Arc 1 - Chapter 10: Agreement

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 10: Agreement

The next day*

"Are you sure I can really have these?" Kasumi asks nervously as she held two books, where one book is about Japan's laws and the second is about herbal for medical usage. Both should worth a lot and something Kasumi can't afford at all.

"Yeah, you can have it. No need to repay me back for them." Lawliet said to Kasumi, who continue to look around with wariness. As if someone would show up to take the books away from her. "Also, you don't have to worry about anyone here knowing about you. Well, unless you have been to a bank before?"

"I haven't." Kasumi replied as she stares at the front doors, to the bank, where she is about to open her own bank account with the help of Lawliet. Something she couldn't ever think would happen to her.

"Good. Just leave the talking to me."

A few hours later*

Kasumi couldn't believe how easy it was to open a bank account and the amount of money is in it. Even though it mostly belongs to Lawliet's, but he said it mainly as a way to help her out in reaching her dream to become a doctor.

"Before you say anything. Remember, this isn't a freebie or free money or whatever. Think of it as a sponsorship. If you manage to become a doctor, then you're already becoming one of those people that saving others' lives. Adding another person that saving others instead of the one taking it away. We already have enough people like that in our world, so to have another helping hand to save people is a good thing in my eyes." Lawliet said to Kasumi as they exit the bank, where he can easily guess what's on Kasumi's mind about the money he deposited into Kasumi's new bank.

"Okay." Kasumi nods her head. "I promise to become the greatest doctor the world could ever know." Kasumi made an oath right there and then, where someone has done their best to help her to obtain her dream career she been trying to study for years secretly, thanks to reading most of the medical books from her friend, Dr. Tofu. "By the way, where Lala? I haven't seen her since breakfast. I thought she would be with us."

"Oh, I send her off to begin to build the toys for our store we're about to open soon." Lawliet thought about it for a moment. "It's mainly just Lala and me at the moment. Do you want to become part of the team? Lala is already in charge of making the toys to be sold while I will be in charge of the management as well as keeping track of things to keep the store running. So if you take the job, you can be the cashier." Lawliet realized, that Kasumi might not be able to reveal where her source of money comes from. So, he quickly explains his reason why he wanted to hire Kasumi to prevent her family and Genma from finding out Kasumi's sponsorship.

"You've already done so much for me... Are you sure this is fine?" Kasumi knew how much helps she is getting from Lawliet and she wasn't blind, that this amount of help would make many people go green with envy if they found out about it. Furthermore, much to her hidden sadness. She can tell for sure, that Lawliet is doing this out of goodwill, not trying to get in her good book in a way to court her. Something she knew the moment Kasumi saw Lala for the first time and her beauty surpass any girls Kasumi have ever seen, including herself. It was no used in thinking so hard in wooing Lawliet since he has long had someone in his heart already, much to Kasumi's disappointment. Nonetheless, Kasumi is already grateful for all the help she is getting from Lawliet and secretly promise herself to always help him if there is a time for her to help him some way. This is a promise of a lifetime.

Of course, what Kasumi didn't know is that Lawliet promised himself, that he will help her and Ranma to escape their fate aka canon if he can do it instead of just watching from the sideline and hope for something else to fix the problems when Lawliet can do it himself. In a way, the guilt alone would have drive Lawliet's mental statue to change, for the better or worse, mostly worse in Lawliet's opinion. As having his mental statue, which is already messed up by his adopted parents' influences.

Yet, for Lawliet to finally have the taste of sleeping without any disturbance is such a wondering thing, that he can't have enough of it. So, Lawliet will do his best to help Kasumi and Ranma, mostly the latter now than the former, which Kasumi is a bit easier to help out compared to Ranma.

The next day*

"So, what we need to talk about?" Lala asks Lawliet, where both of them are in Lawliet's bedroom, which is more private and secure than other places, excluding the pocket dimension linked to the toy store's basement door.

"For one thing. Us." Lawliet points at her, then himself. "You don't have to worry about being chased by anyone and you can see proof, where no one from your reality has shown up for days now. So, do you still want to be with me or do you want to do whatever and leave this place? I'll make sure to help you out with finance and some other things, to prevent others from using you for your [Invention Skills]." Lawliet push this topic for days now and decide now is the best time for Lala and him to talk about their relationship.

Lala blankly stares at Lawliet, numerous thoughts ran through her head as she tries to think about all the possible variables about why Lawliet wanted to talk about this.

"If you're willing to be with me. I promise to make sure nothing happens to you, and in time, I will begin to love you and will make sure you won't regret being with me. Furthermore, I won't aim for any other girl and just you alone." Lawliet knew how troublesome harem is. Furthermore, if he remembers correctly. The Original Harem Plan was first incepted by Peke aka Lala's costume robot in response to Rito's above-mentioned opposition to taking more than one wife. Since Rito is also in love with Haruna, someone from Rito's school, he has a crush on, and Lala decided to share him with Haruna. The goal of the original plan was to get Rito to confess his love to Haruna, as Lala knows the latter's feelings for the former.

However, for Lawliet, there is no Peke, no Rito, and certainly no Haruna. Neither does he have any love for anyone else in this world, with only a small interest with Kasumi, but Lawliet wasn't at the level of wanting to court her yet if it wasn't for Lala's sudden appearance. Therefore, without all these factors. Then, Lala will not try to make the Harem Plan, making it less troublesome for Lawliet if he just accepts Lala only and no one else. He has read and watched enough on how troublesome a harem could be for the main character during the storyline towards the end, where either the harem was a complete failure, causing many to grief or something negative upon seeing the main character only picking one, and there the chance of the main character accepting the entire harem, leading to many future problems later that isn't shown for the viewers. Lawliet can think of many problems related to who the favors or who has better kids or whatever. It just becomes a mess due to many having a different personality that clashes with each other.

"Oh~! You were thinking about the same thing~! That's perfect!" Lala leaps into Lawliet's arms, proving she wasn't all talk, but also because she loves the way he holds her. "Then, let's get married, Lawliet!"

"Yeah... no. Not right now. We will wait for 2 years until you reach 18 before marriage." Lawliet begins to explain his reasons why they are not getting married so right now and so soon. "Also, are you not going to think about it more?" Lawliet asks Lala, because it's only been a few minutes and she has already decided to be with him. Then again, the way she falls in love with Rito was pretty quick too after she misinterprets a statement that Riot shouts in self-defiance.

"Nope! And I'm willing to wait for 2 years." Lala continues to smile as she rests in Lawliet's arm and enjoys his arms wrap around her. Also, Lala finds herself lucky to be able to avoid being married by those suitors wanting to marry her just for her status and inventions for warfare. Plus, she can see Lawliet's point of view of why he is willing to accept her in the first place, which she is technically doing the same thing as well. Making this whole thing better than Lala could ever think of. "By the way, how come you don't want a harem? I know some of my suitors have a harem of their own."

"For one thing, the amount of money needed to support such a large family if the harem gives birth to multiple kids and the attention I must give to everyone, which I can't do and I'm willing to place fault on myself as I like to take naps more often than most people should be." Lawliet knew his downsides and among other things. "Honestly, I'm willing to be with you and won't mind starting a family, but I also don't feel like taking a large family. A small one is already my limit." Lawliet can already see how stressful he would be if he has a big family that's beyond his level of taking care of. Then, Lawliet quickly explains Lala further about why he doesn't want a large family nor a harem. Especially, the latter.

"Oh, I see!" Lala didn't really quite understand everything, but enough to know, that Lawliet just fine with her alone. Making her all cozy on the inside. "I forgot to ask before, but why toys?"

"Do you not like toys?" Lawliet raises an eyebrow at Lala, since he recalls, that all Lala's inventions are always toyish looking.

"Of course, I like them! It's fun to play with toys! And I can make them better than ever!" Lala excitedly explains how much fun it is for her to make toys, even if she had to stop herself from making too much modification to be on the same level as her inventions she made in the past and later on, that could do something normal earth toys can't do.

"Then, don't you want to do things that you enjoy instead of working doing something you find annoying or just plain stressful?" Lawliet knew the type of person Lala is and having her toy making is the best job for her the time being. Seeing how Lawliet can't really see Lala do something she doesn't like at all and might end up making some kind of inventions to do the job for her. Which may or may not cause problems during the process. Knowing all those moments in the series. Lawliet can say, that it wasn't really a chance and Lala's inventions usually do not work as well as she and the others had hoped, often resulting in a perverted accident. Either way, Lala's inventions will work just in a way no one would expect.

"I do!" Lala nods her head. "Don't worry, Lawliet! I will make the best toys ever, that many would buy for sure!" Lala already thought up countless toys that she can make to be sold to kids to play with.

"Glad to hear it." Lawliet smile at Lala, while secretly planning to keep [Space] active most of the time to keep track of the toys Lala make. Who knows if Lala gets all excited and got carried away. He won't be surprised if one of the toys had extra features install without Lala realizing it at the time.

Furthermore, at the very least Lawliet won't have taken up stealing anymore. The only thing that both Lawliet and Lala will have to worry about is earning enough money to pay for the rent for Lala stays in the Tendo Dojo and the bills to keep the toy store running. Well, that's the least concern in Lawliet's eyes, since the main priority is the safety of himself and Lala. Due to the fact, that the two are not from this world and can at least trust each other back without any questions about it. Of course, Lawliet will have to put a bit more effort into training into control of the [Dragon Ki] since [Spatial Energy] is just plain too lethal towards the average people in this world.

The next day*

"Okay, Ranma. You ready to learn the next thing about my art?" Lawliet said to Ranma, where they are in the dojo at the moment. As today, Lawliet is planning to teach Ranma the [Crossing Great Rivers] since currently, Ranma doesn't have a movement technique other than maybe the ones he learned from his father, but since Lawliet made Ranma abandoned the [Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts]. Ranma must have been kinda limited himself without a movement technique to help him out.

"Yes, Sensei!" Ranma is eager to see what the next thing to learn about the art his mentor is teaching him. So far, he has learned three stances. One for countering. One for aerial attacks. One for planning. The last one made Ranma's head hurt a bit at first, but he got through to learning it. And now, the fourth one! Oh, how he can't wait to learn this newest stance!

"Now, this is a movement technique I'm about to teach you, not a stance. So, you can use this movement technique together with your previous three stances I've taught you." Lawliet begins teaching the [Crossing Great Rivers] and even performs for Ranma to see, then use it on him to understand how it's really used personally against him.

40 minutes later*

"Hey, Sensei. I got a question if you don't mind me asking." Ranma asks his mentor after finally getting the hang of using the movement technique he was just taught. "How come you don't tell me the names of the stances and moves you're teaching me?" This been on Ranma's mind lately.

"I have my reason." Lawliet can't really explain, that he was a bit too embarrassed with some of the names of the stances and moves in the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms]. In fact, just the [Crossing Great Rivers] made Lawliet question himself most of the time if he picked the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] was the right idea. Sure, it's powerful and giving him access to [Dragon Ki], but literally the naming senses. Just made Lawliet realized how embarrassing it would be if he told others, then they discover it from a fictional novel and end up being laughed at by many people. Of course, he can beat everyone up to show how mighty the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms].

However, Lawliet wasn't much of a fighter and more of a lazy bum in some way. Him getting the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] was more out of curiously if he could really get it and out of how cool it is to be able to use one of the famous fictional martial arts back in his world. Though, there is the [Dog Beating Staff Technique], which, if he remembers correctly is suppose to be stronger than the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms], but he remembers all the names of the moves in that martial art and it was just plain too embarrassing. Much more embarrassing compared to the names under the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms]. Not to mention, he didn't really like using staff as his weapon, which is another factor of picking the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] over the [Dog Beating Staff Technique].

"Is there even a chance of me learning it even when I master this art?" Ranma press on a bit, because he noticed how his mentor begins to look elsewhere, trying not to look him in the eyes for some reason.

"If you happen to master my art by then." Lawliet debate about it for a second, then might as well since he won't be in this world forever and will leave it with Lala for another. "I'll tell you the name of the art you're training under and everything about it." Lawliet is going to have to go to a local library or maybe check the internet, to see if this world has the Condor Trilogy. If not, then Lawliet is somewhat less embarrassed upon revealing the name of the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms].

"I see." Ranma begins nodding his head, as he quickly thought up why his mentor hiding the names of the art he being taught and the names of the moves in the art as it might have to do with something about his mentor's past, that prevent him from mentioning them, even when in private. Therefore, it is his duty as his student to learn everything he can about the art and find out why. "Don't worry, Sensei! I will do my absolute best to master the art you're teaching me!"

"Alright." Lawliet starting to sweat a little, because knowing Ranma's inborn talent towards martial arts. Ranma might be able to master the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] excluding the required usage of [Dragon Ki] before the end of the year or something. "Now, seeing how you learned the movement technique and ability to use it now. I'll leave you to train by yourself for the time being. Figure it out on your own how to use it the best of your ability. If you have any questions. Just write it down on some random paper to bring with you in our next lesson to ask me, then we will see how it goes depending on the questions if you have one. Unless you have one right now?" Lawliet waited for Ranma to see if he have any further questions now before leaving.

Ranma's brain begins to do something outside of thinking about martial arts for a bit, but came up with nothing. Making him shake his head at his mentor, who wait for a few seconds before giving a nod before leaving the dojo, leaving Ranma by himself to work on his own to make the movement technique he just learn to be combat-ready.

The next day*

"Lawliet!" Lala leap and hug Lawliet from the back, making Lawliet give her a piggyback ride. Something Lala loves about her lover, who always would give her a piggyback ride whenever she wanted it.

"Lala." Lawliet greets back before letting out a yawn as he continues to head to the tatami room while carrying Lala, something she made it into a habit at some point whenever he wakes up from his nap and always is right there to greet him via jumping on his back and making him give her a piggyback ride. Something he knows many people wouldn't like at all, but with the feeling of Lala's breasts pressed on his back made it worth the price of carrying her until she wanted to get off or unless Lawliet wants her off, which she will do upon being asked to. "What has been happening while I was napping?"

"Nothing much. I did manage to finish making all the toys you asked me to make to be put on for sale. Kasumi has been asking when are we going to open the toy store." Lala begins to explain a bit what's going on during the time when Lawliet was napping at the time, which was at the noon and now it's near dinner time. "Oh! I think on the way back here from the store, I saw Ranma fighting with someone I don't know, but that's pretty much it." Lala looks up at the ceiling, trying to think about anything else to mention to Lawliet, but she got nothing. "You're not missing much."

"I see." If Lawliet recall correctly, today should be when Ranma and Ryoga fought against each other.

Ryoga Hibiki should be his full name and Ranma's eternal rival and a friend to him, the only he has outright stated to truly consider as such, arguably the tritagonist, and one of the most powerful fighters in the series.

Though, Ryoga might not be Ranma's eternal rival for too long thanks to Lawliet teaching Ranma the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms]. Either way, today is also the day Akane's long hair becomes short thanks to an accident during the fight between Ranma and Ryoga. Where it leads to Akane going on a memory line and meet up with Dr. Tofu later today, and in the end, Akane got over her crush over Dr. Tofu, something that still baffles Lawliet to this day.

After all, having one's hair cut and that is the result of getting over their crush is a little weird, but Lawliet guesses it must be a girl thing or an Akane thing. Either one Lawliet rather not try to find out since that's none of his business at all.

Entering the kitchen, where Kasumi is cooking and not even a second later, both Ranma and Akane appear. To Lawliet's hidden surprise. Akane still has her long hair. Then, looking at Ranma, who is in his male form instead of his female version like he expected from canon.

This is just to show, that many small things are changing already around Lawliet. So, he shouldn't expect everything in canon to happen in this world.

"How your day been?" Lawliet asks both Ranma and Akane, mostly out of politeness for Akane and just out of curiosity for Ranma since he supposes to be in his female form by the time the fight with Ryoga ended.

"Screw off." Akane growl, then stomp her way to her bedroom, causing some of those around to sigh at this. While Lala herself glare at Akane quietly, not making a sound.

Even with all the time, Lawliet is near Akane while being a gentleman. Akane still hates Lawliet's gut no matter what. This in return, caused Lala to not like Akane the moment she finished learning about respect and how it's not given, but earned. Leading to Lala understand the way Akane is treating Lawliet wasn't right and Lala couldn't really confront Akane without ending up being the one in the bad light in some people's eyes aka Soun. Making Lala complain privately with Lawliet for a few times before Lala just plain outright just glare at Akane the entire time.

Of course, that doesn't mean Lala won't leave this lying around. But, Lala learned from Lawliet a few days ago about how the quote: Revenge is a dish best served cold, which made Lala make a dish very cold and almost made Akane eat it until Lawliet got to her before she did and very clearly explained to her that it was a metaphor. So, now Lala is taking her sweet time and plan how to get Akane to stop being so rude to Lawliet.

"Oh, my." Kasumi frown at the way Akane continue to be rude to Lawliet.

"Eh, not much. I met an old friend. By the way, Sensei." Ranma became a bit excited. "The idea of treating my own curse as training is the best idea ever! Using the unexpected water as a training to improve my reflex is something I don't think pop would think of nor do the [Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts] have anything about improving one's reaction. In fact, I think I saw many times pop getting ambushed without being able to fight back in the first couple of minutes before finally manage to escape." Ranma recalls all the times, where his pop really have bad reaction time unless it's related to food times. Then, he would have an amazing reflex and speed.

"Glad it helps." Lawliet sweatdrop, that's something he came up as a random excuse to get Ranma to stop complaining about his curse almost daily whenever he gets splashed and turns into his cursed female form.

"Hey, Ranma!" Lala calls for her lover's student's attention while continuing to stay on Lawliet's back. "Make sure to bring your school books, because I'm free again to teach you." Lala smiled at Ranma, who gives her a nervous look on her face.

"Got it Sensei." Ranma looks at his second mentor, who is pretty much the same age as him. Yet, is a genius in things that he finds boring. Though, with all the questions Ranma had to solve and if he fails to meet the marks set by his second mentor. Then, he would be pushed into doing self-study until he reaches the marks set by Lala. Of course, he can ask for help, which he did, but all he got was headache from Lala's helps most of the time. Leading Ranma into doing self-study. Anyway, if Ranma failed to meet the marks, then he can forget about getting any training from his first mentor, Lawliet. This is something Ranma can't have at all. Pushing him to put extra effort into his studies.

If that wasn't enough for Ranma to somewhat dislike Lala. Are the questions she make him do and if he fails to meet the marks. Then, he would be pushed into doing self-study until he reaches the marks set by Lala, and if he doesn't a second time; well, he can forget getting any training from his first mentor, Lawliet. That is something Ranma can't have at all.