Arc 1 - Chapter 12: A Successful Day

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 12: A Successful Day

Two days later*

"Ranma, if you're going to sneak into a girl's room. Do it quietly!" Nabiki couldn't believe Ranma would aim for his little sister's bedroom in the middle of the night. After all, she honestly thought Ranma wasn't into her little sister. Guess she was wrong.

"Personally, I don't think it's right to sneak in at all!" Kasumi is beyond disbelief, that someone like Ranma would do such a thing.

"It just shows he's a healthy lad." Soun said to everyone, after learning about what happened last night, with Ranma sneaking into Akane's bedroom. Also, at the same time, Soun is delighted at seeing Ranma being interested in Akane. Therefore, the chance of Ranma and Akane being together to keep the promise between his family and his old friend might still work after all!

Genma, who is in his panda form, mentally cursing as his disloyal and dishonorable son more than a hundred times by now. As he continues to think up numerous plans to get his son back under his control. Not realizing, that whatever he thinks up would either failed and/or with him being harmed by it instead of Ranma. Genma wince a little when he moved a bit too quickly, causing his aching body to act again. He still isn't fully recovered from that girl's inventions. Genma has already made it his goal from staying away from anything made by that Lala girl. Something wasn't right with that girl.

"No! No! No!" Ranma cried out in frustration, then look at his two mentors, where they are just enjoying eating the food; well, more like Lala is feeding Lawliet. Which is something Ranma has no idea why? Nevertheless, Ranma has more important things to do. "Lawliet-sensei! You believe me, right?!" Like clearing his image with everyone.

"Hm?" Lawliet looks at Ranma after finish chewing. "What was the question again?" Lawliet wasn't really paying attention to anything else mainly focused on more on Lala. Something he has done since their first date.

Lala smiles at Lawliet, where she is happy to have her fiance's attention solely on her. Plus, Lala has already started going studying more of the earth's culture about love and being a couple. More with the latter than the former really. So, Lala got a book about it from somewhere when Lawliet was napping two days ago. Either way, Lala got it and got Lawliet to do things that couples do together for a while now. Going very good in Lala's opinion as she read somewhere, that there is a chance of something bad would happen, but Lala just thinks it's because Lawliet wasn't like the males in the book she read.

"You believe me, right? About how I have got a good reason why I sneak into Akane's bedroom last night!" Ranma hopes his first mentor would be on his side.

"What was the good reason?" Lawliet wasn't right in the mind at the moment, with him just waking up not long ago while he was being fed by Lala. Something he can get used to, but either way, Lawliet felt like he was missing something about today.

"Urk!" Ranma couldn't outright tell everyone about Ryoga's curse without breaking his oath.

"By the way, what with the pig?" Lawliet points at the small black pig, where it's wearing a yellow and speckled bandana around its neck like a collar.

"I found it last night. Poor thing was frightened by that idiot Ranma over there." Akane glared at Ranma while holding her new pet pig.

"Did you guys check if this pig was a cursed person like with Ranma and Genma? Because it's always good to check just in case if you find a random animal appear out of nowhere at home." Lawliet said to Akane and everyone else.

Akane and the rest, pause for a moment, to consider this thought and if that wasn't very concerning for Akane herself. As she noticed the small black pig she holding went stiff in her arms. Slowly, Akane begins to feel sickening disbelief overcoming here. But, Akane just hopes. A small hope this small pig wasn't a cursed person.

A few minutes later*

"DIE! ALL BOYS SHOULD DIE!" Akane screams at the top of her lungs as she chases after a naked Ryoga.

Ryoga Hibiki's usual outfit consists of a yellow and black speckled bandana around his head, a yellow long sleeve tunic with pale yellow collar, and the folded sleeves, black trousers with yellow leg bands around the ankles and a black sash-like belt and black Chinese shoes and pale yellow socks. He is sometimes shown wearing a pale yellow sleeveless shirt and his trousers would be dark blue. His hair, particularly the front fringe, is quite long, obscuring his bandana at the front. Quite often, Ryoga carries around a black backpack and a red bamboo umbrella either tucked into straps on top of his backpack or in his hand.

As for his cursed form being the small black pig, that Akane was carrying in the morning and not a few minutes ago, been changed back to his human form via Akane pouring hot water over Ryoga while he was trying to struggle out of Akane's tight grip. Sadly, for Ryoga, he was forced to return back his human form and kinda push Akane's mind to the breaking point of hating the male gender; well, boys at least, not adult men.

Not too far from Akane. There is Soun also chasing after Ryoga, with hostile intent as well, but for a different reason than Akane's. In fact, Soun's rage is nearly the same level as Akane's, but not at the same point of wanting to kill Ryoga like how Akane is about the moment. Where Akane's mind is pretty much overtaken by her rage at the moment, not caring about the consequence of killing Ryoga.

"Should we help?" Lala asks Lawliet, where they're watching this whole thing going on from inside the house while this is happening outside.

"I say we let should leave the pervert to survive on his own." Nabiki scowl, to think, that there was such a person that actually dare take advantage of her little sister. Furthermore, Nabiki may be many things, even using the pictures she has taken of Akane to be sold for profit, but even she has her bottom lines and allowing this perverted pig to sleep with her little sister, cursed pig form or not, made her feel disgusted. In fact, just the thought about a stranger entering her home in the middle of the night alone just made her realize how glad she has Lawliet and Ranma living with her. Though, she kinda wishes Ranma's father wasn't included, but sadly, he comes together with Ranma.

Which is why Nabiki is slowly gathering enough evidence to push Genma Saotome to leave her home. She can't allow that fat panda man to continue leeching off her family since she wasn't even given any money from his part-time job with Dr. Tofu and instead spend it all on sake after he got his first payment. The thought alone about having leechers in her home pissed Nabiki off a lot. And now with this perverted pig. Well, Nabiki is going to make sure this pig will wish he never sneaked into her home in the first place.

Kasumi didn't say anything. Other than blankly staring at the naked Ryoga running around in a circle before her eyes. With her youngest sister and her daddy chasing after the boy. At this point, Kasumi kinda wonders if her current lifestyle was worth the chaos or going back to that boring life, with her being just a replacement of her mommy. But, that only lasted for a second before Kasumi knows that this whole chaos is the price for her future is worth it. Of course, that didn't mean she likes how this boy came into her home in the middle of the night without any permission. Making Kasumi almost want to go back into practicing the [Tendo School of Anything Goes Martial Arts]. Almost.

"Well..." Ranma debate on saving his friend, Ryoga, or not, but looking at the rage faces of Akane and her pop. Ranma rather not end up being their target of rage if he tries to help Ryoga out. Of course, if this was like a week or so ago, then he might willing to help Ryoga out with his current problem at the moment, but with all the lessons drilled into his head by both his mentors, mostly Lawliet-sensei than Lala-sensei. But, enough to knock some sense into him, that there is time and when to help others and those that deserve those help. And right now, Ryoga technically doesn't deserve his help.

Lawliet quietly looks to his side, to see Genma nodding his head before shaking it. Lawliet could tell that Genma must be thinking about something up to no good, with Ranma involved somehow. Wouldn't be a surprise for Lawliet, since in the series. Genma had done lots of things in the name of teaching Ranma in the art and/or about honor.

"I'm gonna head off. Lala. Kasumi. We should go. Today is the big day for us." Lawliet said to both Lala and Kasumi, both smile as they knew exactly what he meant by today is the big day.

"Something important is going on, Lawliet-sensei?" Ranma ignores Ryoga's scream for help.

"Don't you remember, Ranma? Kasumi and Lala have been talking about it for days. I'm more surprised you forgot since you were excited as well. Though, I wonder why." Nabiki looks at Ranma with a deadpan expression. Then, look at her older sister. "Happy, you're getting out of the house longer than just an hour or two?" Nabiki hopes this new job would help her older sister and maybe this would lessen the load on her shoulders. It's a good thing, she talks about this with Kasumi without their daddy's presence and their little sister too. Otherwise, who knows what he would do to prevent Kasumi from taking the job. Like almost all those times, where Kasumi had applied to, but for some odd reasons, never got a reply back until Nabiki discovered the discarded letters in the trash that letters that accepting Kasumi's application. Sadly, Nabiki can see that their daddy must have seen this and didn't want Kasumi to leave the house too often, much to Nabiki's frustration at the time. Either way, Nabiki promised herself to make sure that at least Kasumi should be happy and avoid being badly taken advantage of by others. Including their daddy.

"Oh, yeah." Ranma's eyes light up before it dims right away after he saw the way his pop's eyes light up as well, and Ranma begins to worry and quickly thinks if he should do something about it or his first mentor could solve it on his own without his help. Ranma looks at Lawliet-sensei, who is already staring at his pop before looking at him and gives him a small nod, to let Ranma know what he is thinking, causing Ranma to let out a sigh of relief.

If it was anyone else, Ranma might be worried, but Lawliet-sensei is someone Ranma knows who wouldn't fall for any of pop's tricks.

Quietly, Lawliet moves behind Genma without his notice and strike at the back of Genma's neck after pouring some hot water, he got from the table, to turn him back to human. Since Lawliet rather not take the time to find out if striking a panda's back neck would also lead to being knocked out cold like with humans.

Lawliet signal everyone, they should leave, even Nabiki decided to tag along than stay behind alone with the chaos going on near the pond.

40 minutes later*

"So, who came up with the name of the store?" Nabiki asks anyone that could answer her question, where she looks up at the building, with the big sign with the store's name going by Toy World. Oddly enough, Nabiki got this weird feeling, that name has a hidden message that she can't quite place her finger on.

"Lawliet did." Lala said cheerfully, as she continues to hugs Lawliet's left arm even when they are already at the front of the store. Lala just wanted to show her affection to Lawliet whenever she can or feel like it at the time.

"Huh." Nabiki didn't know what to say, but at least she would know the name of the place to go whenever she feels like hanging out with Kasumi instead of just at home, where it's a little hard for just the two of them to be alone together without leading to Akane feeling left out, then going to their daddy to want to be included. Something Nabiki and Kasumi find a bit annoying and frustrating for years. To make it worse, whenever they wanted to join Akane in something in the past. She would push them away; therefore, making both Nabiki and Kasumi irritated by this. Either way, thanks to Lawliet in their life. Nabiki hopes this would make her and Kasumi's life better now and in the future as well.

"So, let me give you guys the tour of the place." Lawliet begins showing the entire store and once again, delighted to pick the [Authority: Space]. Otherwise, it would have taken Lala and him a day or two to place all the toys on the shelves. As well as having to gather funds for the materials for Lala to make the toys, let alone the money to pay off those shady people to get this building right away and smoothly too. Furthermore, thanks to having [Space]. Lawliet also doesn't require having to find a supplier to purchase all the materials needed for Lala to use to make the toys. Also, Lawliet can be lazy as much as he wants with [Space] more than one way. A big good thing in his book.

40 minutes later*

After a quick tour, everyone hangs out around the counter. Not to mention, there are already customers looking around, with some of them having kids with them or without.

"Do you think everything is fine back home?" Ranma asks everyone while watching many families going around enjoying themselves of seeing all the toys in the store. "Also, is it just me, or is there more and more customers showing up?" Ranma recounted and there are twice as many customers as before a few minutes ago when he counted.

"It's normal, Ranma. The newest open place would have many customers coming in to check the place out, but the important thing is if there is still the same number as today for tomorrow and the following of the month. That's when we will have to be concerned about if the store's business doing good or not." Nabiki slowly explains to Ranma about the topic of business. Making Ranma blankly stares at her the entire time. "As for daddy and Akane. Eh, we can just hope for the best they don't kill that perverted pig." Nabiki scowl at the end. Though, she might willing to put some extra effort if they do end up killing the perverted pig.

"Right..." Ranma can easily tell, that the life of Ryoga did not matter to Nabiki nor with Kasumi if the way she narrows her eyes a bit. In hindsight, Ranma maybe should have a bit of a talk with Ryoga before he does something stupid. Well, more stupid than what he did last night. Yeah, he is going to have a bit of a hard time convincing about certain things with how difficult Ryoga was being a few days ago. Ranma got his work cut out for him and he already has to deal with his pop trying to make him return back to learning about the [Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts] or in Lawliet's words: [The Anything Goes Thief Arts]. There is no way, Ranma was going back to learn such a dishonorable art. Just knowing he has for years made him feel disgusted with himself and the irony of how his pop manages to raise him to be all about being honorable. When his pop is the biggest dishonorable person he can think of.

"Either way, I hope Akane doesn't end up doing something troublesome thanks to... What was that guy's name? The one that's cursed as a pig." Lawliet knew who Ryoga is, but he was never introduced when Lawliet was present at the time.

"Ryoga." Ranma replied. "I just hope she doesn't take it out on me." Ranma has been hit by Akane more than once and it took almost all his will not to strike her back. The only reason why Ranma hasn't is due to not wanting to get on Kasumi and Nabiki's bad side for hitting their little sister and because he knew he and his pop are leeching off the Tendo family a bit. Making him a bit guilty. Which just gave him an idea when looking at Kasumi ringing up a customer. "Hey, Lawliet-sensei. Is it possible for me to work here?"

This got nearly everyone, excluding the customers, attention. Upon hearing Ranma wanting to get a job here at Toy World.

Noticing this, Ranma begins to explain, "I kinda feel guilty leeching off and wanted to pay the rent myself. I know pop is already working part-time, but I don't know if he included paying my stay and food too or not."

Nabiki didn't say anything for a moment, then look at Lawliet. "How much are you paying Kasumi exactly?"

"About 2000 yen an hour, so if she works at a minimum of 25 hours per week. She will make 50,000 yen a week. That should be 200,000 a month if she does all 25 hours every week. Could be more if she wants." Lawliet answers, though he wondered if that a decent salary or not.

"How much?!" Nabiki looks at Lawliet with wide eyes. She cannot believe how much Kasumi is being paid! Then, she looks at Ranma and wonders if he getting the same salary or not, even if it just half the amount would be fine for Nabiki since Ranma would give her the money for rent. At least, for himself. In fact, Nabiki is even thinking about asking Lawliet for a job here if that's how much he paid his workers. Though, she highly doubts there will be a job opening after hiring Ranma.

Kasumi look at Lawliet with eyes widen as well, but she knew that her salary was pretty much just a cover story for her sponsorship. Though, she wonders if Ranma would get a salary that high or not.

"Is that a lot?" Ranma looks a little confused about why the two Tendo sisters are shocked.

"Going by the look on their faces. I would say it should." Lala smiled at Ranma, though she wonders if she getting paid as well or even want to, then remember Lawliet is covering all her finance already. So, Lala stops thinking about money and instead of thinking about more important things.

"Anyway, we should get to work. Nabiki, you can just hang out if you want. Ranma, if you want a job here. Just help people out and if someone asks some questions, that you can't answer. Ask Lala here, since she made all these toys herself. Furthermore, make sure no one causes any problems and do not let anyone here leave without paying for the toys they took." Lawliet decides to hire Ranma on the spot since Lawliet might have underestimated the people here, that eager to buy toys for their children. He did not expect so many children in the first place with all the dangerous chaos following Ranma everywhere. This might be a bad thing to hire Ranma, but since he already spoke, then Lawliet will keep his words with Ranma.

"Got it, Lawliet-sensei! You can leave it to me." Ranma eager to work on his first day on the job, something he never would have thought he would get a job so soon.

"Right." Lawliet wonder if he should prepare for Ranma's future fiancee brigade and rival brigade. Both would cause collateral damage throughout the series. And honestly, Lawliet rather not have his and Lala's toy store be in ruin just because one or more people decide to crash through a wall or something in order to announce their presence to Ranma before a fight happens. Furthermore, other characters that early on are more powerful than Ranma would be troublesome too. Therefore, as much as Lawliet wanted to lazy around after finishing doing all the boring paperwork.

He will have to do a few extra security measures to protect the store. Plus, Lawliet may as well since just the countless scenes of the Tendo Dojo being damaged more than one time, to the point, Lawliet won't be surprised that is the reason why Nabiki turn up the way she is in canon. Talk about placing so much pressure on a little girl, who still going to school.

A few hours later*

After a great first day of the Toy Store. Nearly 40% of all the toys Lala made have been sold, making lots of profits, that Lawliet couldn't believe his eyes. Though, going by the look on Nabiki's eyes. She couldn't believe it either and was close to drooling if it wasn't for others nearby checking the amount of money the store made.

"So. Now, that the store is closed." Lawliet made sure to place the schedule of the store's opening time. By Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Saturday: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM. With the Saturday giving both Kasumi and Ranma the extra time to do whatever they want in the morning and Sunday being the Toy Store being closed for the day. Of course, with Ranma being at school. He only has the afternoon to work and just help out with mainly the physical labor than anything else really. As the only reason why both Ranma and Nabiki are even here in the first place was thanks to Kasumi calling the school, that the two won't be coming to school today due to some private family problems. So, without Ranma. Lawliet will also have to watch over customers trying to steal from the store, which is easily done thanks to having [Space]. "How about we go out to eat?"

"I'm up for anything." Lala is curious about the Earth's local food. She has already tried Kasumi's food and even Lawliet's too. Now, that she getting a chance to eat someone else cooking. Lala wonders if they are better, same, or worse.

"Are you paying?" Nabiki wasn't going to pay for anyone's meal nor her own. So, she looks at Lawliet, curious if he is going to make anyone else pay seeing how it was Lawliet's idea of going out to eat.

"Hm. Give me a sec to think about it." Lawliet has seen the amount of food Ranma ate daily and he wasn't going to waste the money the store just earned today. Nor does he want to pay for everyone's meal, but seeing how today is the day to celebrate a good success of the store's sale is great. "I guess I'll pay for everyone's meal."

Everyone got excited to eat outside, not made by Kasumi. Even Kasumi, she is eager to try someone else cooking for once. Something she hasn't done in years. Quickly, Nabiki was the one to lead everyone to a restaurant to eat for today.

A few hours later*

"Where has everyone been to?" Soun asks everyone, the moment he saw everyone coming from the front entrance, in a stern voice.

However, nearly everyone can see Soun was looking at Kasumi and Nabiki mainly, but neither of the two Tendo sisters seems to care about the look they are getting.

"Oh, Lala and I open a store. So everyone here tags along to help out. In fact, Kasumi and Ranma here have decided to work at the store too. Plus, I noticed how Genma hasn't been paying his rent here, but I can guess you let him stay for the time being due to old friendship. But, Ranma here felt guilty for freeloading and decided to work for his keep instead of leeching off." Lawliet answers for everyone, even goes far as to explain for Ranma getting a new job to pay his own rent as well as letting Kasumi getting a job too. For her to save up money to buy whatever she wants.

"That's... nice." Soun looks at everyone with a strained smile. "It's good that a boy like Ranma is taking responsibility." Soun slowly nods while trying to think if this is a good thing or not.

"Well, it's late. Time for everyone to sleep." Lawliet didn't wait for Soun's responses and drag Lala to their bedroom.

"Night daddy." Kasumi quickly took this chance to leave for her bedroom, not wanting to be left alone with her daddy at the moment.

"Night everyone." Nabiki also follows her older sister's example and head upstairs.

"Uh..." Ranma blinks a few times at how everyone left to their bedrooms so quickly, then begin to sweat. As Ranma finally realized why the moment Soun's eyes zoned right in his direction.

Soun opens his mouth to say something, but before he could, Ranma is splashed with cold water out of nowhere. Turning Ranma into his cursed female form. Something Soun still can't wrap his mind with.

"Aww, man! Well, see ya later, Mr. Tendo. I need to take a bath." Ranma, for once, is happy to turn into his cursed form and quickly head for the bathroom while secretly planning to use his curse form as an excuse for avoiding speaking with Mr. Tendo and his pop by wanting to change his wet clothes and taking his time to return back to his normal, male form.

Soun blankly stares at Ranma's back running off.

"I didn't even get to ask if Kasumi was making dinner..." Soun looks down at the wooden floor with tears going down his cheeks while his stomach growl in complaints about not having anything to eat.