Arc 1 - Chapter 4: Hello, Saotome!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 4: Hello, Saotome!

A few hours later*

"Fiance?" Nabiki asks her father in confusion. Giving Lawliet a glance on the side, who looks like he would fall asleep any moment now, but try his best to stay awake to see what's going on. Though, really, Nabiki wonders why he here with the family to listen to something that's meant to be private for family only. Then again, Nabiki could guess he must be either too tired or lazy to go to his bedroom to sleep after his trip to searching the local dojos.

"Yes. The son of a very good friend of mine. The son's name is Ranma Saotome." Soun said to Nabiki and to the rest of his daughters, as he begins to explain why one of them is getting a fiance. "If one of you three girls were to marry him and carry on this training center. Then the Tendo family's legacy would be secure."

"Wait a minute!" Akane shouted at her father. "Don't we have some say in who we marry?"

"Akane's right, daddy. We've never even met Ranma." Kasumi said in worry while glancing over to Lawliet for a bit.

"That's can easily be fixed." Soun grin at his daughters. "Also, Ranma and his father have been on a voyage of training. Recently, it seems, they've crossed into China." Soun glance at the postcard in his hands.

"Wow! China?!" Nabiki looks at this in surprise, for traveling to China is expensive, let alone traveling by sea.

"What's so great about traveling in China?" Akane scoff at this news.

"Is he cute?" Nabiki rather not place all her eggs in one basket, but she will have to check on this Ranma person first before consider taking Lawliet off her list of potential people to be with.

"How old is? Younger men bore me." Kasumi frowns a little of the idea of marrying someone younger than her. Though, she wonders if Lawliet is the same age as her or younger. Older maybe? Hopefully, he isn't younger, but she might still consider being with him if possible.

"What kind of guys is this Ranma?" Both Kasumi and Nabiki ask their father, causing him to laugh a bit before taking a serious look.

"No idea."

"No idea?" Nabiki asked her father in a confused tone.

"I've never met him." Soun said to his daughter. Then look over to Lawliet on the side, "Lawliet, do you know Ranma Saotome and/or his father, Genma Saotome during your travel?" This question caused the others to listen to Lawliet's answer.

"From what I heard some rumor, where Ranma's father had taken him for a training trip when he was 2 years old. No idea if that's true, but I know for a fact, that he should at least be in his teenage years at the very least. Also, since they had a journey in China. I hope they haven't gone to the Jusenkyo." Lawliet thought about if he should reveal the Tendo family about the curse of Jusenkyo.

"Jusenkyo? What's that?" Nabiki asks with interest, forgetting about Ranma for a sec. Same with the rest, including Soun as well.

"Well, the Jusenkyo is the legendary training ground of cursed springs, located in the Bayankata Mountain range, south of Mount Kensei, in Qinghai Province, China. It's maintained by the Jusenkyo Guide to warning others about the curse springs." Lawliet begins to explain how many people and animals had drowned in various pools hundreds or thousands of years ago. As to why it cursed is due to people that fall into any of these cursed springs would become whatever first fell in or drowned in those pools, although, unless specified, the people that falling into the pool will retain their mind, personality, and [Skills]. As to how they changed into their cursed form is by cold water while changing back is hot water. Yet, no matter how many people want to avoid cold water. The world would do their best to splash cold water onto the cursed person, no matter where they are.

Once Lawliet finished explaining what he can remember about the Jusenkyo curse. The Tendo family tries to wrap their minds around everything Lawliet just finished explaining in case of Ranma and his father accidentally became the victims of the Jusenkyo curse or not.

"I don't believe there such a thing like cursed springs. You must be making things up." Akane is the first one to reject such an unbelievable thing to be real. Lawliet must be talking nonsense to fool her family.

"Eh... We'll just have to see if Ranma coming would be cursed or not, then we will get our answer if the cursed springs are real or not." Nabiki didn't really want to accept this either, but seeing how Lawliet has traveled around to places that many don't know about. Including herself. So, Nabiki is willing to give Lawliet the benefit of the doubt.

Kasumi didn't say anything, as she was just thinking about what else Lawliet has been to as this whole cursed springs are a little weird, but interesting, causing Kasumi to recall what Lawliet asked her this morning and wonder what else she could do for the rest of her life.

"Oh, dear. I hope my old friend and his son didn't fall victim to these cursed springs." Soun let out a few teardrops as he was concerned for the well being of his old friend and son-in-law.

"Are you guys honestly believing this guy's made up story?!" Akane shouted at her family for actually considered believing this whole thing.

"Hey, none of have gone to China before. How would you know if there aren't any cursed springs out there?" Nabiki asks her little sister, wondering why she so worked up about this.

"Honestly, Akane. You need to realize, that outside of Furinkan is a bigger world than you would think." Kasumi agreed with Nabiki that anything is possible if one manages to bring proof of it. Though, Kasumi's mind is still stuck in the idea of what her future could be, but still having a hard time figuring out what it could be.

Lawliet debate on revealing, that there are many supernatural things and people out there. One of the people Lawliet can easily remember is Saffron. A humanoid phoenix who is the ruler of the Phoenix people, a tribe of human-bird hybrids who have all adopted these traits from the magical Jusenkyo waters due to living near their source. He is also the final villain to appear in the manga and is considered the most powerful foes that Ranma ever faced. Well, that is until Lawliet came into this world and owning the [Authority: Space]. Either way, Lawliet decided not to reveal this little info so early and wait until the time is right. If he remembers to mention this, that is.

Suppress the urge to sleep just yet. Lawliet uses the tiniest amount of [Dragon Ki] to help him wake up after a random idea pop of using [Dragon Ki] for something outside of combat and using the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms]. Suddenly, Lawliet is wide awake after the [Dragon Ki] moves throughout his body for a second or two before the urge to sleep disappears.

"LET GO, YOU FOOL!" A female cried out in rage.

"Hm?" Nabiki looks to the side with interest.

"We have visitors!" Kasumi looks a little surprised about this, as it's a little unusual to have visitors this time around. Seeing how the mailman had already arrived before.

"OOOO! It must be Ranma!" Nabiki got up and rush to see if it's Ranma, her maybe a future husband.

"Saotome, my friend! We've been waiting!" Soun shouted in happiness as he too ran along with Nabiki to greet Genma and his son.

Both Kasumi and Akane got up to meet up with the visitors as well, who may or may not be Ranma and his father.

Lawliet got up to follow, not before a few seconds later, to see Nabiki and her father running back with a panda carrying a red-headed girl on its shoulder.

"Hey! You're scaring 'em spitless!" The red-headed girl shouted at the panda.

The panda pauses in its step and looks at the red-headed girl.

"Daddy... This is your friend?" Kasumi look at the panda and the girl in shock.

Soun shook his head quickly, forehead covered in cold sweats.

"Oh, so this panda just decided to visit?! Happens all the time, huh?!" Nabiki shouted at her father, no one could blame her right now, for yelling at her father.

Akane looks at the panda and the red-headed girl speechless. No words could describe how she feels right now.

The panda place the red-headed girl in front of Soun, where both the red-headed girl and Soun stare at one of another until a second later, Soun is struck with a thought.

"You... wouldn't be..." Soun couldn't finish his words, but that's fine for the red-headed girl decided to finish for him.

"Ranma Saotome. Sorry 'bout this." Ranma looks away shyly.

"At last! You've come!" Soun grabs Ranma by the shoulders with a big smile on his face.

"Oooo! He's cute!" Nabiki said from behind her father as she got a good look at Ranma and she likes what she is seeing.

"It's so good of you to come!" Soun pulls Ranma into a hug, then noticed something instantly. "Hmm?" Then, Soun pushes Ranma back a little to get a good look at Ranma.

"Wha...?" Ranma looks back at Soun with a confused look.

Soun raises his right index finger in shock, forehead covers in cold sweats once again. Speechlessly having no words to say at the moment.

Kasumi looks at Ranma quietly.

"Hm?" Nabiki narrow her eyes at Ranma before moving closer to Ranma and poke Ranma in the chest or more like Ranma's breast.

"Um... Could you stop that?" Ranma tries not to get mad at Nabiki.

"He... is a girl." Nabiki looks at her father with a frown for getting her hope up for nothing. At the very least, there is Lawliet for her to pursue.

Soun didn't say anything for a few seconds before slowly falling backward, causing everyone to be concerned for Soun's health.

Lawliet calmly walks over, then pick up Soun with ease, with the help of [Space] to make it so Soun pretty much weight like nothing to Lawliet and begin to walk back to the tatami room, where Kasumi quickly went to grab futon for Soun to lay in.

After placing Soun in the futon. Lawliet left the rest to his daughters, or in this case, Kasumi, who came back with a metal bowl of hot water and a small towel.

Looking down at Soun, where Lawliet can see tears literally leaking out as Soun looking at the ceiling blankly as if he had lost all hope.

"Oh, poor daddy. He's so disappointed." Kasumi said with a little sadness for her father to end like this as she begins to place a hot wet towel on top of her father's forehead.

"He's disappointed?! Some fiance this is!" Nabiki hates how she got her hopes up for nothing, only to shatter instead. This is why she doesn't get her hope up too much if she could help it. Nonetheless, right now, she is pissed about this whole messed fiance thing going on.

"Hey, stop it, you two! He..." Akane looks at Ranma. "She is our guest!"

"This is all your fault, daddy!" Nabiki shouts at her father, deeply mad at her father for destroying her hope. "You should have made sure!"

"Well, he said he had a son!" Soun didn't like the way his middle daughter scolding him.

"Do you see a son here?! Hmm?! Do you?!" Nabiki grabs Ranma by her breasts again, to prove her Father that these breasts belong to a female and not a boy.

"Um... I really wish you'd stop that." Ranma tries her best to suppress the urge to punch Nabiki.

"Excuse me." Lawliet said to everyone as he held a small cup of hot water. "Do you know about cursed springs?" Lawliet asks Ranma, with the hope that this Ranma is currently in his cursed form as a female right now.

Ranma has red hair in a pigtail, wearing Chinese-style clothing in the form of long-sleeveless shirts in red. A red single Chinese button on the collar, black pants, and slip-on shoes. This is Ranma, the main protagonist and must have fallen into one of the cursed springs, where the cursed spring in mind must be the [Spring of Drowned Girl], causing whoever to fall in this cursed spring to gain the cursed form of a female girl.

"Yeah, how do ya know about that? HEY!" Ranma looks at the man with interest before yelping in surprise to have hot water pour over her head, causing her to become a he again. Ranma now has black hair and his height grow taller than Akane. Furthermore, Ranma's body figure became more muscular compared to his cursed female form.

"Though, so. Well, there you go. Here is proof if the cursed springs are real or not." Lawliet said to the Tendo family, but especially towards Akane, who is now fuming mad once she realized that Ranma is a boy and as well as a girl, who has a better figure than her. "Anyway, I'm going to head off to sleep. Let me know when it's dinner time." Lawliet knew that relying on [Dragon Ki] to stay awake is not the solution and the moment he stops using [Dragon Ki]. He became very tired. Something Lawliet found just now when he stops generating [Dragon Ki] to be used to keep him awake. Mentally tired that is. Physically, Lawliet is great and better than ever.

A few hours later*

Stretching his muscles; Lawliet let out a satisfying yawn as he got a dreamless sleep. Which is pretty good in Lawliet's opinion, for in Lawliet's opinion. A dream will always have a chance to become a nightmare and he rather not experience another dreadful nightmare again.

Walking into the tatami room. Just in time for Lawliet to hear the sound of something splashing outside.

"You sound like a girl! Were you not prepared to give your life for the sake of your art?!" Genma shouted to his son.

"My life, yes. My manhood is another story!" Ranma shouted as she leaps back into the tatami room to splash a bucket of cold water over her pop, turning him into a panda. Afterward, the two begin a slap fight.

"Oh, what a tragedy!" Soun shouted as tears run down his cheeks.

"Stop that!" Kasumi shouted at the two with worry. But, mostly towards Genma. "You just went too far, Mr. Saotome!" Kasumi moves closer to Genma to stop him from hitting Ranma any more.

"Yeah! Even for martial arts training." Nabiki agreed with Kasumi after listening to the story about how Ranma and Genma been cursed.

"Whatever made you do something so dangerous?!" Kasumi question Genma as she glares at him, then begins poking the panda, causing him to accidentally drop a leaflet onto the floor. Allowing Kasumi to picks it up and look at it. "It's a Chinese map and guide book?" Kasumi looks at it while blinking a few times.

"Something about training grounds." Nabiki points out. As she read what's in the booklet.

Then Kasumi noticed that the booklet is all in Chinese. "No wonder." Kasumi looks at Genma in disbelief. "You can't read Chinese, can you?!"

Genma responds to with a woven ball popping open with a scroll saying 'Correct!' rolling out of it. Ranma then hits Genma on the back of the head for this stupidity.

Once Kasumi has finished shouting. Soun came back with a cast-iron kettle with a pouring spout, a lid, and a handle crossing over the top, used for boiling and pouring hot water for drinking purposes, such as making tea. This cast-iron kettle contains boiled water and pours it over Genma. This causes Genma to return to his normal human form, with some part of his skin red.

"So. When doused with hot water, you return to human form." Soun comment after helping his old friend to return back to his human form.

"Well, it doesn't need to be quite that hot." Genma said with annoyance. But, was completely ignored by Soun as he moves over to Ranma.

"When doused with cold water, you become a girl." Soun picks up the cast-iron kettle to pour some boiled water over Ranma. "But hot water turns you back into a boy!" However, Ranma moved out of the water or else being burnt by the boiling water.

"Hot water! Not boiling!" Ranma quickly reminds Soun as she rather not end up being splashed with boiling water like her pop.

"Ah, it's no problem at all. Your problem isn't so terrible, after all!" Soun sighed in relief that the family arranged marriage is still possible. Soun pats Ranma on the back in happiness.

"Huh?" Ranma looks at Soun in confusion.

"He meant, that you're still human and can return back as a male in order to marry one of his three daughters. Being those three over there." Lawliet finally spoke up, causing almost everyone's attention to be on him while he pointed at Kasumi, Nabiki, and Akane.

"That's right. This is my daughter, Kasumi. 19. Nabiki, who is 17, and my youngest daughter, Akane. 16 years old." Soun points at his three daughters. "Please, pick one of them, to be your fiancee." Soun said to Ranma.

"Oh, he wants Akane!" Kasumi quickly pushes her youngest sister to be the chosen one. After all, she rather not be wed to someone younger than her if possible.

"Eh?" Akane looks at Kasumi in surprise.

"Oh, definitely." Nabiki quickly agrees, even though she knew ahead of time about the whole cursed springs. But, even then, she rather not have a lover who would turn into a woman most of the time. Nabiki may be many things, but she isn't a lesbian, that's for sure. Not to mention, she didn't have the best impression of both Ranma and Genma, especially the latter, which made it more of a reason for Nabiki not to be the one to marry Ranma and end up having to deal with the panda man more personal as a daughter-in-law. Therefore, Lawliet is back on top of the list of someone she wants to be with. At the very least, Nabiki knows Lawliet actually has the ability to support if she decides to marry him.

"You must be joking!" Akane shouts at Nabiki in protest. "Why would I be-" She was cut off by Nabiki.

"Well, you hate boys, don't you?"

Taking this chance, Kasumi also follows up with this counter-argument. "So, you're in luck! He's half-girl!"

"ME?! Marry that pervert?!" Akane cried out in disbelief. "Never!"

"Say! What ya mean, pervert?!" Ranma walks up to Akane and glares with a little mad for being called as such, when she very honorable and would never do such a thing as a martial artist.

"You looked at my body, pervert!" Akane shouted back. This just triggers Ranma more upon hearing this.

"Hold it! You walked in on me!" Ranma point at himself with his left thumb.

"It's different when a girl sees a boy!" Akane argues back.

"I'm pretty sure, there is no difference." Lawliet said calmly, pulling Akane's anger at him.

"Like you could talk! I bet you were peeping on my sisters when they were bathing!" Akane shouts at Lawliet, who just blankly stare back at her.

Honestly, Lawliet wonders how is Akane's brain wired, because he has no idea where she came up with this idea when he was asleep or not even in this house during the time anyone taking a bath.

"I have enough of this! Goodbye!" Ranma had wasted enough time being here already when she could be on her way to find a cure to this curse.

"Where are you going, boy!" Genma roar at his daughter, who looks at him with a pissed off look on her face.

"Back to China!" Ranma turns her head back to the outside. "I bet I can find a way to change back for good! This is no time for me to deal with this nonsense about having a fiancee!" Ranma stands right next to Lawliet, who has moved near the open door to the outside to feel the nice night breeze. Then, Ranma turns her head to look at Akane. "By the way, you took a pretty good look at me, too. Besides, it's no big deal for me to see a naked girl. I mean, I've seen myself plenty of times, right?" Ranma proves her point by tugging on her collar a bit, to emphasize the size of her breasts compared to Akane. Then, turn around with her hands behind her neck. "And I'm built better, to boot!" Ranma taunts Akane.

This greatly angers Akane, causing her to grab the table and throw it over at Ranma, but accidentally forgetting Lawliet is close by.

Lawliet seeing the table about to fall on him. Lash out with a palm strike, destroying the wooden table completely and Lawliet was lucky enough to prevent the [Dragon Ki] from coming out. But, even then, just a bit of [Dragon Ki] was enough to increase the power of the palm strike to easily destroy the wooden table with little to no effort.

Lawliet didn't say anything, nor blink. Acting like he destroyed the wooden table didn't happen at all, but the pieces on the ground as evidence says otherwise.

"Hey! What's the big idea of destroying our table!" Akane shouts at Lawliet, not considering that it was her fault for even throwing the table in the first place. If she hadn't, then it wouldn't have been destroyed by Lawliet.

All Lawliet did in response was raise his right eyebrow at Akane, causing her to growl at Lawliet.

"Enough, Akane! My goodness!" Kasumi looks in disbelief, that her sweet little sister would do such a thing.

"Holy cow! I know you're angry at boys all the time, but don't take it on Lawliet as well! He didn't even do anything at all other than taking self-defense action! Seriously, Akane! Control your anger!" Nabiki starts to become afraid that thanks to Akane's action, then Lawliet will move out and find a different place to live instead and to make it worse for Nabiki. Lawliet might ask for his money back! That's 100,000 yen! Not to mention the gold bar, she still hasn't figured a way to get her hands on! Damn it, Akane!

"Woah! How ya do that?!" Ranma looks at Lawliet in awe. "Are you a martial artist too?!" Ranma has met many martial artists along with her pop while traveling, but never stay long enough in one spot to learn other things that catch his interest. Maybe Ranma can learn a thing or two from Lawliet. "I'm Ranma, by the way, who are you?"

"Lawliet. A wandering martial artist." Lawliet simply said, not once taking his eyes off the angry Akane. Since she might attack him when he least expects it. Something he can't have with his body is weaker without [Dragon Ki] and Lawliet doesn't trust himself enough without a long period of practice to improve his control over the [Dragon Ki]. "As for how I do that. My martial art." Lawliet wasn't going to explain what he did since that would just speed up on Ranma learning how to recreate it on his own. Something Lawliet knew that Ranma has the inborn talents to learn things on his own very fast and out of the ordinary ways to reach his goal. Therefore, Lawliet won't be shocked if Ranma figures a way to recreate the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms], excluding the [Dragon Ki], if he manages to see the whole thing in action.

"Nice to meet ya, thanks for the save, and ya better not try that again if you know what's best for ya!" Ranma glared at Akane, to think someone so dishonorable would attack someone behind! Then, Ranma paused for a moment to let that thought sink in for a moment or two before glaring at her pop, who looks back at Ranma with a confused look as if he didn't know why Ranma glaring at him in the first place.

"I must ask Soun, but why is this fellow here? Is he one of your daughters' boyfriend or something?" Genma asks Soun, causing both Kasumi and Nabiki to blush a little at the thought of being with someone like Lawliet, who is very rich and nice in the eyes. Not to mention, someone seems to be very lucky too. Among other things that they can't wait to discover about Lawliet. While Akane's rage begins to rise once more.

"Of course not, I made sure none of my daughters would be in any relationship due to waiting for this very day." Soun brags to Genma, not realizing the look of shock appears on his daughters' face, excluding Akane, who is glaring at both Ranma and Lawliet. Especially the latter for making Kasumi and Nabiki mad at her.

"I'm glad to hear about this!" Genma begins to laugh, making Soun laugh along with him. Not noticing the way Kasumi and Nabiki are looking at him and their father right now.

"I pity you for having him as your father." Lawliet over to Ranma a bit to whisper how he truly feels right about now.

"Yeah, pop can be difficult all most of the time." Ranma let out a sigh, knowing that most of the time, she knew it during those rare times. Her pop would seriously train her in the art. Other times, he too dishonorable and among other things, that just piss Ranma off a lot, making her waste so much time when it could be put to use in training.

"Is everyone seriously considering this whole thing, okay?!" Akane shouts at the top of her lungs, ready to pounce at either Ranma or Lawliet, maybe even both!

"Dang, sis. Lower your voice. There is no need to shout." Nabiki winces at how loud Akane is being.

"Oh, my!" Kasumi flinches and rubs her ears gently, as she was not expected her little sister to scream that loud and so close to her too, which made it worse.

"Akane! Why did you yell?!" Soun honestly is confused about why his youngest daughter would shout out of the blue while he was enjoying speaking with his old friend.

Genma just stays quiet to watch everything going on, but kept his eyes on Ranma. Not wanting him to escape at all in order to reach his goal of retirement.

Lawliet glance over to Genma and he is exactly how he looks as Lawliet expected.

A stocky, middle-aged man, Genma wears glasses with a frame that wraps around his ears, a white bandanna that covers his head, and a white gi.

If Lawliet recalls correctly. Ranma is all about honor while Genma is the complete opposite of being honorable. So, from this point on, Lawliet will have to keep his [Space] active and merge it with [Danger Sense] when dealing with Genma trying to do something against him. Furthermore, Lawliet knows Genma is someone who will use all the money he gains on drink and anything he takes fancy of.

If that wasn't enough. Lawliet remembers two fighting styles Genma created in the past, but sealed them away due to these two fighting styles to be too violent, powerful, and evil to use. Ironically enough, how Genma acted throughout the series and wonders why he hasn't used it often at all. Nonetheless, as long Lawliet has his senses enhanced with [Space] at all times or at least the sense of knowing someone watching him. Lawliet should be somewhat fine.

"They need to leave! For all we know, they could be perverts with the intention to have their ways with us when we're asleep!" Akane points at both Ranma and Lawliet, but mostly at Ranma due to him seeing her naked.

Lawliet blink as he snapped out of his thoughts and realized that almost everyone is very tense, even Ranma looks ready to bolt or fight, either one. Wait, no, with Ranma. Lawliet would say Ranma would always aim to fight back as his whole motto in the series: Ranma Saotome never lose!

"Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure this guy here is too busy figuring out a cure for his curse to be bothered being in a relationship while I, on the other hand, have no desire to be in jail for aiming at younger girls." Lawliet said dully. "Before anyone asks. I'm 22." Lawliet ignores the way Kasumi looks at him, because for the time being. Lawliet has zero interest in the topic of love or sexual activity really. Not to mention, with all the anime and manga female characters he has seen while growing up had made Lawliet's taste in women to change a lot. And sadly, no one in the world of Ranma 1/2 has anyone Lawliet would like to be with by their appearance alone. After all, the personality of the people in this world is just plain crazy and would likely cause Lawliet to be stressed out a lot.

"Wow, you look younger than I expected." Soun comment in awe, to find out Lawliet's age and being a wandering martial artist too. Since only those that truly travel by themselves while training in martial arts, where most of the common answer for these people when asked why they are traveling. Is that they have finished learning under their teacher and require experience to become better in their art.

"Thanks, so when is dinner?" Lawliet asks Kasumi since she the one who cooks in this family.