Arc 1 - Chapter 9: Life Can Be Cruel

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 9: Life Can Be Cruel

The next day*

"Something you need, Lala?" Lawliet asks Lala, where she just came into the bedroom after showering and jump on top of Lawliet's stomach, and would have caused him to gasp for air on impact if it wasn't for [Space] to make the momentum bleed out into the bed, leaving Lawliet unharmed. Though, Lawliet wishes Lala had come back wearing clothes, even a towel would work instead of walking back naked. It's just a good thing, that not many people are home at the moment, with only Soun and Kasumi. The rest went off already. With Genma doing his part-time job. Something Lawliet knew wouldn't last too long. "Also, please do put some clothes on. On earth, only a couple that is in love with each other and not minding showing off skin or living alone would allow you to walk around naked at home."

Lawliet has just remembered, that Lala has no notion of modesty and is more than happy to walk around naked at the beginning of the series before later on, she would get better knowing where and when not to be naked. Though, Lawliet wonders if Lala will still have the habit of walking out of the bathroom naked when she needs something. In fact, if Lawliet guesses correctly, this Lala should also hold no real issue with appearing naked around people, and by no means, she is a pervert or in any way interpreting the action as sexual. She is pretty much bashful when it comes to being touched or viewed in a sexual way or from any overly compromising angle.

After all, Lala did show how shy she was when Lawliet accidentally grabbed her breasts. Nonetheless, Lawliet has to make sure Lala doesn't walk around naked and causing rumors to fly around.

"Really?" Lala asks Lawliet in confusion.

"Yes, so please be mindful of others. I don't care really, but for others, they will." Of course, Lawliet really does care since this would lead to many misunderstandings if Lala continues to walk around naked without caring about others looking at her. Furthermore, Lawliet knew how there are people who would use this against Lala. While as much as Lawliet wanted to defend Nabiki. He knew Nabiki would for sure take pictures of Lala while she naked to be sold for a high price. Something Lawliet can't have at all. More on the line of helping Lala keep a clean image than lets people think she some kind of slut or something for walking around naked.

People can be very judgmental upon the first impression and would require an effort to change their opinion. Something Lawliet finds troublesome and does his best to avoid that situation happen if he could do so. Overall, it's more on the line of Lawliet didn't want to add more problems in his already big pile of problems going on.

"Okay!" Lala understands the need to know the earth's culture in order for her to blend in.

"So, is there something you need? Or you just wanted to jump and land on my stomach for the fun it? Also, are you planning to put on some clothes any time soon?" Lawliet raises an eyebrow at Lala, who still hasn't realized she still naked.

Lala pauses to look down, and sure enough, she still naked and on top of her fiance's stomach. This caused her to blush and quickly jump off, then ran over to the side to put on the clothes Lawliet got her last night after realizing the lack of clothes she posses, including himself.

A few minutes later*

"So?" Lawliet looks at Lala, who is dressed in a white shirt with a single strap sleeve and a brown short frilled skirt.

"Hm?" Lala tilts her head, with her usual smile on her face.

"Was there a reason why you jump and land on my stomach? Or it was merely just for fun?" Lawliet didn't really mind either way, since it won't really hurt him as long he has [Space]. Otherwise, Lawliet would for sure tell Lala to stop right away after the first time.

"Oh! Just for fun." Lala climbs into bed, not caring she wearing clothes that are meant for outside. "By the way, how come you're not out of bed by now?"

"Was planning to take a few extra minutes to sleep longer before it's time for breakfast." Lawliet wonder if he should have a talk with Lala about his need; well, his desire to sleep longer. Then, decided may as well. "Also, just letting you know now. But, I like to sleep a lot, most of the time I would sleep or nap whenever I feel like it. So if you don't mind, not waking me up unless it's important?"

"Sure." Lala nods her head. Then, blinks a few times. "So what should I do while you're sleeping?" She can't really do much and Lala knows that it's important not to cause problems for Lawliet, who is making sure she provided with everything to make sure Lala won't have any problems living with him.

"You like making things, right?" Lawliet got an idea of what he could for Lala, to keep her busy while he relaxing or sleeping at the time.

"Yup! If it wasn't for this being a different reality, then I would have shown you my collection of inventions." Lala smiles at Lawliet, where she hopes later on in the future, she can bring her stuff over here to let Lawliet see all the things she made.

"Okay, I got something that should help keep you busy while I'm relaxing or asleep." Lawliet sat up, causing Lala to do the same. "Come on. We're going out. After we have breakfast first."

"Alright." Lala can't wait to see what Lawliet would show her, to keep her busy.

30 minutes later*

Lawliet did his best to ignore the way Nabiki and Kasumi looking at Lala. Where Lawliet can see jealousy in Nabiki's eyes and envy from Kasumi, making him think for a bit and guessed why. Nabiki, Lawliet can guess she must be jealous of Lala to be in a relationship with him, kinda, and due to him showing his wealth. Nabiki must have the desire to form a relationship with him, to the point of a possible marriage. Yet, this is doomed from the beginning due to Lala's existence.

Really, Lawliet wonder if it's due to his luck or Lala's luck or whatever unknown supernatural force to make it so both Lawliet and Lala would be together. Then again, Lawliet would thanks whoever sent Lala to him. Because the only candidate of being within this messed up, crazy world is Kasumi, but Lawliet can see all kinds of problems if he tries to court Kasumi. In fact, Lawliet can tell that Kasumi would definitely agree to being with him.

It's just that the people around would make problems for them, which would make it nearly impossible for Lawliet and Kasumi to be together at all. Mostly because of the way Soun has acted so far and Lawliet did not want him as a father-in-law, who would clearly force his views onto Lawliet. After all, with the way Soun treating Kasumi and Nabiki compared to Akane. As well as the way he continues to blame Akane's problems on Ranma in the series.

So yeah, not happening.

But, the biggest thing that is getting on Lawliet's nerve is the way Akane glares at him this entire time. Making Lawliet wonder what did he do, to cause draw Akane's irks at him, but then after a while. It didn't really matter, because if canon Ranma couldn't get a word in with Akane most of the time before being smacked away. Then, there's no point of Lawliet speaking with Akane in the first place.

"Well, thanks for the breakfast, Kasumi." Lawliet thanked Kasumi for making breakfast. "It's time for Lala and me to head out."

"It's no problem at all." Kasumi smiles, which is a little strained. "Don't worry about picking up the plates. I'll take care of them once everyone is finished."

"This is delicious!" Lala said to Kasumi, who smiles at Lala as well and Kasumi's strained smile became a bit more natural now after being praised by Lala.

"Hey, Sensei." Ranma called for his mentor. "I've been wondering, but how many stances are there in the art you're teaching me?" This draws the attention of both Genma and Soun, along with Akane as well after comprehending Ranma's question.

"That's something I will tell you privately later." Lawliet hinted to Ranma, that this question is meant to be answered when it's mostly just them alone, maybe including Lala, and not in public, with others too curious for their own goods about the art Lawliet is teaching Ranma.

"I understand, Sensei." Ranma nods his head, if this was a few days before, then he would have continued asking why his mentor can't answer his question. But, thanks to all the lessons so far has made Ranma understands some of the looks his mentor gives him.

Genma grunt at not being able to get more information on the martial art, that brat is teaching to his son.

Soun stays quiet, but made sure to pay a bit more attention to what Ranma could do. Maybe it would make the [Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts] even stronger? Time will tell.

Akane frown, that she is unable to find out more about the art, that hentai Ranma is being taught. In fact, now that she realizes it. She nor anyone else has learned the name of the martial art!

"Come on, Lala." Lawliet heads off, with Lala is following right behind him.

A few hours later*

"So, where are we heading to?" Lala asks out of curiosity while looking around the place with interest for a few minutes before becoming bored.

"We're going to do something to fix our main problem." Lawliet took a turn, leading into a bookstore.

"Our main problem?" Lala blinks as she tries to think about what is the main problem they share.

"Our lack of background and documents, that allows us to move around a bit more freely." Lawliet explains to Lala without caring if people would overhear them since he just uses [Space] to make a small mobile barrier around them, where it so the sounds of their voices can't be heard by others unless Lawliet allows them to. "Both of us don't exist in this world. This might not be a major problem if we were somewhere away from a big popular location. However, since we're not. We need paperwork to prove we live here and the info on where we came from. Now, this is something I'm planning to fix later on since it doesn't matter in the short-term, but after you appear. That changed some of my plans." Lawliet glance at Lala. "Don't worry if you made things complicated for me. I was just putting it off a bit, for me to relax around a bit before I get things done. You just make it so I speed up some of my plans when I can do them later. Anyway, there will be countless problems for us in the future if we don't do something about our lack of identity and records."

Lala nods her head, showing she is paying attention to everything Lawliet is saying. As this is very important for their future together.

"Now, it would take time and resources to fix this problem of ours. But, I know a way to make things much easier for us." Lawliet slowly takes his time to walks up to the counter, where there is this average-looking worker in this bookstore. "Now, don't say anything if you can't help it. Leave the talking to me and we should be done by noon or evening."

A few hours later*

Lawliet and Lala walk out of the bookstore, but not empty-handed. As Lawliet is carrying a suitcase filled with important documents for both himself and Lala to continue living in this world. As well as among other things besides having identity cards and paperwork as proof of citizenship.

"Sorry..." Lala looks at the ground while continuing to follow Lawliet out of the bookstore.

"It's fine. I shouldn't have let you alone without anything to do. That's my fault really." Lawliet replied.

"But, the way those guys..." Lala trails off as she recalls the look she got from those people with tattoos when she was bored and use random objects to make one of her random inventions to amuse herself to pass the time while Lawliet was talking.

"Will not bother you." Lawliet said firmly. As he knew exactly why Lala acting so sad right now. "I made sure none of them have any wrong ideas." By that, Lawliet used the same thing he did with Genma and placing down a suggestion to the people from the black market that helped to make all the documents he and Lala needs. Where only a bad outcome if they so much as send a single person to Lala in order to speak with her privately without Lawliet nearby. "So cheer up."

"You sure?" Lala looks at Lawliet with eyes widen.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Lawliet replied. "Now, I think there is an ice cream shop nearby."

With everything done. Lawliet can relax a bit now that it would be nearly impossible Nabiki to find out anything that could cause Lawliet problems. After all, he already noticed Nabiki has already begun gathering information on him and Lala's backgrounds. Luckily, Lawliet acted on time, or else he would be forced to take Lala and move to somewhere else or even move to another world if things become too heated for the two to stay in this world.

The next day*

"What are we doing here?" Lala asks Lawliet, where they are currently in an empty two-story building, with a basement included after they look around the place.

"This is our store and something to allow you to freely make whatever you want on the side whenever you're free." Lawliet answered Lala's question as he wrote down in his small notebook.

"Our store?" Lala hopes Lawliet isn't using her for his own benefits.

"Yeah, because. At the moment, we don't have any legal incomes as well as to how in the world we have money in the first place, other than maybe the money we have is from our family. A family neither of us have in this world and people would try to search for the history of our families or something." Lawliet start explaining to Lala on why he got them a store. "And we can't have that. So, this leads to us owning this building, which we will use to provide us an income, because right now, even though I use my ability to get us things without anyone questioning about it. But, this only lasts for a short time and people will start asking around."

"I see." Lala secretly sighed in relief, that Lawliet wasn't aiming to use her for something like using her inventions for warfare or worse.

"Furthermore, I'm making the basement your personal workplace. Don't worry about the size, because I've already made a pocket dimension for you to use and we will keep the basement as it is. The pocket dimension itself will be linked to the door to the basement. As long as you inform me whenever you need access to your workplace. I'll make it so when you open the door to the basement. It will lead to the pocket dimension. Also, you can use it as a storage for all your inventions and so on. While the basement itself is where you will work on making toys to be used as the products for the store to sell."

"Toys?" Lala didn't expect that.

"Yeah, toys. The things for kids to plays with. Maybe including older age too. Your job here is to make toys to be sold in our store for money." Lawliet pauses for a moment. "And by toys, I meant the one on earth. So, later, I will show you exactly what kind of toys earthling play with as a child." Lawliet didn't know what kind of toys Lala played with while growing up or there wasn't something like that and her inventions are what considers as toys in Lala's eyes.

"So, no weapons?" Lala wanted to be sure.

"No weapon." Lawliet confirms.

"What would you do?" Lala didn't mind running the store herself, but she wanted to know what Lawliet would do since he did say this store is theirs, not hers alone.

"I'll be doing all those boring paperwork, like making sure all our money is counted for and what we need to restock on. Also, paying the bills." Lawliet explained how he is going to do all the paperwork while leaving all the toy making to Lala. After all, doing paperwork may be boring, but better than doing labor works. "Unless you want to do the paperwork, where it would take you a long time to do before you're free to make your inventions." Lawliet look at Lala if she wanted his job as well.

Lala quickly shook her head, not wanting to do anything boring like doing paperwork!

"Alrighty then, so after getting everything set. We'll open the store. Shouldn't take us that long." Lawliet said to Lala as he finishes writing down in his small notebook, then toss it into his hammerspace, which contains all important things. This includes the suitcase filled with important documents. "So, wanna check out your pocket dimension?"

"Can we?!" Lala wonders what the size of the separated dimension would be in her private workplace. Something she feels happy to have after remembering she no longer has access to the one she originally had before coming to this reality.

"Sure." Lawliet lead Lala to the basement, then open the door after using [Space] to make the door connect with the pocket dimension.

Before Lala's eyes, the entire place is big and it should be a lot harder for others to gain access to other than Lawliet. So, her inventions are secure without having to be worried about someone stealing them. Furthermore, there is equipment all over the place, some that she could modify to become better and some she never has seen before!

"Like it? And the size is adjustable. Just let me know when you want me to expand it. As for the equipment. I used [Spatial Constructs] to make them. So, if you need materials. Just let me know and explain to me what they are. Then, I should be able to make it." Lawliet said to Lala, who let out a squeal and leap into Lawliet's arms, where she gave him a big hug. Not realizing she is giving Lawliet a good feel of her breasts. "I'm guessing you like it?"

"Like it? I love it! Also, how come you didn't use this [Spatial Constructs] in the first place?" Lala didn't think she would get something so amazing! In the first place, she had to build her own private lab and storage. Something that took Lala a long time to do early on. Not to mention, she still hasn't reached the part where she can freely adjust the size of her own inventions for making pocket dimension. And the best part? She didn't have to worry about materials that Lawliet has to find for her since he can make it! This means she can recreate some of her inventions!

"Glad to hear it. As for why I didn't use [Spatial Constructs] before." Lawliet pause for a moment, to remember exactly why he didn't. "Would you believe me if I forgot about it?" The actual full truth is that he was too busy lazing around and relaxing to remember, that with [Spatial Constructs]. There was no point in stealing a gold bar or anything important value. Also, he didn't bother at the time to study more into the [Authority: Space]. It's there for Lawliet to use as he fits and won't be forgetting anything about it anytime soon. Just that other things were on his mind at the time.

"So you can pretty much many anything with [Spatial Constructs]?" Lala has somewhat a bit of knowledge about it, but not much. So, to find out Lawliet has the ability to use it and with ease from what she can tell by all the lab equipment just waiting for her use them. Lala can't help, but understand how others feel when people find out all her inventions, where many wished they could do the same in making them. This must what they felt, but Lala knew this was just the surface of what Lawliet could do. In a way, Lala really lucked out on Lawliet for proposing her. Since [Spatial Constructs] alone would make Lawliet become very powerful, even on her planet.

"Kinda. I can make whatever I can imagine. But, this could also lead to mistakes. Trust me, some of the lab equipment might not work. If so, you better let me know to replace it after you help me figure out what went wrong." Lawliet looks at some of the things in this pocket dimension and wonders if he should let Lala use them at all or not.

"Will do. Plus, if needed, I can just scrap them for parts." Lala smile at Lawliet for everything he has done with good intention for her well being.

"That's fine as well. Now, that's out of the way. Let's head back." Lawliet is just glad, that Lala likes the place at least. Would have been annoying if Lala was one of those picky people.

The next day*

"Hey, Kasumi." Lawliet whisper to Kasumi, who just finished cleaning the dirty plates from lunch.

"Something you need, Lawliet?" Kasumi looks at Lawliet with surprise in her voice while at the same time happy to see him wanting to continue talking with her after lunch.

"If you don't mind me being a little nosy. You don't really have to answer my questions, but do you happen to know anything outside of housework?" Lawliet already has a few ideas on how to help Kasumi out by preparing her for the world in case she needs to leave this house to become independent.

"Um, I don't think so?" Kasumi is a little baffled at this weird question, but answered anyway since it was Lawliet who asked her.

"Are you planning to stay here for the rest of your life, taking care of your family? Do you not have a dream that you wanted to reach? Don't you think it's time for you to become something much more than being a replacement, who isn't being appreciated for all the things you have done for this family?" Lawliet made sure to ask the main important questions, that would for sure make Kasumi think about her current lifestyle. "Be honest with me. Are you satisfied with what you have right now?"

Kasumi looks at Lawliet speechless, then slowly lower her gaze down at the ground. As her mind continues to repeat Lawliet's questions numerous times until she finally no longer being able to fool herself into believing that what she is doing this entire time for years. Was really something she wanted to do for the rest of her life and that taking care of her family should be something she should be happy with. Her family's happiness should be her own happiness. Wasn't it?

Lawliet quietly waits for Kasumi's response while making sure to use [Space] to prevent anyone to disturb Kasumi's thinking process. As this is an important stage for Lawliet to help Kasumi out. However, this could become complicated depending on how Kasumi would react to these questions. In fact, using [Space] would be enough for Lawliet to make it so Kasumi would go in the direction he has in mind to work out, but won't do such a thing. After all, if Lawliet did such a thing. Then, he is no better than his adopted parents and that's something he will not have.

Bad enough, Lawliet is already breaking the laws by stealing, and so on. But, that's because he had no choice at the time. Therefore, whatever Kasumi chose. He will do his best to make sure Kasumi's life is a bit better compared to how it is right now. That is the least Lawliet can do for Kasumi.

"I'm... I'm not satisfied." Kasumi finally spoke out her inner feeling. Tears begin to leak out as Kasumi can no longer hold it in. The grief of all the works she has done in order to hold her family up after her mommy passing away. Oh, how she misses her. Kasumi knew that what she has done to herself is good for the family, but she felt so trapped in this endless of never-ending changes in her life. It's only thanks to Dr. Tofu's existence alone has made Kasumi feel some joy in her life, but it wasn't enough. After all, Kasumi had tried to hang out with Dr. Tofu or some of her old friends more than one time before in the past, but something always came up with her family, that forces her to leave them. To the point, Kasumi hasn't even spoken with her old high school classmates for years now.

Soon, Kasumi begins pouring out everything she kept inside to Lawliet, someone she has only known for a week, but the way he treats is much better than her so-called family. The irony is that all it took was a stranger to enter her life, to make Kasumi's fantasy-like world to collapse. She should be screaming and be angry with Lawliet for doing this to her, but she knew. Kasumi knew that if it wasn't for Lawliet. Later on in future years. She will either snap under pressure or fall from overworking herself.

In an unstable emotional moment; Kasumi explains to Lawliet how the beginning she tried to help the family out after the death of her mom. Everything changed. Akane wasn't so angry and would be the kind girl she grows up with. Nabiki wasn't so greedy with money, to the point she looks at everything to see how much they worth. And her own daddy wouldn't have played favoritism at all. What really slowly grind Kasumi's heart until it breaks was the fact, that the people around would secretly badmouth her and her family in the background whenever they think she wasn't listening and far away enough to not hear them. The people she greets that act so friendly and everything, but really, everyone was just putting up a fake mask of being friendly to her.

Near the end, Lawliet carries the mentally tired Kasumi to her bedroom, where she just falls asleep from revealing everything deep in her heart finally. Not knowing, that her life will forever change thanks to one man, who shouldn't even exist in this world.