. Depending on their winning rate, upon graduating from that school. They will be hired by rich people to be bodyguards due to how experience and strong these students are. Even trained soldiers from the military may have a hard time facing some of these students." What I didn't mention is all these students are all females from what I last checked.

"Is there such a school?"

"The teach got to be pulling our legs here."

"Damn, if I knew there was a school like that, where we can fight and whatever, I would have gone there instead! Fuck!"

The ones that spoke up without any permission earn themselves a time out by being knocked out cold via white chalks thrown at them.

"I'm sure among you, there are some doubts, but I don't feel like proving anything at all. Believe or not to believe, that's up to you." I have no reason to remove their doubts since in my eyes. All these delinquents have very low talents in fighting and the characters that worth mention often in the Beelzebub series has potential. So, they will be worth teaching if I'm in the mood. "Now, back to the previous topic about how I'll teach you about the real world."

So for the rest of the class period; I gave simple examples of what they'll end up facing once they finish or drop out of this high school. One of the examples is about how one will have to get a job, which will be a lot harder for them due to their background and/or lack of experience they needed for the target jobs of interest. Another is how if they try to act tough or beat someone up for their money later on when they're out of high school will lead to jail time, among other bad things will happen to them as well.

Some of the students scoff at this before I went further into the consequences of their bad actions, where they could end being killed by people with a powerful background while they have close to nothing of background to help them.

Knock!* Knock!* Knock!*

Near the end of the class period, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said to the person behind the door, where it reveals Ryun, with her holding baby Pyrrha in her left arm while carrying a box lunch that releasing the smell of a warm delicious smell, causing some of the students to gulp. At both the smell of the food and the appearance of Ryun. "Ryun? What are you doing here?" I knew exactly why she came here, but I got to ask this question to keep up for appearance's sake.

"Just came to bring your lunch, which you forgot." Ryun smiled at her god/husband, ignoring the lustful looks she getting from the insects, that her poor god/husband has to teach. "Also, Pyrrah here missed her Father and wanted to come to see you."

"Bah?" Pyrrha looks at her birth Mother, wondering why does she keep using her as an excuse for many things related to her Father.

"Alright, give me a moment." I said to my wife, then look at my students, where most of them drooling at the smell of the food Ryun is carrying, which is actually handmade by Esdeath from the info I got by scanning the box lunch and I can guess, that Esdeath must have sent Ryun to receive me and head to the Principal Office to eat with Esdeath as well. "Alright, because this is the first day of me teaching everyone. I'll end the class early today. I'll see everyone tomorrow." Then, throw a few chalks at the students that looking at my Ryun with lust, which is pretty much 80% of the class.

Afterward, I grab Pyrrha to carry, who latch onto my shirt and made baby noises, where Pyrrha is telling how her day was to me. Luckily, the [Archive] has already completed on studying the baby language and translate everything to me, so I can understand what Pyrrha is saying without having to read her character sheet instead like I did with Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza in the past.

Exiting the classroom with Ryun as we head over to where Esdeath is while ignoring the other students from different classes looking at Ryun, Pyrrha, and me.


Author Note: Hey, my readers! I have good news, bad news, and some other news maybe. Let's get the bad news out of the way, as something important came up and I will have to push the weekly update of this fanfic from every a weekly up to maybe 2 weeks. Yeah, I know, some of you readers will be mad about having to wait an extra week for the next update. But! This is where the good news comes in to stop you, the readers, from trying to find where I live and kidnap me to be forced into resuming the weekly update or even earlier.

The good news is I have finally decided to make my own original novel after 5 long years of writing fanfic. Damn, I feel old. Anyway, yeah, I'm going to write my own novel and I will post it on webnovel and P a treon that I made 2 years ago out of boredom. ImTheBoredWriter, that what I'm going with for P a treon, so it's P a treon . com (slash) ImTheBoredAuthor. Just realize it Author instead of Writer in the link.

I really need to come up with a better theme name, but eh, I start writing out of boredom, may as well keep at it and then it became a thing for me for the past 5 years. Back to the main topic of making my own original novel. It's completely free, no need to pay for anything. Either read it on webnovel or P a treon, where I will post on both websites on the same day.

For those are worry about if I'm dropping fanfic, no worry. I'll continue it since I rather not be those authors who drop their fanfic out of the blue without saying why. But, truthfully, I don't even think I can even think about dropping it at this point.

As for when I'm posting my original novel. Well, I'm thinking on the 2/15/20, which is Saturday. Since this is my first original novel, expect mistakes and lots of plot holes. Thanks for reading!