Arc 1 - Chapter 11: Accidents Happen

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 11: Accidents Happen

The next day*

"Enough already, Akane!" Nabiki shout at her little sister, where everyone is having dinner and what triggers Nabiki at this very moment is her little sister was about to grab their still new table to smack Ranma with it, for his remark about getting in his way of defeating Ryoga yesterday by proving to everyone she is a true martial artist just now. "And you!" Nabiki points at Ranma, with a scowl. "Stop provoking her! This is her fault as much as yours!" Nabiki can understand somewhat from Ranma's point of view after hearing the story from others about Ranma facing this Ryoga person. Which made her secretly worried about the safety of her little sister, but at the very least, Ranma was kind enough to protect Akane.

"Hey, I'm just saying so because-" Ranma was about to continue running his mouth off without thinking before his mentor shoves a good amount of rice into his mouth to stop him from talking.

"What Ranma here is trying to say is that Akane should know that there are people out there, who are beyond her fighting level and those she normally faced daily." Lawliet calmly spoke for Ranma while ignoring in the background, where Lala had created some kind of invention of which had put Genma to sleep in his panda form. This way there won't be any problems made by Genma to cause tonight's dinner to go wrong. Too bad Ranma is still showing how much of Genma's son he is.

"Are you calling me weak?!" Akane slams her hands on top of the table, shaking it and almost spilling some of the bowls with still some soups inside.

"You said it, not me." Lawliet didn't change his facial expression.

"You didn't have to say it for others to understand the hidden message!" Akane fumed, as she can't believe this nobody shows up in her life and making her life so chaotic and misery.

"Honestly, Akane." Nabiki knew what Lawliet said is rude, but it's the truth. Just jogging around and breaking bricks wasn't considered as training for martial artists. Well, before Nabiki met Lawliet and Ranma, she would have thought the so-called training Akane been doing for years was really training for martial artists until now. Seeing how her little sister managed to defeat a crowd of males with more muscle mass than Akane.

"Now. Now. Nabiki." Soun thought up about anything to stop Lawliet from looking down on his baby girl, but knowing how much money was given for their rent. Kinda made Soun stuck in between two difficult spots. On one hand, he wanted to defend his youngest daughter. While the other hand is someone who paid good money, something Nabiki made sure he was aware of how much money they were supposed to give for their stays in their home compared to other places that worth the exact price of 100,000 yen.

"Out of curiosity on my part. But, is Akane here trained in the [Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts] has passed the basic at least?" Lawliet figure this is the best time to cause more discord and controlling the scene a bit. Since yesterday's lack of accident at Akane's part. Lawliet had to change a bit more for his future plans. "I know the whole family marriage pact between Ranma and Akane that was a thing, and yes, Soun. Past tense. Since Ranma here no longer the heir to the [Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts]. Making it impossible for him to marry Akane." Lawliet ignores the look of shocks going on and how Lala is now putting some kind of wristbands and ankle bands around Genma's panda wrists and ankles. Making him wonder what they do, but push those thoughts away as he got a more important matter to deal with at the moment.

"What do you mean by that?" Soun narrow his eyes, because the pact between the Tendo family and Saotome family is very important in his eyes and must be fulfilled.

"Well, I don't know if the [Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts] is mainly just karate as its main base, because that's all I see from Akane using most of the time. But, if that is just it. Then, I don't think Ranma even need to join your family in the first place. No offense." Lawliet said to mostly towards Kasumi and Nabiki. "Because Ranma can learn karate from others too; therefore, I'll go back to my previous question. Is Akane trained in the [Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts] pass the basic at least or not?"

"Sadly, daddy never finishes Akane's basic training, leading to Akane just pick up karate from a book instead." Kasumi let out a sigh, knowing where Lawliet is going by.

"Wait, what?" Akane looks at Kasumi in confusion. "Of course, I have finished my basic training!" Akane look offended that her older sister thinks their daddy didn't finish her basic training! "Daddy even said he doesn't have much to teach me in the basic and allow me to do the rest on my own, which is proof that he sees me better than others as a martial artist!"

"Oh, my." Kasumi let out another sad sigh as her daddy is avoiding looking at Akane, letting everyone here know, that Akane did NOT finish her basic training.

"Uh, Akane. Even though I stop training in our family martial art and haven't finished my own basic training. I know if you're finished with basic training or not, thanks to Kasumi over here, who did finish the basic training at least, and you're not even close to being done with the basic." Nabiki brutally spoke her true thoughts, not bother to sugar coat it.

"Th-That can't be true! I mean..." Akane begins off to defend herself once again, but then recalls how Kasumi is older than her and was trained under their daddy while mommy was still alive. Making Akane realizes something, but before Akane's brain allows her to see the truth.

"Huh, so is that why it was so easy for me to avoid her attacks like nothing?" Ranma spoke up, accidentally trigger Akane's anger and also the small chance of Akane changing for the better, maybe.

"What was that?!" Akane snarl at Ranma, for looking down her again!

"So close..." Lawliet mumble to himself. Glancing at Ranma, Lawliet is planning to put more work on Ranma to get rid of that habit of speaking before thinking.

"Lawliet! Lawliet! Look! Look!" Lala calls out for Lawliet's attention. This also leads to others looking at her as well.

Lawliet, and everyone else that's curious, to see Lala standing on top of Genma's back, who is currently floating in midair. Defying gravity itself. If Lawliet guesses correctly, those wrist and ankle bands must be the things that made Genma's unconscious panda body floating.

"I wonder how he could sleep through all that?" Soun question mostly towards himself, forgetting about the conversation he was having with Lawliet temporary.

"Oh, my." Kasumi looks at Genma in awe; well, more likes she looking at Lala in awe, to create such a thing. Honestly, she continues to be amazed by the type of people Lawliet and Lala are.

"Oh! Let me try this out!" Ranma wasn't going to toss up the chance of standing on top of his pop like he just defeated him without much effort.

"Hm..." Nabiki's brain has already begun to think about all the pros upon getting those wrist and ankle bands that Lala made. Of course, that compass is something she got to get her hands on too, but Lala or maybe it was Lawliet had put it somewhere that's no one will be able to find it. Well, for someone like herself, who couldn't find it. Must to Nabiki's annoyance at all the possibility she could do with that compass to track down anyone she likes.

"What did you make this time?" Akane narrows her eyes at Lala, for all the things this girl has done in her home. Almost everyone loved Lala's inventions, causing Akane to want to do the same, to prove everyone that inventions weren't that hard to do. Yet, she couldn't make anything at all! How in the world can Lala do it so easy?! When she should be able to do the same thing after doing a bit of research in engineering.

What Akane didn't know was that the technology Lala learned while growing up is completely different from the one Akane learn on earth. In fact, even if the books Lala used to learn how to invent her things were given to Akane to study would be impossible to learn from.

"I made the [Bind-Bind Panda-Kun]. This will make it so any bad panda that is causing any harm to anyone or causing problems by making the panda in mind to float in midair and unable to move their limbs at all times until someone removes all these bands. Just removing one won't do it." Lala jumps off, allowing Ranma to jump on. "What do you think, Lawliet?" Lala looks at Lawliet, eager to find out what his view on her latest invention. "Does it meet your expectation?"

"Wait, Lawliet requested you to make that?" Nabiki asks Lala in disbelief while pointing at the floating unconscious panda in the room and also she couldn't believe it was Lawliet who requested Lala to make this. Then again, Nabiki would have done the same too if she had to deal with the cursed panda trying to go through her bedroom all the time whenever she not there.

"Yup! I think it's because of something Lawliet mentions about panda-man continues to disturb his nap almost every day." Lala smile at Nabiki, then scratches her the side of her head. "I feel like I'm forgetting something."

"What's th-"


"GAAAAHHHH!" Genma's shout of pain cuts Nabiki off, where she and some other look back to see Genma back in his human form, but that wasn't the main reason why he shouted in pain. It's because the four bands bend back to move closer to each other while pressing him onto the ground forcibly, luckily Ranma jumps off quickly, which might be the reason why Genma is being pressed down onto the ground. "HELP ME!" Genma painful cried out for help, where wince in pain as his left shoulder just pop out of its socket. "AAAAAH!"

Almost everyone flinches at the painful cry and see how much in pain Genma is made many feel a chill go down their back since what Lala just created is very dangerous.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot that panda-man is also a human... Heheheh..." Lala let out a nervous giggle.

"Genma!" Soun begins to tears up at the sight of such cruelty happening before his eyes as he quickly rushes over to help his old friend, then pauses for a moment and look at this blankly while tears run down his face. "I don't know how to help you..." Soun wasn't much of a man of technology and knew that whatever he tries to do. Might end up killing Genma instead; therefore, he turns around to shout at Lala to help Genma, but before he could.



With one last scream and a loud crack. The four bands burst, shatter parts everywhere, but were sent away thanks to Lawliet reacting in time using [Space] to prevent any shards of metals flying everywhere, but no one pays any mind to this and just looks at the unconscious Genma, who is now foaming from the mouth. Along with all his limbs bent at an angle, that made one wince just from the sight alone.

"Well, Lala. You met my expectation. Kinda." Lawliet wasn't going to outright say that he expected something wrong would happen. But, at least it didn't end up in some kind of perverted accidents like Lawliet was worried that was about to happen. Luckily, it ends up with a painful accident instead. "By the way, who turn Genma back to his human form?"

"Uh..." Ranma glance at Akane, who is hiding an empty cup behind her back, sweating a bit.

"GENMA!" Soun move closer to his old friend and was about to pick him up if it wasn't for the concern that he would accidentally cause more harm than help. So, the best thing to do right now. "Kasumi, quickly call for Dr. Tofu!"

"Yes, daddy!" Kasumi quickly rushes over to use the family's house phone to call Dr. Tofu.

"Should I apologize?" Lala tilts her head, as she doesn't know if she should or not. Earth's culture is confusing for her. So better to ask Lawliet just in case.

"Do you want to apologize?" Lawliet asks back, which leads to Lala shaking her head. "Then, you don't have to. I'll explain to you why later about why you shouldn't apologize to certain people." Lawliet knew that there are some people, that are not worth apologizing to, no matter what. Plus, just apologizing would sometimes mean nothing at all.

A few hours later*

After watching Dr. Tofu trying his best to help Genma. With the help of Soun and Lawliet, to bring Genma upstairs to lay down to rest. Though, it would have taken less time if it wasn't for Dr. Tofu becoming extremely nervous whenever Kasumi's around due to his deep love for her. Making Lawliet wonder if Kasumi would return his feeling or not, thanks to his influence in this world and Kasumi kinda falling for him.

Dr. Tofu looks to be in his late 20s/early-mid 30s. Brown short hair and black eyes, wearing glasses and a dark greenish-blue color scrubs. He is the local chiropractor of Furinkan, where he runs his own clinic. As well as his many patients, Dr. Tofu also helps out Ranma and Akane with the many bruises and dislocated joints they get from their fights. He is also very knowledgeable of multiple martial arts techniques, but becomes extremely nervous whenever Kasumi is around due to his deep love for her.

Sadly, in Lawliet's point of view, he might have accidentally caused Kasumi to no longer considered Dr. Tofu as a loving candidate unless he does something about it.

Anyway, Lawliet will have to make sure not to annoy Dr. Tofu too much, since throughout the series. It is believed that Dr. Tofu is considered to be one of the most skilled martial artists in the series, considering said battle, if he were to fight, but never fight in the series. As proof of Dr. Tofu being so skillful is the fact, that he was able to strike Ranma in such a precise manner that a very exact amount of time later, which he was able to countdown precisely. Both of Ranma's legs, without warning, temporarily gave out completely. In the anime, Dr. Tofu has a small battle against The Frog Hermit, where he uses his knowledge of pressure points to completely paralyze his foe and his frogs for a time. Therefore, for the time begin, Lawliet will be extra cautious whenever Dr. Tofu is around for the time being until he regains back access to the [Automatic Cultivation].

"Well, have a good night, Dr. Tofu. Thanks for coming in the middle of the night." Akane said to Dr. Tofu while trying her best not to blush in her crush's presence.

"It's no problem." Dr. Tofu smile at Akane, then gave her a wave before walking away.

"So... anyone wants to test out my newest invention?" Lala asks everyone in the room, where she held up what looks like a toyish looking futuristic bookbag. Where there is even a flat-screen attach to the side. As to where she got that from; well, no one but Lawliet knows. Seeing how it was Lawliet who stored it away in his hammerspace and took it out when no one was looking at him to hand it over to Lala when she asked for it.

"What does that do?" Lawliet asks Lala, where everyone other than himself, took a few steps back away from Lala. As all he knows is that Lala asked him to hold this bookbag for her a bit. Not telling him what it does just yet.

"This is [Hold-Hold Bag-Kun]! It's to store a bunch of things without making it look so stuffed and weightless too." Lala begins to explain the reason why she made this as it's a little annoying for her having to carry around lots of things around and having her hands full to do other tasks. Like opening a door. Of course, what Lala didn't say was she made this due to remembering she had something similar, and seeing Lawliet opening a pocket dimension reminds her of it; therefore, made [Hold-Hold Bag-Kun].

"So, what you're saying is that you made a bag, that can carry more things than it supposes to?" Nabiki asks Lala with a hint of interest, where she might take the risk of whatever could go wrong with the weird-looking bookbag.

Lawliet looks at Nabiki speechless, because her greed is showing again and would willing to disregard the danger that comes with all Lala's inventions. Even the compass Lala made before, Lawliet can already see it about to cause some accidents in the future, even though it didn't do anything wrong yet. Yet being the keyword.

"That's right!" Lala smiled happily. "Though, I think I might make something else. I'm not used to carrying this around with me." Lala didn't mind giving this invention of hers to someone since she can just make another one thanks to Lawliet. In fact, Lawliet even told her all she needs it to call him and he will give her access to the hammerspace aka his personal mobile pocket dimension he stores away all things he wanted to keep away from other people's reaches. Lala can't wait for her to figure the right methods to create one as well! Plus, she made [Hold-Hold Bag-Kun] due to seeing the bookbag Nabiki and Akane was carrying, making her a little curious about it. But, after using it a few couples of times made her not want it anymore.

"May I see it, please?" Nabiki had to push the last word out a bit, but it was worth it when Lala actually gives her the bookbag. "Thanks!" Nabiki quickly begins her experiments to see how much this bookbag could really hold. But, of course, she will be cautious with it. Rather not end up like Ranma's father. Just the thought alone sends a chill down her back.

"Well, I'm off to sleep." Lawliet said to everyone, which leads to Lala saying good nights to everyone to join him to sleep.

Nabiki looks at Lawliet with hostile eyes due to wanting to sleep so early and the only reason why she glaring at him is due to the high chance of Lala taking back her bookbag.

"Nabiki, you can borrow it for a while." Lala didn't notice the look Nabiki is giving to Lawliet. Otherwise, she would have instantly taken back her [Hold-Hold Bag-Kun], even if she wasn't planning to use it for most of the time.

"Alright, have a good night, Lala. You too, Lawliet." Nabiki did not expect that, but that's fine for her. She will take this chance to use every single moment to figure a way to recreate this bookbag or come up with some way, to make Lala let her keep it.

"Have a good night, Lawliet. Lala." Kasumi gives Lawliet and Lala a smile.

Both Soun and Akane didn't say anything, but anyone could see that Soun didn't like Lala one bit. While Akane just resumed to glare at Lawliet, something that Lawliet still can't quite figure out why.

"Good night. Lawliet-sensei. Lala-sensei." Ranma couldn't stop himself from thinking that maybe he should be extra careful around the things his second mentor made. He rather not end in a similar situation like his pop.

The next day*

"So, Lala. What do you think of your current lifestyle right now?" Lawliet asks Lala, where they are currently on their very first date today. Something Lawliet really didn't think would be done so soon, but then again, he rather have this done now than pushing it off. Something he has already seen many times in the past; therefore, did not want to be those people.

As of right now, they're just hanging around the park to enjoy the view of the place after we just walk around the place for Lala to get to know the area, so she won't end being lost.

"Great. In fact, I'm having so much fun here. Though, the technology here is a little below what I'm usually using." Lala smile at Lawliet.

"Yeah, the technology of this earth hasn't advanced that far just yet." Lawliet knew that the technology in Ranma 1/2 is still behind to the modern lifestyle he heads back before. That's the only thing he missed. Free internet access where you go with a smartphone. Sadly, Lawliet only finds out that this world does have computers and the internet. But, the computer is old and slow, too slow for Lawliet really, making the whole thing not worth using. Not to mention, there wasn't any entertainment online; therefore, made it even harder for Lawliet wanting to use the computers. Which is fine for Lawliet since he can take the time to nap his time away.

"Really?" Lala blinks a few times.

"Yup. Remember, I've told you before I wasn't from this reality as well." Lawliet replied. "In fact, the only reason why we continue to stay here is that I'm still on vacation and I'm sure you want to enjoy yourself too before we leave. So, are you enjoying yourself?"

"Sure am!" Lala smile at Lawliet as she finds herself enjoying doing things that she never experiences. "By the way, how come there were many people pointing and staring at us so much today?" Lala easily recalls all the time, people have been staring at her mostly.

"They're not used to seeing a female wearing such a short skirt." Lawliet feels a little stupid at the moment, because he just remembers, that during this time of the year. Most female students and other females wouldn't be caught dead wearing such a short skirt as the one Lala wearing right now and the other days.

"Really? How come? I remember, where I have read one of the earth books about fashion, where most female humans would wear this kind of skirt. Also, you're the one that gave me this. I thought it was a common thing here, or is it?" Lala looks around, to see there are other people nearby, who continue to look in her direction.

"Yup. Because that's how people been since they've grown up here. Kinda my fault for not being used to place yet. So I gave you something most females I've known would wear. Not to mention, that there are other people having these short skirts here already made me think short skirts wasn't something worth thinking much. Either way, right now, everyone is used to seeing females wearing long skirts or just pants, not showing any leg." Lawliet pause for a moment, and made sure to explain what he meant by not showing any leg to Lala before she does something due to being misunderstood his words. "So, if you don't want to wear short skirts, then I will just make long skirts or pants for you to wear."

Lala shook her head, "No, it's fine. I like wearing these." Lala noticed that Lawliet would sometimes look at her in a way, that makes her blush while they are on their date and often other times before today too.

"Alright." Lawliet secretly sighed in relief, because it's one thing to see Nabiki and Akane along with other females in this world wearing long skirts. It's one thing to see Lala wearing it too. Because really, Lawliet is too used to see Lala; well, her character wearing short skirts that seeing her wearing long one would make Lawliet feel disappointed. As a man of culture, Lawliet thinks that was called, can't recall correctly. Anyway, as a man of culture. Lawliet would always have healthy thoughts about Lala showing off her legs.

For the rest of the day, it was just Lawliet and Lala being together. No one else.