Chapter 102: Man, Look At The Time

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 102: Man, Look At The Time

Year 27: Day 204: Heading Off Part 2

(Mercer's Household)

"How about we aim for cultivation universe? Of course, we need to check them out to see if it's worth converting into a [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core]. If not, we should either just leave it behind or take it over to be merged into the home universe." Ryun begins to explain what her ideas are. Some involved aiming for universes with important things like defensive, offensive, support, and even weird ones. A weird one would be related to sex, something Ryun mentions how it could make things better or interesting for everyone while gaining benefits from it.

"Alright, I'll ask Repellista some help to find some decent ones, for trial runs before hitting the big ones." I agreed with Ryun's ideas, then send a message via [Archive] to Repellista's [Lighthouse] to explain what I'm requesting her help for. Of course, there Raven, who is surprisingly a fast worker, even outpace Repellista in keyboard typing. Shockingly, others found out Raven is someone who could outclass Repellista in information gathering, but Raven is too lazy and tired to do such tasks often. 'Too bad, Raven is currently taking her nap at the moment to help out. Well, at least Repellista is here to help out.'

"While we wait on Repellista's responses. How about we begin to plan things out?" Ryun asks her god/husband, with a smile on her face and she already has her own [Lighthouse] out to take notes. "Plus, we can use this time to help you continue to cultivate your [Dawn Sword Dao] to catch up with your [Volition Sword Dao] too. Other than using [Wonderland] and [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] whenever we may come across someone interesting." Ryun knew that her husband been using the [Wonderland] and [Temporal Demon Spirit Book] whenever he remembers to increase his experience in using the [Dawn Sword Dao], but she knew how easily distracting her god/husband could get. So, to help him, Ryun will include their schedule for his [Dawn Sword Dao]'s training time.

"Sure, that's fine with me." I agreed with Ryun. "By the way, do you actually want us to bring the kids with us?" I wanted to be sure this is what Ryun wanted. 'Maybe I should wait until the kids are a few years older before heading off.'

"We could go for a universe that is meant for kids or universes, where they have kids as main characters where they can fight at such a young age. If we see how it is, then we can either have the kids experience these kinds of universes before deciding on either taking over the universe or converting it into [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] to gain the features mainly related to raising kids in some way." Ryun points out a few reasons why they should, but at the same time hinting, that picking a universe more towards kid-friendly would make things much easier for everyone.

"Well, we just have to wait for a few years then until they can be at the age to train. Plus, we don't have to leave the Beelzebub universe as I can just move it to another zone in the multiverse before the three factions could find us. Also, my original body would be fully recovered by then." I said to Ryun, who nods her head.

"Agreeable. We'll do that then. This way, all of us could be a loving family. In fact, we should get the other kids too by forming a passage between the Beelzebub to the Fairy Tail universe, that way we can visit them and they can visit us." Ryun gives her god/husband a smile, that they won't have to leave the family so soon. Just like he said yesterday.

9 years later*

Year 36: Day 204: Concerns

(Mercer's Household)

"Father! Rin is being unyouthful again by scamming people of their money again-GAH!" Rock rush into the house while shouting at the top of his lungs before getting kicked from behind by Rin herself.

"I did no such thing!" Rin shouted at her half-brother. "If anything, I'm providing helpful service to the community!" Rin spoke in a manner, that just makes people thinking she doing for a good cause.

"Really? Because I saw you just beating up a guy for his money just a few seconds ago." Black said calmly as he enters the building.

"The guy was a delinquent and was causing a problem in the neighborhood and I took it myself to punish the delinquent by giving him a taste of his own medicine." Rin said in a voice of justice.

"I'm pretty sure, he was just minding his own business. He literally was just walking by himself before you came in and beat him without speaking a single word." Pyrrha came right behind Black and spoke up against Rin, who let out a scoff, but everyone can see Rin is sweating a bit.

"Excuse me." Artoria came in last with a blank face while heading straight for her bedroom to take her afternoon nap. As she been using up most of her stamina today.

"And the kids are back." Raven mumble as she just woke up from her nap. Then let out a yawn. "What's going on this time? Did Rin beat up someone again for pocket money or something?" Raven sat up from her favorite couch/bed.

"From what I can tell, pretty much." I said to Raven, while I just finished mixing up some substances to create one of my regulars [Medical Items] I made with the [Skill: Miracle of Life]. "Anyway, kids. Ingui Yoon and Shigure are waiting for you guys in the basement for training." I said to the kids, where it has been years since I created the multiple passages in this very house to allow everyone to enter the other universes merged in the home universe, with only certain people can do the same by coming from their universe into another via the multiple passages I created in the basement.

"Sweet! Training here I come!" Black is the first one to rush to the basement, with Rock coming right behind him.

"YOUTH!" Rock completely forgets about the incident with Rin as training always comes in first in his mind.

"I'll go get Artoria before she falls asleep." Rin shook her head, as she can't believe how unbelievably strong Artoria is. Yet, she sleeps all day long. Then again, with Mother Raven, who is beyond her comprehension. She could understand somewhat that some people who are strong to the point of taking their time to relax before doing any intense training.

"Alright, I'll make sure to let the others know we'll be waiting on you and Artoria." Pyrrha smiled at her half-sister and head to the basement after she greets everyone in the family; well, the ones in the living room at the very least.

"So, out of curiosity. When are you and Ryun will head off? You two have been putting this trip for 9 years now." Esdeath asks her husband as she closes the book she was reading this entire time before throwing it into her [Inventory]. While she continues to stay in her single seat couch. "Not to mention, your original body is fully recovered now and both your [Volition Sword Dao] and [Dawn Sword Dao] alone are enough to put you at [Tier 9 - Entity: Changer] with ease and maybe at [Tier 10 - Entity: Unknown] if you use both of them along with everything you got without having to fuse with your other [Cultivation Clone Bodies]. So, really, I have no idea what's keeping you two from going to other universes to check if they worth being converted into [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core]."

"Mostly to watch the kids grow up. Not to mention, Ryun and I came to a conclusion, that there was no point in us leaving everyone to travel the multiverse to visit these universes if they worth converting into [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] at all. Since I can just do so in this universe. Other than doing personal training, I would do this search with Ryun." I said to Esdeath, causing the others in the living room to look at me in surprise.

Those being in the living other than Esdeath, Raven and me. Are Gabriel, Yuri. and Serafall. With Serafall a few years back have finished what she needed to learn about how to use her [Devil Magic] even better than before, thanks to what she learned about how demons in the Beelzebub universe use their [Demon Qi]. So now, Serafall would usually stick around at home or head off to the other universes to mess around whenever she is bored or want to work on her [Dao of Deception].

"But, don't Ryun want to be with you alone while traveling the multiverse like the others, though?" Serafall asks with a confused tone.

Even Gabriel is confused about this as well since she and Serafall are told they will be next after Ryun.

"Because Ryun won't be able to raise Pyrrha and get to visit Erza most of the time if she was just with me alone." I replied to Serafall's question while putting away the last medical equipment back into the [Gate of Babylon].

"Oh. Huh, I can guess I can understand her feeling. Too bad, my little Rin doesn't like being hugged by me, WAAHH!" Serafall begins crying how her baby being so cruel to her whenever she wanted to hug her, but Rin would always avoid being hugged by Serafall all the time the moment Rin relearned how to run without falling on her own feet.

"Plus, Ryun and I were going to tell this to you guys, but I think we just forgot about it most of the time really with all the things we've done over the years. Not to mention, I think my LUCK stat had made it so I won't reveal this information until now due to something important about to happen." I said to everyone in the living room.

"Oh, yeah. I honestly forgot about that." Yuri said while blinking her eyes a couple of times. Where she forgot all about her husband's stats, especially the LUCK stat. "So, does that mean Ryun decides to not take this chance to go with you alone while traveling the multiverse, Ragna?"

"Look like it." I shrug my shoulders. "I think I recall her mention, that she would be too worried about Pyrrha and Erza for their safety to enjoy being with me alone. In fact, she said she would rather wait until Serafall and Gabriel have their turn. In exchange, she wants it to be just her, Erza, Pyrrha, and I as a small family to travel for a bit, like maybe a month." I explained how Ryun wanted this due to seeing some TV show about having a family event and whatnot, then decide she wants to experience that too.

"Huh, I never thought about that. Sure, having the entire family doing whatever is fun at all. But, even I never think about having alone time with just you and my own birth kids." Yuri said in a tone, where she planning to do the same time when she gets the chance.

"I guess everyone wants to follow Ryun's family idea plan." Esdeath said dryly, where she would love to do the same, but with her Son, Black, in the picture. Kind of ruins it a bit. Sure, Esdeath loves Black as her Son, but the amount of love she gives him isn't that much to be spoken about in the family. Something everyone knows, even her own Son knows her feeling towards him and he doesn't even care one bit either.

"Oh! I want to do this back in my origin universe! I don't care if hubby makes a new dimension in one of Highschool DxD universes or not, to let everyone know our lovely family!" Serafall being to imagine all the fun she, her loving hubby, and their baby girl could do back in the Highschool DxD universe, to see the reactions they would get. "In fact, Gabriel should tag along with me!" Serafall pulls Gabriel into a hug, who returns the hug with her own.

"I guess, that whole idea of you guys wanting to be alone with our husband while traveling the multiverse is no longer going to happen now?" Yuri asks Serafall and Gabriel, with both of them just realized, that this whole thing is Ryun's idea in the first place. Therefore, they won't get their own chance for a while.

"I can just change the time zone really, to make it a day here and a year inside the other universe." I remind the two and everyone else, that I have the ability to change the time zone from inside and outside the universe. Something that took a while for me to learn how to do with the [Archive].

"Good enough for me." Esdeath shrugs her shoulders, as this is better than having to wait for her husband's return for who knows how long.

"Great! Then, let's Ryun get her's wish and we will get ours a few days after everyone!" Serafall shouted happily.

"By the way, those [Devil Fruits] you gave me. Are you sure about giving them to the kids?" Esdeath asks with a hint of concern. "These [Devil Fruits] you have for a long time now and very powerful in the right hand. But, for you to give them up so easily for the kids to have, even though only four of them will get them. They are still powerful, are very certain they can have it?" Esdeath asks once more in a serious tone.

"I'm sure." I smile at Esdeath, "After all, they're pretty much useless in my hands and I don't use them often compared to my other [Skills]. Plus, I would guess, that I took them because I figure they are something I dream of having and planning to become very powerful with them. Of course, I have forgotten I have other [Skills] that beyond powerful than those four [Devil Fruits]. Especially the [Gura Gura no Mi], [Yami Yami no Mi], and [Ope Ope no Mi], with the [Ito Ito no Mi] will require more effort to work with, but I'm sure one of the kids would make it powerful." I've already hinted many times on whom should get the [Ito Ito no Mi] ages of ago.

"I guess." Esdeath let out a sigh.

"Something the matter, Esdeath?" I pick up how Esdeath seems to be out of it.

"Not really. Just that I'm a little worried about how the three factions are being quiet lately. Too quiet in my opinion. In fact, if what you told us last month ago. The three factions have been slowly gathering together in one massive zone for a while now. Completely ignoring the other universes outside this single zone. This makes me wonder if they are planning something that would most likely cause a lot of problems for us soon." Esdeath begins to explain her concern. "If that wasn't enough to be concerned about. I asked Repellista and Raven here to do some recon of the nearby universes, for a few things, just to satisfy my curiosity."

"And what did you learn?" I look at Esdeath, then at Raven, who is currently stretching her muscles at the moment to care what's going on around her right now.

"A few years ago, there was a massive amount of [Reincarnators] appear throughout the universes, even the ones near us. Yet, slowly for some odd reason. The rate of [Reincarnators] and new dimensions in these universes are not appearing much in numbers compared from before." Esdeath explains how this disturbs her, but at the same time, this isn't something worth noting since most of the time we would seek out universes, where most of them shouldn't have any [Reincarnators] unless these [Reincarnators] are native of that universe, then it won't matter.

"Also, it seems like the universes nearby are slowly decaying too." Raven finally spoke up. As she finished her stretching. "Especially, for those universes with [Reincarnators] in them. Mostly those are outside of those universes. For example, did you know, Takayuki Furuichi, who died a few years back in this Beelzebub universe? The very same one that is a [Reincarnator]?" When Raven saw her husband nods his head. She continues, "Well, he isn't a native of this universe and somehow, he randomly died of a heart attack just out of the blue. This wasn't something we would be concerned about really, but Repellista and I noticed lately, that these decaying universes with [Reincarnators]. Most of them are dying from heart attacks as well and that's when the decaying begins. And the only reason this Beelzebub universe hasn't even started decaying yet is due to our presence preventing it."

"Interesting. What happens if we leave this universe, even when this universe has already been merged with the home universe?" I ask Raven since I still haven't merged the Beelzebub universe into the home universe just yet due to a gut feeling and mostly because I will only do so the moment I leave for another universe.

"From what Repellista and I came up with a theory. Whatever causes the universe to decay the moment those [Reincarnators] dies would also infect our home universe the moment all [Reincarnators] and/or us leaving the home universe. Pretty sure, the home universe will decay as well. So if I were you, Ragna. Leave this universe behind and not merge it with the home universe at all. Even with those passages, you've created is very worrisome if you didn't use [Rejection] to block the Beelzebub universe's influence leak into the home universe." Raven said in a deadly serious tone.

"Hmm." I begin to think about what is the causes of this, but I can't just come up with any good theory at the moment. "Want me to access the [Information Dimension] to find out the reason?" I ask Raven.

"I've asked the same thing to Raven before and we were planning to tell you this soon, but you were mostly busy at the time or something else that's important came up. Anyway, so now that we have. We curious to find out what's the causes of this problem from you, Ragna." Esdeath frown that their home universe was close to being destroyed and she got this feeling, the three factions are the main culprit of this.

"Alright, give me a few minutes to find out." I said to everyone, then close my eyes and activate the [Chain Combo Magic], with the [Elemental Sight] as the main core before linking it with other [Skills] before accessing the [Information Dimension] of the multiverse.

20 minutes later*

"So, what did you find out, Ragna?" Esdeath is the first one to notice her husband finally returns back from the [Information Dimension].

"Well, the three factions are technically the main causes for these universes to decay." I answered, where I have no idea if I should laugh or be mad with the three factions once I realized how these whole universes decaying over time the moment the [Reincarnators] in them are dead, became a thing.

"Oh? So they are the causes of this mess." Esdeath scowl at the three factions for causing problems for destroying universes when they are precious resources once she realizes they could be converted into [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core].

"More like they send a group of people into a universe that mostly dead with no life in it, in the hope of finding anything to help them kill us as soon as possible due to not being able to for a long time now. If that isn't enough, the group of people are now dead and trigger this dead universe, which is actually a universe used to be ruled by a powerful [Tier 10 - Entity: Unknown] and trigger a curse. A curse that very deadly and spreading throughout the multiverse by aiming for those universes with [Reincarnators]. Universes without any [Reincarnators] are fine." I explained to everyone about what this curse is doing and how none of the three factions are able to do anything about it other than trying to gather in a single zone for safety while trying to find a way to remove this curse. "Luckily, for us, our kids are immune due to me being the 10th True Gamer and having a connection with me. So they won't die from a heart attack as the other ones. Also, one of the reasons why the three factions haven't killed off all the [Reincarnators] among them since their True Gamers is there to block the curse from affecting all of them in a certain range of influences."

"Wow, I guess those people are still pissed at Ragna for that incident 9 years ago, where Ragna had to wait for an entire year for his original body to recover." Yuri smirk at the thoughts of the three factions doing something so stupid just to deal with their small family. "Then again, with Ragna being the 10th True Gamer without belonging to any of the three factions, even though he is technically still part of the [Neutral Faction]. Must have driven many crazy without anything to bind him to something, to have somewhat the minimum control over him."

"Well, at least we now know why the universes with deceased [Reincarnators] inside are decaying, huh, Raven?" Esdeath looks at Raven with a wry smile and feeling a bit bothered, that they put so much research into this subject, that it could have been done in a matter of days if she and Raven had just asked their husband early on. But, Esdeath knew if her husband's LUCK stat would decide if this is worth being mentioned now or later on.

"I guess." Raven shrugs her shoulders, not really caring about this whole thing anymore after realizing that this whole decaying universe curse isn't much of a problem for her family; therefore, not very important to her any longer unless something related to it comes up later on.

"So... Does this mean, Ryun and Ragna, along with Erza and Pyrrha will have a private family travel?" Gabriel asks with a hint of envy, but that was all as she and Serafall together will have the same thing soon. She just needs to wait for her turn.

"Look like it." Yuri said as she already has her [Lighthouse] to search for the universe she may want to go with her husband and Chifuyu, not caring if her own Daughter is already in her 23 years old now. In Yuri's eyes, Chifuyu is still considered as a kid. This includes Chifuyu's previous life's years added in. She is going to get that family travel rather Chifuyu like it or not.

"I guess, I'll let Ryun know and we will leave tomorrow since the kids are still doing whatever they are doing right now." I said to everyone, then begin to sort through my things inside the [Gate of Babylon], where I decide to pick what I should use to fight with or continue to use both [Volition Sword Dao] and [Dawn Sword Dao], but at [Sword Intent] level, and among other things for the travel.

"Great, I guess all of us can begin to pick out what universes we want to go. By the way, Ragna. Should we make it only a month or should we change that?" Esdeath knew that Ryun didn't have a lot of things she wanted since she mostly got everything she can dream of and enjoying her life to the fullest with only a few rare times being bad for her. "I mean, if it's just a month, then this would leave us to certain universes due to some of the universe's plotline would only continue again during after a period of time past by."

"Eh, depending on the universe, everyone picks. Then, I'll give everyone the option of how much time is given before we head off." I said to Esdeath and the others, that are listening.

"Great. I think I know some universes I want to go. Also, are we limited to a certain amount of universes we're allowed to go or we're just only allowed with one universe?" Esdeath asks another question, which is something on most of the other wives' minds.

"I would say one universe due to the minimum being a month and we still have to put our guards up against the three factions trying to send the [Reincarnators] into the universes we enter and among other things the three factions try to kill us." I answered Esdeath's question. "Plus, while each of you girls get their turn. The ones that remain should search for the universes we should convert into [Gamer's Ability: Reality Core] for me to absorb and once we're done with this. We will find somewhere in the multiverse to be just by ourselves and not care about the three factions for the rest of our life." I find, that fighting the three factions would most likely cause something big to happen in the multiverse, that just may or may not cause the biggest destruction in the history of the multiverse.