Chapter 99: Big News

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 99: Big News

Year 27: Day 166: Meeting Between Babies Part 2

(Ishiyama High School)

"So who the one broke the school wall?" I slowly look at each student before setting it down at Aoi. Who flinches the moment my eyes lay on her. "No one? Do I have to punish everyone then?" I narrow my eyes, where I slowly bring out the presence of the [Sword Demon Magic] and I was not disappointed to see everyone started shaking in fear.

I made sure not to affect Rin with the help of [Rejection].

Taking a step, then slowly start walking towards Tatsumi and Aoi. Where everyone, but these two are on their hands and knees in absolute terror. However, I can say they are close to doing the same.

"Hey, Ragna!" I heard Esdeath's voice down the hall on my right, where I see her walking over. This made me reel the [Sword Demon Magic] instantly due to Esdeath here now.

"Esdeath." I nod my head at my wife, who nods back before frowning at the destroyed wall, then coldly glare at the students on the ground and switch over to Tatsumi and Aoi due to both are closer to the destroyed wall compared to the others.

"You two. Come with me to my Office. The rest of you go back to class." Esdeath said coldly, that sends a chill down everyone's back, especially for Tatsumi and Aoi. "I'll give everyone 10 seconds before I'll deal with you personally." And just like that, everyone, but Tatsumi and Aoi along with a selected few students, ran off with all their might as if their life would be taken if they're a second too late from escaping from the jaw of death itself. "I see some of you still want to stay around to be punished by me personally. That's fine. I enjoy inflicting pain." Esdeath smirk at the students' pale faces. "Follow me." This wasn't a request from Esdeath and everyone knew this.

"Oh, yeah. Esdeath here is the set you asked me to make for you last night." I reach behind me to access the [Gate of Babylon] and bring it in front of me, where everyone can see a set of six knives in two sheaths. Giving off a chilling presence and if one focus, then they could hear some kind of creepy laughs coming from the knives.

[Icy Devil Knives Set] - Rank: A+ - Durability: 10000/10000 - ATK: N/A

Description: Forged by an unknown grandmaster with the intention of both cooking and using for killing. The set of six knives is meant to be used for specific tasks and in the hands of a master could bring their might to the fullest while in the hands of the average would lead to countless accidents, even in the result of death. These knives are very picky about who they choose their master.

1st Effect: [Together or Perish] - If even one knife is missing, then all the knives will slowly rot away for all must be together within a certain range.

2nd Effect: [Sentients] - The knives can determine if the wielder is worthy or not, to wield all of them.

3rd Effect: [Cooking Amplification] - Amplifies the wielder's [Cooking Skills].

4th Effect: [Killer Happiness] - As long one of the knives kill a living being, then all the knives' durability will regenerate and will have a permanent increase in sharpness.

"Oh, good. I've been dying to get these." Esdeath takes the [Icy Devil Knives Set], seeing how she broke the [Skiajati] by accident last night and she just asked her lovely husband to make her a new weapon, but to think she would get something that meant for cooking and can still be used for combat.

"Is that even allowed in school?!" Takayuki cried out in fear, because he knew right there and then, that if the woman known as Esdeath is truly like her counterpart, then he fears for everyone's life. Especially for his own when he just gained a new life.

"You're thinking about a normal high school." Esdeath strap the two sheathes onto her thighs, not caring it in plain view. "Ragna, your students should be waiting for you." Esdeath didn't bother to repeat what she said to the students and begin walking back to her Office.

Luckily, some of the students, mostly the females, are smart enough to follow after Esdeath or risk being punished by the same person, who is daring enough to carry knives in plain sight.

A few minutes later*

"So, today. We're going to be talking about the danger of picking fights with those you shouldn't. For example, you have a job and you don't like your boss at all, where you have the urge to beat the living life out the boss. Any question before we begin?" I look at my students, where 90% of them are looking at Rin, who is currently sitting on my desk and staring at her gemstone. A very shiny, priceless gemstone that all students could easily tell it much worth a lot and it's being held by a toddler.

Almost everyone raises their hands, learning from the first class; however, some didn't or wasn't here at the time, earning themselves chalk to the forehead. Knocking those out cold.

"If it's related to my Daughter here." I pat Rin's head, who didn't care about having her head rub. "Drop your hands." 80% of the students that raised their hands, groan as they lower their hands down. "This includes the gemstone my Daughter holding." And the remaining 20% drop their hands.

I stare at everyone, checking if anyone else could think up with a question that's unrelated to Rin and the gemstone. Yet, no one raises their hands at all. Not a single one came up with a question related to today's topic. 'This is just disappointing. Lack of focus on what's important.' I mentally shook my head and wonder if I could just quit this whole teaching job, but knowing Esdeath. She will most likely request something in exchange for this due to her being the one that got me this job. 'Okay, let's hope these delinquents are not too hopeless.'

For the rest of the class period. I made sure to hammer the knowledge, even if it just 1% about today's topic into these students' heads if it's the last thing I can do for today.

A few hours later*

(Ishiyama High School)

"The hell are you doing?" I ask Tatsumi in an irritated tone of voice.

"Please adopt Baby Beel!" Tatsumi shouts while rising the green-haired naked baby towards me, where baby Rin made a disgusted look at Tatsumi, for many reasons, but Tatsumi ignores it completely.

"You're not that bright in the head, are you?" I look at Tatsumi with a deadpan expression, "I think I must talk with Esdeath about this." I begin walking away, where I noticed Tatsumi's group, including Hilda and Takayuki, are sweating bullets once I mention Esdeath's name.

"Hold on! No need for that, Sensei!" Takayuki cried out in absolute horror, where he still feel the phantom pain of losing his limbs and he still can't quite figure out how that's possible when all she did was stare at them for the past few hours and it felt like he died more than he could ever count. With each 'death' being new and cruel than the previous, something he rather not experience again if possible. Since being stared at by the she-devil is enough to drain almost all his lifespan. Takayuki rather not find out what she could do physically.

"Well, you can ask my Daughter, to tell me otherwise." I raise Rin in front of me, who stare at the others, this includes Baby Beel who is making baby noise at her and Rin understood what he is saying. Nonetheless, Rin turns her little head back to me, and shook her head. "Look like she rather have everyone speak with Esdeath again."

"Stop him!" Tatsumi didn't care about fighting with a teacher, rather a teacher who seems weaker than the principal.

I raise Rin above my head, where I slam my left foot into Tatsumi's face, with enough strength to stop him in place and using the [Sword Demon Magic] to sap the stamina and [Demon Qi] right out of Tatsumi, causing the delinquent to lose his strength instantly. This also caused Baby Beel to let out a yawn due to his [Demon Qi] or whatever is similar to [Demon Qi] to be drained through the link connect with him and Tatsumi. Leading to Tatsumi falling to the ground, out cold. With a sleepy baby resting next to him.

It must be a major shock for everyone, especially the students and the [Reincarnator] Takayuki to see Tatsumi be instantly knocked out by a simple foot to the face.

'Should I go on or this is enough?' I thought about stomping Tatsumi's head into the ground, but decide not to. 'I'm sure Esdeath is more than enough for this.' I resumed walking to the Principal's Office.

A few minutes later*

(Ishiyama High School)

The temperature around the entire school lower to almost a freezing point, where frost has already formed around the school, causing many students and teachers to cry out in shock and panic at the sudden change in temperature. In fact, people even notice it's starting to snow, much to everyone's shock. However, this only lasted for a solid minute before everything return back to normal. This caused many to be confused about this weird event.

"So, you good?" I ask Esdeath after she activates her [Ice Devil Slayer Magic] for a minute after I explained to how someone tried to push their kid onto me. But, what really triggers Esdeath is the fact that someone dares give up their child, adopted or not, as this is something Esdeath hate among the many things she develops over the years.

And one of them is that Esdeath secretly develops a Motherly love for her children. Of course, Esdeath made sure not to allow others, especially the kids, to know this. So, the moment Esdeath learns about a student, Tatsumi, having a kid, she allows him to continue to bring the baby to school since she wants her own kids to come to school with her sometime just to show how hard-working she is sometimes. To be a role model for them other than being someone to other fear of. Not that it's working that well for Esdeath, much to her dismay.

"Hmm." Esdeath hummed to herself, as she looks out the window in her Office, not bother that she technically just scare little Rin to the core.

Where at this point on, Rin will always remember this exact event for the rest of her life and anyone asks who she fears the most; well, let's just say Rin rather not say without risking punishment inflicted on her and just leave it at that.

"This is why you shouldn't get Mommy Esdeath angry." I whisper to baby Rin, who quickly nods her little head with eyes widen and haven't blinked for a few minutes now, too afraid what would happen if she does.

"Forget about those brats. I just remember the idea I had to tell you before the whole broken wall incident." Esdeath looks at her husband. "Seeing how our main goal is for you to obtain more [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] until your own Gamer's ability no longer can absorb other ones. Why not make our own?" Esdeath smile at the look of shock on her husband's face. As it looks like her dear husband didn't think about such a thing, but she can't blame him since she just thought about it randomly this morning and luckily she remembers now before who knows how long she will remember this idea.

"That's possible, but I need to check on how first and what the cost second." I mumble to myself, wondering why in the world I haven't thought about over the years upon discovering the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core].

I pass Rin over to Esdeath, then sat back down and close my eyes for me to concentrate easier. Then, activate the [Elemental Sight] to access the [Information Dimension] of the multiverse, then use [Chain Combo Magic] with [Archive] and [Rejection] to give me an easier time to find what I want. In no time, I found all I needed on how the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] came to be and why, as well as how and the cost of making one.

"So, what you need to do?" Esdeath asks her husband the moment he opens his eyes.

"Well..." I scratch the side of my head with a frown on my face, "This is a lot more complicated than I actually thought." Shaking my head. "Let's go home to talk about this with the rest of the family. I'm sure everyone will need to know about this and I rather not repeat myself. So, I'll have to call Serafall to come back."

"Hm. I see. Alright, then." Esdeath got up from her seat, carrying baby Rin and walking out of the Office with her husband following right behind her, then lock the door before heading home.

An hour later*

(Mercer's Household)

It took some time, but Serafall came back in time before one of the other wives begins to get impatient. No one can blame them upon finding out the big news on creating the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] became a possible thing for the family.

"Kids are asleep?" I ask Repellista, who has a [Lighthouse] next to her to monitor the kids in their Bedrooms.

"Yup. But, thanks to Raven's help in putting the ones that took a bit more effort to be put to sleep." Repellista replied, and by the ones that were difficult are Black and Rock, forcing Raven having to use [Heartforce] to put them to sleep without any side-effects. Any other methods would either not work or cause unknown side-effects to the kids.

"Quick question before we start with this whole thing." Alice spoke up before their husband/brother-in-law reveal the secrets on how to create the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core]. "Does one of the methods of creating the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] require sex." Alice looks at her husband with an absolutely serious look on her face.

"Really?" Raven look at her lover with an eyebrow raise.

"Hey, this is important for me. My origin universe is literally an eroge game, where sex is literally part of the battle in that world. I want to know if a Gamer show up in a Monster Girl Quest universe due to sex involved." Alice said her reasons.

"Funny enough. Yes." I answer Alice's question, causing the others to be shock and surprise by this.

"Really?!" Serafall asks in disbelief, with the others ion the same wavelength as her.

"Yeah, the main part of the way to create the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] is related to the universe these Gamers first come to. In fact, there are those other Gamers that have different types of [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] due to an outside interfere. Instead of allowing the universe itself to use one of its vassals, Gaia for example, to naturally form a [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] and most cases, these naturally formed False Gamers have their main features related to the universe they're in." I begin to explain to everyone how the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] is created.

There is a total of two methods for False Gamers to form and two methods for True Gamers.

The first method for False Gamers: Naturally form by Gaia or an entity related to the world itself to prove enough power source to change reality itself for the Gamer to live their life as a game aka the [Skills: Gamer's Mind & Gamer's Body]. But, of course, since the entity related to the world is the power source will also influence what type of Gamers they will be. Ex. If the Gamer's world is a porn genre world, then their Gamer's ability will mostly tie towards porn.

The second method for False Gamers: Are these random overpowered beings that just took any random strangers to pop into a different universe and give them whatever game element ability. It doesn't have to be a standard Gamer's ability. As long there involve stats and a character sheet. Of course, these random overpowered beings will have to become the power source similar to the previous method, for the Gamer to live their life as a game. Also, sometimes they have to personally be physical about it. Ex. Have sex with the person to give them a Gamer's ability with the main theme of sex.

As for the method for the two methods for True Gamers to form; well, that depends on luck. Literally on luck itself.

"What do you mean by luck, Ragna?" Esdeath understands the two methods for the False Gamers, but not the methods towards True Gamers.

"Well, weirdly enough. Instead of the universe's world entity picking a person to be the Gamer. The multiverse will be the one to do so, where it will be planting a seed aka [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] into the person, but there are only ten of these so-called seeds are naturally given out in varying different time, where no one knows when one appears nor would anyone will know if these people are False or True Gamers until something unbelievable occurs. In fact, for me. None of the three factions knew I was a True Gamer until I became a [Broken Player]." I answer Esdeath's question.

"Wait, I remember you said before, that others can become a True Gamer by making sure to kill one, as in a permanent death and not able to revive somehow before a slot is open for the taken. Is that the other method to become a True Gamer?" Yuri quickly cut in before others can.

"Yup. In a way, people who obtain the slot for the True Gamer will be a bit weaker than the natural ones. Since the multiverse is the one that picked these people to become the True Gamers. A good example of this method is cultivation. A cultivator is to go against heaven itself and become something not to be. Of course, this doesn't mean those people whole stole the slot among the 10 True Gamers will continue to be weaker than a natural one. Within a given enough, these new True Gamers can surpass the natural ones. After all, a Gamer is already abnormal and being overpowered is a standard thing for Gamers." I explain to Yuri and everyone about the second method for others to become a True Gamer.

"So, with you being the 10th True Gamer. Is it possible for an 11th True Gamer to appear or there can only be 10 exact True Gamers?" Raven asked.

"Not really, in fact, I have no idea." I shrug my shoulders at the confused look on the others' faces. "To be exact, there no answer about why there only 10 True Gamers in the [Information Dimension]. If I were to guess, the multiverse must have either erase this answer or sealed it away without allowing anyone to know about it. I could use the [Bypass Restrictions] to find out, but that would lead to others finding out too." I really don't want the three factions to know, even if I'm curious enough to risk the whole thing, but I wasn't going to be stupid about it and allow others to find a way to use this Intel to their advantage against my family, especially against me.

"Yeah, don't do that." Raven said dully, "The three factions are trouble enough already, we don't want them to be even more troublesome if they manage to learn a way to increase the slots for becoming a True Gamer."

"So, among the two methods to create a False Gamer. How do we get the universe's world entity to form a Gamer?" Ryun asks her god/husband, "Since I don't think none of us want to be a battery for a False Gamer, just so we can kill them for their [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core]. Pretty sure, this would consider hurting ourselves in the process as well."

"Well, I can just use the third method, with a bit of the first and second methods together to make the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core]." I explain to everyone how I will just take ownership of the universe and forcibly make the universe to use the world entity to create the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] for the taking, even though this will mostly lead to creating the lowest-rank.

"Did any of the three factions try to do this before?" Esdeath frown, that maybe this is among the many reasons why the three factions took over other universes or not.

"Oh, they don't dare or more like they think it will be a waste doing so. Because upon using this method, the universe itself will be destroyed. This is why I didn't mention the third method just yet and only the two methods since these two are the only methods that allow the universe to stay intact, where many people could even fill numerous False Gamers in a single universe or not." I explained to everyone after answering Esdeath's question.

"Does that mean we have to give up this universe then?" Serafall frown, because she still hasn't managed to finish learning all she can from this universe's underworld. Destroying it before she could finish will be a waste of time and who knows when she will come across another same universe.

"I would leave the decision to you girls." I can already see my wives' character sheets, with most of them all wanting to pick a different universe to gain a [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] than destroy the Beelzebub universe.


"Again?!" Esdeath shouts with rage, as the [Lighthouse] near her to monitor the school shows an explosion at the rooftop. "I swear these delinquents are just asking for a beating." Esdeath disappears from the spot and heading over to Ishiyama High School to deal with the students that cause more damage to the school. Again.

"So..." I glance at the spot where Esdeath was, then look at the rest of my family as they did the same thing as me. "Think Esdeath will find it more annoying to take on the leadership role or this just going to make her more ruthless than before?"

"I find that she already ruthless and just think that maybe Esdeath about to go physical after who knows how long Esdeath had caused physical harm outside of combat." Raven snort at the thought of Esdeath being more ruthless than she already is.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Gabriel asks Raven with confusion in her voice, causing Raven to snort once more, then casually explain what Esdeath usually do in the past before she got bored of it and now using her sharp, poisonous tongue as a way to torture people mentally until they break down into madness.

"Huh, I guess there is a reason why her parents named her Esdeath, with the word death in it." Serafall said with a hint of shock, to discover that Esdeath would have gladly tortured her if she did anything to annoy her.

'I wonder what their reason would be if they find out Esdeath's name is based off in Japanese, Esudesu is a play on the phrase "S, desu!", which means "I am an S(sadist)." I'm pretty sure Esdeath herself know this since she read her own character sheet before and her canon's info.' I can easily recall the sight of Esdeath's sadist smile upon reading how her name came to be.

Soon everyone begins to talk about if Esdeath went back to her old way to physically torture her victims or not. By the time Esdeath return, we got our answer right away with the blood on her shoes. Almost everyone became quiet that night due to not wanting to trigger an unhappy Esdeath.

Of course, Esdeath became happy again once everyone head to bed, for obvious reason.


Omake: Hello, You Destroyed Something of Mine! Now You Pay The Price!


-Esdeath's POV-

'Dare to ruin school?!' I scowl as I leap to the rooftop, not caring about others seeing me doing such impossible action for a human could do.

The moment I land, I find one of my students buried into the ground with his legs sticking out to the sky. Next to the buried student is Tatsumi Oga. The main male protagonist of this universe. Beside him, there are other side characters. Funny enough, not including the buried student, all of them are the ones I have glared at like an hour ago.

"I see." Grinning at the students, where all of them are shaking in terror. "It looks like I have to teach all of you a lesson for not damaging school property." I lower the temperature as it's better than releasing my killing intent. "Let's start with you." I glare at Tatsumi, who took a step back instantly the moment I laid my eyes on him.

I didn't hesitate to stomp the buried student further into the ground, causing said buried student to let out a helpless cry of pain since the spot where stomp on was between his legs and I even kick one of the student's legs to the side to make space for me to walk through, literally forcing the student to do a painful split while having his dick stomped.

Without any warning, I did a quick jab to a certain pressure point on Tatsumi's torso, causing him to fall to his knees and begin to cough in pain. 'It's a good thing, I have Yuri teach me all the pressure points related to inflicting pain on the target.' I thought to myself, as I instantly erase the small acupuncture ice needle attached to my fingertip I created to use the pressure point better. As I can't figure the way to turn make my fingers to function like needles unlike how Yuri can with her [Skill: Nabong Needle Ryu]. 'That's fine with me, I got my Teigu to help me this out.'

I did the same to the other students before they could even think about escaping. In a matter of seconds, all the students, even the hidden ones. This includes Hilda, the demon maid, which I've been thinking about making her into my personal maid or not. Still debating.

"Now, what should I do to punish all of you...?" I tap my chin with my right index finger while having my foot on top of Hilda's head. 'This is something I missed doing in the past, having my feet on other's heads. Literally.' Just recalling the fond past memory made me want to go back to doing physical torture. 'In fact, maybe I should do something special tonight? And I can have Ragna finish me off afterward, now that's an idea I can go with.' I shook my head before looking down at everyone on the ground, groaning in pain. 'I think I have a few ideas I want to try out first before trying it on the others.'