Arc 1 - Chapter 7: Why Is She Here?!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 7: Why Is She Here?!

"Why should I sign that?" Genma no longer shouting and begin to become afraid, because there is one thing with a verbal agreement. It's another story with a legal document that would for sure put Genma in jail or worse if he doesn't fulfill the legal agreement. Even if it's just a piece of paper, that Genma would gladly ignore, but that was before he noticed the symbol on top of the paper, that belongs to the Japanese government that has been hunting him down for years and right now. Genma can't run away without abandoning the Saotome-Tendo family honor marriage between him and Soun. Also, Genma is very close to his retirement and just a single step away from it by getting Ranma to marry Akane.

"Because this way, neither of us would go back on our words. After all, the moment one of us do. We will be fined a lot of money and even be sent to jail." Lawliet knew exactly what Genma is thinking and right now is the best time to do this. Otherwise, Genma might come up with something to avoid fulfill the bet or even try to do something to Ranma to make him break his oath.

"Honestly, this is the best we might get out of you if you sign it." Nabiki may not know her father's friend that long, but at this point, she knows him plenty enough to know he won't be keeping his promises at all.

"Didn't I say quiet, girl? The men are talking." Genma glare at Nabiki, who glared back, showing that Nabiki wasn't afraid of Genma.

Though, that was a lie. Nabiki is a little afraid of Genma. After all, she hasn't practiced the [Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts] for years now and the only she kept on doing was the warm-up stretches to keep her body from going out of shape. But, that's pretty much it.

"Mr. Saotome, I think the way you're talking to my sister is wrong and you should watch what you're saying in my home." Kasumi said to Genma with a smile on her face, but if one looks carefully enough. Anyone could see how forced and strain the smile is.

Now, Kasumi and Nabiki were expecting Genma to badmouth them, but almost a surprise it was someone else that defended Genma.

"Now, girls. Genma here doesn't mean much, that's just how he talks. Trust me, I have been with him for years." Soun said to his two oldest daughters, a little baffled with the way they are acting. Making Soun wonder what caused them to be like this when in the past, they wouldn't say something like this.

"Doesn't matter how he talks. Right now, he either sign this or back off." Lawliet cut right in before Soun could say anything else and also making sure to give a look to both Kasumi and Nabiki, for being on his side and will remember this small favor. "And before you even think about trying to do something. I have methods to permanently force you to stay in your cursed form forever without being able to turn back into a human." Lawliet threatens Genma, with something Lawliet has the ability to do so with [Space] by manipulating the area around him, where it will make Genma's curse 'think' there always cold water on Genma, turning him into a panda. Making it look like Genma is forever in his cursed panda form.

Genma pales at this threat and could easily tell that Lawliet wasn't bluffing and could follow up with his threat without any problems at all.

Even Ranma, who been quiet this entire time, pales in fright as well, since that means his new mentor can permanently put him in his cursed form forever too. Going by the look on his pop's pale face. Ranma can say for sure, that even his pop knew this was an actual real threat that shouldn't be underestimated.

"Now. Sign. This. Document." Lawliet begins to become annoyed by all this when he can take his sweet time to take a nap for hours that overdue for years and will still be overdue after this nap and the next, along with the following one after that one as well.

Everyone can tell, that Lawliet is no longer calm with the way he frowns a little and narrowing his eyes at Genma.

"I don't have to do anything you say!" Genma refused to sign that legal document, that is literally a death trap for him and was about to attack Lawliet right there and then, but much to his horror. He couldn't control his body and watch in absolute fear, to see his body moving on its own and begin signing the document. Afterward, he regains back his body. However, Genma didn't care because it was too late. "YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" Genma roar at Lawliet, as he launches himself at Lawliet with a flying kick.

Yet, before Genma could even fully leave the ground.

Lawliet appears behind Genma, then grabbing him by the back of his neck and squeeze a little, causing Genma to let out a groan before slouching. Unable to move and a few seconds later, everyone can hear the sound of snoring coming from Genma as a sign that he no longer awaken. Instead, Genma is now asleep, much to everyone's surprise, to see Lawliet taken Genma down so easily.

"Well, that's over with. I got to send this document off to the government. Ranma. I'll see you later today. Just make sure to be ready by the time I come back." Lawliet said to Ranma, who just numbly nods his head while currently speechless. Then, Lawliet heads off, but really he was just going out to walk a bit before returning back since he can easily send the document off via [Space] in a matter of seconds.

30 minutes later*

"I'm back." Lawliet said just a bit above the level of an inside voice, to let everyone in the house know he back from the government office. Thought all he did was just walking around and visiting some local street markets to find something to snack on before returning back to the Tendo Dojo.

"Welcome back, Lawliet." Kasumi greets Lawliet from the kitchen. "Dinner will be done in a few hours."

"Alright, thanks for the reminder, Kasumi." Lawliet said to Kasumi, who just replied that it was no problem at all. Then use [Space] to locate Ranma, who is currently in the dojo facing off his father by using [The Proud Dragon Repents]. Barely holding up against his father. But, Lawliet can see that Ranma is improving himself using [The Proud Dragon Repents] with each second pass by and going by the frustration on Genma's face. Lawliet would guess that Ranma has massively improved himself to this point while he was gone and the rate of his improvement must be what frustrate Genma right now.

Quietly with the help of [Stealth]. Lawliet made it to the dojo and entering the building without making any sound, then begin to watch Ranma face against his father.

In all honestly, Lawliet knew how Ranma is way better than him in martial arts and if it wasn't for the [Automatic Cultivation] and his cheat [Authority: Space], then the idea of being Ranma's mentor would be an impossible thing and even coming into this world. Where Lawliet will have to deal with whatever back in the previous world he was summoned into.

Suddenly, Ranma made a small mistake and Genma took advantage that right away, knocking Ranma off his feet and slam into the ground instead of dragging Ranma into the sky. Something that would be a major mistake for those that goes against the users of the [Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts]; however, Genma knew that his son's oath of not using the [Anything Goes Martial Arts], but that won't stop Ranma from using his newly learned martial arts to adapt in an aerial battle. Something Genma feels both proud and frustrated. Proud because of his son manages to adapt his new martial arts for aerial battle already and frustrated because now Genma is forced to use the main weak points on his son.

"Enough, boy! As you can see, your so-called mentor has taught you a weak art compared to the [Anything Goes Martial Arts]! Go tell your mentor you've changed your mind and going back to learn the [Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts]!" Genma roar at his disloyal and dishonorable son. As Genma tries to stomp his son at the stomach in order to push Ranma into the wooden floor, but Ranma rolled away before he could, ending with making another hole into the wooden floor.

Lawliet watches on the sideline and wonders how much of the damage in the area is done by either Ranma and Genma.

"Oh, hey. Nabiki." Lawliet said to Nabiki the moment she slides the door open to yell at both Ranma and Ganma, but up jumping back in surprise to be greeted by Lawliet. "Yeah, I've no idea who caused all those holes. Since I just got here, but I did see Genma making the latest one." Lawliet lied at the beginning, because he uses [Space] to check the past to find out who caused the most holes and it was mainly Genma who did.

"Really now?" Nabiki narrow her eyes at Genma. For she had no reason to doubt Lawliet. But, with Genma? Oh, she got a bone to pick with. "Thanks for letting me know, Lawliet." Nabiki quietly brings up the camera she is holding and begins taking pictures of every time Genma make another hole in the wooden floor while Ranma continues to move out the way and sometimes tries to prevent his father from making any more holes, but failing to most of the time.

"Well, I'm going to take a nap. Let Ranma know I'm back and that I'll continue with his next training when I wake up. As in, wait for me to wake up my own." Lawliet said to Nabiki as he let out a yawn, seriously need those naps and sleeps, whatever at this point. His mind and body are totally out of sync the moment he falls asleep more than the usual few hours or less than an hour sometimes.

"Got it." Nabiki replied, not stopping for a moment to capture the moment to blackmail Genma.

A few hours later*

Lawliet let out a yawn, then pull out the pocket watch he found; well, stole from some thug that had it. No idea why a thug would have a pocket watch other than Lawliet only could think the thug wanted to look fancy or just rich, who wanted to look and/or act like a thug. Either way, with the new pocket watch for Lawliet to keep track of time.

To Lawliet's surprise, where he found himself sleeping for a few hours and it's already night time.

Getting out of bed, Lawliet head to the tatami room to get ready for dinner.

Checking with [Space], Lawliet discovers Ranma and his father are sitting down with Nabiki, Akane, and their father around a new table that is literally the same one he destroyed. While Kasumi is bringing food from the kitchen to be placed down on the table.

"So, anyone wanna tell me where this table comes from?" Lawliet asks anyone as he sat down in the exact same spot he has been sitting in for a while now.

"I got it from a friend." Nabiki replied, not wanting to let Lawliet knew that actually she used a favor to get her one. Took some time before it arrived. But, at least they now have a table.

"Well, that's good that your friend helped out." Lawliet said to Nabiki.

Nabiki just quietly nods her head and suppress the urge to shout at her father for making her waste a favor for a table. A TABLE! After all, to Nabiki, a favor equals multiple usages and much more valuable than most things. As long the person in mind would take the favor seriously. Otherwise, Nabiki will have to go for blackmailing. Which she does all the time at this point.

Anything to support her family...

That's what Nabiki always says to herself since this whole thing started.

"So, Sensei. When will we begin our next lesson?" Ranma asks Lawliet, where he finally sees him in a better light compared to his pop. Furthermore, Ranma knows it would be disrespectful if he continues to call his new mentor by his name.

"I'm thinking of teaching you the next stance or a technique of my art next. Since it looks like you're doing good with the one I've taught you." Lawliet answered Ranma's question, ignoring the way Genma is glaring at him, along with Akane. No idea with the latter though, unless he wants to use [Space] to read her mind, which Lawliet won't since he rather not find out what kind of weird thing going through her head. "In fact, I have an idea of what the next stance. I will teach you as it will be something you will find something you would love to use often." Lawliet wasn't going to outright tell Ranma what it is due to not being in a private area to talk more deeply about this. Something Ranma didn't notice when he continues to ask about it throughout the entire dinner.

2 hours later*

"So, have you learned your second lesson other than training in the art?" Lawliet asks Ranma, who is currently very frustrated due to the fact, that Lawliet is making Ranma learning about the common sense of what to do and what not to do in most situations. Taking 2 hours ago as an example where Ranma was being rude to everyone during dinner.

"What do all these have to do with learning the art?" Ranma asks Lawliet, something he found out that unlike his pop, Lawliet is willing to answer his question when asked.

"Well, for one. You're still technically acting like your father, even though you did your best to keep your honor intact and trying not to be an exact copy of your father. In fact, this should help you out in the long run, where you're trying to defuse a conflict with you in by accident. Even then, by avoiding speaking in such a disrespectful manner and acting all prideful before others would bring your image down at the first impression easily." Lawliet wanted to steer Ranma away from being completely like his canon version and maybe fix that speaking style of putting his foot in his mouth whenever he speaks to others in the series.

Currently, both Lawliet and Ranma are in the former's bedroom, where it pretty much the safest place for one want anything private. Something everyone found out at this point, where it is impossible to get into the room whenever Lawliet doesn't want anyone sneak in without his knowing. Right now, Lawliet is doing his best to teach the things he supposes to learn from his father; well, screw that. Ranma should have learned things at a young age.

Either way, Ranma is a quick learner after Lawliet points the right methods or mindset for him to learn. Making everything into a martial art learning experience somehow. Where in math, which is what Lawliet used first as an example to teach Ranma in an entirely different way compared to other people. Lawliet just points out to Ranma how he can use math formulas as kata while the process of getting the answer to the problems. Is by solving it through like what he usually does when in a fight aka using the right math formula for the problem.

It only required 30 minutes in the study for Ranma to learn all the math formulas from elementary school to high school and if Ranma study a bit longer in math. Lawliet won't be surprised if Ranma could make it into a college specialized in math-related subjects.

"So, how do I treat this whole learning about being more respectful and polite into a way of learning the art?" Ranma can't figure out how to make this into a way for him to learn like he learns martial arts.

"Give me a sec, to think this in a way for you to understand without using big words." Lawliet said to Ranma while secretly, planning to get Ranma to learn more vocabulary as well later. "Okay, this is how we go and we keep doing this for another 10 minutes before I teach you the next stance of my art. So work hard." Lawliet feels like that maybe it won't take so long for him to prepare Ranma to take on the world while he gets to relax peacefully for maybe a few months.

Lawliet watch Ranma starts to figure out the right methods to learn better and no longer require Lawliet to point it out for him. Allowing Lawliet to think about how powerful Ranma will become the moment he learns the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms: The Dragon Soars in the Sky], which is a downward hitting stance which may be initiated from high ground or a jump. Where this stance draws on the strength of both its user and the impact from his/her fall to deliver a forceful and unrecoverable blow on the adversary. In a way, this would suit Ranma's fighting style, where he doesn't require to completely throw away all the training he has done over the years learning the [Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts].

The next day*

After tutoring Ranma last night and teaching him [The Dragon Soars in the Sky], which only took Ranma 20 minutes before nearly reaching the same level as Lawliet. This meant, that Ranma is close to reaching [Rank: Official] for this stance alone from the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms], excluding the usage of [Dragon Ki] of course.

Nonetheless, this is fine for Lawliet. Better to have Ranma strong enough to deal with his problem than making him deal with it due to Lawliet being Ranma's mentor.

Lawliet let out a yawn, as he just returns back from experimenting with his other [Skills] by seeing if he can [Rank] them up with the help of [Space]. Too bad it was wishful thinking as all of them didn't change at all. Of course, that didn't mean it doesn't come with any good results. One of them is that Lawliet is able to use the [Skill: Water Walking] or something like the [Skill] by using [Space] to temporarily make the water surface solid for him to walk on. Therefore, making it look like Lawliet is using the [Skill], but actually not at the same time.

At the very least, Lawliet made some progress today where he can't cheat into ranking up his [Skills] with [Space]. Yet, that's fine for Lawliet. Otherwise, this would make Lawliet use [Automatic Cultivatin] less. Kinda.

Not to mention, Lawliet managed to recreate a few abilities from anime and manga with [Space]. Among them, Lawliet got something in case someone managed to bypass his defensive and cut off a limb or two and will be able to reattach them back with ease. Including the ability to come back to perfect health from a near death-like event.

Overall, today's been a great day for Lawliet. No annoying people that Lawliet has to deal with and just do something he been holding up for a while.

Yet, Lawliet knows this relaxing moment won't last that long. So, may as well get all the things he could do as possible before Lawliet won't have enough to do it later on.

The next day*

"So, what's the problem again?" Lawliet asks Nabiki, who is currently scowling at Genma while Lawliet and Nabiki are outside; well, more like Nabiki came out to get help from Lawliet. While he is enjoying a relaxing moment outside during a nice day, with a cool breeze that Lawliet wouldn't be able to enjoy while growing up. Something Lawliet is about to make it into a habit of doing as this is a very nice way to relax other than sleeping.

"I can't find the gold bar in Mr. Saotome's possession." Nabiki did her best to find out where the gold bar that was sold to Genma in exchange for Ranma's honor and among other things. Something Nabiki wonders if she should do the same, but the one in control, of course. She rather not owe a huge debt like this.

"And you're hoping I know where it is?" Lawliet asks Nabiki while not bother to get up from his current position, which was just him lying on top of a beach chair he found and stole with [Space]. Of course, he made sure the chair wasn't broken or anything that would make Lawliet not want to sit on it. Afterward, he will send it back where he found it.

"Well, you said you're a treasure hunter. So, I'm hoping you would find it." Nabiki answered.

"What is it in for me?" Lawliet wasn't going to do Nabiki's works for nothing. He wasn't Ranma, who is still all about honor and with it being used against him.

"Rent free for the next year?" Nabiki offers, hoping for Lawliet not to realize how much the gold bar really worth as she just checked with a few people and boy was she eager to get that gold bar even more now, even if it's just a single gold bar. But, a single one that can make her rich!

"Including food?" Lawliet knew exactly he is being ripped off, but that's fine. A year is enough for Lawliet since he might not stay here that long once he regains access to the [Automatic Cultivation].

Nabiki wanted to say no, but the idea of getting that gold bar is too much to give up on. So, Nabiki nods her head.

"It's taped to the ceiling in the bathroom." Lawliet didn't have to say anything else, as Nabiki rush back inside and head for the bathroom.

Nabiki did a quick glance over to her father and Genma playing a game of shogi. Neither looks at her, which she took this as a chance for her to grab that gold bar while Genma is distracted at the moment.

As Lawliet watch Nabiki going after the gold bar. He just remembers something.

Should I ask for the 100,000 yen back or not?

Lawliet thought to himself, where he pretty much, paying rent for a year with a gold bar, even though it wasn't his, to begin with, nor is the 100,000 yen either. So, after thinking about it for a few seconds more. Lawliet gave up the idea of getting the 100,000 yen back and just enjoy his day outside relaxing.

5 days later*

"Do I even want to know?" Lawliet asks both Ranma and Akane, with the former in her cursed form at the moment and wet too from the look of it. Meaning, that on the way back home, Ranma was splashed with cold water leading to Ranma's present state. As to why Lawliet asked such a question; well, Akane is giving Ranma a piggyback ride.

"Not really. By the way, Sensei. Do you mind helping me fix my legs? I can't move them at the moment." Ranma looks at her mentor in the hope he could give her back the ability to walk again. As she rather not have Akane carry her any longer.

"Sure. Give me a sec." Lawliet got up, then walk over to Ranma, where she was placed down by Akane and watch how Lawliet will fix Ranma's current problem. Lawliet just pat Ranma's back while using [Space] to fix the problem, giving Ranma back her ability to walk again without any problems. "There you go."

"Thanks, Sensei!" Ranma jumps back on her feet, feeling pretty happy that she can walk again. "Now, I'm going to head off to take a bath unless we got training tonight?" Ranma looks eager for training from her mentor, even if it's school-related since his mentor makes learning interesting and easier for her to understand compared to the teachers at school.

"Nah, not today." Lawliet replied. "Just continue practicing the two stances I taught you and don't slack of your study either." Lawliet knew how Ranma is whenever it's related to the art. Not that Lawliet could blame Ranma with her life always about martial arts.

"Alright and don't worry. I won't." Ranma's forehead covers with cold sweats, remembering the time when she skipped studying once and was punished by unable to do any martial arts! Ranma has no idea how her mentor does it other than poking her, then her body feels beyond weak, to the point she became helpless. Luckily, this only lasted for half an hour before her mentor did whatever he did by poking her to make her not weak anymore. The thought alone had made Ranma shivers as she knew, that her mentor could do so much worse. "By the way, Sensei. Are you planning to teach me that poking move you did to me, making me so weak?" Ranma could think of all the things she could do with this move, mostly against her pop really.

"Maybe. Just work on the two stances I've taught you for the time being." Lawliet wonder if he should teach Ranma about pressure points or not. Then, decide to just think about it later. For now, Lawliet is just planning to teach Ranma the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] slowly and check if the books in this world about pressure points are exactly the same one he knows thanks to [Space] doing a deep scan of the human body. Something Lawliet can do easily.

2 hours later*

Lawliet let out a sigh as he relaxes in a nice warm bath, then stretches his arms up for a bit before frowning as something just caused Lawliet to be a concern with. Thanks to [Space]; Lawliet noticed the fabric of space itself is changing in front of him.

Lower his arms down just in time for a highly attractive teenage girl with long bubble gum pink hair, emerald green eyes, curvaceous appear in front of Lawliet with an explosion tagging along, causing the bathwater to splash everywhere. Also, she naked and very familiar to Lawliet, and without a doubt, he knew exactly who she is. To make it worse for Lawliet. He accidentally grabs the naked girl's breasts when she appears in his bathtub.

This naked pink hair girl is Lala Satalin Deviluke from To LOVE-Ru series. The main female protagonist, with the beginning of the story with Lala running away from home as she didn't want to get married to any of her suitors. Due to an accident, she ends up naked in front of Yuuki Rito's bathtub aka the main male protagonist; however, Lala instead appears before Lawliet instead.

If that wasn't enough. In the anime adaptation, grabbing Lala's breasts is considered a marriage proposal on Planet Devilkue aka Lala's home planet, but this isn't a thing in the manga version, but Lawliet has no idea if this Lala is the anime version or the manga version. Either way, Lawliet wonders if he just replaced Yuuki or maybe Lala just randomly teleported here by accident and has already fallen in love with Yuuki.

As much as Lawliet hates this part of himself. Grabbing a girl's naked breasts gave him a boner and to think his first time touching naked breasts happen to be an alien girl, Lala.

"I blame this on Ranma..." Lawliet knew he shouldn't blame this on Ranma when this is completely unrelated to him, her, whatever Ranma's current gender at the moment, but as Lawliet expected. Ranma is a magnet for chaos, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon and affecting Lawliet as well.