Arc 1 - Chapter 19: Rumors And Plans

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 19: Rumors And Plans

Cologne couldn't believe her eyes! The precious wooden cane that's been with her for years has been destroyed like nothing! And by this stranger, who should belong from the Musk Dynasty!

This causes Cologne to feel something she hasn't felt in years. Anger.

So, no longer hesitating. Cologne coats her hands with [Ki] and launch super-swift volleys of palm strikes while also moving around, covering all angles around this Lawliet person. Aiming to take him down fast before he could use his strange [Dragon Ki].

"Really now?" Lawliet didn't bother to block all these attacks nor avoid them. Lawliet simply just use his [Authority: Space] and lock onto Cologne, grabbing her face with his right hand. Then, using [Spatial Energy] to freeze Cologne. Making her unable to move. Other than her mouth and eyes that can still be moved.

This whole thing didn't even last for a few seconds before Cologne is completely defeated by Lawliet. This ends with the result of Cologne looking at Lawliet in horror and dread, for she wasn't unable to do a single to him.

"You think this will be the end?!" Cologne shouted at Lawliet, then look at Shampoo from the corner of her eyes. "What are you standing there for?! Help me!"

"Great-grandmother! Why did you attack Lawliet? He did nothing wrong!" Shampoo couldn't believe her great-grandmother would do such a foolish thing!

"Didn't you hear what I said before?! He is from the Musk Dynasty! They were supposed to be extinct, but here one right now! They are well-known for looking down on the female gender and treated as only to produce children! He must be here aiming for you after finding out you left the village!" Cologne quickly explain the best can to Shampoo, hoping her great-granddaughter would do something already!

"Shampoo knows Lawliet isn't like that! Look!" Shampoo point at Lala, who is frowning at the way Shampoo's great-grandmother treating Lawliet like he part of this Musk Dynasty. "She is perfectly happy and Lawliet's beloved. Why would great-grandmother think Lawliet is part of this Musk Dynasty?!" Shampoo just can't wrap her mind on why someone like her great-grandmother, which she grows up under all these years would act so crazy and unlike the normal calm and playful, but mostly serious great-grandmother.

"I see." Cologne frown, then glare at Lawliet. "You must have brainwashed Shampoo!"

"Okay, I guess this is the time for you to speak with Shampoo privately." Lawliet unfreezes Cologne, but made sure to leave some [Spatial Energy] inside Cologne, to stop her from using her [Ki]. "Shampoo, try to talk some sense into your great-grandmother."

"Sure, Shampoo will do her best." Shampoo feels so embarrassed right now.

"You alright, Lawliet?" Lala moves closer to her lover, to check if he is harmed in any way. Before sighing in relief that there weren't any signs of injuries.

"Nah, I'm fine." Lawliet looks at the unconscious bodies and wonders if he should leave them there or not. Though, Lawliet starting to think that it's nearly time for him and Lala to leave this world. Who knows what kind of chaos will start showing up everywhere. Making his already busy schedule to become a lot busier and won't give him any free time to nap.

Well, maybe after taking care of a few things for Ranma, Kasumi, Nabiki, and Shampoo afterward. Though, Lawliet will have to think about if he should change Akane for the better. He rather not have both Kasumi and Nabiki splitting from the entire family, pushing Akane away and leave her be alone with someone like Soun.

Yeah, Lawliet can't think if he should with all the time Akane has done to Ranma in canon and even right now. She is tolerable at best. Lawliet have enough to know Akane somewhat in this world for almost 2 months now.

"Shampoo! Why are you siding along with the Musk Dynasty?!" Cologne grunts at Shampoo while secretly going through her hidden pockets filled with artifacts she always carries around just in case she needs them. And right now, Cologne might have to use one of them to either kill this Lawliet or at best, send him to another dimension. "You have disappointed me, Shampoo. You'll return back with me to the village to take your punishment for not doing as I said and even failed to complete the Kiss of Death. I expected better from my heir."

"Hey, now! Shampoo has been doing great since she came here!" Lala didn't want Shampoo to leave nor does she want her friend to be punished for something she has no control over something like this.

"Shampoo can't finish the Kiss of Death, great-grandmother." Shampoo quickly explains to herself and mentions about Ranma's true gender is male and the redhead girl is his cursed form.

"Doesn't matter. Tradition is tradition." Cologne finds it a bit harsh, but tradition needs to be done.

"Please, great-grandmother. Shampoo trying to court Ranma to accept the Kiss of Marriage. He is very strong and honorable as well as being a student of Lawliet." Shampoo knew how her great-grandmother places very importance on strong martial artists.

"A student of the Musk Dynasty you say?" Cologne looks at Ranma with a glint in her eyes.

"Yes. A student of mine. Don't even think about trying anything with Ranma. Also, he not part of the Musk Dynasty and neither am I." Lawliet notices the glint in Cologne's eyes straight away and can easily guess what is on that old ghoul's mind. "As long as I'm here. You can forget trying to manipulate him and force him to do things against his will."

"Sensei." Ranma is moved by this, for all his life. No one would try to protect him and to make it even more a joyful moment for Ranma personally. Is that Lawliet-sensei didn't even want anything from him and just wanted to help out, that's it.

"Nevertheless. Shampoo, come back to the village, and face punishment. Not to mention, you haven't even done the Kiss of Marriage; therefore, you've still failed to complete the Kiss of Death and didn't even bother to complete it. You instead aiming to use the Kiss of Marriage to cancel out the Kiss of Death, which would have worked if the boy had accepted the Kiss of Marriage. Yet, he didn't. So death is the only option before you can regain back your honor, but you still haven't done it. This can't go any longer and you'll come back to the village right this instant." Cologne said firmly at her great-granddaughter.

"Shampoo can't." Shampoo knew that the moment she didn't help her great-grandmother the first time. Then, the higher her punishment will be and she doesn't care one bit. For the first time, outside of her village and training every day. She has a fun life outside of training in the art and wasn't so heavily pressured due to gaining the status of being the heir of her great-grandmother's position in the village. That is something very important and has great honor in the village, even Shampoo knew how much her great-grandmother has helped improved the village further than what previous generations have done. Yet, Shampoo found a life outside of the village.

In a way, Shampoo doesn't think she could ever go back to the village and live a normal life there, even if she did finally complete the Kiss of Death and Lawliet don't end up killing her upon Ranma's death.

"Don't even think about harming Shampoo!" Lala looks ready to pounce at Cologne, no matter how old looking she is. Lala will do anything for the one she cares about. Though, if there was an option to choose between Lawliet and someone else. Lala will never hesitate to choose Lawliet over the other.

"Quiet, child! This is a family matter!" Cologne didn't like the outsider to get involved with her family's private business, let alone one that is in a relationship with a member of the Musk Dynasty. "You shouldn't speak about something you have no knowledge of. Now, come Shampoo. We must return to the village at once!"

"No." Shampoo stood her ground and feel like an actual person. Not just another Chinese Amazon that is just waiting for her turn to be in a position which Shampoo realized, it wasn't something she wanted at all. In fact, Shampoo found out it was more fun hanging out with Ranma along with Lawliet and Lala as she learns about many things in the world. Then just stick in a small place like her birthplace.

"Shampoo!" Cologne couldn't believe that in a short time of not seeing her great-granddaughter and she changed so much!

"Shampoo will not leave with great-grandmother. Shampoo will stay and try her best to earn Ranma's heart. He is someone who has already taken Shampoo's heart." Shampoo look at her great-grandmother with determination. Not noticing the change in Ranma's eyes.

Ranma didn't really think that much about his relationship with Shampoo nor with any girl for that matter. Yet, here is Shampoo declaring her love for him, even when she knows about his curse. Making Ranma realize that Shampoo truly wanted to be with him, for who he is, and willing to be together with him, even if it's mean going against her family. This alone made Ranma see Shampoo in an entirely new light and making Ranma beginning to want to invest in building a bond with Shampoo.

Cologne noticed the look on Ranma's face right away. Then, a plan begins to form in her head. Taking a few minutes of silence. Cologne let out a frustrated sigh, then glare at Lawliet before looking at Shampoo with a soft gaze. Shaking her head slowly.

"Fine. Be that way." Cologne slowly took her time to leave the Tendo Dojo. As to why she left without trying to persuade aka threaten Shampoo to come with her even further. Well, Cologne couldn't find any right artifacts to use on Lawliet and her [Ki] not working properly. So, that makes it near impossible to use any of her artifacts on her person. Therefore, better to retreat while she still can.

Once everyone, that are still awake, watches Cologne leave in the cold night. Shampoo even wanted to rush out to help her great-grandmother find a place to stay. But, the only reason why Shampoo didn't. Was because it would cause the broken relationship between them to go even deeper and Shampoo didn't want it to get any worse than it already is.

"Shampoo. Will you be fine not being able to go back to your village?" Ranma asks Shampoo, because he likes to go back to his own homeland and if something stops him from doing so. It Will make him frustrated to no end and he would mostly do something that could potentially cause a major problem for everyone. Something Ranma's honor can't allow to happen. Luckily, Ranma didn't have such a problem.

"Shampoo fine. Thank you for asking, Ranma." Shampoo smile at Ranma, causing him to blush a little, much to Shampoo's delight upon seeing this reaction from her love interest.

Three days later*

It has been three days since anyone last seen Cologne, which caused Shampoo to be concerned about this.

Currently, today is Sunday, meaning the Toy Store is closed for the day. But, that doesn't mean the group of Lawliet, Lala, Ranma, Shampoo, Kasumi, and Nabiki are going to stay at home. Even Akane is tagging along once she promised not to start any problems, leaving Kodachi alone with Soun at home while Genma sneaks off to somewhere, that no one know, other than Lawliet, and won't come back later tonight.

Right now, the group is just walking around just to hang out. Though, it's mainly Lawliet that would be paying for any activities that require money. Some would willing to chip in if needed. However, someone like Nabiki will never offer to pay and Akane just doesn't have money in general, making it a bit awkward for her. However, she kept quiet to make it less awkward.

Nearby, the group can hear a few people gossiping loudly. Which would have made them leave or not pay attention at all. Yet, Lawliet and a few others in the group begin to pay attention.

"Hey, have you heard?"

"No, what?"

"There is this great restaurant just open up recently. The food there is amazing."

"Really? That's good, I guess. We can go eat there later today, then."

"Yup, it's named Cat Cafe. No idea why. There is no cat or any cat theme whatsoever. But, they serve Japanese Chinese cuisine. The food there is amazing. It's run by three people, a pair of a father and son, while there is an old granny working as well. Honestly, I expect more workers to be there."

"Seriously? Just three people?"

"Yeah, and get this."


"The reason why there are only three of them. It's because they are trying to support the only daughter of the family, who is very unfilial and ran off to do whatever. Yet, they are here raising money to support her, to make sure she has money to take care of herself. The nerve of some people."

"Dang, really?!"

"Yeah! Though, their name is a bit weird."

"What's weird about their name?"

"They are named after beauty products. Who would have names like Mousse and Cologne. The chef, we have no idea yet though."

"Well, there's our answer in finding out what your great-grandmother been doing lately." Nabiki said to Shampoo, who is very pale right about now.

"You know, now that I think about it. Why is your name after a beauty product?" Akane looks at Shampoo with her eyebrows furrow.

"Forget about that." Nabiki strains her ears to continue listening to the gossips around them. "It looks like old granny is trying to make everyone feel pity for her and the other two. While making you look bad. If nothing is done soon, by the end of today or the next. People will only believe what they have heard and seen first, then begin blaming you without getting the full story." Nabiki can see what that old granny is doing.

"Why would she do such a thing?" Lala frown, that Shampoo's great-grandmother would go that far to harm Shampoo. "Does she not want Shampoo to be happy?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if the only thing the old ghoul wants from Shampoo is to be the perfect heir." Ranma feels the urge to face Cologne on his own and fight for Shampoo's freedom.

"Yeah... Perfect heir..." Shampoo recalls all the harsh training she went through to get where she is right now. Making Shampoo starting to doubt if her choice from before was the correct one or not. Yet, she wants to follow her heart.

"Cheer up, Shampoo. There is no need to care about what others think about you. Just be who you are and be happy." Kasumi said to Shampoo, patting her on the back. Making Shampoo smile at Kasumi.

"In my opinion. We should just ignore it. Even if we have successfully changed the public's views. Shampoo's great-grandmother might have a few extra plans to fall back on in case this one falls apart." Lawliet knew how Cologne is and she lived long enough to see many things and come up with plans that many would never think of.

"What I want to know is how in the world your great-grandmother manages to set up a restaurant so fast. Assuming she has unlimited funds, which I have no idea if she does. Even then, define the type of restaurant and what the requirements for that restaurant are. Usually, take around 2-3 months alone. Second, finding a location. That's 2 months, assuming you CAN buy the property, that would be your fastest route if you are leasing. It will probably be 3-4 months or longer depending on the market. Third, hiring an architect and engineer and work through a plan set including equipment selection. 3 months at the fastest, if you are very decisive and know what equipment is required before you start. Fourth, applying for a health permit, expedited processing for an extra fee, if it's available. A month. Fifth, applying for a building permit and planning permit with the city. 2 months there. Sixth, at the same time applying for the building permit, purchase all equipment, including any commercial hood required. Seventh, construction will take 3 months at the shortest for the smallest space. Eighth, at the same time as construction taking place, hire and train staff and finish developing the menu, and get all supplies ordered for a startup. Like, go with a month if one's very lucky. Ninth, Final inspection, that's around 2 weeks. Total Time: At least over a year and a half at the shortest timeframe. Even if she did some of the others already beforehand like the permit and building." Nabiki let out a frustrated sigh. "The least amount of time I could roughly guess on is a month at best unless she planned this entire time before coming here. With the restaurant as a backup for her to use if she planning to stay here longer than a few days. That's the only possible answer I could think of how that old granny manages to open a restaurant so fast."

"Dang, were you planning to open a restaurant yourself or something?" Ranma looks at Nabiki in awe, for knowing all this and even knowing the rough time establish for each part in order to open a restaurant; well, at least Ranma thinks Nabiki knew what she needs to do if she ever wants to open a restaurant.

"Not really. I was just researching the different fields of career I might want to go into in case the one I'm aiming for doesn't turn out well." Nabiki replied. "Anyway, if I were you, Shampoo. You should either stay out of public unless your great-grandmother decides to 'accidentally' reveal that you're the daughter in the family they're trying to support or find a way to spread out your own rumors to counter the rumors going on right now." Nabiki has dealt with a few situations like this in the past while she was building up her network of connections.

"Oh, yeah. I remember how you've been checking out lots of different books in the library a few times in the past." Kasumi remembers how her little sister would always have a book at hand, reading nearly all the time before stopping one day. "I guess you have finished your research. Wow, I must have been quite busy at the time to not realize it."

"No kidding, I had to go into studying a bit of the medical books from the library, to make sure I can find the right medicine to buy from Dr. Tofu in case you ever fell sick from overworking." Nabiki didn't like showing how soft she is, but being in this group kinda made change her attitude a bit. Not a bad change, but Nabiki won't become a totally different person.

"Man, you would think you know someone, then find something new about them." Lawliet said in a joking tone, causing Nabiki to smirk at him.

"Oooh! Did you study in engineering?!" Lala hopes this is something that could be used to bond with Nabiki over with.

"Barely enough to find out if I want it as a career or not. Sadly, it isn't." Nabiki tried her best to suppress the urge to restart studying in engineer just to have some friendly conversation with Lala on a common shared topic. Nabiki has found she lacked talent in engineering and it would be a waste of her time to continue on that path. Since she knows, that if she put in twice the effort only to find out someone else that is better than her only needs to put in half the work to get the same result she makes. Yup, Nabiki rather work smart than putting 110% effort into something that she could have done something else she best at.

"Aw..." Lala pout, then it quickly changes back to a cheerful one as she just realizes something. "Oh, yeah! We should think up a plan to help Shampoo not be so caught up by other's opinion the moment the enemy side takes in the offensive!" Lala could think of a few inventions she could make, that could possibly help out. Though, she will have to run it through Lawliet first just in case. Lala rather not have another incident with the training equipment she made for Ranma. It's a good thing with Lawliet around. Lala doesn't have to worry about her inventions going out of control too often, making this a great thing for her!

"And how will we do that?" Akane asks, gaining some eyebrows raised by hearing this question from her, but Akane didn't notice and even if she did. Akane wouldn't have been bothered. Right now, Akane wants to see if she could learn a thing or two from this group before deciding to just go back to being on her own with meeting some of her friends at school whenever she feels like it.

"Here is our last resort. I'll just destroy the entire building, after removing all the important things. Lessen the load of how much I might have to pay for the damage. By then, the public's view would switch from Shampoo over to me. Giving us a bit more time to deal with Shampoo's great-grandmother." Lawliet said to everyone, causing some to look at him with surprise while some look a bit put off by this plan he came up with. "As I said, this is the last resort if the rest of the plans we come upon the way doesn't work, then we can go for this one. Suppressing the gossips about Shampoo for a bit."

"Huh..." Ranma did not expect Lawliet-sensei would be able to destroy a building and with ease if going by the look on his face of boredom. "Does this mean I can do the same?" Not to mention, Ranma finally got the hint that he was missing while training in Lawliet-sensei's art. [Dragon Ki].

Sadly, Ranma didn't know how to produce [Dragon Ki] nor could he figure out a way to ask Lawliet-sensei to teach him how to. Something Ranma didn't want to make it look like he is disrespecting Lawliet-sensei in any way by asking this.

"Pretty much, and maybe more." Lawliet won't be surprised or shock if Ranma somehow mastered the [18 Dragon Subduing Palm] to the point of being able to destroy a mountain just to see if he could do it. "Though, I would be cautious about how you use the art I've taught you. It could also be used for evil." Lawliet nearly laughs out loud the moment he said the word: Evil. In his eyes, there is no such thing as good or evil. Only choices, that decide the outcome.

One could do both good and bad. One person who has been 'evil' throughout their entire life until something unexpected happens to make this person do 'good' things. While someone who been 'good' can also do 'bad' things due to certain reasons. All based on one's choices. Everything is based on a choice.

"Don't worry, Lawliet-sensei! I will make sure to use in the best honorable way and protect the weak!" Ranma looks at Lawliet-sensei with a bright smile, not noticing the looks he got from others. Especially from Shampoo.