Arc 1 - Chapter 6: Foolish Words

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 6: Foolish Words

"And why should I? You're not my student nor someone I have any relationship with." Lawliet didn't like the way Ranma demanding him, though Lawliet wonder if he could even teach the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] to others at all. Because he hardly knows anything about the [Skill] himself and still trying to explore what else he could do with all the [Skills].

Of course, Lawliet could guess that Ranma might try to figure a way to recreate the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] in a given time, but as long Lawliet doesn't use the full power of the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms]. Then, it will be near impossible for Ranma to add the full version of the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] into his martial arts.

"Come on! You should be happy, to have someone like me learn your art!" Ranma said with confidence that he would learn Lawliet's art in no time flat. All he needs is the training methods and the core essence of the art for Ranma to master it.

"Didn't you just taken down by me with a single palm strike?" Lawliet knew he underestimated the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] once again as it allowed him to defeat Ranma, even though this Ranma is still at the stage of development. Nowhere close to his peak at all.

"Hey! I manage to dodge a couple of your attacks before you finally touch me!" Ranma shouted due to being reminded of how quickly he was taken out like nothing under a single blow. That bruise Ranma's ego a bit. Okay, a lot, but Ranma wasn't going to admit that out loud.

"You didn't deny the fact you were taken down by a single palm strike." Lawliet reminds Ranma. Relaxing and no longer in a fighting stance as it looks like the spar is over with.

This caused the pigtail boy to scowl and blush in embarrassment. As Ranma can't really deny this as Lawliet said.

"Either way, give me a good reason why I should teach you my art. And by good reason, I mean an actual reason, not that you're the best in martial arts or whatever." Lawliet already knows Ranma is the best in martial arts and just hasn't reached the stage of being able to use his [Ki] nor learning all his future powerful moves.

Ranma begins to think of any good reasons to make Lawliet teach him his art. Because by going with his gut feeling. Ranma can easily understand that whatever Lawliet did to him is something he will need to improve his art to an entirely new level and it will become his lifetime regret if he doesn't get Lawliet to teach him.

"Abandon your current martial arts and become my legacy discipline." Lawliet wanted to see if it is possible to influence Ranma early on and maybe figure a way to make him strong enough to push all the chaos he bound to experience away from Lawliet. That way, Lawliet can enjoy his peaceful second life the way he likes it. Plus, this would be better for Ranma, seeing how his father's goal was to live off of Ranma's hard work while doing nothing other than drinking sake all day and hanging out with Soun. All Lawliet wants is to catch up time with his sleep, he lost while growing up.

"Why would I want to do that?!" Ranma is shocked that he was being given the option to learn an entirely new art instead of merging it with the one he has learned for years.

"Tell me, Ranma. Are you an honorable person?" Lawliet knew which buttons to push with Ranma since his father and everyone else in the Ranma 1/2 series has done many times to Ranma by manipulating him to do their bidding throughout the series by mostly using his honor and pride against him.

"Of course I am!" Ranma is offended for someone to doubt he wasn't. Though, Ranma just remembers that Lawliet wasn't someone he knows; therefore, Lawliet wouldn't exactly know his honor is very important to him.

"Then why are the people in the world of martial artists consider the [Anything Goes Martial Arts] as a dishonorable style to learn in?" Lawliet remembers exactly the origin of Ranma's martial arts and also something Lawliet knew to be wary of as well of those that trained in it. "Or at least the Saotome School branch of the [Anything Goes Martial Arts]." Lawliet noticed the look of rage on Ranma's face and knew he had to speak fast before Ranma decide Lawliet is an enemy instead of an ally to rely on. "Now, before you blow your fuse. Tell me this, is your father honorable at all? Think about this question for a moment."

Ranma wanted to defend the honor of his martial arts and his pop too before his mind caught up before his mouth could, shutting his mouth as Ranma begin to recall everything during his training travel with his pop as well as everything he learned in the [Anything Goes Martial Arts].

Lawliet leaves Ranma to his thoughts and frowns as he tries his best not to attack Genma right now. Where under the effects of [Space]. Lawliet is watching Genma trying his luck one more time to get into his bedroom to search for the gold bar if Lawliet guesses correctly. Yet, this gave Lawliet an idea and wonder if this would change things, like everything before things go south later on.

Quietly, Lawliet teleports back into his bedroom, leaving Ranma behind for him to think to himself while Lawliet put his newly, rough idea into action.

"You need something?" Lawliet asks Genma the moment he opens the door, to see Genma about to break the door down with a punch and didn't care about the consequence of doing so.

"Ah! No! Nothing at all!" Genma quickly lowers his raised fist and begin to sweat a little, for he could tell from the way Lawliet looking at him. The slightest sign of Genma doing anything that anger the man, who is in the need of sleep with those shadows under his eyes and with the eyes filled with hostile intention aimed at Genma. Would lead to a painful result.

"Okay, but I was actually looking for you. Good thing you're here already." Lawliet suppresses the urge to smile, taking on his alter ego of L Lawliet to plan ahead. Even if he did fail to grow up as the character. Doesn't mean he failed in learning all the things Lawliet needed to be L Lawliet.

30 minutes later*

Grinning a little. Lawliet uses [Space] to send off the documents he got Genma to sign in exchange for the gold bar. Playing on Genma's greed was just too easy and boring for Lawliet.

Honestly, Lawliet knew exactly why his adopted parents considered him a failure to live up the name's L Lawliet. After all, his talents in learning martial arts and driving vehicles are garbage. Not to mention his hobbies are different from L Lawliet. For one thing, he doesn't really like eating sweets all the time. Nor solving mysteries. For Lawliet, it's all about sleeping and relaxing really. Along with watching funny/interesting things to happen like some comedy anime he loves to watch secretly.

If it wasn't for those factors. Lawliet knew within time. He would truly be a living incarnation of L Lawliet just like some of his fellow adopted siblings. Either way, one of the problems of being L Lawliet is technically solved in some way. All Lawliet needed was to be killed and isekai. Truly, this is depressing and just plain cruel.

This made Lawliet lose his grin at the depressing thoughts related to his adopted parents. Nonetheless, Lawliet just needs to stop thinking about them and enjoy his new life to the fullest or at least prepare to enjoy the peace he desires while at the same time enjoy the chaos around him for entertainment.

Checking on Ranma via [Space] to see him still in the dojo, deeply thinking from what Lawliet could tell. One quick teleportation later and Lawliet back in the same exact spot he left before dealing with Genma.

"By the way, Ranma. While you were busy thinking about the question I asked you. I got something for you to read." Lawliet hand Ranma a copy of the document he made for Ranma to read.

"What's this?" Ranma begins reading the paper handed to him. Within a few seconds; Ranma's facial expressions went by the following order: Confusion, surprise, shock, disbelief, and lastly, rage. "WHAT THE HECK, POP?!" Ranma roar in absolute fury, where Ranma just reads that he was literally signing his right away for money! And it was written down, that this paper is the result of Ranma's honor at state, for if he doesn't fulfill the contract, then he will become dishonorable throughout the entire world for martial artists.

"So, your father had sold you out for a single demand of whatever I want within reasonable conditions in exchange for a gold bar." Lawliet literally just manipulated Genma to literally give Lawliet the promise in the name of Ranma's honor, that Ranma must do whatever Lawliet wanted once, and failing to complete the contract would lead to Ranma's status to be very bad. As in, this would be on Ranma's record in the government, where anyone could look up Ranma's info for anything really. Pretty much, making it so Ranma's reputation would be similar to a criminal that just got out of prison. Limiting his future and nearly everything that could help Ranma in the future would be closed off due to having something similar to a criminal record.

"Did you plan this?!" Ranma glared at Lawliet since he has no one else around to direct his anger at. But, Ranma will still give his pop a piece of his mind for this. Selling his honor away for money?!

"Technically, I didn't at all. But, your father kept on trying to break into my bedroom and trying to steal from me. I decide to get something out of this before things become a problem. Also, I'm sorry, Ranma. But, I had to use your honor instead of your father's honor. After all, nearly everyone who came across your father knows exactly that honor was never a thing with him." Lawliet carefully spins the story around, that this is all Genma's fault and that he is just a victim like Ranma.

Ranma clicks his teeth in anger, but is smart enough not to mess with Lawliet. After all, he was still in the middle of debating abandoning his current art for another.

"If that isn't enough. I can even tell you the origin of the [Anything Goes Martial Arts] and for those that knew this martial art is a dishonorable one." Lawliet begins to explain how the [Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts] made by Genma is mainly rumored to be specialized in robbery and burglary. As well as other rumors about Genma stealing special techniques from other martial arts to be added into the [Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts]. This meant, the martial art is also made up of stolen arts instead of gaining permission to learn it rightfully and be honored to be taught by masters of the art along with other things.

By the end, Ranma looks at Lawliet in disbelief. Wondering if what he was just told is all a lie or not, but the paper in his hands told otherwise. After all, his honor is literally on the line if he doesn't fulfill Lawliet's demand. Even with all the conditions placed down on the demand. Ranma knew that almost anything could be possible.

"Now, I'm not going to use this contract at all and just leave it there just in case to help you out in the future. Trust me on this, because you'll need my help with this contract at some point in your life. So, don't worry about me using it to make you do something you don't want. I'm just letting you know exactly how dishonorable your father is, Ranma." Lawliet knew how much Ranma hates being controlled by others in the series, but Lawliet wasn't completely sure about the Ranma before him.

"So, what now?" Ranma sighed in defeat, that he couldn't do anything about the contract. But, at least he didn't have to worry about Lawliet using it against him.

"I'll give you the same option as before. Abandon your current martial arts and become my legacy discipline." Lawliet knew how powerful Ranma is already in the series, but what happens if he learns the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms]? Lawliet might make Ranma into a force to be reckoned with the moment he masters the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms].

If it was before meeting Lawliet, being defeated in a single move and being questioned about his pop's dishonorable status. Ranma would have rejected Lawliet instantly, no matter what he was told, even with evidence.

"And what does a legacy discipline do?" Ranma doesn't know if this a good idea or not, but right now he just furious with his pop for selling his honor out like nothing and to make it worse. If what Ranma read is true. Then, more than just his honor was sold. Pop literally sold his status in the government system for just a single gold bar! Not even a mountain, but a freaking single one that may or may not worth much!

"Well, pretty much make sure to learn everything from me. Another is to never shame my honor and the honor of the art I'm teaching you. Furthermore, you are not allowed to teach my art to anyone else and if someone dares try to steal it in secret. You must punish them if they learned from you. Otherwise, I will have to cripple you to prevent you from doing martial arts ever again. Of course, I'm willing to give you some time to take care of the culprit. Hmm." Lawliet begins to think about all the bullshit rules he could think of to make it the whole legacy discipline is a real thing and not something Lawliet made up in order to get Ranma under his control, to draw all the chaos away from him. "Anyone that wants to challenge me. You have to fight in my place first before they can take me on. Furthermore, whatever your problem unrelated to my art has to be taken care of yourself. But, you can ask for my help if needed. And lastly, once you have mastered everything I have taught you, then we shall fight to see if you have truly mastered my art. Afterward, if you do win, then you have my permission to teach the art to others. As by then, you would be a master of my art to do whatever you desire with it."

Ranma looks at Lawliet in disbelief, because he honestly thought it would be more. Since his pop made so many rules related to his honor, that Ranma starting to wonder if it's either Lawliet making things up or it was his pop who made all these rules to grow up as the best martial artists. A man among men. But, after thinking about his pop and what he has done in the past. Ranma didn't have a hard time thinking who to believe right now.

"Though, if you do happen to accept my offer. I'll have you promise on your honor to never use the [Anything Goes Martial Arts] and sever almost all the ties to it. I know you can't really cut the tie between yourself and your father. So, I won't make it difficult for you." Lawliet hopes Ranma accept his offer, because if he does, then he got a few ideas on how to train Ranma by taking out some training methods from anime and manga. That may or may not help Ranma even more. Plus, Lawliet remembers a few training methods Ranma and some characters in the Ranma 1/2 series had done. So, these would be given to Ranma if he can remember it correctly. It has been a long time since Lawliet has read the Ranma 1/2 series, both the anime and manga version. "Well, since it looks like you won't be accepting my offer. I'll be on my way."

Lawliet begins to head to the door the normal way instead of using [Space] with Ranma's attention on him.

Counting up to 3 as Lawliet got closer to the door and right when Lawliet mentally counted to 3.


Lawliet suppresses the urge to smirk, then turns around to look at Ranma with a bored facial expression.

"I'll do it on my honor. That I'll learn under you and abandon the [Anything Goes Martial Arts]." Ranma made the oath on his honor, not knowing that this decision of his would change his very future.

"Good. Your first lesson is responsibility. Go tell your father, that you're no longer part of the [Anything Goes Martial Arts] along with Soun. But, you will do that tomorrow. Because for the rest of the night. I'm going to teach you the first stance of my art." Lawliet said to Ranma before taking on the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms: The Proud Dragon Repents].

A stance designed around countering. The user teaches their foes the folly of attacking them by adopting a stance allows them to quickly divert the strikes of the enemy and then revisit the force of those strikes onto the opponent, allowing them to repent for the mistakes of striking the user of the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms].

"My method of teaching is for you to see it, then experience it first hand. Allowing you to see what it's like to perform and how it feels personal." Lawliet said to Ranma, who quickly pay attention. "So, I'll show you this stance first, and then, use it on you."

The next day*

Throughout the entire night; Ranma did his best to learn the first part of his new mentor's art while Lawliet did his best to teach Ranma the best he can by getting Ranma to learn [The Proud Dragon Repents] as soon as possible, which he got down by morning.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, BOY?!" Genma roar with furious, to think his son would dare abandon the [Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts]!

Everyone in the Tendo family is also shocked by this. First thing in the morning after breakfast, Ranma bring out the big news of him dropping the [Anything Goes Martial Arts] and decided to learn under Lawliet instead.

"YOU HEARD WHAT I SAID, POP! IT'S ONLY RIGHT I DROP IT WHEN YOU SOLD MY HONOR OUT!" Ranma roar back, for he remembers why he abandoned the art he worked on for so many years. To think he was training in one of the most dishonored of the arts! Ranma grew up with honor pounded into his head and recalling all the past deeds his pop has done, even forcing him to do some of them as well as a kid!

"Hey, Lawliet." Nabiki whisper to Lawliet. "Is it true from what Ranma said about you taking him under your teaching at the cost of him abandoning his dad's art? Kinda dishonorable of you for doing that." Nabiki knew about honor or two, but she wasn't really that much into this due to having to do almost anything to provide support to her family.

"Trust me. If you been traveling around a lot and meet up with other martial artists. You'll learn a few things about Genma Saotome and his son, Ranma Saotome. But, mostly the former than the latter since Ranma is mainly a victim of his father's bad deeds. Trust me, ask around and you will find out how much of a bad father Genma is and a dishonorable martial artist. True, he is a martial artist and focuses on the art like others, but his goal for training the art is completely different from others. I'm more surprised, Ranma hasn't completely become a copy of his father. Not that he hasn't already, but not to the point, where Ranma wasn't redeemable just yet." Lawliet whispers back to Nabiki while quietly explaining why he wanted to take Ranma under his wings. More out of Lawliet seeing himself in Ranma.

"Really now?" Nabiki couldn't believe that someone like Lawliet would see himself in Ranma's place. Making Nabiki wonder what is Lawliet's past.

"Oh, my." Kasumi tries not to draw attention to herself, as she just overheard what Lawliet just said, making her look at Ranma a bit more differently now. Also, making Kasumi a little guilty for thinking a little bad about Ranma for how he acted and remember how bad of a father Genma after recalling why he and Ranma are cursed. Honestly, Kasumi is starting to see why Lawliet wanted to take poor Ranma under his teaching. Kasumi can say for sure, that there are other people who could be a better father than Genma. Someone very irresponsible to be taking care of another person.

However, sadly, only Nabiki and Kasumi are the only ones that changed their views of Ranma. Soun and Akane didn't, or more like, they didn't want to in the first place. Well, more like Soun is still a little too excited or panic that the family honor is at stake to care what others think. While Akane just continues to think about how much of a pervert Ranma and needs to be get rid of soon.

"Boy, you can forget about learning someone else art as they are weaker than the [Anything Goes Martial Arts]! You will do as I say and stop speaking nonsense!" Genma continues to shout at Ranma before glaring at Lawliet. "You! How dare you try to make my son abandon the art he has been training for years! You have no right for doing this!"

Lawliet raises an eyebrow at Genma, "So, you have the right to sell off Ranma's honor? To be precise. You literally sold out his citizenship to me for a gold bar, to do whatever I wanted and without his permission, though he still a minor, that doesn't still change the fact of you selling him off. Not that you haven't done already, am I right?" Lawliet gives Genma a look, that he knew exactly what the kind of things Genma has done in the past related to Ranma.

Nabiki look at both Lawliet and Genma in shock, to find out that the gold bar she was aiming for had switched ownership already! And by a dishonorable man at that!

"Of course, it's my right as the boy's father! I can do whatever I want with him!" Genma shouted, not realizing that he is influenced by Lawliet via [Space] to speak out his inner thoughts without hiding anything. By the time Genma finished shouting. It was too late going by the looks on everyone's face.

"Like hell, you can!" Ranma never likes to swear, but at this moment, he couldn't care less about seeing how much his pop truly thinks of him.

"Quiet, boy!" Genma snarl at his son, then glare at Lawliet. "From what Soun told me, you're some wandering martial artist, then you won't mind making a bet with me, right?" Genma knew that he is in deep shit and need to fix the problem at hand, fast or else he can kiss his retirement plan goodbye.

"Depending on the bet." Lawliet said in a bored tone, but secretly still finding the [Authority: Space] is just plain overpowered since all Lawliet did was 'reach' into Genma's mind and place down some suggestions for Genma to do. Honestly, this would nearly be impossible to do with people with a stronger will than Lawliet's. Though, it looks like Genma's will is weaker than Lawliet thought.

"We will do it like a true martial artist, sparring with each other! If I win, then you drop the idea of taking my son to be your student! However, if you win, which you won't, then I won't do anything about this whole thing!" Genma look at Lawliet's body built and snort at how weak brat look. Honestly, Genma wonders if he should be asking for more things, but right now, the main priority is to stop the other party from removing his holds on his son!

"So, just to be sure with everyone here could understand." Lawliet starts off slowly. "If you win, I can't teach Ranma. I win, you won't do anything to stop Ranma from learning under me. Is that right?" Lawliet asks Genma, who scoff at him.

"That's right, I don't know why you repeat what I just said. Well? Are you taking the bet or not, or are you scared like a girl?!" Genma taunts Lawliet in the same way he does with Ranma, which didn't bother Lawliet one bit, but it did bother all the females in the room with the way Genma looks down at the female gender.

"Why should I take this bet in the first place? I mean, the only thing I'm getting out of this is to make you back off, but even then, I've heard about you and you're pretty infamous among many people in China. For example, I heard a family you have tricked into arranging a marriage with Ranma with their daughter in exchange for some food. Seriously? You've made arranged marriage contracts, be it verbal or on paper, with your son with many families, that I wouldn't be surprised if they come here to take their hatred on poor Ranma over here." Lawliet points at Ranma, who blanch at finding out he has more than one arranged marriage. "So honestly, it would be foolish of me to even trust your words in the first place. Furthermore, I don't get anything out of this whole thing other than potentially making you back off for a day or two before you try something to ruin my time teaching Ranma. Breaking your oath and might come up with an excuse to invalid the bet somehow or just pretend to forget there was a bet in the first place." Lawliet continues to point there is no reason for him to spar with Genma.

"Just say that you don't want to face me, you coward! There is no need to speak so long when us martial artist only need our fist to do the talking!" Genma is this close to just screw everything off and attack Lawliet right here and now. "Or maybe you're not even a real martial artist and is just all talk!" Genma knew how prideful martial artists are and if one badmouths one's honor of not being one. Then, in most cases, they will attack the one that badmouthed them.

"Oi! No fighting in the house!" Nabiki quickly notices things are getting out of hands and she rather not have the house destroyed if possible, not that she could think martial artists could destroy houses. But, there are still chances of destroying the walls or something important in the house. "If you guys are going to fight, do it in the dojo! There is a reason why it was built in the first place!" Also, this could give her a chance to search for the gold bar in Gemma's possession. No way she was going to let that gold bar go to waste. Plus, she will take that as a rental fee for staying here and eating their food.

"That's fine! Come on, let's see if you're really a martial artist or not!" Genma took this chance to force the brat to take on the bet.

"Again, why should I? There no gain for me." Lawliet said to Genma, not once, rising his voice nor bother to get up from where he is sitting.

"Ah, see! No true martial artist would back away from a challenge! Yet, here you are, backing away! You faker!" Genma points at Lawliet with a smirk on his face. As if he won the battle just now.

"Mr. Saotome, you do realize, that he makes many good points. What does he get out of this?" Nabiki decides to take on Lawliet's side. After all, he paid for his stay here while Ranma's dad hasn't once had paid for anything for his and his son's room and food. Nabiki can understand if one forgot at the first day since or the second, but today is the third day since these two have stayed here and eaten their foods, which she mostly paid for! If it wasn't for the early payment from Lawliet, Nabiki would be very concerned about having these two freeloaders staying here. Though, if she can help Lawliet take Ranma under his teaching. There is a high chance of Lawliet paying for Ranma's fee for staying here and the food he eats.

"Quiet girl! The men are talking right now!" Genma shouts at Nabiki, causing many to frown, but Soun and Akane didn't seem to mind one bit, with the former almost having the same view as Genma in gender while Akane just didn't like her older sister a bit and find herself a little happy to have Nabiki yelled at. Not paying attention that she is being looked down on as well.

Lawliet notices that Ranma didn't jump in to defend Nabiki, then remember, that Ranma grows up most of his life, seeing the female gender as weak and among other things, that should tick Ranma off if used against him due to his cursed form being a girl. This is something Lawliet will have to take care of sooner or later with Ranma.

"How about this. We use a legal document like before with the gold bar. If I win, you back off and don't try anything with Ranma and everything else that you made under Ranma's name is null and void. As this was done without Ranma knowing or his permission. While if you win, I will do my best not to teach anything to Ranma about my art." Lawliet reaches into his jacket, to pull out a legal document he made early on before breakfast. "Sign this and we got ourselves a bet."