Arc 1 - Chapter 13: Surprise!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 13: Surprise!

The next day*

"Hey, when is Ranma coming to work?" Lawliet asks Kasumi as he just finished helping a customer out by explaining what the toy does by pointing out, that there are instructions and a brief summary of what that toys do on the back of the box. Luckily, Lawliet thought ahead to have Lala write down what her handmade toys do, or else lots of customers would be asking what they do and so on.

"He should be here soon unless something important came up, that prevent Ranma from coming here." Kasumi replied to Lawliet's question while at the same time, she is ringing up a customer of the toys they are buying. "By the way, is it really fine for us to leave so soon without me making breakfast for everyone?"

"I'm sure they'll be fine. Plus, you need all the sleep you can get before going to work. Trust me on this. I know how you wake up early in the morning to make breakfast for everyone, but you will become more physically and mentally tired from doing all this. Yes, you've done this for years and used to it, but adding in this new job would push you to your breaking point sooner or later." Lawliet is mixing the truth with lies. The truth is, that Kasumi is technically overworking herself already and it's only due to her being so used to all the housework and her body is still young. While the lying part is Lawliet explaining the benefit of being more well-rested and everyone back home would be fine without Kasumi making breakfast for everyone. After all, Lawliet pointed out they are not children. So most of them should be able to cook for themselves or should know there are restaurants they could go to eat at.

Lawliet is slowly changing canon in a way, that would allow him to be in it without causing untold chaos, to the point, where some outside force would push Ranma and everyone else back into canon in an extreme way, with a high chance of Lawliet's death or some way to erase him from Ranma and Kasumi' life. In fact, Lawliet wouldn't be surprised if the reason why Lala appears before him is to drag him away with Lala to her world, leaving this world behind.

"Sorry, for coming in late!" Ranma rush in her cursed form, causing some customers, especially the males to look at Ranma with delight to see another female worker. "Something came up." Ranma quickly explains what happens to her on the way here. One of them is meeting this Kodachi, the Black Rose, who gave Ranma a rose before jumps away laughing. Then, later a group of three female students of the Furinkan Rhythmic Gymnastics Team came over to the Tendo Dojo to request Akane's help. Afterward, Ranma left and came here.

"Does Akane even know gymnastics? Let alone the [Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics]?" Lawliet looks at Kasumi, who look at Ranma in disbelief upon hearing that Akane would be in the next match of the Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics Wrestling.

The Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics Wrestling is that two school champions face each other using techniques of [Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics].

"I'm pretty sure, Akane never learns the [Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics] and I heard it's a bit a little hard for one to learn this fighting style. I think I recall, there was someone who wanted me to join the team and learn it, but I was too busy at the time." Kasumi knew the [Martial Arts Rhymic Gymnastics] is something Akane won't be able to learn in a short time for the Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics Wrestling.

"Wait, you know what this [Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics] is, Kasumi?" Ranma looks at Kasumi with surprise.

"Yup. Also, don't look down at this fighting style. I had some friends, who could take easily down many people with this fighting style alone. Of course, that is only if those are not experts in their own martial arts. Trust me, not many could even become a master of the [Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics] to be on the same level as other martial arts." Kasumi knew how Ranma is with martial arts, so after she finished checking out a customer of their purchases. She begins to explain what the [Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics] is to Ranma.

Being based on rhythmic gymnastics, this fighting style is very flamboyant and emphasizes agility and grace. It has a strong element of aerial combat and relies heavily on acrobatics, practitioners of the style seek to dodge and evade blows, all the while making their fight look good. In formal competition, attacking your opponent with bare hands or feet is strictly prohibited, only indirect attacks or blows made with weapons are allowed. Failure to meet this requirement can result in immediate disqualification.

The intended weapons to be used are gymnastics ribbons, gymnastics clubs or batons, hoops, and balls. In short, weaponized versions of the regular tools of rhythmic gymnastics.

"Wow, I did not know there was such a thing." Lala said in awe as she just came from the basement with a new toy she made to be placed on the shelf to be sold and overheard from Kasumi about the [Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics].

"Same here." Lawliet forgot how there are many weird martial arts in Ranma 1/2 series. But, he can see the potential in the [Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics]. Yet, he rather not go too deep into that rabbit hole if he can help it. "So, what is the chance of Akane doing any good in the competition?" Lawliet looks at Kasumi.

"As to how she is right now? Kinda impossible, and even then, without anyone to teach her and Akane trying to learn the [Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics] on her own. That's just asking for a disaster to happen. Plus, I don't think Akane would accept anyone's help of teaching her the fighting style either. Not after what happened with Ryoga." Kasumi frown at the end upon remembering the cursed perverted pig. "Honestly, I can't understand why Akane accepts something that's beyond her capability." Kasumi shook her head, then got back to work, leaving Lawliet, Lala, and Ranma to do their own work.

"Well, whatever Akane does isn't our business. Come on. Back to work." Lawliet said to both Lala and Ranma.

A few hours later*

"Kasumi! You must stop this at once! There is no need to work!" Soun didn't get to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Twice for dinner, for today and yesterday! He never felt so hungry and begin to worry, that without Kasumi, there will be no food to eat!

"So, you don't want takeout?" Kasumi avoids her daddy's hands from grabbing her by taking a step back and holding up a bag filled with leftover food from a restaurant she had eaten with Lawliet, Lala, and Ranma before coming home.

Soun debate on if he should persuade his eldest daughter to quit her job before his stomach begins to growl again and knew what the best choice to take now. He took the bag of food and head inside to eat it. Of course, he made sure to call for Akane to eat with him. As well as his friend, Genma.

"Oh, my." Kasumi looks at her daddy with pity before it changed to a frown as she finds once again, her daddy is neglecting Nabiki again. Kasumi can understand why she wasn't being called to eat too, since she just ate, but not to include Nabiki? Now, that just made Kasumi more firm in believing that she shouldn't quit her job and continue her study to become a doctor. This way, she will have an income to rely on before she could move out and become independent. Well, after she is sure, that Lawliet isn't planning to stay at the Tendo Dojo once she becomes a doctor.

"Good thing we knew this would happen." Lawliet held up a small bag, which also held a smaller portion of food, but better than the one that Soun took. "You should head to bed, Kasumi. Ranma, you too, unless you want to put some extra training for a bit before sleeping." Lawliet head upstairs with Lala following right behind him. To deliver the takeout for Nabiki to eat. Since he knows, that without Kasumi at home. No one would cook for those that are home to eat.

"Alright, see you in the morning, Lawliet." Kasumi smiled at Lawliet before heading upstairs as well.

"Eh, I think it's best I avoid the dojo for the time being." Ranma noticed that someone is already using the dojo, which he can guess it's Akane. Plus, he rather not deal with her so soon after she pissed him off, for just being near the three female students from the gymnastics team and calling him a pervert for no reason at all. "I rather not deal with that tomboy shouting at me again." Ranma scowl at how Akane became even more unreasonable thanks to Ryoga, making Ranma want to beat Ryoga up, because this is all his fault. But, Ranma rather not since Ryoga is already pitiful enough as he is right now. No need to add in more, otherwise, Ranma would find himself unable to even fight with Ryoga later on.

"Got it." Lawliet said to Ranma before reaching the second floor and head over to Nabiki's bedroom, then knocking on it and wait for Nabiki to open it, which didn't take that long as a few seconds later. Nabiki opens the door and looks at Lawliet with surprise to see the takeout in his hand.

"Daddy forgot to call for me to eat, didn't he?" Nabiki frowns while taking the takeout from Lawliet.

"Was it that easy to tell?" Lawliet raises an eyebrow at Nabiki, who scoff at him.

"It's hard not to, when daddy literally just called out for those he has in his eyes, and with you passing me this just proved my guess." Nabiki replied. "If this was a few years back, then I would feel somewhat sad, but I got over it. Anyway, thanks."

"No problem." Lawliet said to Nabiki. "Have a good night." There was no point in staying around that long.

"Night." Nabiki nod at Lawliet, then close the door.

"So, anything you want us to do tonight?" Lawliet looks at Lala, who been quiet this entire time; therefore, she must be waiting when it's just the two of them. Seeing how Kasumi has already entered her bedroom before Nabiki opens her door.

"Cuddle and kissing?" Lala blushes a little, because every night they cuddle and kissing, with the latter making her very hot very often. Furthermore, Lala really likes the way Lawliet holds her while kissing her.

"Sure." Lawliet did not expect Lala was so into this, then again, if Lawliet remembers correctly in the series. Rito would always avoid Lala's approach, even to the point of not allowing Lala to kiss him on the lip. So, with him accepting them had made Lala more eager to show her affection. Plus, the fact that with everything Lala did for Rito, even helping him get the love of his life. Yet, Rito still didn't want to kiss Lala, even after finally accepting Lala. So yeah, Lawliet wasn't going to stop Lala from showing her affection to him. After all, Lala is a reasonable person. Just that one needs to be very specific about the words used around Lala without causing any misunderstandings.

An hour later*


"The hell?" Lawliet looks up at the ceiling, where a loud banging sound appears out of nowhere.

"What's going on?" Lala pouts a little, for having their makeout to be disturbed.

"Give me a sec to check." Lawliet uses [Space] to see Akane fighting another female.

A young woman with fair skin and a red lip. Long black hair, where it's tied in a side ponytail. Wearing a gymnastics outfit, wielding a large mallet.

"Oh... her." Lawliet just remembers about Kodachi, the Black Rose, that Ranma was talking about in the afternoon. Also, the second female characters that have a love interest with Ranma in the series is revealed, with Akane supposed to the first, but Lawliet wasn't quite sure or not about that one.

Anyway, Kodachi Kuno is her full name. One of Ranma's suitors. However, unlike Ranma's other suitors. Kodachi is not actually betrothed to Ranma. Since there is no formal engagement involved in her relationship with Ranma. Something that makes Ranma brushes her off more than his other fiancees. She resents this in the series and responds with more poisons and other foul tricks. Though she has stated that she's actually aware that Ranma doesn't love her, she simply refuses to let that get in her way. She thinks Ranma will eventually give in if she continues to make an effort.

So yeah, as long Ranma doesn't follow his canon's footstep in acting as Kodachi's knight in shining armor by saving her from falling off the roof of the Tendo Dojo. IF that happens, that is. And Lawliet can't see that happening, without Ryoga here in his cursed pig form to make Ranma chase after him throughout the entire place and knocking Kodachi off the roof via Ranma accidentally hit her with a tea kettle while chasing Ryoga on the rooftop.

Right now, Ranma is asleep and not going to wake up anytime soon. Therefore, Kodachi might not be one of Ranma's suitors chasing after him to marry him.

"Her?" Lala looks at Lawliet with a confused expression.

"Yeah, remember Kodachi, the Black Rose, that Ranma mentions this afternoon? Yeah, Akane is fighting her or more like avoiding getting hit by a large mallet." Lawliet replied Lala's question while continues using his [Space] to watch this whole thing, then think about it for a moment if he should interfere. However, Lawliet got a great idea, to make things easier for both Kasumi and Nabiki; well, more with the former than the latter really. "Wait here for me. I will be right back." Lawliet quickly heads out.

"Come back soon." Lala touches her lip, then begins giggling as she can't wait to continues for their kissing session to resume. Lala enjoys kissing her fiance every night now after she asks for it the first time. Just the kiss alone made Lala fall in love with Lawliet even more than ever. Making her choice in picking Lawliet as her husband-to-be the best choice she made in her entire life.

The next day*

"Uh, who is she?" Nabiki looks at Kodachi, who is trying to feed her daddy some food, where the latter is trying his best not to eat it. "And why is Akane so pissed upon seeing her?"

"That's Kodachi. Also, the very same person that fell in love with Soun here." Lawliet didn't bother to hide the amusement in his eyes due to what he did last night. Where it went exactly like how he expected.

Pushing Kodachi off the roof via [Space], then making Soun catch her from below when Lawliet got him to come outside for a small talk. Right in the same spot, Kodachi was falling, then Lawliet just asks Soun to stretch his arms out for a second, which Soun did without any question and catch Kodachi. This ends with the same result of Kodachi falling in love with Ranma, but with Soun instead. Lawliet made sure to avoid Kodachii's line of view at all costs. Better not cause any chance of Kodachi falling for him too. Small chance or not, it's still a chance. Better safe than sorry.

"What." Nabiki looks at Lawliet with a deadpan, and with eyes of hoping he was joking and when Lawliet continue to look back at her in silence. Nabiki pales a bit before slowly turning her head to look at Kodachi, who is now resting her head on her daddy's left shoulder while hugging his arm.

"Oh, my." Kasumi looks at Kodachi with surprise, for a young lady wanting to date her daddy. Then, Kasumi thought about it for a moment. Thinking about having a young stepmother, who is younger than her. Kasumi begins to feel quite uncomfortable just from thinking this alone. Then, quickly got back to eating dinner. Not wanting to think about these disturbing thoughts any longer. Though, Kasumi secretly hopes with the young lady distracting her daddy would make her life a bit easier without her daddy trying to get into her private business.

Akane didn't say anything, too busy growling and being held back by Ranma in her cursed form, making it somewhat better without Akane knowing it. Something Ranma discovered by accident a few days ago. Well, as long Akane's focus wasn't on Ranma, then it would work, otherwise, Akane would outright attack Ranma even when in her cursed form. Nevertheless, Ranma in her cursed form is still physically stronger than Akane and preventing Akane from attacking Kodachi.

"Uh, guys. Mind helping me out? I don't think I could hold Akane back any longer and I really want to eat dinner." Ranma noticed her pop beginning to eat her portion of the dinner, which Kasumi made today's dinner. Something Ranma has been eager for most of the day after finding out. Eating outdoors was fine and all, but Ranma like Kasumi's handmade food more.

"Stop complaining boy! Just make sure not to harm your fiancee!" Genma snarls at Ranma, still putting the thoughts of Ranma and Akane still being together, but nearly everyone didn't follow his thoughts. This just made Genma irritated for days now. To make it worse, his dishonorable and ungrateful son is no longer listening to him!

"She not my fiancee!" Ranma roar at her pop, then decides to go for it and knock Akane out with a chop to the back of her neck. Something Ranma should have done ages of ago. "Back off, pop! That food is mine!" Ranma quickly blocks her pop from grabbing her plate of food by attacking him with a palm strike to her pop's face, forcing her pop to back off right away.

"Boy! You will respect me as your father!" Genma leaps to attack Ranma, but before he could. Lala throws something at him, trigger Genma's fear of whatever comes from Lala to appear. Making Genma perform a very cool looking backflip in midair without anything to support Genma to do a backflip. Frontflip. Yes. But, not a backflip, which made some to look at this in awe, for those that understand what Genma did was impossible.

Genma quickly looks at what Lala just throws at him, but to see only a white six-sided dice. Making Genma's face turn red in anger upon finding out what made him so scared.

However, before anyone could do anything. The white six-sided dice's dots begin to glow, causing Genma to rush out of the house, including nearly everyone else as well. With only Lawliet, Lala, and Kasumi stayed. Soun even forced himself to carry Kodachi out of the building for safety.

"So, what does this one do?" Lawliet asks Lala while having his [Space] on standby in case of an accident would occur.

"Oh, that's one of the toys I made; well, it's more of a toy looking for children to use. I have one back at home when I was kinda scared of sleeping in the dark." Lala smiles at Lawliet as she explains her idea of making toy-looking things, like a night light. Pretty much, for children at a young age who wanted an interesting looking night light instead of a plain old one.

"Hm. I think the customers will like these." Lawliet said to Lala, after all, he did some research on the local toys that are sold, which was barely a number of people selling it on the side with their main sale. In fact, Lawliet is a little surprised to discover the toy store, that Lawliet and Lala open up together is the very first one in Furinkan. It's no wonder so many customers in so far due to never seeing so many toys all in one place.

"Really?" Lala looks at Lawliet with eyes filled with excitement, because if so, then she has even more options to make to place in the store for sale. Overall, Lala still can't believe she gets to use her own [Invention Skills] in a way, that makes many people happy without causing any harm to one another.

"Yup. In fact, you can make other things besides toys on the side for sale, mainly for the adult customers who wanted to get something for themselves while they at the store." Lawliet begins to explain carefully to both Lala and Kasumi, who stayed behind while everyone else has long gone wherever and not bother to return any time soon. No one wanted to be targeted by Lala's latest inventions.

"Great!" Lala moves a little closer in order to hug Lawliet, giving him a bright smile. Not noticing the envious look on Kasumi's face appears for a second before disappearing.

30 minutes later*

"Do I even want to know?" Lawliet asks Ranma, who is back in his male form and carrying a paralyze Soun back inside. With Genma not helping one bit, to help his friend out, nor give Ranma a hand either. Making Lawliet wonder why in the world is Soun still friend with this foolish person, then remember the type of person Soun is too, making Lawliet feel a bit stupid for even having such thought.

"Not really." Ranma feels a bit tired, mentally that is. Physically, Ranma is still going on strong, and carrying Mr. Tendo wasn't much of a problem for Ranma. Though, he really wishes it wasn't him who carrying Mr. Tendo. Not to mention, Ranma did not like the way Mr. Tendo is looking at him. Just the look in Mr. Tendo's eyes alone nearly made Ranma want to drop him right there and then before running off.

"I'm just going to head off to bed. Today has been too much for me." Nabiki shook her head, to think that this Kodachi wanted to court her daddy. Good luck for that and Nabiki is willing to give Kodachi her blessing, for a fee, of course. After all, if her daddy can do the same with herself and her sisters with Ranma, then she can do the same with him.

Once she writes up the contract and getting the money from Kodachi first. Then, legally remove herself from the Tendo family, even though she really wishes she doesn't, but after doing more research about her family's martial art. Well, it just made her feel more disturbed and ashamed for just being in this family alone. Though, that is just one of the main reasons why she wanted to leave this family and change her last name to something else that isn't Tendo.

Nabiki has discovered that Kodachi's full name is Kodachi Kuno aka the younger sister of Tatewaki Kuno aka Kuno Baby. Someone that wanted to be together with her little sister, Akane, and the desire to be with Ranma; well, his cursed form at least. Much to Nabiki's amusement to see the events of Tatewaki trying to court Ranma whenever he is in his cursed form. Anyway, Nabiki rather not be an in-law with Kuno Baby of all people. So yeah, Nabiki will do her best to remove herself and maybe Kasumi too, from the Tendo family before selling her daddy to Kodachi. Maybe she could get Lawliet's help if things become harder for her.

"Night, Nabiki." Lawliet said to Nabiki, who replied back a good night to him as well as everyone else she deems worthy of it. The other, not a single glance from Nabiki as she heads upstairs.

Akane glared at Ranma and Lawliet before heading upstairs as well, not once to say anything, or more like she can't speak at all for the time being. Seeing how she lost her voice in the morning with all the shouting she did.

"Well, at least, that Kodachi girl isn't here, huh?" Lawliet smiles at Soun, who begins to cry in silence once more. "Actually, where is she?" Lawliet uses [Space] to locate the girl and is a little surprised she went home instead of sticking around. This is fine for Lawliet, better than having to deal with a chance of Kodachi trying to do something to everyone during the night everyone asleep.

"She went home." Ranma places Mr. Tendo near the wall, then wipe the sweats off his forehead. "Well, I'm tired. Are we going to train tonight or no, Lawliet-sensei?" Ranma really hopes there is training tonight because Ramna got a feeling, he will need it.

"Hm. I guess we can do an hour or two of night training." Lawliet agreed to teach Ranma something tonight.

"Sweet!" Ranma quickly heads to the dojo, knowing his first mentor will be there soon and will take the time to do a quick warm-up. Not noticing the scowl on his pop's face, even if he did, Ranma wouldn't have cared anyway.

"Night, Lawliet. Lala." Kasumi smiled at the two, then heads upstairs as she let out a soft yawn.

"Good night, Kasumi." Lala smiled back, then head over to the dojo with Lawliet.

Leaving behind a paralyzed Soun and Genma, who slowly walking to the bedroom he and his son share, continue to think up a plan to regain control over his dishonorable son. Not bother to help his friend out.

Soun watches Genma walk away, much to his sadness, causing him to cry silently throughout the night until the paralyze wears off. By then, Soun would be too weak to go to his bedroom and slept where he was left.