Arc 1 - Chapter 5: Unexpected!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 5: Unexpected!

"Oh, my! I knew I was forgetting something!" Kasumi quickly rushes back into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Lawliet took this chance to move out of everyone's eyesight and will the [Skill: Stealth] to take in effects, reducing Lawliet's presence and the noise he makes. Slowly, Lawliet heads back to his room while using [Space] on the sliding door as well as the entryway to the roofed deck, to lock them down into places. This way Lawliet won't have to worry about Genma trying to forcibly enter his room to steal from him once Genma learned somehow about Lawliet's treasures he is holding, not that he actually holding the single gold bar since Lawliet put it into his hammerspace he created with [Space], that way no one would be able to steal from him, even if someone manages to somehow bypass his defensive.

Even though Lawliet has only been out of his room for like half an hour and returning back into the bedroom so soon. It didn't matter because Lawliet rather not deal with Genma and Ranma, especially the former right now, even though Lawliet will have to during dinner time. Nonetheless, this will give Lawliet some time to come up with a few plans to deal with Genma. Ranma, on the other hand, would require a few simpler approaches instead.

Plus, this will give him enough time to work on merging [Space] with [Dragon Ki] or at least allow Lawliet to have better control over his [Dragon Ki] to use his [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] without killing someone by accident. Furthermore, this would technically help Lawliet either cheat the [Rank System] or hopefully this would manually raise the [Rank] of the [Skill] instead.

3 hours later*

Lawliet begins to chew his food while sitting next to Kasumi once again along with the rest of the Tendo family. However, this time, there Ranma and his father included, with Ranma currently in his male form after pouring hot water over himself. Same with Genma, but just return back into his human form.

Right now, everyone is eating, with Genma continue to steal Ranma's food in the name of training, while shouting that Ranma is acting like a girl with the way he is whining. Honestly, Lawliet had some doubts about helping Ranma out, but now, he truly will after seeing something similar to how Lawliet grew up and rather not have Ranma continue with this lifestyle of his under the control of his father.

But, that's for later, as Lawliet is too busy enjoying a delicious meal made by Kasumi. While at the same time, Lawliet is doing his best to ignore the way Akane mumbling bad things towards Ranma and him. About how Ranma is being a pervert and Lawliet for not paying for the destroyed table.

Seeing how everyone has to eat their meal over a large white blanket meant for a picnic. Due to not having a table to have the plates placed on.

"I still think we should get Lawliet to pay for the table. Why should I pay for something I didn't break?" Akane grumbles as she glares at Lawliet after she finished glaring at Ranma for a while now and decides it's Lawliet's turn to be glared at.

"Because you're the one that throws the table in the first place." Nabiki said with annoyance, for having to repeat herself more than once already. Plus, Nabiki rather not make Lawliet pay since, unlike Ranma and his father with this whole family honor marriage thing going on. Lawliet has no such thing to tie him to this place at all and can just go off and never return. Something Nabiki can't have at all. But, seriously, she really wishes her little sister would stop letting her anger control her. "And if you keep this up. I'll make you pay for those bricks you oh so love to break in the name of training daily." Nabiki knew that even though those bricks Akane used doesn't cost much per brick, but adding them up although would be a lot.

This shuts Akane up, for she knew exactly who is paying for everything.

"Now. Now. Nabiki. Akane is still young and makes mistakes." Soun scolds his middle daughter when he saw his sweet baby girl, Akane, looking sad after being scolded by Nabiki. "Don't worry, Akane. If needed, I'll buy the brick for you." Soun gives his youngest daughter a smile, that shows he can support her easily.

"Thanks, daddy!" Akane smiled at her father, then stick her tongue at Nabiki.

Nabiki let out a sigh at this favoritism once again. Honestly, Nabiki wonders if her father even remembers, that he also has two daughters, both working to keep this family from falling apart every day, with her doing not so legal things. Especially saving up to pay her college tuition. Something she knew her own father won't pay at all in the name of saving for Akane since she needs it the most. Talk about unfair treatment. Even Kasumi wasn't spared and she has done all the housework every day without being thanked by their father since the day she was done with high school.

Kasumi's smile becomes a bit forced upon hearing her father not scolding Akane as he does with her and Nabiki while growing, but at this point, she is used to this and sighs softly as she resumes eating the dinner she took time making. Something she hadn't once heard her father thanked her or praise for her food since she took the duty of doing all the housework.

"So, are you gonna make me pay for the table then, Mr. Tendo?" Lawliet asks Soun in a bland tone after finish his portion of the food and felt he is full enough for the night.

This question caused almost everyone to look at Lawliet, since they didn't think of him be so straightforward, and to make it more surprised is the lack of guilt or any other emotions. Well, other that anyone could tell Lawliet is tired with the way he looks. But, that didn't change the fact that anyone would be expected this talk to be private or after dinner. Not while everyone around eating at the time.

Soun cough in his left hand before speaking, "Of course not, Lawliet. I know accidents happen. So no need worry." Of course, what Soun didn't mention is that he wasn't planning to be the one to buy a new one at all.

Nabiki let out a sigh knowing that it would be mostly her that need to buy a new table since her father won't folk over the money for it. Too busy spending all the money he earns on Akane than anything else really. Well, with a few rare cases of buying some sake to drink or something. With rare events spending it on Nabiki and Kasumi.

"Alrighty, then." Lawliet place down his dirty bowl and chopstick, then turn his head to look at Kasumi. "Thanks for the meal. It's very delicious just like the previous ones." Then got up to head to his room to practice his control over the [Dragon Ki] quietly.

"No problem, Lawliet." Kasumi beams Lawliet a smile, feeling very happy to having someone thanking her is something she can't have enough with. For only Lawliet so far have thanked her all the time, even Nabiki would rarely thank her when she felt like it. But, never with her father and little sister, Akane. Much to Kasumi's disappointment as all she wanted was to be thanked for the hard work she put into taking the family after her mother died... and now Kasumi feels a little depressed, but with people around still. Kasumi kept her smile on her face, showing nothing wrong with her. Something that she has fooled even Nabiki, who is very perceived out of the family, other than herself.

A few minutes later*

Standing in the middle of the room; Lawliet slowly uses [Space] to control the [Dragon Ki] other than sending it into the sky to scatter without causing any harm to the surrounding. It took some time, but Lawliet manages to do it by using the pure overwhelming force of [Space] to control [Dragon Ki] somewhat. But, Lawliet has no idea if this would make the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] stronger, weaker, or just nothing at all. But, at least he has solved his problem of not being able to control the [Dragon Ki] temporarily when using it freely instead of using one of the moves in the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms].

Seeing how he got enough sleep today. Lawliet decide to use the entire night to practice using [Space] along with the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] to the point, where Lawliet won't require having to always concentrate using [Space] to tame the [Dragon ki] because this is the shortcut Lawliet could think up to increase his control and strength to protect himself in this crazy world by relying on martial art instead of [Space] due to not wanting to reveal everything he got.

During the entire night while practicing the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] with [Space]. Lawliet begins to think about anything else he could make himself stronger without drawing the entire world onto himself. Otherwise, even with limitless [Spatial Energy] doesn't mean Lawliet has limitless stamina and his mind will become exhausted as well. Making only with time before Lawliet would become overwhelmed by all odds against him if Lawliet wasn't allowed to rest for even a second.

For example, Lawliet knew that he needs all the advantages he could get early on to be prepared for the chaos that Ranma would draw towards him, rather he likes it or not, be it on purpose or accident. To the world itself. Ranma is a magnet for chaos all around him and towards that's close to him, one way or another.

So other than the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] for an open fight and [Stealth] and [Space] being the perfect together for aiming to become an assassin. Lawliet did his best more into developing to fight in the open than in the shadow due to most of the characters in this world being martial artists and destroy everything around them, with Ranma being the main person in the fights most of the time or literally all the times throughout the series.

It didn't take that long during the night for Lawliet to come up with other fighting styles to use with either [Space] or [Dragon Ki], even together, thanks to Lawliet's childhood filled with anime and manga. Along with other things that he had done secretly without his adopted parents from finding out.

Still, it will take Lawliet times to recreate other fighting styles due to the lack of training partners to practice with. Though, Lawliet remembers a certain character from an anime that somewhat uses [Space] as the main core of their fighting style and wouldn't take that long for Lawliet to recreate the power of this character with the help of the [Authority: Space] under Lawliet's absolute control.

Either way, at least Lawliet got something to work on to improve himself for a year until [Automatic Cultivation] is reusable again.

The next day*

"Good morning, Lawliet. If you're hungry. I made some onigiri for you to eat." Kasumi points to the kitchen, where she left the leftover uneaten rice balls for Lawliet to eat. Honestly, Kasumi wanted Lawliet to eat with her and the family, but he must have overslept.

"Thanks, Kasumi." Lawliet replied, causing Kasumi's smile to brighten up throughout the entire day or at least for the rest of the morning and maybe in the afternoon.

After a quick breakfast with three rice balls. Lawliet head off without saying anything to Soun other than letting Kasumi know he may or may not return in time for lunch depending on the local dojos and other unknown variables.

Lawliet saw the look of sadness in Kasumi's eyes upon hearing this, but kept her smile as she waves Lawliet off like a housewife is seeing her husband off for work. Though, Lawliet wonders why he got this feeling, but decide it wasn't worth thinking too much as he has no intention being with Kasumi any time soon or in the future since if things get too difficult in this world. Lawliet will use [Space] to escape to another world if needed.

So far, Lawliet has found only a few local dojos worth checking out while using them as practice with the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms]. Of course, this is more on the line of giving Lawliet the combat experiences he needs by going at the bottom ladder first and work his way up before even consider the suicidal idea of facing Ranma without relying on [Space] to overpower Ranma instead of using pure [Skill].

Among the first one Lawliet wanted to test his luck with is the local Karate Dojo in the north of where the Tendo Dojo by a mile or two.

30 minutes later*

"So, all you want is to spar instead of a challenge for our Dojo Sign?" The Karate Instructor asks just to be sure, because there are many times there have been challengers aimed to take down the Dojo Sign as a way for others to know about the challenger being strong, creating a reputation throughout the martial art world. But, for the Karate Instructor. Rarely for those wandering martial artists would come to face other people just for combat experience alone and nothing else.

"That's right." Lawliet secretly sighed in relief, that the whole challenging a dojo is still a common thing in this world. Though, all Lawliet wants is to face someone who already has experience in fighting unlike Lawliet, who has 0% combat experience. Facing Akane did not count in Lawliet's eyes and more of outspeed Akane like Ranma did with her. Though, that never happens thanks to his action. So, the whole Akane offering Ranma a spar and to become friends never happen. Therefore, Ranma will have a lower opinion about Akane due to her never offering Ranma her friendship at the beginning.

"Alright, that's fine. The basic rules are no eye shots, groin shots, and no weapons. Do you accept these rules?" The Karate Instructor asks Lawliet while making sure to keep an eye on any sudden hostile movement from Lawliet.

"That's fine." Lawliet agreed, then took on the stance to use the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms: The Swan Gracefully Desecends]. Emphasizing the importance of advantage, Lawliet to circles slowly and defensively, waiting for an opening in the Karate Instructor's stance and/or a moment of weakness in an adversary. This stance teaches Lawliet to seek out coincidental opportunity and seize it, hence gaining the upper-hand and, ultimately, victory.

Of course, Lawliet could use the [Crossing Great Rivers] to make it an easier time for him to take down the Karate Instructor through sheer raw speed, but Lawliet wanted combat experience, not to get an easy victory. Lawliet knows that the moment he uses the [Dragon Ki] together with the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] would instantly defeat the Karate Instructor and highly possibly of killing the person in the process too. Something Lawliet did not want at all.

The Karate Instructor didn't make a move either as they took their Karate stance aka a horse stance, ready to attack at any moment. But, the Karate Instructor wanted to be cautious and rather not underestimate their opponent; therefore, they begin to check for any opening in the opponent's stance for a few seconds before finding a couple. Yet, the Karate Instructor didn't take advantage of them just yet, because they have no idea if those are fake ones or not.

Seeing that the Karate Instructor wasn't going to take the first move. Lawliet decided NOT to take the first move either and be patient. After all, he has no idea what the Karate Instructor could do other than maybe breaking Lawliet's bone or two with a single punch, depending on how well-skilled the Karate Instructor is. Furthermore, Lawliet is using [The Swan Gracefully Desecends] to counter, not meant for striking first.

For almost 5 minutes has passed. Yet, neither Lawliet nor the Karate Instructor had made a single move other than watching each other. The students of this Karate Dojo look at this with interests at first before it began to get boring for them, causing some to doze off with nothing exciting happening.

"HA!" The Karate Instructor shouted as they move with a leap for a jump kick, which Lawliet easily avoided and counter with a palm strike to the Karate Instructor's back with enough force to send the Karate Instructor flying for a few seconds before harshly crash back to the ground with a groan of pain.

Lawliet sweatdrop at this, because he honestly thought this person would at least go for a punch or a sweep kick, not a jump kick at the get-go. Something even Lawliet knows that if one wanted to do a jump kick, make sure it's not expected and use it at the right moment when the opponent can't avoid it and is forced to have to block it. Otherwise, this just leaves one open for an attack due to not being able to move out of the way in midair. Though, Lawliet knows a few people in this world related to Ranma and himself could easily do it aka avoid being hit in midair due to having experience in an aerial battle.

"Um. You okay over there?" Lawliet wasn't sure if underestimated the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] even after making sure [Dragon Ki] wasn't used or he overestimated the Karate Instructor. Maybe even both is possible.

"Not really. Mind calling an ambulance?" The Karate Instructor asks Lawliet in pain. "Also, don't worry. I won't sue you or anything like that. I can tell for sure, that you didn't expect this to happen. Ugh." The Karate Instructor wince in pain due to trying to move and gave up moving.

The students of the Karate Dojo quickly rush over to check on their instructor and one of them already grabs the dojo's phone to call for the ambulance right away.

"Here. Let me fix this. Since I caused the problem. I should take responsibility." Lawliet didn't wait for anyone to stop him and use [Space] on the Karate Instructor to locate the problem, which took only a second to find, then Lawliet places his left hand at the center of the Karate Instructor's back and without warning. Push.

"GAAAHHHH-eh?" The Karate Instructor screamed in pain before suddenly the pain disappeared instantly, causing the Karate Instructor to be very confused. Then, without bothering to think for a second. The Karate Instructor got up without any problem, nor did they feel any pain by twisting their back a little. Doing some stretches and by the end, the Karate Instructor is looking at Lawliet in disbelief. "Are you a doctor too?!"

"I have some medical knowledge." Lawliet lied through his teeth as he just used [Space] thrice in different ways. The first is to scan the Karate Instructor's entire body. Second, to temporarily put the Karate Instructor's body in a frozen state to prevent from moving. The third is for Lawliet to use the [Space] to forcibly fix the damage Lawliet did to the Karate Instructor's back via expanding the bones and muscles a bit before rearranged them back into their previous state before the damage happen.

All done in a matter of seconds, which shouldn't be possible at all in many people's eyes. Even Lawliet wouldn't believe it either if it wasn't for him having [Space] as his [Authority]. Making the impossible possible. In a way, the [Authority: Space] can make Lawliet into a miracle doctor if use these three steps most of the time. Because it doesn't matter what injury, disease, etc. Lawliet can just literally 'banish' the problem away too. That's how broken the [Skill: Authority Manipulation] is and right now. Lawliet can only hold 1 [Authority] for the time being, later on, he can have more after regaining access to the [Automatic Cultivation].

"Amazing!" The Karate Instructor praise Lawliet, not caring if Lawliet is the person who caused the injury in the first place. It's all better now. "I must say, you should become a doctor instead of a martial artist, even though I'm a martial artist as well, but it would be a shame for someone of your [Skills] in medical to not be put to good use."

"Sorry, I have no intention of being one." Lawliet knew how important medic is, but he has no desire of being one. Even though Lawliet can be a world-renowned eastern doctor through the usage of [Space] and under the name of using pressure points and so on. "Well, thanks for the spar. But, I must be going." Lawliet didn't wait and quickly ran off. Lawliet noticed the eyes of the students. Where they look ready to go an all-out battle with Lawliet, with all of them against Lawliet by himself. Something Lawliet rather not have at all.

45 minutes later*

Lawliet scratches the back of his head tiredly while thinking about what he should do next. No longer planning to go to all the local dojos after remembering the part, where Lawliet said he would decide if it was worth learning from those dojos. Therefore, he can limit the number of dojos to visit easily now or just make up the excuse of him visiting enough, that there was no point in visiting the rest, then afterward, making another excuse to stay in town.

Either way, Lawliet has no idea if the other people running those dojos are like the Karate Instructor, who was defeated with a single palm strike from Lawliet. Something Lawliet did not expect to happen. Nevertheless, Lawliet won't take this victory as anything worth noting at all other than to hold back more or risk killing someone. Plus, if Lawliet wanted a challenge. He will go for Ranma when he reaches his peak or those main powerhouse characters that are bound to show up as long as Ranma is around.

Afterward, who knows what else he should do other than staying around to gain combat experience. Something Lawliet can never have enough with since the moment he been isekai. He is bound to face trouble at some point in the future. So in order to keep his newly acquired freedom. Lawliet does his best whenever he can.

Not to mention the Ranma 1/2 is crazy and whatnot, but it's pretty tame compared to other dangerous worlds Lawliet could think of that very bad to be in. If one of those worlds happen to be Lawliet's first world instead of Ranma 1/2. There is a high chance of him dying on the first day if isn't lucky to get a [Skill] like [Authority Manipulation] early on.

It took some time before Lawliet returns back to the Tendo Dojo in time for lunch. Just in time to come back to see a new table, with Kasumi placing down the last plate of food for Soun and Genma to eat going by the number of bowls of rice on the table. So, Kasumi either was planning to eat later or she just about to get her own bowl.

However, Lawliet didn't care about that and just use [Stealth] together with [Space] to avoid being detected by Soun and Genma. More with the latter than the former because of last night. Genma tried to enter Lawliet's bedroom, but gave up after a couple of failed attempts. Lawliet this would happen and just continue on with his own business.

So quietly, Lawliet moves into the kitchen and waits for Kasumi to come back here before pushing the effects of the [Skill: Stealth] down to allow Kasumi to detect him.

20 minutes later*

Lawliet got bored waiting and decide to make himself something to eat with [Survival Cooking]. While he was at it. Lawliet made large enough for two people to eat.

So by the time Kasumi returns back to the kitchen. She is surprised to see food waiting for her to eat that wasn't made by her.

"Took you long enough." Lawliet said dully at Kasumi, snapping her out of her trance and look at him in surprise. "I made us something to eat. Seeing how you haven't eaten and those guys out there haven't invited or even mention your portion of the meal and just ate everything. I decide to make something for us to eat." Lawliet rather not have Kasumi breakdown at some point in the future. After all, there no telling if she does or not in the future due to his presence in this world has started changing already.

"Thank you, Lawliet." Kasumi tries to hide how truly happy she is at the moment, but held it down under her smile and begins helping herself with the food Lawliet made for them to eat together. Much to Kasumi's surprise, to find the food are absolutely delicious and would take her a couple of tries to make the same thing if she goes by the recipe if Lawliet won't mind giving it to her. "These are so good!" Kasumi said after swallowing her food, not caring if her father and his friend would overhear her since she can easily hear them being loud from the kitchen.

"Thanks for the compliment." Lawliet didn't feel like it was worth praising since he wasted 3 sets of ingredients to make all this food for them to eat.

For the rest of the afternoon. It just Kasumi and Lawliet enjoying their own private lunch and afterward, Kasumi would clean everything with a smile on her face. As she was going to do it anyway and just wanted to do. Therefore, Lawliet was kinda kicked out of the kitchen by Kasumi.

A few hours later*

Lawliet let out a yawn, as he just woke up from his nap. Something that Lawliet just realized he could sleep all day long without his adopted parents forcing him to stay up for many days just to learn more important things to make him fulfill his goal of becoming L Lawliet. Yet, at the same time, Lawliet knew that he needs to train to keep his freedom intact, but the pleasure of being able to freely sleep whenever he wants is a dream come true.

So, thinking about it for a moment. Lawliet lay back on his bed to sleep even longer.


Lawliet's left eyelid twitches that someone knocking on his door. Then, expand his senses with [Space] to find it's Ranma, who is knocking.

Groaning in dissatisfying of being forced to leave his precious bed Lawliet just came to love. But, better to find out what's going on with Ranma or whatever crazy will happen to Lawliet if he doesn't answer the door. Genma is one thing, but Ranma is a whole different story.

Lawliet opens the door, to give Ranma a look that promises pain if this wasn't important, then Lawliet won't hold back and do some practice round with Ranma to see how he will fare against the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms]. Copying or recreating. Lawliet won't care at this point and just wanted to go back to sleep in his precious bed.

"Hey, Lawliet, was it?" Ranma noticed the look in Lawliet's eyes and quickly get straight to the point. "I was wondering if ya wanna have a spar if that isn't much of a problem for ya?"

"Let's get this over with." Lawliet's eyes gain a glint, that caused Ranma to shiver for some reason.

A few minutes later*

Ranma took no stance and just stand straight. Facing Lawliet with a smirk on his face. Ranma knew he is about to have a great time facing a new opponent, that may push him to his limit like with his pop. Then, Ranma quickly leans back as to avoid getting a palm strike to the face and ready to fight back, but was forced to jump back and did a couple of backflips to evade being struck down by a powerful palm strike that caused Ranma's instinct to scream at him to move further away or end up being taken down instantly.

Lawliet stop using the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms: A sudden Advent]. A powerful blow that offers a little warning that it is coming, allowing Lawliet to take down the opponent by surprise. But, it looks like Ranma's instinct is developed well enough to tell when an attack might take him down or not. Maybe it's just his luck.

Either way, Lawliet can't allow Ranma to gain momentum into the fight and switch for the [Crossing Great Rivers] to appear right in front of Ranma while switching back to [A sudden Advent], striking Ranma directly in the chest with a right palm strike filled with a bit of [Dragon Ki]. Blasting Ranma at the wall, which was reinforced with [Spatial Energy] to prevent it from breaking.

Lawliet switches again, but with [The Swan Gracefully Descends] while waiting for Ranma to get back on his feet. Giving Ranma the chance to fight back otherwise, Lawliet will be very disappointed with the main character of this world, or maybe he just too weak at the moment, in the beginning, to take on the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms].

"Aiya! That hurt more than it should! What did you do?" Ranma asks Lawliet as he slowly gets back his feet and regrets it instantly as his entire body is in pain, to the point, Ranma wonders how he is still conscious and had not fainted due to the pain he feeling.

"Just secret moves in my martial art." Lawliet technically didn't lie and use [Space] to see the damage he has done to Ranma. Much to Lawliet's surprise, to find the [Dragon Ki] going on a rampage inside Ranma's body and if nothing is done soon. Ranma might become a cripple at least to dying an early life. So, quickly, Lawliet moves in front of Ranma and plan his right palm on Ranma's chest to absorb the [Dragon Ki] with the help of [Space].

Ranma let out a sigh of relief when his body no longer hurt. But then, the moment he stands up. Ranma realized that whatever cause his body to be in so much pain must be something very powerful and the desire to learn it to include it into his art.

"You want us to-" Lawliet was about to ask Ranma if he wanted to resume the spar after he realized, that the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] is enough to take care of Ranma; well, at least the present Ranma and not the future version of Ranma, with him learning other kinds of different martial art techniques to improve his fighting style to be able to face against the final boss. A humanoid immortal phoenix.

"Teach me!" Ranma knew how much this would make his art powerful, not to mention it would make it a lot easier for him to take down his pop.