Who is Nasir?

" Nasir? "

" Yes that's his name "

" I wonder how he looks like. Do you ever want to meet him? "

" No not really "

" But why? "

" Waste of time "

" Waste of time, you think you are all big? "

" Nope I don't think so, but damn the rain is getting heavier "

" Though I wonder! When all of your member have covered their face! How can trust them? Like there can be intruders "

" Nope not really! We set up few people who checked all of their faces before entering this meeting. We also have picture of real faces in these members, so if they show their face we will know who is who. And I the thing is if anyone think of betraying us. They will be in no good shape. Like if working with our. opposing gang,intentionally or unintentionally. They will be tortured. It doesn't matter is they are just teenagers right now

" Umm! Okay! Hey Raza I have another question "

" Hmm? "

" You have killed people in the past, haven't you? "

" …. "

" Answer me, have you? "

" Why do you ask? "

" Because you seem like someone, who would "

" Nope I haven't "

" You are lying "

" What makes you say that I am lying"

" There is no way you did not kill someone in the past. You were almost going to do it right infront of me "

" I only did that to show you that I am dangerous "

" Shut the f*ck up! Just answer me! "

" Hey now don't yell at me. You don't wanna end up like the other guy, now do you? "

" Fuck you! You think I am scared? How about it, take a matches out and set me on fire but I bet you I won't scream for help! Not even once. You think you are shit- Oh! Oh! Bro chill was just kidding "

Hearing those words from Rameez, Raza pulls out a gun from his jacket. Which makes Rameez take back his words. He obviously doesn't point the gun at Rameez

" Woah! I was just kidding bruh, take jokes "

" Hmm! Scared? "

" Why the heck do you even have a gun, with you? "

" … "

" Don't tell me! you have, haven't you "

" … "

" You did actually kill poeple before- "

" It is so that if I ever feel like killing myself "

" Huh! What, kill your self? "

" Yeah! You are just a kid. You won't understand anything "

" Heh! I understand! I understand it more than anyone else does! "

" Hmm? You understand, right? Then let me ask you this "

" You no! You don't have to ask anything- "

Raza stares at Rameez his eyes wide open and asks him

" Have you ever been almost killed by your loved ones? "

Rameez stays silent for a bit and yells " …. What?! "

" Yes! You heard me right! I am judging by your reaction, you haven't been right. Like there is no way you would've"

" Yes! I have- Huh?"

Before Rameez could finish the whole gang shows up with bikes with their headlights on, in the heavy night rain. Stand right behind Raza. In the heavy rain the turbos of the bikes could be heard. One of most badass and beautiful things Rameez ever saw. Stunned by all this,

The guy who Raza was talking to inside the warehouse, stand next to him with his bike and Raza asks him

" Did you drop that guy to his home? "

" Yeah I send one of our members to send him home after we gave him a good beating "

" What did you beat him with? "

" With a random metal rod in one of the corners of the warehouse, few of us picked it and beat the shit out of him "

" Good! That's what I like to hear"

Raza after saying that, sits on his bike and turns it on, with a loud noise coming of his bike he orders everyone to

" Get ready everyone! "

Hearing those words from Raza everyone start to make noise with their bikes too. Rameez is amazed to see all this. See how much respect you can gain by creating your gang

" What are you waiting for? Sit on the bike! "

Rameez then sits on the bike and Raza starts to ride off his bike while the whole gang follows him. The one Raza was talking is riding beside him and others are riding behind both of them. They drive their bikes in the little puddles of water created by rain, splashing it everywhere

They drive for a while until Raza stops his bike and reaches his destination. His home, he stops everyone few miles away from his home and proceed further on his own

" Get off the bike and go inside. I am not coming, so if parents ask where am I? Tell them I am gonna be late and I am with my friends. Don't dare mention todays events, or else you end up the same as that other dude"

" Alright! By the way, I am keeping this scarf "

" Yeah keep it, I don't need back anyways "

" Why? "

" You put it on your mouth, who knows what you do with your mouth"

" What do you mean?! "

" You know exactly what I mean "

Rameez walk in his house and Raza rides back to his gang. Rameez opens the door

" Hey mom I am home, Raza said he will come home later and is with his friends "

" Oh okay! I will bring the food for you "

" There is no need for that "

Rameez walks in his room and his expression to all happy and amazed changes into anger

" Raza bastard! Think he threaten to kill me? I will music that bastard! He almost killed a person right infront of me. Who knows how many people he has killed before. I absolutely hate, hate delinquent, even worse he killed people before? He is not my brother, doesn't matter if he is my brother or not"

"He did kill people before, didn't he? I will erase him from this world. He think he can gain my trust and make me reveal everything related to Murda zameer gang. When he said that if some works with their opposing gang, they will be tortured. He was directly referring me there "

"I am not weak anymore, now I have a mission! Mission to erase all the gangs, including my brother. I am angry, he betrayed his own brother, me! He dares to use me."


" Hey Asim! We should probably prepare for the are between us and bahir murdar! You are the leader of this gang the Murda zameer! What makes you think all of our gang members are waiting for? They are waiting to kill Bahir murdar "


" President! You are back"

" Yes I am "

" How was your trip? "

" Pretty lame! We're their any suspicious activities form Murda zameer? "

" Nope not really? Our people really wanna avoid of what is to come and work on your business and to make money, seems like our people are already thinking of retiring from this life and start making some good money"

" Hmm! I see. We are not in good condition to either. I wanna make company grow "


" Boss Raza you are back! What do you say? Wanna go and erase some crime? All of our members are ready too right now"

" No I am not in a mood of killing right now! "


" I asim will destroy Bahir murdar! "


" I Zindaar, will destroyMurda Zameer! "


" I Raza will destroy both Murda zameer and Bahir murdar! "


" I Rameez, will destroy all three of them! "