Arc 1 - Chapter 18: Not Happening

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 18: Not Happening

The next day*

"So, how the training equipment?" Lawliet asks Ranma, who looks like he just a second from dying with how pale he is right now. If that wasn't enough, Lawliet can see that Ranma is in the mental state of reacting to any dangers aimed at him.

"Pain. All I know is pain." Ranma spoke in a hoarse tone. "All I know is pain..."

"Lala?" Lawliet kinda saw all the training equipment Lala made for Ranma, but he didn't know exactly what all of them do.

"I might have forgotten the off switch and it malfunction during the run last night." Lala gives Ranma an apologetic smile, which didn't do much for Ranma as he barely accepting the food being fed to him by Shampoo.

"Did I make some mistake in the parts I made for you?" Lawliet frown, that maybe this is his fault this time and not Lala's.

"No! No! It isn't because of you, but because I must have made a mistake somewhere in the process of converting one material into another. But, at least Ranma has another way to train. Though, I don't think he should use it too often." Lala wince at how dead-like Ranma is right now. "Maybe I should do a few more modifications to fix some of the problems."

"Good thing I didn't go into that death trapped box." Akane shiver at the memory of Ranma's screaming of pain last night, something she did not expect Ranma to make such an awful sound. All because Lala wanted Ranma to use one of the training equipment, where the first one is a black steel box, that would put Ranma's body into a state of paralysis and have his mind go through many experiences as a way to give him the experience he needs. Only to find out whatever Lala made it a bit too much, for Ranma to handle and leading everyone to panic.

Shampoo even tried to break Ranma out to save him, but the steel box was too strong that even someone like Shampoo couldn't break open. In fact, Lala did that too, but she made the thing too well, that it was impossible to break. Then again, Lala had in mind that Ranma might destroy the training equipment at one point during training, so she reinforced the equipment to make it more durable. Too durable from the lack of damage from withstanding all attacks to break Ranma free from within.

In the end, Ranma brute forces his way into finishing the training courses made by Lala to help him go through many things that would kill him and many times over if he did so in real life.

If anything, Akane seriously did not want even Ranma to go through all that. Even to gain lots of combat experience that can only be gained from life and death battles. However, Akane is a bit curious about what Ranma saw to make him scream so much.

"Well, I guess that... Something." Lawliet sweatdrops as he looks at his student being in a zombie-like state. "How about we call the school, that Ranma can't go to school today, with how he is right now." Lawliet continues to look at Ranma. "Yeah, I don't think he in the right state of mind to function correctly at school."

"Oh, my. I'll go do that now." Kasumi got up and walk off to use the house phone.

"By the way, what's with the cats?" Lawliet notices there are a few cats walking in the house.

"Kasumi taking care of them for a friend; well, one of them. The rest I got Shampoo to find, so we can see how much Ranma can handle before he snaps." Nabiki said to Lawliet, who raise an eyebrow at this.

"You know, maybe I can figure out a way to cure Ranma's fear of cats?" Lawliet thought out loud, and that was enough to snap Ranma out and leap onto his feet with hope on his face.

"Truly, Lawliet-sensei?!" Ranma has hated how he has such weakness throughout his entire life up to now. Just because of his stupid pop couldn't check for sure before putting him through such an awful experience. In order to learn this unbeatable martial art.

"If I can, then Lala should be able to. But, we need to see your fear in action." Lawliet thought about it for a second. "However, I'll promise that if I can, then I'll help Lala make something that should be possible, if not, then I can try to come up with something else at the end."

"Thank you, Lawliet-sensei! I'm willing to go through any tortures just so I can get rid of this fear of mine!" Ranma starting to tear up. Not noticing that his pop is scowling this entire time while Soun is quite asleep, once again, and have his head rested on Kodachi's lap.

"You know how to cure people of their fears?" Lala looks at Lawliet in awe.

"Yup." Lawliet couldn't really outright say that he was forced to learn how to overcome his fears in the past or risk his adopted parents and anyone else using it against him. So yeah, he did know how to cure people of their fears. His ways. "Now, seeing how Ranma is back to normal. I'll have to get Kasumi to stop calling the school he is in sick." Lawliet moves faster than anyone in the room could see and reappear back after a minute of being gone. "Okay, let's finish breakfast. Ranma, we will begin after school and we can close the store early too if needed."

10 hours later*

"I thought you were kidding, Lawliet, but wow! I can't believe it! The great Ranma afraid of a little kitty-cat?" Nabiki places more cats onto the frozen Ranma, who is too scared to move at this point.

"Come now, Ranma. They're so cuuuute!" Kasumi holding two cats in her arms.

"Oh, they so fluffy!" Lala rubs her face into a fat cat with soft fur, earning a meow from the said cat, but didn't try to escape out of Lala's arms, showing that it didn't mind having Lala's face buried into its fur.

"Hm. Ranma can you say anything?" Lawliet didn't touch Ranma and continue to watch how Ranma is stiff as a stone. And just like a stone, they don't talk. Just like Ranma right now, who didn't even blink nor move a single muscle. "Never mind. I can see that he has fainted."

"Seriously?" Nabiki paused in putting a white cat on top of Ranma's head and wave her hand in front of Ranma's face.

"You guys are cruel for doing this." Akane shook her head, for all the hate she has for Ranma. She rather not do something this to him.

"To think, I have such a cowardly son, and he calls himself a man!" Genma looks at his son with disappointment.

"Well, it's a good thing I have something to help Ranma out." Lawliet removes all the cats off Ranma's body, which fall to the ground, showing that Ranam truly did faint, and through body reflex that he manages to stand so still this entire time. "Ranma, time to learn a new stance." Just like that, Ranma is back on his feet with an excited face.

"What are we learning next, Lawliet-sensei?!" Ranma completely forgot about the cats around him as his brain is more focused on what he is going to learn in the next part of the art.

"I'm going to teach you, my art's mental cultivation method." Lawliet has thought about it for a bit and that curing Ranma's fear of cats will take a long process to do. Luckily, the [18 Dragon Subduing Palm] has the [Dark Clouds but No Rain], where the moral is a critical part of battles. This mental cultivation method is to strengthen one's will and remain calm and collected even in the face of near-insurmountable odds. While acknowledging one's fear, but never suffer from it.

In other words, have iron-will and still can feel fear, but never allow it to be in control. To fight without fearing death and going all out, abandoning all defenses in order to win the fight.

"Lala, bring a cat with us. It's a good thing we have one because Ranma will need it." Lawliet saw the look of panic in Ranma's eyes. "Trust me, you will want to learn this mental cultivation method if you want to continue training in the art of mine." With that said, Ranma slowly nods. "Shampoo, you will tag along too, to be Ranma's mental support." Lawliet decided, that he made his mistake and should have got Ukyo to be with Ranma, but thinking about Shampoo is more into martial arts than Ukyo, then Shampoo might be the better option, so better to help Shampoo and Ranma grow together.

The next day*

Last night training didn't go so well, leaving Ranma being partially paralyzed and couldn't move his legs, leading to Shampoo taking care of him for the rest of the night. However, on the bright side, Ranma managed to barely learn the [Dark Clouds but No Rain]. Even then, Ranma will have to continue dealing with cats until he is able to touch one without freezing up or becoming scared, to the point of running away.

Anyway, Lawliet is walking around outside instead of being at the Toy Store with Kasumi and Lala, but today he wanted to check on something that has been on his mind lately and that there is a spot somewhere in the neighborhood, where the fabric of space seem unstable. Similar to how Lala pops into this world.

In order words, this might be a gateway to another world either to Lala's homeworld or to another world. But, after rechecking a few times. Lawliet can say for sure this gateway won't lead to Lala's homeworld. Furthermore, Lawliet can say for sure, that this wasn't happening due to the other world trying to form a connection with this world, but that this is just plain random throughout the multiverse.

Soon, Lawliet walks into a back alley, making him sweatdrop this is the spot where the gateway forming would be at. Well, better than in a building, then that will be a bit tricky. Nonetheless, this is fine for Lawliet since now he is a bit closer to the forming gateway. He can study it and try to see the other side, to find out what the other world is and to Lawliet's confusion. The other side of this gateway is random and he had already counted 60 different worlds changing in a whole minute, a world per second before switching; therefore, the moment someone enters through this gateway would be nearly impossible to come back to this world.

Of course, for Lawliet, it's easy to come back here, thanks to having the [Authority: Space]. Otherwise, this will be a one-way trip for him if he dares go through it. However, there is no point in Lawliet having to use this gateway since he can just make his own. So, with no hesitation. Lawliet uses [Space] to crush this unstable connection before anything could come into this world.

There is no point in having this here and by locating this focus point. Lawliet can sense a few mores throughout the world and crush them one by one until none are left. Once that's done. Lawliet slowly takes his time to walk back to the Toy Store to help out.

Hours later*

Lawliet watches Lala chasing after Ranma, who is running away in a similar way as a cat aka running on four limbs.

"So, what's going on here?" Lawliet looks at Nabiki since she the best person to ask about this. Though, he could ask Shampoo too, since she would be mostly at school with Ranma, Nabiki, Akane, and Kodachi, but just running all over the place to find the weird stalker student.

"Yeah, someone stupid is enough to find out how Ranma would react against a bunch of cats. Then, this happens. He acting like a cat and now he seems to have a hidden fear of Lala, not that I could blame him, and trying not to be captured by Lala." Nabiki said to Lawliet, watching Lala running after Ranma, surprisingly at a speed that doesn't fall behind Ranma.

"Shampoo wonder if it's because of what Ranma went that night with the training equipment?" Shampoo really wants to help Ranma, but she knew there wasn't anything she could do for him like this. Shampoo has no experience or knowledge about the [Nekoken] that much after she learn how cruel the training was in order to learn it. Just to prove that someone like Genma wasn't a good role model in teaching Ranma, making Shampoo's feel heartache just from thinking about all the cruel times her sweet Ranma had to go through while growing up.

"Well, I guess I have to speed up my teaching lesson or else Ranma would end up like this. Also, did you have to bring Ranma into the store? The customers are literally pointing and laughing at Ranma. I feel like he will be kinda hurt that people seen him in this state and become a laughingstock or something." Lawliet looks at Nabiki, expecting her to the main person to think up the idea of bringing Ranma in his current state of mind to the Toy Store.

"Hey, don't blame this on me. Shampoo is the one that wanted to bring Ranma here." Nabiki wasn't going to take the blame for something she didn't do. Even if she was at fault, that doesn't mean she will take it and will figure a way to place the blame onto someone else.

"Shampoo thinks that either Lawliet or Lala would help Ranma." Shampoo spoke up to defend herself.

"I got this." Lawliet knew the best way to snap Ranma out of the [Nekoken].

Moving at a speed no one could detect. Ranma let out a yelp, for a long period of time as Ranma turned into her cursed female body form and snapping out of her [Nekoken] state of mind.

"There." Lawliet didn't show it on his face, but he was surprised that making Ranma switch to his cursed form would push him out of the [Nekoken] state of mind. It was a gamble really, luckily the gamble paid off. Otherwise, Lawliet will have to use his backup plan, which was to knock Ranma out. Though, Lawliet rather not do that. Who knows what side-effect would happen if Lawliet did so, with Ranma being in [Nekoken] mode at the time. "Well, Ranma. Glad you're back to normal." Lawliet nods at Ranma, then take the empty bucket that was filled with cold water and head to the back of the store to put it away from where he got it from.

Shampoo quickly checks Ranma if there is anything wrong with him while everyone went back to their business. Some newer customers asked the regulars how did a weird boy turn into a girl. Leading to a group of new friendships forming because of this, where it's already well known about Ranma's curse. While some are disturbed by this and quickly left the store without caring if their children won't get their toys or not.

Lala seeing that Ranma is no longer a boy nor running away from her. She begins to ask a series of questions to Ranma, for why she came into the store acting like a cat and everything. By the time Lala finished asking her question and got her answers, she left the mentally exhausted Ranma behind with Shampoo, who didn't stick around Ranma too much either as she got to work.

The next day*

"Are you sure, we should close the store today? Wouldn't this make things difficult for you and everyone else?" Kasumi looks concerned that today Lawliet unexpectedly decided not to open the store today.

"Yup. I even put a notice sign of the store closing down for the day and will reopen tomorrow." Lawliet said to Kasumi while rubbing his chin, for with [Space]. Outside the house and from a distance. He can see a very small person and very wrinkly. She wore a Chinese robe and a hairpin. Carrying a wooden cane. And if Lawliet recalls correctly, this is Cologne. Shampoo's great-grandmother and she is moving here really fast via roof hopping in a special movement using [Ki]. Should be in a matter of seconds soon.

Also, the main reason why Lawliet wanted to close the store for the day because he has long detected Cologne enter Furinkan last night and moving around the area, mostly for researching about all the things has happened in the community with Shampoo here.

"Does this mean, we get some extra training in?!" Ranma looks at Lawliet-sensei with determination to conquer his fear; well, enough to not allow it to have control over him too much. Ranma knew that once he finishes learning this mental cultivation method, then he will be taught other things from Lawliet-sensei's art. So yeah, Ranma really wants to see what he could do once he learns everything about the art.

"Yup." Lawliet didn't even bother to look in Genma and Soun's direction, where they continue to whispering to each other.

Something that didn't last that long when Kodachi appears in between them and drag Soun away, with Genma acting like nothing happen and just look away. So he won't be able to see the pleading look from Soun. Kodachi begins to forcibly demand Soun to do some couple activity with her and Soun trying his best to politely decline, not realizing the more he does, the more Kodachi's desire to make him do it.

"Shampoo curious to find out how powerful Lawliet truly is." Shampoo wonders how long Lawliet has trained to be this strong.

"That's a good question, great-granddaughter." Cologne said to Shampoo from the side, where she is sitting and drinking a hot cup of tea given to her by Kasumi. "After all, I'm curious to find someone from the Musk Dynasty here. Tell me, Lawliet, was it? Why are you here? In a place barely any powerful fighters, that don't even have access to [Ki], which I know won't do much against someone like you, who have [Dragon Ki]."

Many different reactions occur the moment Cologne spoke up.

"Great-grandmother!" Shampoo shouted in surprise to see her and secretly scared of what she has found so far. Making Shampoo really hope nothing bad would happen.

"Holy cow!" Ranma nearly attacks with a palm strike at the very small granny. But, held himself back in time.

"How did you get in here?!" Akane shouted while Nabiki looks almost like she about to have a heart attack from the sudden appearance of Cologne.

"I feel like I know her from somewhere." Genma frown as he looks at Cologne with caution. Something wasn't right about this old ghoul, for one thing, being at her age and a Chinese Amazon if what that Shampoo girl said is true about this old ghoul being her great-grandmother, then things just got more complicated.

"Wow, I never knew there would be someone so small and old." Lala looks at Cologne with wide eyes.

Kodachi didn't care about Cologne and have a more important task at hand, which is to continue seducing her beloved Soun.

"I'm not from the Musk Dynasty and I just came here for a vacation to stay here before continuing on my journey as a wandering martial artist." Lawliet wasn't surprised that Cologne can sense the [Dragon Ki] inside him. In fact, Lawliet would be more suspicious of Cologne if she didn't comment about the [Dragon Ki] right away. Though, the Musk Dynasty part is a surprise for Lawliet.

"Hm. I highly doubt you're a simple wandering martial artist and I would be a fool to believe that you're not part of the Musk Dynasty in any way. Explain yourself before I have to force it out of you." Cologne narrows her eyes and ready to deploy many of her martial arts against this foe, that might have something planned with her great-granddaughter involved.

"Believe whatever you want, I'm not here to convince you of anything. After all, I'm just staying here with my girlfriend here before we leave after we deem it is time for us to leave." Lawliet looks directly in Cologne's eyes, not afraid of her one bit, and can sense the gazes from others. Especially one that seems to look at him with shock and fear. "Don't worry, Ranma. By the time it's for me to leave, I'll gift you a book about my art, but depending on the time. You should learn everything from me and master the art on your own without any problems." Lawliet knew how much of a genius Ranma is and knew he would easily master the [18 Dragon Subduing Palm] in no time.

"Not good enough." Cologne might take this whole thing too fast and could just have a steady conversation with this Lawliet, but the amount of [Dragon Ki] she sensing is too much for her comfort zone and around Shampoo at that, making this entire thing bad and she wasn't getting any younger. Shampoo is her heir and still in the process of training; furthermore, Cologne knew whoever that redhead girl defeated her great-granddaughter needed to be killed quickly or else it is impossible for Shampoo to take her position in a few years from now. Many of the others would look down at Shampoo for not being able to complete the Kiss of Death, where others manage to within a short period of time.

So, Cologne didn't regret launching the first strike as she tries to wack Lawliet's head with her wooden stick while strengthening it with her [Ki] while using one of the special techniques used against [Dragon Ki] user.

Sadly, what Cologne didn't consider is the fact that the [Dragon Ki] she sense is completely different compared to the ones she has faced against in the past. Therefore, it wasn't a surprise for Lawliet when he uses the [A sudden Advent] and a faint golden dragon appears for a brief moment before it disappears as Lawliet's right palm smash the wooden cane into pieces while just an inch away from touching Cologne's face. Allowing the old ghoul to see the faint golden dragon up close and personal before disappearing.

Lala was the only one personally shown the full might of the [18 Dragon Subduing Palm] some time ago out of curiosity and was a bit disappointed to not see the full golden dragon made out [Dragon Ki]. Only the tiniest and smallest golden dragon, that wasn't even that visible, but the [Dragon Ki]'s presence alone has caused the weaker wills to be knocked out cold and their brain unable to safety allow all of them to take in the information of feeling the [Dragon Ki]. Therefore, shutting down, putting them in an unconscious state for a short period of time.

Those that have a stronger will or have experience sensing the [Dragon Ki] before being able to stay awake. Though, Lala does feel a bit dizzy before it fades in a few seconds later.

"You're very lucky, that I'm a merciful man and not someone ruthless. Otherwise, I wouldn't have held back." Lawliet said to Cologne with a cold glare, for daring to attack him out of nowhere and unlike Ranma in canon. Lawliet knew he can take on Cologne, even with all the tricks she has gathered over the years while being alive. That still doesn't mean he will let Cologne attack him without defending himself.