Chapter 101: Decision, Decision

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 101: Decision, Decision

2 weeks later*

Year 27: Day 181: Esdeath's Methods

(Mercer's Household)

"Okay, this isn't even my child, so why am I holding him?" Esdeath said in a cold tone of voice, mostly direct at Tatsumi and Hilda, with both of them on the ground kneeling with their heads on the ground. While she personally holding baby Beel, who seems to have a severe fever and releasing a large amount of heat to the surrounding. "Also, why is this baby so hot? This is not normal for a baby. Even for a demon baby, not to mention this baby's element is lightning, not fire. Making it weirder."

"Uh, we've no idea and just thought you were the only one who could help with how you always cause the temperature in school to go down so much, that almost everyone in school now always bring along a winter coat every day, even if they need it most of the day." Tatsumi answers without thinking much, earning him with a stomp of the back of his head and into the ground. Burying his head in enough to make many questions if he was alive or not.

"The truth?" Esdeath glance over to Hilda, who broke into cold sweats.

"Furuichi mention how your... presence is enough to cool down young master." Hilda decides to place the blame on Tatsumi's friend, better with him than herself.

"Bring him to me." Esdeath order Hilda, who quickly did as she was told, not wanting to find out what the unspoken or else threat from Esdeath. "Ragna, come over here and check's what wrong with the baby. I rather not keep holding him at all."

"Alright." I held baby Beel, who looks like he close to fainting and really hot, to the point, I can boil water by dropping him in said water. "Hmm." I use [Elemental Sight] and [Miracle of Life] linked together with [Chain Combo Magic] to see what's wrong with the baby. "Well, damn. This kid needs to release lots of [Demon Qi] or else he will burst." I found out the problem easily enough and explain to Esdeath and Tatsumi, who still conscious about this fever baby Beel is having. Is he going through a stage that his race growing up with large [Demon Qi] and needs a human's help to release the [Demon Qi] that's been steadily increasing, but has no outlet to release the build-up [Demon Qi]. As a result of a high fever, where if nothing is done will be the result of baby Beel's death due to his body can't handle the overwhelm [Demon Qi]. While the human he picked should have helped with this, but it looks like Tatsumi isn't strong enough to keep up with Beelzebub's growth and this is the result. As the fever would just occur briefly before disappearing easily with the help of Tatsumi filtering it out. Yet, this is a good example that Tatsumi needs to get stronger or this will happen again in the future.

"Anything you could help the kid? I rather not have a demon baby blowing up in our house." Esdeath's lack of care isn't that surprising for those that know her; furthermore, she is someone who could watch even toddlers like baby Beel to die without having her facial expression changed. The only way to make Esdeath care if baby Beel were to be part of her family, but just for a bit.

"Yup, I just have to drain the [Demon Qi] out of him." I tap baby Beel's forehead while using [Right Arm of Thievery] to steal almost all the [Demon Qi] until baby Beel no longer has a fever. All done in a matter of seconds. "There." I place baby Beel on Tatsumi's back, where baby Beel let out baby noises in excitement for being cured of his fever.

I deactivate the [Right Arm of Thievery] while allowing my [Sword Demon Magic] just absorb the [Demon Qi] I took from baby Beel to be converted into my personal type [Demon Qi] and merge with the [Dark Matter] afterward. All processing is done in a couple of seconds.

'Huh, even with all the [Demon Qi] I absorb from baby Beel. It barely even considered a drop.' I sweatdrop, that I honestly believe I would gain much from a demon baby really.

"Well, there your problem solve. Now leave." Esdeath said to Tatsumi, who still has his head buried. "Huh, took you long enough." Esdeath glance at the door to her home, where Hilda came with the [Reincarnator]. Esdeath can see the fear in the guy's eyes. Good. "Do not speak unless I allow you to speak." Esdeath coldly said to Takayuki, who shiver at her voice. Then, she looks at her husband, "Ragna, would you mind making a room more private for me?" Esdeath knew she can't outright torture the guy right before the kids' eyes. So, she will do the next best thing by relocating.

"Sure." I head upstairs while ignoring Takayuki is trying to escape. Trying being the keyword due to the fact, that Hilda kept him from running away. If I didn't have access to Hilda's character sheet alone, I would be surprised by how she acting, but I can't blame her as I read Hilda's history, where she had a private meeting with Esdeath just a few days ago. Where, from this point on, Hilda is no longer in the right mind as she was literally brainwashed by Esdeath herself thanks to her [Freezing Time Dao: Heart Lockon], similar to [Emotion Lockdown], but instead Esdeath figure a way to pick what Hilda's heart desires and lock it in place. Making it so Hilda will always follow what her heart desire from this point on. This is tricky, but at the same time long-term brainwashing with a 100% success rate.

I shake my head at this, knowing that Esdeath made this [Dao Technique] out of boredom. Since [Emotion Lockdown] would have faster results, but would require Esdeath to plan things out to get the right emotions she wanted to lockdown. Either way, Esdeath really coming up with many ways to manipulate people that either equal or weaker than her. The only reason why she hasn't done the same with the other wives is due to pride alone really and that I would easily find out if she did such a thing.

The next week*

Year 27: Day 195: Price For Revenge!

(Mercer's Household)

The entire place is quiet. No one dare makes a sound nor makes any movement. Even the kids can feel the coldness in the surroundings, causing them to shiver. Especially Black and Rock, these two would even laugh at death. Yet, these two are hiding in the corner, holding each other in fear. Trying their best not to draw attention to themselves. Since right now, if anyone dares make even the tiniest bit of sound would doom them a thousand deaths.

Yet, someone dared to, but it came from the front door, and the one entering causing almost everyone to sigh in relief.

"Hey, what's going on here?" I ask everyone, where I noticed the tension is very thick, where one could cut it with a knife. Then, I felt the temperature is lower than normal and I found Esdeath, who is sitting all by herself on a couch for three people to sit in, is the causes of the temperature being so cold. "I've only been gone for like half an hour. The hell happened while I was gone?" I look at everyone in confusion since I just went back to the Clinic to treat someone late at night.

"Someone destroyed the school." Esdeath said coldly, bringing the temperature down even further and if it wasn't for Ryun, then the kids would have been frozen to death by now. This is how angry Esdeath is right now.

"Oh." I blink at this, then snap with my fingers to use the [Rejection], reverting the temperature back to normal before sitting next to Esdeath and pull her into a one-arm hug. "Wait, what?" I look at Esdeath as her words finally register in my brain.

Repellista took the chance to grab the kids and rush them upstairs, with Alice following right behind. As the latter is more sensitive to the cold than everyone else in the family due to her [Transformation Semblance] and her [Heartforce] barely hold up against the cold produced by Esdeath.

No one comment about Repellista and Alice leaving with the kids.

"So... with the school destroyed..." I have no idea how to comfort Esdeath with the school being destroyed as I recall this was part of the storyline of Beelzebub. "This is weird because if I remember correctly, the main cause for the destruction of the school was due to Tatsumi having to release out a large amount of [Demon Qi] since baby Beel stored up too much [Demon Qi] and Tatsumi had to deal with it; therefore, he released it with a punch and the school was in the line of fire. However, I've already cured the kid's fever already. So what caused the destruction of the school?" I ask Esdeath and the other since I've no idea how the outcome of the school's destruction happens still.

"Believe it not." Yuri starts off while glancing at Esdeath while sweating a bit. "Some crazy student from another student, who was bullied by the delinquents from the school you guys work at and had it enough, then decide to burn the entire school down as revenge. The student in question has already been taken by the police."

"Oh." I raise both eyebrows at this news. Looking at Esdeath at the corner of my eyes and can easily tell without having to look at her character sheet, to tell she is very mad about this. As something belongs to her was destroyed by another. "About that kid-"

"Dead." Esdeath said coldly. "Once I get my hands on him, then they will wish they never have the gut to destroy my school." Esdeath would have left already by now after getting news, but the rest of the wives manage to stop her from leaving and now with her husband holding her made it even harder for her to get her revenge herself.

"Uh, huh." I give Esdeath a wry smile. 'I wonder if I should explain to Esdeath, that technically it the delinquents' faults, for continue to bully the student from another school to their breaking point and this is what happens.' I mentally shake my head at this, knowing that Esdeath doesn't care and will just include these delinquents with the student that burned down the school into killing them as well. 'Better calm Esdeath down for now before she goes on a killing spree.'

The next day*

Year 27: Day 196: Esdeath Strike Again!

(Mercer's Household)

"Today's news, there has been a case of multiple deaths of students-" The news reporter speaking from the TV was cut off by having the TV itself shut off.

"Well, it looks like Esdeath couldn't hold herself back after all." I said calmly, not bother to look at Esdeath, who is currently in the Kitchen making everyone's lunch normally instead of using her title to make it.

"I'm not surprised since it looks like Esdeath must have hit her breaking point for some reason." Raven said to me, "Got any idea what could be the reason, Ragna?" As she resting her head on Alice's lap.

"Eh... not really." I shrug my shoulders, where Raven didn't so much as believed me. 'I really can't just say, that Esdeath is getting stressed out by having to raise Black and learning about what the Kaori and the rest are doing in the Fairy Tail universe, where they have somehow taken over the Kingdom. And Esdeath wanted to go over there, to congrats Kaori and the other on their conquest. But, can't at the moment.' I made a mental note, to send everyone else over to the Fairy Tail universe later, while I and Ryun or someone else head off to another universe to make a [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] or at least make a passage, for my family to travel between universes, that has been merged together into the home universe inside the [Gate of Babylon].

"By the way, Gabriel, you okay over there?" I ask my angel wife, who is currently sitting on a couch by herself, with her knees up to her chest while sobbing quietly.

"Gabriel sad because she just got a call while you were gone and was told her position to be a teacher was no longer available. So, Gabriel won't become a teacher nor would she be hired." Alice answer for Gabriel.

"Dang." I rub the back of my head with a frown on my face. "So that's why I was fired as well. When those people called for me to meet with them this morning." Honestly, I wasn't that concerned nor cared about losing my teaching job.

"Did they fire Esdeath too or something? Because if so, why haven't we heard anything about more deaths besides those students?" Yuri asks me, while she just finishes studying the latest subject related to making clothes and will soon put all the knowledge she learned so far into practices.

"Because Esdeath has already dealt with them." I answer Yuri's questions. "As to why you didn't hear anything about deaths related to school other than those students. You're looking at the wrong directions." I hinted that those people are still alive and the others knowing Esdeath would do something cruel if death isn't an option or decide to take a different option instead.

"Really?" Yuri looks at me with a hint of suspense before getting online to check any news related to the school besides the deaths and sure enough; there is some news about bribes and many other bad things occur in the background has been revealed to the public, causing outrage to everyone. Especially for those families with students going to the local schools.

"Anyway, I'm going to seek out another universe that's on the lower ranks to try out, to create the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core]." I said to everyone as I active the [Archive] while heading upstairs to use one of the free guest rooms for me to use without getting distracted.

"Kay, make sure it's not something dangerous to your life. We're still on the run for a reason." Raven said to her husband, trusting him enough to pick the right universe and not something extremely dangerous in some ways, that will end up killing him and everyone else.

"Will do."

A week later*

Year 27: Day 203: Good News, Better News!

(Mercer's Household)

"Hey, girls. I finally did it." I held a small white cube, where the inside of it is a spinning wheel, that just keeps on spinning forever. "I found a lowered rank universe of Air Gear. Honestly, this [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] is a bit more limited compared to others. However, it is still considered powerful in some way." I explain to everyone about the theme of this [Gamer's Reality: Reality Core] about how most of the combat phases are based on the concept of racing or just challenges related to using [Air Treck]. "From what I understand, Ingui Yoon must have based off her [Nen] on the [Flame Road] and I could guess she must have read the manga: Air Gear at some point in her life and remember it." I made sure to inform this to everyone, to show that even if this universe is lower ranked compared to the higher ones. That doesn't change the fact, that it could still be useful in combat.

"Quick question, how in the world you manage to get this without entering said universe or you did by yourself during this whole week?" Esdeath narrow her eyes at her husband.

"Oh, if the universe is lowered rank enough, then I can just grab it without having to enter it. If the universe's rank is high enough, then I have to enter the universe itself and seek out the world entity or forcibly create one to have it make the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core]." I explained how I got this small white cube in the first place due to the Air Gear universe was low enough in ranks for me to convert straight away while still being in the Beelzebub universe.

"Well, then." Yuri picks up the small white cube from me and looks at it closely. "Are you planning to absorb this [Reality Core] into your own [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core]?" This question caused the others to look at me.

"Eh, I have no idea. I just wanted to experiment to see if I could actually create a [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] and I did. So, now, I'm at the stage, where I want to be precise on what universe I want to be converted into a [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] to be absorbed by my own. I was lucky enough on the first one, which gave me the feature to give everyone connected with me the ability to share the [Title System] and I have no idea if there is a limit of how much my Gamer's ability could absorb before reaching its max capacity. So, for the time being, I will have to carefully pick what type of universes I want to absorb or else we might end up with something useless and a waste of space." I explain to everyone, that I'll need help on which universe for us to grab to benefit everyone since the titles alone has brought many benefits already.

"Then, what are you planning to do with this thing, then?" Esdeath took the small white cube from Yuri, for her to get a good look at it herself before passing it over to the others for them to see until Repellista got it last and return it back to me.

"Eh, I'll leave it to you girls. Hell, if one of you want, go for it. I've already changed it a bit, where the power source would come from the home universe. But, below 1% since going any further wouldn't do much anyway." I said to Esdeath. As I place the small white cube on the table for everyone wanting to take it for themselves. "By the way, this has been on mind for a while now. But, where are the kids?" I notice how the kids are gone and even Repellista is here along with Gabriel. Both would have been watching over the kids right now, but it looks like they're not.

"You do realize, it's already night time right?" Raven looked at me with a deadpan while pointing out of the window, to prove her point, where it is dark outside.

"Oh, wow. I guess I was too into my work, to notice the time go by." I look out the window in surprises, then look back at everyone. "So anyway, anyone wants it. Just let me know, then I'll install it into you. Now, I'm going to head to the kitchen for something to snack on." But, before I could even take a step toward the Kitchen. Esdeath has her grip on me by my right shoulder, the same with Yuri as she grabs me from the left shoulder, preventing me from moving. "Something you girls need?" I didn't try to remove their grips on me.

"It has been a week." Esdeath starts off.

"Since we have our daily dose." Yuri continues.

"Of sex, but even if one of us is missing." Ryun smile, where everyone knew she meant Serafall, who is still in the Underworld.

"We still want to make up lost time." Alice grin, as she and the others slowly moving closer to their husband. With eyes of lust and hunger.

"So, if anyone is missing. Too bad for them." Raven finished off.

"And that's my cue to leave. Bye!" Repellista jump up from her seat and head upstairs instantly.

"Please be gentle with me!" Gabriel said with a smile, as she too has fallen for the pleasure of sex and became addicted to it just like the rest of the wives.

"Can't I have some food to eat first?" I ask everyone, even though I don't even need to eat to live, but that doesn't mean I would stop since I enjoy eating and it's a habit I rather not lose at all. Especially after eating Esdeath's food for years now. It's impossible to stop. "Also, don't you girls need to decide what to do with the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] on the table? It's very dangerous to just leave it lying around for anyone to take it." I made sure to remind this to them since I didn't create it for just to lay around doing nothing; furthermore, I would love to have sex with them for sure. But, the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] is an important thing that can't be ignored.

"Fine." Esdeath frown, knowing that this is very important.

Yuri clicks her teeth and release her grip, then pick up the small white cube from the table. "Why not just give it to one of the kids? I'm sure one of them wants it. If not, just give it to one of your students." Yuri quickly came up with an idea of what to do with the small white cube straight away and get back on track to having sex.

"I agree to this!" Alice not going to wait any longer, she hungry for sex and she and the rest knew that after today, there is a chance none of them may not have sex with their husband for a long time. Since they'll be staying in this universe to finish with their own business while their husband seeking out other universes to take over and convert into [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core].

"Fine." I roll my eyes at my wives, then take the small white cube from Yuri and throw it into the [Gate of Babylon] for the time being and give it to one of the kids tomorrow.

"Great. Now, time to start the fun time." Esdeath's eyes light up along with the others. As they all remove their clothes with ease thanks to their own access to [Inventory]. "Don't expect us to sleep for the night."

The next day*

Year 27: Day 204: Heading Off

(Mercer's Household)

"Here you go, Ingui Yoon." I hand my student the small white cube, where I summon her the first thing in the morning from her universe. "I'm sure you will make use of this better than anyone else." I did a check on her character sheet, and sure enough, my student did base her [Nen] off the Air Gear series. "I made sure to change it a bit to match your style too." And by that, I mean I took out the whole [Air Treck] and racing features, but kept everything else behind for her to use.

"Thank you, teacher." Ingui Yoon accepts the [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] after having a brief explanation and including a guidebook on it too, so she won't end up being completely lost while using it.

"Alright, I'm gonna send you back unless you want to stick around?" I raise an eyebrow at Ingui Yoon, who just shook her head. "See you later." I send her off back into her universe. "Now, that's out of the way. I guess it's time for me to look for those universes." I mumble to myself while the rest of my family are doing whatever. Even Esdeath has already gone off to deal with her former position as a principal.

"We could go for universes that could be useful for the family." Ryun said to me, reminding me that she still here. "Since we got the [Title System], maybe find something else that brings benefits?"

"That's an idea I can stick with, but what our main priority to get first then?" I ask Ryun since it looks like she got some ideas to offer.