The punishmemt

Right after saying that, a random member of the gang jumps out of no where and tries to attack Rameez. Rameez tries to block the attack but he sees that the attack has been already blocked by Raza

" Who told you to step in? "

" How can you let him say stuff like that? Besides who even is this guy? "

" That doesn't really concern you in anyway. Just my fellow accomplice "

' What? Why is he trying to save me now? '

" It does concern me! You brought an intruder in our gathering and you let him scold you like that? "

" Yes I do? Any problem with that? "

" Ahh, just forget it "

After saying that the the other member steps aside and Raza looks at Rameez and then starts to stare at the victim for a while and decides to let him go

" Untie him! "


" Oh they went out to see their friends? Well I wanted to see them, but didn't you atleast tell him about my arrival? "

" Well they both have been out of the house since they came from school, so didn't really get a chance to say so "

" Quite sad. I really wanted to meet them "

" Oh yeah, though they have been out for quite a while now, want me to call them home? "

" Oh there is no need to bother them, if they are enjoying them selfs "

" Oh okay then. Hey you are probably hungry, right? Let me serve the food! "

" No! There is no need for that! "

" Shut up! Now there, bring the food "


" Alright boss, I will untie him "

" What! You are just gonna let him go like that? "

" Yeah! I am "

" You fucking nuts? What about Salman? He hunted him down and beat him up! How can you let that go? "

" Who said I am letting it go? All I am saying is to untie him "

After saying that, Raza looks at Rameez and tell him to wait outside near his bike so Rameez does that and leaves. Raza then calls out a random member from his gang and orders him to beat up the victim until he orders him to stop

Then proceeds on to leave as well but the member who Raza was talking to approaches Him and silently talks to him

' Was that kid your brother? '

' Who? '

' Don't fucking act like that! The kid that came with you! He was your brother, wasn't he? '

' Seems like you figured it out, you are a smart one aren't ya? '

' Why the hell did you bring him to this meeting? '

' Why not, I don't see a problem here? '

' What do you mean problem? I don't bring my brother to our meeting, though helps us out a lot even though he is not a part of us. Your brother is not even a part of us '

' Good thing you don't bring your brother to this kind of meeting, because I wouldn't allow you to! This is my gang, I do what I want '

' Uhh! You bastard! '

' Look! You Wanted to know if Rameez works with murda zameer or not. I am just gaining his trust so that you can get to Murda zameer '


" Uncle the food is really amazing, I will have to say that! "

" Yeah I know! My wife made it! … Oh by the way! How is your company doing"

" Doing as usual, nothing much. It's Always a new idiotic client. What can I say. By the way, how is your job doing? "

" Oh! Same as usual! Haha! "

" Haha! It really would've been nice to see Rameez, though it was a tragic way I last saw him. Last time I saw him was when my father…"


" Oh I am sorry if I ruined the atmosphere! "

" Oh no it's completely fine, what's the point of apologizing, what's done is done. We both lost our gems "


" Hey Rameez! You haven't really done anything to my bike did you? "

Raza walks out of the warehouse and starts talking to Rameez while his gang members are still inside

" What was that? "

" What do you mean? "

" What the fuck were you trying to prove?! You almost killed a persons just trying to prove something to me. You thought I would keep this a secret? "

" Prove you? " Saying that Raza laughs at Rameez for what he thought. He then stops laughing and with a serious face again he says

" You fool! You really thought I was going to kill just to prove you that I am a thug? You really are a ret*rd! "

" What do you mean? You were going to kill him "

" I wasn't going to kill him because I brought you here, but I brought you here because I was going to kill him "

" What? "

" What I am saying is that it wouldn't matter if you were here or not. I was going to kill him anyway, but fortunately because you are here he is saved now "

" And so you just let him go like, just because I told you to? "

" Nope! He is still in there getting beaten up by my members "

" But you said you untied him! "

" Yes I did untie him "

" Then why are you beating him after untying him, you couldn've done while he tied up

" Because wanted me to "

" Then why did you beat him up now?"

" Because I wanted to "

" What the fuck?! "

Raza then calls one of his to towards him

" Hey you, come here. Go and stop them for beating that guy up. Also call everyone outside and with their bikes "

" Ok boss! "

" You do have a lot of respect here, don't you? "

" Well they don't, they will end up like that guy. You should be careful as well "

" My ass! Huh? "

A water drop falls on Rameez's head

" Is it raining? "

" Hmm! Its getting heavier "

" Ahh! Fuck and father told me stay out of the house. Now what do I do. I can't even go to home "

" Pity "

" Why are you out like this, you can go home right "

" First thing, I am waiting for my gang members to get ready with their bikes. Second thing, mother told me as well to stay out of the house until the guest leaves. Father will call us when he leaves"

" What! She did the same to you? Is that why told me in the morning to come with you tonight when we were talking? "

" Yes it was the reason. You think I will take time out of my life to prove something to someone like you"

" You didn't really had to say that. By the way! Do you know who and how the guest looks? "

" Yep I know, I have seen him once. When I was younger. He is probably in his early 20s and he has silver hair. Don't know anything about what he does though! "

" And what's his name? "

" I think its Nasir "


" Alright uncle! I will be leaving now "

" Yeah sure, make you come again! "


Closes the door

" Huh! Piece of shit, make sure you don't ever come again "

The guest leaves and his reaction from kind turn into annoyed

" Che! Calling me at your house like that. Worthless people! I didn't even get to meet Raza and especially Rameez who I wanted to meet the most… Huh? It's raining heavily. Well whatever I will just sit in my car "
