Arc 1 - Chapter 17: Well, That's Something

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 17: Well, That's Something

10 days later*

"Hey, Lawliet-sensei. I have a question for ya, and it mainly about relationship." Ranma asks his first mentor while they're having dinner.

This brings everyone's attention to focus on Ranma, for everyone knows how bad Ranma's time of growing under Genma's teaching. With the subject of a relationship nearly at zero; therefore, it's a shock for Ranma to ask this type of question.

I look at Lala, then back at Ranma. "Well, go ahead. If I know the answer. I'll tell you it."

"Does a boy like a girl by taking photos of them?" Ranma asks, not caring about the looks he is getting.

"That..." Lawliet frown a little, then look at Nabiki with a confused look on his face, where Nabiki quickly shook her head, that this has nothing to do with her. Then, look back at Ranma, who is waiting for his response. "Well, it depends on how old this boy first. How old is he?"

This caused all the girls, excluding Lala, and Soun to pay attention more to Ranma's words. Hell, even Kodachi is quiet for once and not forcing Soun to eat her food as she too curious if the age of this boy and feels a bit concern for her fellow female students.

"I think he is around my age." Ranma replied, causing nearly all the females in the room to sigh in relief.

"Did he take a picture of the girl with her permission? And was said girl fully clothed too?" Lawliet asks Ranma, and just like that and all the girls suck in cold breaths as they stare at Ranma, but with a hint of rage in their eyes.

"No, Akane was fully clothed." Ranma responds, not noticing the rage in Akane and Soun's eyes, while Kasumi and Nabiki look concerned. Even if the two didn't like their little sister, but that doesn't mean they wanted some pervert to be near her.

"WHAT?! WHO?!" Akane roar at Ranma, causing him to lean back in shock, for he didn't know what's going on at all and why Akane so mad.

"I think his name was Gosunkugi or something?" Ranma answered, not wanting to get punched by Akane, even if he could dodge her easily. "He kinda short, dark hair and have dark circles under his eyes. Pretty skinny and someone seriously needs to feed the guy something. He pretty much skin and bone in my eyes."

"Bastard!" Akane roar, then jump onto her feet, ready to find this pervert to maim for perving on her!

"How dare he look at my sweet daughter in such a shameful way!" Soun also got up, but the difference from Akane is that there lots of tears going down his cheeks. But, these tears are filled with rage!

"I think it's best for you to look for this person later tomorrow, Akane." Nabiki narrows her eyes, furious that someone dares to steal her business! Even if she now has a stable job, thanks to Lawliet, but that didn't mean she won't keep running her own private business at the school and Akane is among her source of money. "And I'll help you find this Gosunkugi too." Nabiki grit her teeth at the money she lost to this nobody! "Ranma. You're going to help too, mostly for muscles really. Quiet, Akane." Nabiki glared at her little sister before she could open her mouth. "Ranma will make it faster and easier for the rest. In fact, Shampoo. I'm willing to extend the time of your stay here by another month if you help out." Nabiki hopes with the Chinese Amazon would make things done faster as well.

"Shampoo agrees!" Shampoo's eyes light up, that she didn't need to pay for the extra month included her 4 months, making it 5 months total for her to get her chance into getting Ranma to be together with her. Plus, she has been working at Lawliet and Lala's Toy Store for days now and she likes it, but she has no idea if the money she earning would be enough for all her needs and for rent.

"Do I have to?" Ranma feels like he rather works on his newest stance of the art taught to him by Lawliet-sensei. Who would have thought this stance would be used for one versus many and make it not into an advantage. In fact, it's a stance used for using the surroundings as a means to cut down the numbers, to the point he will be able to switch to the other stances once the numbers are thin down enough for him to take them down faster than ever.

However, this stance can only be trained outside and sometimes inside. Where Lawliet-sensei explained how this stance would always have different strengths depending on the battlefield. Therefore, it is best to get very familiar with the surround, then the better the stance will be.

"I'll make it so you don't have to deal with Kuno Baby for a week." Nabiki knew that if Ranma doesn't stick around, then most likely Shampoo would leave, no matter if she offers extra months into the duration of her stay here. Furthermore, Nabiki rather not let Akane be the muscles, for she may end up causing more problems than it should. Nabiki can always see how much hush money she might have to waste due to Akane's mistake.

"You got yourself a deal." Ranma agreed right away, for one thing, he could technically just avoid Kuno, but with Nabiki making it so Kuno leave him alone. Even better and save him the trouble of finding the best and easy way to do so.

"Kodachi, I'm willing to help you get on a date with daddy if you use your own connection to find this student." Nabiki looks at Kuno Baby's sister and as much she wanted to avoid talking to this girl, but Nabiki wants to get this whole done asap.

"You got yourself a deal." Kodachi may look down on Nabiki, even if she will be her daughter-in-law once she marries Soun, but she at least respects the way Nabiki does things.

"Hey, now-" Soun was about to say something before falling to sleep via Kodachi spraying her sleeping spray, made by Lala on her request after she provides a few things in exchange. Though, there is the side-effect of making the target somewhat forgetful, but totally worth it in Kodachi's opinion. Plus, Kodachi made sure to keep a record of how long her sweet Soun lost his memory and made sure to time when the best time to use it.

Genma upon seeing this. He acts as nothing happens and just pays attention to the conversation going on at the dinner table. Better for him to remember it than allow both of them. Not that he was afraid of being attacked by others. Nope. Not at all. Genma just doing a favor for his old pal, Soun, to gain info for both of them. Yup.

"How about the two of you? Lawliet? Lala?" Nabiki can see things would be done instantly if she got these two on board. Ignoring that her daddy was forced to go to sleep against his will by Kodachi. Again.

"We got a Toy Store to run in the morning." Lawliet replied, causing Nabiki to groan for forgetting about that and also that she too has a job there as well. "I don't mind giving you guys the day off tomorrow. Kasumi, Lala, and I could take care of the place in the meantime. But, you won't get paid for tomorrow, though. I hope you understand why."

"Crap. I forgot about that." Nabiki mumble to herself, then thought about it for a bit. "Alright, thanks for giving us the day off tomorrow, Lawliet." Nabiki couldn't allow this student to be given the chance to take over her business at school, no matter how small the chance is.

The next day*

"Something the matter?" Lawliet asks Nabiki and her little group, excluding Akane who wasn't with them and must have gone somewhere else, while writing down something on his clipboard he has taken along as he goes around the store, checking on the stocks, for any that need more or if all the non-sold ones are still there and haven't been stolen. "I thought you will take the day to search for that male student?" Lawliet looks at the wristwatch that Lala made for him, which was just an ordinary one that lasts for a year or two before having to replace the battery. "It's nearly closing time." Lawliet sees it's 5:30 PM.

"We were pretty much running without any aim and the people that know Gosunkugi don't know his whereabouts. No one even saw the guy the entire day other than in class, but he would be gone before we reach the classroom he was in." Nabiki begins to complain to Lawliet and Kasumi, with Lala somewhere else doing whatever she focus on at the moment.

"Oh. Well, I guess that's something. Are you guys going to continue tomorrow and the day after that?" Lawliet raises an eyebrow at the group, because if so, then he might have to do some extra work after he just obtained more workers to lessen his workload.

Nabiki debate if she should give up her search and leave it to fate, for the guy to show up before himself or continue on with the search, while in exchange for losing money from working for Lawliet and Lala's Toy Store.

"Don't worry, I won't fire you guys or anything." Lawliet rather not end up having Ranma and his group of rivals deciding it was the best to come to the Toy Store while fighting each other. Furthermore, Lawliet really wants to work less and lazy around more.

Nabiki sighed in relief, that she won't be fired after taking a few days off.

Shampoo mumbles something in Chinese, that others couldn't understand but Lawliet, who grins a bit.

"Well, since you guys are here. Mind help cleaning up?" Lawliet asked the group before him with Kasumi already sweeping the floor with a broom.

"That's my cue to leave." Kodachi quickly rushes out of the room, not wanting to do such a thing that she has no responsibility to do.

"Shampoo help!" Shampoo knew that she is among the group with less authority and needed to keep her backing aka Lawliet from abandoning her. Furthermore, Lawliet is considered her teacher too now she thinks about it. With the way she teaches her many things, she wouldn't have known outside her village. Also, Lawliet is the one who helped her in a way to win Ranma's heart and it looks like it's working. So, if Lawliet asks for some help, she must do it with her absolute best.

Shampoo quickly go the back to grab the broom, to sweep the floor before having it mop.

"Might as well." Nabiki reaches into the counter, to grab the duster to remove any dust around the place.

"You got it." Ranma quickly heads to the back, to get the mop to clean the floor.

5 days later*

"Excuse me, would you mind me asking you some questions, unrelated to the store." Gosunkugi asks Kasumi, not noticing the frown appearing on Kasumi's face for a split second. Nor does Gosunkugi noticed he being watched by Lawliet and Lala; well, the latter is just watching for a few seconds before going back to reading the book she got from Lawliet.

"Sure, go ahead, but I won't be able to answer any of them if they're something I'm not supposed to say." Kasumi place down the textbook she was reading, to further improve her study.

"Do you know a person going by the name Ranma Saotome?" Gusunkugi asks Kasumi, who just continue to smile and nod. "Do you happen, to know what Ranma's weak spot?"

"Hmm." Now, this is something Kasumi did not expect to be asked about. "There's no food he can't handle." Kasumi nods to herself. "He'll eat anything!" Kasumi sweatdrop, that she remembers Ranma talking about the time he had to improvise to survive and would literally eat anything to not go hungry. "If anything, his only weak spot would be that he would become weak if he doesn't eat anything for a while."

Lawliet sweatdrop, for that is a weak spot for all living things, that require food to function. Let alone Ranma, who becomes weak due to lack of food is a given. Lawliet blankly stares at the weird student, who taking note as if this was very important info from Kasumi. He can even see that Kasumi looking at the weird student with concern, for actually taking her words completely serious.

"Thank you, I'll be on my way." Gosunkugi bow at Kasumi before rushing out of the store.

And not even a few minutes later, Nabiki and the rest of the group came in. Again, no Akane, which makes Lawliet wonder if she doing her own personal search for Gosunkugi. Either way, they've completely missed the chance of meeting Gosunkugi.

"It has been days now, Nabiki. Do you think we should stop while we at it?" Ranma frown, that he wasting too much time in this manhunt, that wasn't doing that great. Furthermore, he isn't getting enough time to work at the Toy Store, to earn some cash to pay anything he wants and saving up to pay his rent.

"We can't. I just know we're this close to finding this guy." Nabiki scowl, since there are still people getting pictures of Akane that wasn't obtained from her.

"I say you should just let me use my own minions to find this fellow student of ours." Kodachi said to Nabiki, who frown and shook her head.

"Not happening. That just makes me more in your debt, and we both know it." Nabiki narrow her eyes at Kodachi, who just giggle.

"That we do." Kodachi grin at Nabiki. "Though, I must go now. I have things to do." Kodachi quickly rushes out of the store before anyone could say a thing to her.

"Shampoo wonder why she can't just threaten people to find the troublesome male student?" Shampoo look at Nabiki with a frown, for she could have easily finished this whole nonsense by shaking a few students to reveal where the troublesome male student and let her resume her work at Lawliet's Toy Store to earn her keep.

"Because you're not a student at school and mostly get arrested for beating up students at their own school." Nabiki let out a groan, for having to repeat herself more than once with Shampoo. "And before you even bring Ranma in this. He will be expelled and this would affect him in the long term if this was placed on his record." Nabiki didn't care if Ranma was expelled or not, but Ranma is the only one she could somewhat trust to help her out in case something above her weight come down on her. So, having Ranma close by would be her only safety measure against any other abnormal martial artists like Ranma come to school.

"Shampoo knows... Shampoo just annoyed unknown weird stalker students manage to not be found after Shampoo uses all her [Tracking Skills] to find him." Shampoo felt her pride in her skills was hit for unable to locate the target up to now.

"No kidding." Ranma shook his head, for he knew how skillful Shampoo is in tracking. After all, Ranma had to spend a few days, weeks even, to avoid Shampoo at the time before reaching Japan.

Lawliet didn't know if he should reveal the fact about the actual reason why Shampoo's [Tracking Skills] are failing on her when it's being used on a normal student. Well, somewhat normal with that Gosunkugi. Nevertheless, the only reason why they couldn't find him is due to luck. Just plain luck and nothing else.

"Oh, you just miss him not that long ago. Like 10 minutes ago?" Kasumi taps her chin with her right index finger, not noticing the look of shock on everyone in Nabiki's group faces. "Yup, just came into the store and asked me if I knew Ranma-kun and then ask about his weak point. In which, I just told him that Ranma-kun will get weaker without having anything to eat for a while. I kind of pity the boy, for he took it as a serious weak spot for Ranma-kun."

Ranma sweatdrop, for even he knew that wasn't truly a weak spot, but more of a human need. But, to think Gosunkugi would actually believe that is something important to take note of.

"Shampoo wonder if the stupid boy is worth all this trouble." Shampoo sweatdrop, that she was failing to track down such a foolish boy and starting to think it might be worth taking that extra month rent-free was worth it. But, she already spent a few days into this whole thing and she won't get back those lost time. Making Shampoo sigh.

"I think I might have an idea what to do in order to find him." Nabiki looks at Ranma with a gaze that causes Ranma to take a step back away from her.

"Uh, I don't think we have to go that far. Because I just remember something important." Ranma quickly takes out the letter that was given to him during school and hand it over to Nabiki, who took it from him and begin to read it.

"Really? Why didn't you give this to me before we wasted hours looking for him?" Nabiki glared at Ranma, for not giving this letter to her before leaving the school.

"Would you believe me, that Kuno made me forgot about it?" Ranma points out, that Nabiki hasn't upheld her end of the deal yet; therefore, Kuno still messes with him every day and after school, causing him to forget about the letter for the time being.

"Fine. Come on, we got business to finish." Nabiki wasn't going to hold back on Gosunkugi for making her lose valuable time, that she could be used to work at the store and make money.

"Come back soon!" Lala said to Nabiki, Ranma, and Shampoo. "I do hope nothing goes wrong with them."

"Eh..." Lawliet shrugs his shoulders, knowing that there are some problems going to happen with those three. At least with Ranma is for sure, who will come across a problem today.

"Wait, something bad going to happen to them?" Lala looks at Lawliet with eyes widen, even Kasumi looking at Lawliet with concern.

"Nothing too bad and maybe mainly Ranma." Lawliet recalls today should be the time people should learn about Ranma's fear of cats. "But, it kinda won't be that bad." Lawliet thinks about it for a moment, then looks at Kasumi. "Kasumi, you might need to make some extra food to cheer Ranma up later tonight. If what I'm guessing come true."

"Oh, my." Kasumi quickly figures out that Ranma would be more emotional in pain than physically.

"Do I need to help with anything?" Lala looks at Lawliet with the hope to do something helpful.

"Just continue with your study. Kasumi is enough to make enough food for Ranma." Lawliet pat Lala's head, then think about it for a few seconds. "If you really want to help Ranma out. I guess, make some training equipment for Ranma to use, to use to train his art." Lawliet silently sends a pray to the future Ranma, who would mostly suffer from Lala's inventions that are made in the name of training in the art.

"Right! I will make the best training equipment, for Ranma!" Lala rushes to the basement, with the intention of doing so.

"Do I have to call Dr. Tofu?" Kasumi becomes even more worried about Ranma's body not too badly injured the moment he tries Lala's newly handmade training equipment.

"Uh, for now, no. But, just in case. I'll check if Ranma is okay, if I can't help much, call Dr. Tofu." Lawliet wasn't 100% sure he could fix Ranma after going through the use of Lala's training equipment.

A few hours later*

"So... Anyone want to tell me why Ranma on alert?" Soun asks everyone, where they've just finished dinner and has watched Ranma looking around the place with the eyes of someone waiting for a sneak attack.

"Ranma here has been spooked by something and fainted on the school's ground." Nabiki looks at Ranma with curiosity, for she did not think someone like Ranma would faint and by something or someone at school. This made Nabiki very curious.

"Nothing spooks me!" Ranma leaped to the side, avoid being splashed by a bucket of cold water his pop holding. "Why ya do that for?!" Ranma sends a kick to his pop's head, knocking him out instantly, then did a backflip with one handstand to avoid getting any drop of cold water to touch him and touching the wet ground and land on somewhere dry.

"Shampoo can't understand why panda would do such a thing." Shampoo shook her head and smile when Lala gave her a thumb up, for speaking Japanese better than before.

"I must say, Soun Darling, you really need to find a better friend." Kodachi leans on Soun, who is trying to not react to any words or body actions Kodachi makes.

"I'll be honest. I think I might know what spooked Ranma." Lawliet said to everyone, causing almost everyone's attention to be on him. "Cat."

Ranma flinch harsh at the word and dumbfounded that his first mentor knows his deepest dark secret.

"Wait, is Ranma afraid of cats?" Akane looks at Ranma in disbelief.

Even Soun is surprised to find out about this.

"Oh, my!" Kasumi did not expect this and wonder how did Lawliet know about it.

"Why would you be afraid of cats, Ranma?" Lala looks at Ranma with a confused face.

"I ain't scared of no c-c-a-a-a-at!" Ranma tried to put on a brave front, but only ruin it at the end when he begins shuttering the word of those furry deadly creatures!

"Shampoo finds it not shameful for being afraid. Even Shampoo afraid of many things." Shampoo tries to cheer Ranma up, who did calm down a bit due to her words, much to Shampoo's delight this and gave a smile to Ranma.

"Heh, afraid of cats, huh?" Akane took in joy, to see Ranma looking so terrified because of cute animals like cats.

"Shut up! It's not like you haven't experienced what I have dealt with those c-c-c-furry creatures!" Ranma is a little embarrassed that he still can't say the word often without shuttering.

"Doesn't change the fact, that you're afraid of cats. Ha! The great Ranma scared of cats." Akane looks at Ranma smugly.

"Well, I'm going to head to bed, you guys can ask Ranma why he is afraid of cats. I only found out because I found something belongs to Genma lying around the place and connected the clues with it and Ranma's reaction tonight." Lawliet let out a yawn. "Also, Ranma. Lala here made you something to help you out in training. Lala, you don't have to come to bed so soon. You can take your time helping Ranma out with the training equipment you made for him. Thanks for dinner, Kasumi."

"Got it~!" Lala smiles cheerfully to Lawliet as she watches him head to their bedroom, to sleep. Then, look at Ranma, who shivers right away. "Come on, Ranma! I put it in the dojo!" Lala grab Ranma's right hand with her own left and forcibly drag him to the dojo, with Shampoo and Akane tagging along, with the latter curious what the training equipment is while Ranma himself is frightened to see what he have to be forced to use.