Chapter 98: Problems Everywhere

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 98: Problems Everywhere

Year 27: Day 159: You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do Part 2

A few hours later*

(Ishiyama High School)

Currently, it's just Esdeath, Ryun, Pyrrha, and I in the Principal Office hanging out; well, more like Ryun is here to help Esdeath out in the paperwork while I watch over Pyrrha, who is still telling me all the stuff she has done with her siblings and even mention about things that she found interesting.

"Hey, Ragna." Esdeath calls out for her husband's attention as she just thought about something. "The [Reincarnator] that is called, Isamu. Is he a False Gamer? I forgot to ask this yesterday and just remember now."

"Nah, I wish though. It would have been great to see what we would get from absorbing another [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core]." I said to Esdeath while carefully listening to Pyrrha before she let out a quiet, cute yawn, as she rubs her eyes. Showing that it's time for Pyrrha's naptime. Even though Pyrrha clearly wants to continue talking, but with her toddler body. It made it harder than it looks, for Pyrrha to stay awake. "Well, look like it's time for Pyrrha to take her afternoon nap." I use a few [Restrictions] to prevent noises to be heard by Pyrrha so she can sleep without being disturbed.

Once I finish placing the [Restrictions] down. Ryun took over and carry the sleeping Pyrrha, who move closer into Ryun's arms.

"Well, I'll see the two of you home tonight." Ryun said to her god and fellow sister-in-marriage before leaving on her own, ignoring the lustful looks she getting on the way, which she didn't mind and used to it. But, anyone other than her god/husband tries to get touchy is a whole different story and Ryun will gladly show no mercy for the insects that are bold enough to do such a foolish thing.

"So, how the paperwork?" I ask Esdeath once Ryun left with Pyrrha. As I continue to sit in this comfortable couch. Where Esdeath is sitting in the principal seat, with a big desk to go with it.

"Honestly, not that hard than I thought. There are some parts that require a bit more attention, but otherwise, everything is a lot easier compared to the ones I have to do temporarily whenever I'm in the position of leadership and the needs to do the paperwork to get things going." Esdeath replied, as she just finished signing one of the documents before going on with the next one. "Plus, I'm ahead of schedule thanks to Ryun's help. I think I should be done in a few minutes from now."

"I see." I did not envy Esdeath's position one bit. "So, other than spending a bit of time in this universe. You got any idea what we should do in this universe? Should we pick a student to teach? I'm tempted to bring my other students from Ingui Yoon's home universe over here, for them to smack some senses into the delinquents in this universe, what do you think?"

"In the following order. Nope. Not worth the effort. Nah, too boring. Well, it will be interesting for a few days, but afterward, it will get boring, I know for sure." Esdeath didn't stop working on the documents needs to be done by the month, but she easily done in a matter of minutes while other people in her position would require more than just a few minutes to finish all the unfinished documents, something that the former principal seem to have forgotten to do or planning to do it at a certain time period of the day.

"Okay, then what else do you want us to do besides our teaching jobs?" I honestly thought it would be one of those events of having a major crossover in a battle tournament or something. But, if what Esdeath says is true, then better trust her words than doing wasteful tasks. 'Now, that I think about it. Ingui Yoon and the rest would easily destroy everyone in Beelzebub, no question about it. Since a majority of them have access to the [Renenwal Taekwondo].' I wonder what my reaction would be if I went through all these useless tasks, even more, I may have wasted my students' times, where they could be doing something important at the time and can't waste any time at all.

"Wanna have sex on my desk? I'm done with everything." Esdeath put away all the documents she needed to do and will be sent through the mail later, then lean on her desk while making sure to push her breasts out more, to make it look bigger than usual. "I would have included Ryun, but there is little Pyrrha with us; well, I am many things, but I will not let a baby watch her parents having sex before her eyes." Esdeath knows she messed up in the head, but she also has standards.

"Uh, maybe not here." I grim at the thought of having sex in this high school. "Also, I don't think the door has a lock." I glance at the doorknob, and sure enough, there is no lock at all. So anyone could open the door and just come in, where they will see Esdeath and me having sex.

Esdeath frown, then start looking around and even the window behind her, where there a high chance of people being able to see them, then at the doorknob, wondering if it's worth installing a lock or not.

"I feel like there was something important today." I tilt my head up, staring at the ceiling as I think about what so important about today. "Hmm. Guess it wasn't important after all." I could have sworn there was something, but I'm a bit too lazy at the moment to use [Archive] to search through my memory. "Anyway, you need to do anything else before we head home?"

"Not really, I guess we can head home." Esdeath is a little disappointed in not having sex on her desk, then again, she could get her husband to use one of his [Skills] to prevent people from coming near this room. With a small grin forming on her Esdeath, execute her newly formed plan. "Actually, there is something I want to do first, but I need your help to do it." Esdeath didn't care if someone from the Demon World or any other demons nearby will notice this if it's possible for these weaklings, that is.

A few minutes later*

After placing down all the [Restrictions], even using [Ninjutsu]. Anything that doesn't require too much concentration to keep active without having to focus on it all while having sex.



Esdeath was about to say something on the line of having a roleplay first before they get into the main event before an explosion occurs, cutting her off. "I'm going to torture the lowlife for disturbing us." Esdeath looks in the direction, where the explosion happened.

"We could ignore-"

"You know how I hate it when we're interrupted!" Esdeath glare at her husband, for thinking she will ignore something that interrupts their moment of getting into the mood of having sex. In fact, it has been a while since she got to have alone time with her husband after giving permission to the others to have their own alone time with her husband as well. But, now that she had the chance and some weaklings had caused the mood to be ruined. Esdeath will not show any mercy.

"I have-"

"We'll resume this with the other tonight." Esdeath didn't allow her husband to persuade out of this and jump out the window once she opens it, then charges straight toward the location of the explosion occurs.

Watching Esdeath go, I sweatdrop at this. 'I wonder if Esdeath remembers, that I could just use the [Rejection] to make it so whatever ruin the mood is gone and have the mood for sex to come back. Sometimes, I wonder if Esdeath just wants to find an excuse to be violent most of the time.' I pause for a moment and start thinking about the past. 'Could be possible. Now, I have a boner that was killed by the [Gamer's Mind] once Esdeath left. Pretty sure, Esdeath knew this or subconsciously figure something like this would happen and wanted me to be mad at her for giving me blue balls.'

Seeing as there no more reason for me to stay here. I remove all the [Restrictions] and [Ninjutsu], anything I have put up in this room before I head off home. Since there no point in me going after Esdeath when she doesn't even need my help for whatever she is about to plan with the culprits. Nor do I have to worry about anyone in this world being able to take on Esdeath, I made sure to check beforehand.

'Maybe, I should take this chance to work on my [Dawn Sword Dao] to making it a bit easier to use with my current body.' I remember why I even changed bodies in the first place and the [Dawn Sword Dao] to work on. Since the [Dawn Sword Dao] is way behind the [Volition Sword Dao].

20 minutes later*

(Near Mercer's Household)

Luckily, Ryun didn't get too far ahead and I manage to catch up with her.

"So, is Esdeath actual mad for being interrupted or this is just another way to get you to be mad at her, to deal with her later tonight?" Ryun asks her god/husband after finish listening about why Esdeath isn't with them and the sound of an explosion happened half an hour ago.

"Eh, a bit of both." I replied, "So what were you planning to do while at home other than watching over the kids with the others." I rub the sleeping Pyrrha's head, who in her sleep move her head up a bit to enjoy more of having her head rub, even when she is asleep.

"Well, after putting our little precious into her bed. I will help the others watch the other little ones if they haven't gone to sleep yet. If they have, then it will be my turn to help train both little Asia and Alluka. Gabriel needs the time to continue studying all she needs before she becomes a full-time teacher." Ryun replied.

"How about we do something private without the other." I hint to Ryun as I kept my hand on Ryun's waist, where I can see Ryun's cheeks gain a hint of pink hue. Knowing exactly what I am hinting at. 'I wonder how Esdeath would react, to finding out that after she left me hanging I would aim for Ryun next to deal with my little problem.' I roughly guess that Esdeath would be pissed since she was planning for a one on one with just me and her.

"But, what about the others? If they find out, they most likely want to join in." Ryun knew that it's currently impossible to have sex just themselves without involving the other wives. Not to mention, Ryun is still carrying her sleeping baby girl right now and currently, they're walking in the middle of the street, where their home is just a few minutes up ahead. So there is no way for them to have sex just the two of them alone.

"The question you should be asking is, do you want them to join us or not?" I raise an eyebrow at Ryun, because even though I wanted a one on one, that doesn't mean I won't mind having the rest of my wives joining in. Of course, there is a high chance of having a pissed off Esdeath showing up in the middle of the others and me having sex. "Actually, maybe we should wait until tonight."

"Esdeath?" Ryun only has to say Esdeath's name as if it's the only thing that needed to be said as an answer.

"Esdeath." I confirm, causing Ryun to giggle.

"Well, I guess I'll resume my hobby in this world. After all, my class is only on Monday while the rest of the week is free time, weirdly enough. I guess the board of education really don't like the students of the Ishiyama High School if they only accept a single day for teaching." I wonder if Esdeath did her best to get me this teaching job or knew that I would think about going back to my hobby of being a doctor as a cover, for me to use the life experience to improve the [Miracle of Life] like I planned back in the Fairy Tail universe if the three factions hasn't caused us to move to another universe.

"Planning to be a school nurse or a local doctor?" Ryun raises an eyebrow, curious if she gets to be the nurse again, if her god/husband become a local doctor, then she won't have to be a homestay wife, not that she finds anything wrong about being one, but she will also get bored as well and she can't really spend most of her time making wines when she has to watch over the kids.

"Maybe as a local doctor, rather not deal with being a school nurse if I can help it. If I wanted to be the school nurse, I would have Esdeath get the job for me instead of a teaching job. Plus, I got the feeling I will get the job for sure, much easier than the teaching position I have now." I answered Ryun's question. "Oh yeah, anything interesting at home?"

"Other than having to deal with Black and Rock trying to train their bodies. Nothing much." Ryun didn't think of anything else that was interesting in her opinion.

"I see." I said with a hint of boredom, "Well, let's go greet everyone inside." I said to my wife as we enter our home.

The next day*

Year 27: Day 160: Ryun's Needs

(Ishiyama: My Clinic)

It really didn't take that long to get an old Clinic that almost close to being closed down and bought it. All paperwork and anything needed to be signed are done by the afternoon and changing everything inside the old Clinic to make it look new, including the outside appearance of the place. Are done as well, also making sure no one starts asking questions. I just use both [Ninjutsu] and [Rejection] to make it so it doesn't happen. Plus, I got Repellista to hack into the local's network to change a few things as well, just on the safe side.

"So, I'm bored." I said to Ryun, who is once again my nurse, and yet, no one decides to come here. Then again, I wasn't using the [Dao of Karma] to bring the one that has the most connection with the [Medical Items] I made myself to treat other of their illness.

"If you don't mind, my god. Would you mind teaching me one of your [Martial Art Skills] under the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles]? I recall, that without [Aura] and the [Dao of Fire]. I lack the means to fight without them." Ryun let out a sad sigh, where out of everyone. She would easily be defeated if someone able to stop her from using both her [Aura] and the [Dao of Fire], with the former is what used to activate the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] and her ability as a [Guide], not that it's worth using outside the Tower of God. "My god, you gave me the [Divine Protection of Training Mastery] to allow me to train this body of mine to be stronger than what I could gain in the past. But, I still don't know how to use its fullest potential."

"I guess, that's fine. Better to do something than nothing." I didn't mind teaching one of the [Martial Art Skills]. In fact, I expected her to ask me to teach her how to use the sword as I recall, correctly, that her canon used swords, but wasn't close to being a master of wielding the sword, better than a beginner at least. 'Maybe she doesn't want to learn the way of the sword since she already has her [Dao of Fire] on a universal level to give her the raw power she needs.'

So for the entire day; I begin teaching Ryun the [Marital Art Skill: All Chinese Kenpo - Soft Forms] via slow memory copy transfer, and to make it more powerful. Under the effects of the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles]. The [All Chinese Kenpo - Soft Forms] includes the essences of the other [Martial Art Skills] merged into the [Untold Mixed Martial Art Styles], refining the [All Chinese Kenpo - Soft Forms] even further than it already has. Therefore, Ryun is slowly receiving the knowledge first of the newly improved [All Chinese Kenpo - Soft Forms], where she will be able to pick which moves suit her the most and change it into her own personal fighting style.

By the time Ryun finished obtained all the knowledge of the improved [All Chinese Kenpo - Soft Forms]. It was night time already, yet no customers came at all during the entire time. Nevertheless, thanks to it being just Ryun and me alone in the Clinic. Once the transfer of knowledge was done; well, Ryun and decide to have some fun together alone before heading home.

Six days later*

Year 27: Day 166: Meeting Between Babies

(Ishiyama High School)

Letting out a yawn, where there was pretty much nothing much to do until it has been a week and it's time for me to go to school to be a teacher again. Sure, I helped out Ryun by sparring with her during the six days by using the [All Chinese Kenpo - Soft Forms] as well under the effects of the [Skill: Wonderland].

Right now, I'm taking Rin to work with me today since Serafall is still gone and as her Father, I can't have Rin be taken care by my other wives all the time and I should be the one to take care of her as well.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask one of the students rushing towards somewhere in a hurry.

"Ha?!" The delinquent glare at the person stopping him from meeting the Queen of Ishiyama, but instantly pale the moment he saw who stopped him.

"Let me repeat myself. So you can understand me." I took a deep breath, with my eyes close before opening a second later and coldly stared at the delinquent, who began to shiver in terror. "Explain, to me, why are you in a rush?"

So the delinquent quickly explains to me how the female students are coming back to school due to the Queen of Ishiyama is back from her trip or something, that caused her to be absent for a while.

After the delinquent finished explaining, he awaits for what dreadful outcome he'll experience due to him being disrespectful to the teacher, who are rumors of being cruel and cold to students, not even afraid to strike right away, something almost all teachers would never do such a thing.

"I see. Well, get to class." I said coldly, and the delinquent didn't even bother to disagree and quickly head to class, which is the opposite direction where he was heading to. Then, look at Rin, who seems bored out of her mind while continuing to hold her gemstone. "So, what do you think of this school so far?" I ask baby Rin, who blankly tilts her head to stare at me. Where on her character sheet, literally explaining how bored she is and would rather stay at home to continue pouring her [Prana] into her gemstone, as Rin finally found a way to trigger her [Devil's Mana Core] to awaken. Now, Rin has regained back or more like have a better version of [Prana] to use her [Magecraft] from her past life.

Out of habit, I try to take away the gemstone from baby Rin, who puffs her cheeks and fiery glare at me as she held on tight. After losing the previous one filled with a large amount of [Prana] and now only having the current one that just begins to be filled with [Prana]. Rin will fight with her life on the line to not lose her only weapon.

"Come now, Rin. Let your Papa have the gemstone. I promise not to eat it." I said to my Daughter, who did her best to glare harder because she doesn't even believe one word one bit. "If you let go, I promise to give you more later on." And just like that, Rin let go of the gemstone without any hesitation. "Now, give me a kiss on the cheek."

Rin deadpan at her Father, then roll her eyes and kiss him on the cheek must to her embarrassment if someone she knew saw her doing this, even if she is still a baby.

"Hm." I thought about it, then fill the gemstone with a bit of [Mana], but not too much, that it could blow up an entire City. However, it should be enough for Rin to draw from if she has the ability to do so.

The moment Rin got back her gemstone, she is surprised a bit, to find there is more [Prana] inside the gemstone, knowing her Father is the main reason why, causing Rin to giggle in madness due to the fact, that after losing the first gemstone that contains her Father's [Prana]. Now, with the gemstone that has her Father's [Prana] inside again, not much as before, but enough for her study this time, to see if she could figure a way to make it so she could transfer a large amount of [Prana] inside to other gemstones later on.

I look at how happy baby Rin is, then begin walking towards where the other students are rushing to.

A few minutes later*


Rin and I arrived right on time, to see this female student with a wooden sword, slicing through a concrete wall. Something that normally impossible to do, but with the supernatural genre added into this universe. This is a normal thing, not to mention, that I felt a hint of [Sword Intent] coming from that female student. This is something I did not expect at all upon the first meeting of Aoi Kunieda, the so-called Queen of Ishiyama High School.

On Aoi's right, there Tatsumi, who has his shirt rip with a shocked facial expression.

"Scary, are you Hilda?" Tatsumi said in disbelief.

Everyone has a shocked look on their faces, that he dodged Aoi's attacks, which is strong enough to use a wooden sword to do so much damage.

"Oi." I spoke up, releasing a hint of the [Sword Demon Magic] in the aura of fear, drawing all attention towards me. Before dismissing the [Sword Demon Magic] right away before it could cause many to develop a mental problem. If they haven't got one already. "I hope everyone knows, that whoever broke that wall will have to pay for the damage."