Arc 1 - Chapter 14: Not My Problem

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 14: Not My Problem

4 days later*

Lawliet let out a sigh. Once again, waking up with Lala stripped of her clothes. Sleeping right next to him naked. At this point, Lawliet might give in his sexual desire and have sex with Lala with all the time she makes him look at her naked body, even feeling them nearly every day whenever he wakes up before Lala does. Bad enough, he notices the way she looks at his boner every time he manages to catch her looking at it when she doesn't realize he was awake at the time.

The only reason why Lawliet could think of Lala isn't taking any action is that she thinks he might get mad at her for doing something like having sex so soon when they are already planning to get married in 2 years. That and Lawliet overheard Lala and Kasumi having a private conversation, with the former asking the latter some advice about relationships. One of them is about how most women would wait until their wedding night to have sex with the love of her life. Therefore, Lala got the idea, that Lawliet must want the same thing.

Still doesn't stop Lala from sleeping in her birthday suit. Honestly, Lawliet knows that it's mostly out of laziness than willpower or whatever, that's making him not having sex with Lala. In fact, Lawliet actually gave it many thoughts and decided, that if Lala decides she wanted to have sex before marriage. Then, Lawliet is willing to accept Lala's decision. Plus, all the cons he thought up, Lawliet discovers to his surprises to only find that there are more cons than pros. Making Lawliet wonder how long will he have to deal with seeing and sometimes feeling Lala's sexy body, which he is very attracted to. No question about it. By accident or not. Though, Lawliet wonders if it's really all an accident.

"Morning, Lawliet." Lala greets her lover, then moves in to give him a kiss on the lip, which he did in return, much to Lala's delight. "So, what are we going to do for today other than continue working at our store." Lala sits up, causing the blanket to fall down, leading to Lawliet to see her naked breasts. Not that Lala cared, in fact, she is happier to see Lawliet's eyes focus on them instantly. Making Lala's heart raced as she moves in to give her boyfriend a hug, knowing that she is pretty much giving him a good feel of her breasts. Lala smiles the moment Lawliet wraps his arms around her.

"Well, seeing how it's Monday again. Our store opening time would be 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. So, if you want, we could go on a date after closing time if you want." Lawliet continues to wonder what his life would be like without Lala in it and starting to feel a hint of dread due to any of Ranma's suitors might have a chance of being with him, something he rather not have at all. This just made Lawliet more and more glad that someone like Lala appears in his life.

"Can we?!" Lala is eager to have another date with Lawliet.

"If you want." Lawliet repeated himself, causing Lala to hug him even tighter, giving him a real good feeling of her breasts. Yup, Lawliet thinks it's best to have Lala as his partner in life than anyone else; well, maybe Kasumi, but since Lala is here. He will just do his best as a good friend and help Kasumi out.

Lala giggles with happiness and can't wait for their second date!

"So... how long are you going to hug me?" Lawliet asks in a joking manner.

"When you ask me to let go." Lala replied in a joking manner as well, causing Lawliet to smile. This also leads to Lala's smile to widen even further. Then, lean in for another kiss.

12 hours later*

"You know, I honestly want to say something about this. But, at the same time, I just don't have the right words to say." Lawliet shook his head, that Akane still injured herself during her self-training to learn the [Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics] without anyone to help her out. Ryoga wasn't in the picture. Lawliet checked and found the lost boy somewhere in England. While Ranma has no motive to help Akane out at all.

If that wasn't bad enough. Instead of Akane just twist her left ankle. She also injured her right wrist. Making it worse than canon.

"Well, I guess I'll win by default and I didn't have to do anything about it." Kodachi smirk at Akane, who looks ready to cause more harm to herself for the price of hurting Kodachi, and Akane would have done so if it wasn't for her to wince every time she applies any pressure on her injuries.

"I've been meaning to ask this, but why are you here, Kodachi?" Lawliet asked before accepting the bite-size portion food Lala trying to feed him. A few seconds to chew and swallow. "We can understand if you're here for Soun, but don't you have a family to be with for dinner?"

"Well, it's mostly because I like to eat with my beloved here and to form a bond with the family. Furthermore, you won't believe how often my own family would barely get together to eat as a family. It's mainly my big brother and I would have a meal together, but even that is rarely too. Let alone, my entire family." Kodachi explains how she mainly has her meal eaten privately in her bedroom or her personal garden while doing her business.

"Oh, my." Kasumi looks at Kodachi with pity, then glances down at the food she made for her daddy to eat. Luckily, it was just her daddy and Ranma's daddy ate it. Because it looks like whatever Kodachi put in her cooked meal has put both the two adult men to sleep instantly. Honestly, Kasumi wonders if she should feel offended with the way Kodachi made her food or ask for some tips on how she could do the same thing, because this would save her so much problem if she could put her daddy to sleep or enough to stop him from asking her to make food for everyone. Once she got him to fell asleep.

"You know what you should do?" Lawliet suppresses the urge to smirk. "You and Soun here should go out right now for a date. Maybe tomorrow. I have no idea if the two of you have the first date yet, but trust me on this. Not having a date yet, even if it's something boring or whatever. It's a sign of your love for each other." Lawliet is now bullshitting at this point. "I mean, look at Lala and me. We went on our second date today and we're closer than ever." Lawliet points at his left hand resting on Lala's left waist, moving Lala closer to into his personal space.

"Lawliet. You're making me blush." Lala covers her cheeks, where everyone can see Lala is really blushing and have a smile filled with happiness for what Lawliet just said.

"A date..." Kodachi begins to think about this, not noticing the way Soun has break into cold sweats even when asleep. Making some who see this, think that Soun is having a nightmare right now and can't seem to wake up from it. Forcing to have to experience the entire thing until he natural wake up in the morning. "Yes! A date with my beloved Soun!" Kodachi quickly runs off, leaving Soun behind, which lets everyone know, that the first date is most likely tomorrow.

"I guess we don't have to worry about the match tomorrow unless Kodachi still wants to win the Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics Wrestling, otherwise, she might forget about it due to wanting a perfect date with daddy, making the whole thing a draw really. Since neither side could compete." Nabiki said to everyone. "Well, unless someone just shows up at least, making the other side lose by default for not showing up." Nabiki regretted instantly the moment she finishes speaking when she saw the look on Akane's face.

"Should we do something about them?" Kasumi looks at her daddy and Ranma's daddy. Then, look at Lawliet, since he is the oldest among them and hopefully know what to do with them.

"We finish our dinner and leave them here to sleep. Because I'm not carrying them to their bed." Lawliet refuses to even consider the idea of helping these two adult men. "Also, do anyone of you really want to deal with Genma trying to steal from Ranma's plate of food and causing some problems. Like making some of the food on the table to spill?"

Nearly everyone thought about this, excluding Akane, and decided that it's best not to wake up Soun and Genma. Just leave them asleep and continue on with their dinner, which Kasumi made again. Something that many are glad to eat often again instead of eating out, which didn't have the same taste as Kasumi's handmade meals.

"By the way, I've been thinking about it lately, but are you planning to open your own dojo, Lawliet. After all, since you've taken Ranma as your student. Would there be more students in the future?" Nabiki asks Lawliet, and as to why she asking this now of all time and that's because she been noticing how things been weirdly happening more often ever since Lawliet, Lala, Ranma, and his friend staying at her home.

"Not really. As for any future people become my students? Eh, I rather not. I already have my hands full with Ranma and the toy store. I'm just going to stick with Ranma for the time being." Lawliet rejected the idea of opening a dojo, that's just too much trouble for him if people really come to become his student to learn the [18 Dragon Subduing Palms]. Well, truthfully, Lawliet still hasn't finished researching if there is a [18 Dragon Subduing Palms] in this world, where if it is real martial art or a fictional one.

Ranma secretly sighed in relief, because he kinda hopes he doesn't have other people learning the art of his first mentor until he finished learning it and mastering it. As to why Ranma didn't want others to learn it; well, call him selfish, but Ranma can understand the art that he is learning is extremely dangerous after he tested it against his pop and Ryoga. The former is easily taken down and the latter barely lands any hits on him before being defeated in no time. Furthermore, Ranma understood that what he learned so far is just the beginning. The rest might be more dangerous in some way, which could lead to many deaths if used wrong.

Therefore, Ranma knew that if there just one. Just one bad student learning this art would cause major chaos throughout the entire world. Something Ranma can't have. So better to have it just himself and his mentor of the art to know about it for now. In the future, who knows, maybe Ranma would find the right student to teach the art and hope the next generations won't use the art for the life of crime.

"I guess, that's fine." Nabiki nods while also secretly sighing in relief. Because she rather not have more people on the level of Ranma, let alone Lawliet's level of fighting ability, appearing around the place.

Of course, what Nabiki doesn't know is that Ranma possesses monstrous talent in [Body Skills] while Lawliet has a cheat call: [Automatic Cultivation] that forcibly give Lawliet the [Skills] that make him somewhat on the level above Ranma and others in a short period of time. If that wasn't enough, there is the bullshit ability of the [Skill: Authority Manipulation] that literally gives Lawliet the power over a concept and later on, even more.

"So, Nabiki, if you don't mind me asking, but have you planned out your future, know what career you want?" Lawliet asks Nabiki, mostly out of curiosity on his part as he may know the canon version of Nabiki, but the one before him might be a bit different and who knows, maybe she would do something very out of the ordinary of the canon Nabiki would do.

Nabiki raises an eyebrow at this, but answers nonetheless, "Eh, I was planning to go into business-related careers. Management if possible, but I know you have to start from the bottom unless you don't have any connection to skip the process and straight into the more paying rate jobs." Nabiki smirk at Lawliet near the end. "Honestly, any business-related jobs that pay well would be alright for me." What Nabiki didn't mention is how she will use the connections she already has formed over the years to get the job she wanted after finishing college. However, Nabiki knows there will never be a perfect plan due to many variables, this includes her own family, maybe excluding Kasumi, and will have to adapt to the change one step at a time.

"I see." Lawliet nods, as he figures out exactly why Nabiki smirk at the end. Though, he does wonder how much connection Nabiki has developed over the years.

For the rest of the night, everyone ate their dinner, excluding Akane, who is still thinking about all the bragging rights upon winning the match tomorrow via default due to the other side dropping aka Kodachi aiming to get a date out of Soun. Something Soun didn't even get a say in, not that it would matter to Kodachi.

The next day*

"Is it just me or is Akane angry?" Lala asks Nabiki as she enters the building with Nabiki after coming back from work; well, more like Lala was just spending time hanging out with Lawliet whenever she not helping customers at the time. "I saw on the way back here, with Akane rushing home with a scowl on her face, which was completely red."

"Oh, that. Yeah, the entire Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics match was canceled due to both sides won't be able to perform. Akane due to her ankle still healing. While Kodachi just bribed the staff and workers running the match to drop it, ending with the result of a draw, and left it at that." Nabiki knew exactly why her little sister is so mad about this and just didn't care about it. No skin off her bone. "How was at work?"

"Great! We had so many customers, that I've earned enough to cover my own rent for a year and I still have leftover! Oh, yeah! Here you got for an entire year's rent." Lala reaches into her back pocket, but more like she signaling Lawliet to give her the right amount of bills and gave it to the surprised Nabiki. "That should be enough for me to stay here for a year." Lala smiles at Nabiki before pulling Lawliet to their bedroom.

Leaving behind a shocked Nabiki, who just obtained a large amount of money for a few minutes before rushing into her own bedroom to hide the money. Not wanting her daddy nor Ranma's old man to find out about this. After all, her daddy has already forced her to hand over the first rent from Lawliet and she barely managed to put the gold bar into her hidden bank that her daddy doesn't know about.

Once in their bedroom, Lala runs over to the bed before leaping onto it, then turn around and look at Lawliet with excitement.

Lawliet rolls his eyes, but still smile. Then, took off his jacket and throw it on the single chair in the bedroom that came along with the bed. Lawliet took his time to walk over to the bed while Lala is eagerly waiting for him to come to her.

20 minutes later*

Kasumi and Nabiki standing next to the door, where on the other side of the bedroom shared by both Lawliet and Lala. Both Kasumi and Nabiki are blushing red, but didn't move from their spot due to the noises inside.

"Mmmm! Lawliet~! It feels sooooo goood~!" Lala moans loudly, making both Kasumi and Nabiki somewhat bothered by this, but can't quite stop themselves from listening to the point they are not pressing one of their ears against the door to get better at hearing what's going on inside the bedroom.

"How about here? I know you're still not used to this since the first time wasn't that long ago." Lawliet said to Lala.

This caused Kasumi to grasp softy from what she just heard and this also made many naughty images to appear in her head. Not only herself, but even Nabiki having similar thoughts as well.

"What ya girls doing there?" Ranma asks the two Tendo sisters, causing both to shriek and both gulp as the sound inside the bedroom quiet down instantly. "Uh, well... I'll leave you girls to whatever you were doing. Excuse me." Ranma opens the door to the bedroom his mentors share together and enter, allowing both Tendo sisters to see exactly what's going on inside.

Where Lala is lying on her stomach and Lawliet is standing from the side giving her a back massage.

"Sorry for being a bit later, Lawliet-sensei. Pop was trying to force me to become the heir to the [Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts] again, even went far as to give me these two books, hoping this would change my mind." Ranma hand over the two books with the titles: [Umi-Sen Ken] and [Yama-Sen Ken]. "I don't know what he was thinking, but the moment he gave me these two, he outright attacks me the moment I took the books. Of course, I took him down." Ranma grins at the end, for he is so happy to be able to defeat his pop now.

This is all thanks to Ranma learning a stance designed to maintain one's footing. Where Ranma's first mentor mentions how if one master this stance is near impossible to sweep from their feet, and the planting of the stance empowers the user. So long as they have a moment to brace themselves, they will gain dramatically increased resilience. In order words, Ranma now has a mean to resist against strong blows without having to avoid them unless he wants to or if the blows were too strong for Ranma's body to handle.

Anyway, thanks to learning this stance. Ranma can now tackle on his pop's sneak attacks head-on. If that wasn't the best for Ranma, Lawliet-sensei even let him know what this stance name is! Talk about how excited he was at the time. [Treading on Ice]. This is the name of the stance and Ranma can see why this stance is called as such. After all, if Ranma wasn't cautious, then even if he used this against his pop. No question about it.

"Really now. Give me a sec, Lala." Lawliet accepts the two books and didn't expect Ranma would be able to get his hands on these two deadly styles so soon. Well, Lawliet really can't quite remember exactly when Ranma is supposed to learn about the [Umi-Sen Ken]. While the [Yama-Sen Ken] was used by someone else, that Lawliet can't remember. Nonetheless, these two are very useful in a way, both for himself and Ranma if he wanted to learn it. Of course, after Lawliet sees if he could somehow change a few things about them since they may be deadly, but they mainly used by a thief.

Opening the [Umi-Sen Ken] first while handing the other one over to Ranma to hold for a bit. It took Lawliet a few minutes to finish reading it, then hand it over to Ranma and begin reading the second one. Once that's done as well, Lawliet now having a thoughtful look.

"I'm gonna try something to see if it work." Lawliet said to everyone in the room, where Kasumi and Nabiki decided there was no point in hiding and came in after they close the door, not wanting the other residents here to come in. "Everyone please close your eyes and count to 10 seconds before opening them." Once Lawliet sees everyone did exactly he said.

Lawliet uses the [Opening Move] from the [Umi-Sen Ken], which he takes a stance like that of a ghost, hands held limp in front of them with their arms slightly bent. Then, Lawliet uses [Stealth] to masks his presence, effectively rendering himself somewhat invisible and able to strike at will provided that Lawliet can maintain his composure. Of course, from what Lawliet read, he can still be seen by onlookers.

So, Lawliet quietly moves out of everyone's line of view right before the 10 seconds are up. Then, everyone begins looking around, and some grasp in surprise.

"Hey, where Sensei go?!" Ranma asks in shock, to not see his first mentor anywhere!

"Okay, I did not even hear him move." Nabiki looks at the spot, where Lawliet was 10 seconds ago, squinting a bit in the hope this will help her see-through whatever trick Lawliet is using to hide in plain sight.

Kasumi looks around the room, not seeing Lawliet anywhere.

"Where you are guys looking at? Lawliet is right there." Lala pointing exactly where Lawliet is, who looks at Lala with a surprised look on his face, causing his [Stealth] to drop, allowing everyone to see him again.

This caused Ranma to jump back in surprise, to see his first mentor appearing out of the blue.

"Well, I honestly don't know if it the [Umi-Sen Ken] or it's just my own [Skill]. Hmm. Give me a sec. Everyone, please close your eyes for 10 seconds again." Lawliet said to everyone and did exactly he said again, much to his relief since most were about to ask a question that might embarrass him a little.

This time, instead of using the [Umi-Sen Ken: Opening Move]. Lawliet just uses [Stealth] alone and move to another spot, but not too far from his previous one.

Much to Lawliet's disappointment, the [Umi-Sen Ken] didn't improve his [Skill: Stealth] nor cause anything to trigger the moment he tried to use [Umi-Sen Ken] together with [Stealth]. With only Lala being able to see Lawliet at the get-go. Too bad, because Lawliet was hoping for a new [Skill] to develop or raise his [Stealth] by a [Rank] or two. Then again, Lawliet is being a bit impatient since he didn't bother to literally learn the entire [Umi-Sen Ken] just a rough speed read to get the key points about the style.

"I guess this won't be much use for me. You wanna learn it?" Lawliet asks Ranma, who had a disgusted look on his face.

"I rather not. Plus, I have already read the first page of both books and I want nothing to do with them." Ranma is now 100% for sure on set of not being under his pop's teaching any longer. Seeing how the two styles are originally intended for robbery and burglary.

"Hm. I guess I could figure out a way to modify these two styles into something else. I mean, really. If these two were given to anyone else, say someone with bad intention, like really bad, then there will be lots of people dying due to how deadly these two styles if what I read is true." Lawliet grabs the two books, then think about it for a moment on how to change it. "Well, I will do that later. Something you need, Kasumi? Nabiki?" Lawliet looks at the two Tendo sisters, where both look at each other before making up their own excuses, then leaving the bedroom in a hurry.

"So... Are we going to train or are you going to keep giving Lala-sensei a back massage?" Ranma asks Lawliet-sensei for training after watching both Kasumi and Nabiki left in a hurry for some reason.