I'll be your maid

Walking north to find the castle of Atriox, I started to think about this realm and all the new goodies I have found in this place after three months. 'Hey, Google sensei. Why am I finding things from other worlds in this place. I mean, I found things from fallout and halo for crying out loud.'

"Google sensei won't be as useful if the humans in this universe never learned the answer you ask, but I may answer some of your questions if it doesn't ruin my fun. As for why you can find things from different worlds is because this realm eats more than just other worlds. It also eats items and souls from other worlds. Some souls remember the past memories, and they bring their technology to hell. And if you are wondering, all the souls it eats are evil and deserve all the punishment they get."

While walking towards the castle, the environment changed, and now I'm now walking in some kind of poisonous swap.

'If I remember right, gojo can't use infinity to keep poison from his body, but with training, he would be able to. I can only think he is talking about airborne poison because he can keep liquid from touching his body.'

I look around and spot a weird sight. In front of me is some kind of mount of flesh with different faces on it. There's all kinds of faces, women, and demons. They look alive, but their eyes are unfocused and are only letting out grunts.

'Sensei, can I save the human'


As soon as I said a huge demon frog came out of the ground and looked at me, it shot his tongue at me at lightning speed. But it stopped before it hit me, so I took out 2 halo sticky grenades from my storage and threw them in his mouth.

"Bomb appetite"

He eats them, and it explodes. Blood and guts go everywhere but me, but the loud noise seems to attract more attention. All over the swamp, demon frogs are coming out of the poisonous water and ground. They're smaller than the one I just killed, and they only have demon heads on their back.

"Okay, this is going to take a while. Let's finish this quickly and get some practice while I'm cleaning up."


I just erased the entire area and was done with it. "Thank me, you got rid of them fast. They were disgusting, and did you smell them? It was awful."

'Thank you?'

"Well, I'm not going to thank god."


I keep walking towards the castle. There's something that is bugging me about that frog. It looks familiar, but I can't quite remember from where.

'Hey Lucy, where is the frog from?'

"Don't know, it would be boring if I knew everything about this world so I don't let myself learn anything about this world or the ones you will be visiting."

As I'm walking, I start seeing a castle in the distance. It looked pretty big, and it has a symbol that I think I've seen somewhere.

'So that's Atriox castle, that symbol looks familiar but we're have I seen it


Ah, it was the banished symbol, and Atriox was their leader in Halo War 2. What's going on, Lucy?'

"His soul must have been swallowed by this realm when he died."

'So I have to kill a demonic brute now. This is what I signed up for, but that leads to the question: Is the banished here? What about the covenant.'

"Don't know."

'Lot of help you are, google sensei is the covenant in this universe.'

'I wonder what else made it to this realm.'

"Now there is a fun thought. What other evil groups that you're familiar with ended up here?" she said with a sweet smile.

'Well, there's no point in wondering. We'll meet and kill them eventually,' I thought while pulling out a modified big boy and loading it with two mini nukes.


'Now I wonder what kind of damage this will do in hell.

"Knock, knock."

Atriox point of view:

'I can't remember how long I've been here, but one thing's for sure I will not stop trying to get out into the human world.'

"Get the fresh human woman to feast. We have an important guest to entertain," I said to one of my servants.

He runs off to get the fresh meat. "This is my chance to get out of here, and I will not miss it up."

"Welcome, I hope you found the trip here to your liking."

'Honestly, he is not what I expected, but I've been in this hell long enough to know not to judge someone's strength based on looks.'

"Make yourself at home. The fresh meat will be here shortly."

The servant, as soon as i said that, came back with a human woman with him.

"Please don't kill me,"

'I hate that I have to act this way, but this place, these demons, they are strong enough to make the covenant their lap dogs.'


"What was that!?"

The castle shook, and there's sounds of parts collapsing, the furniture was being thrown all over the place.

At that moment, a guard of mine came into the dining room running and shouting. "It's the slayer run for your life," so I grabbed his neck and snapped it.

"I'm sorry. I will take care of this personally," I said to my guest.

'First, I had to deal with a spartan, now a slayer, but killing him may show my importance to hell's higher-ups.

Qin Shi's point of view:

Looking at a partly destroyed castle, I ask,'You think they heard my knock?'

"Don't know they should have, I mean, you did knock twice."

As soon as I said that, I heard an explosion from the castle. I looked over, and there he was, a demonized brute with two horns coming out of his forehead, an advanced battle armor that looked modified with hell's technology, and a mace that was glowing red.

"Slayer, you dare to attack my castle, I will have your head."

As soon as he said that, he started running towards me. As soon as he got close to me, I used my string to trap his lower body in place.

"Now don't you look terrifying, but too bad you brutes were never the cautious types when angered."

I lifted my arm towards him and made a little red ball.


That ripped his upper body right off him, leaving only his entrails connecting his upper and lower body. Walking to his upper body and seeing him still alive, I picked up his mace.

"Let's see how you like the taste?" Saying that I swing the mace down on his face. After killing him, I cut his head off and store it for proof and strat walk towards the castle to see what I can take. Take the mace with me and start killing every other demon there with strings in the shape of a spear and use it like King with Chastiefol.

While walking around, kill everyone I see and take everything that catches my attention. I find myself in the dining hall and find something weird.

'What is this weird looking goblin doing here?'

"Help me," said a girl dressed in nothing but rags.

Looking at a short goblin with a big head, one eye is bigger than the other. He looks back at me and snaps his fingers. "Watch out," says the girl, but nothing happens and looks confused. He keeps snapping his fingers, looking more scared while he keeps snapping his fingers more frantically. The girl that just looks at me surprised like she can't believe what she sees.

'What is he doing?'

"No idea, just kill him."



'What now?'


I can't even respond to that, so I just connected my string to his neck. But I am mad he had the balls to try to do that to me, so I made him bend over his ass facing me and get my new mace ready.

"What was the old saying? Everything can be a dildo if you're brave enough?"

And use all my strength to shove the mace to shove up his ass. To say the least, it was quite a sight to see, a good thing I had Infinity. The girl looks quite disturbed by what I just did to the goblin, but she pulls herself together and starts asking for help.

"Help me, I was betrayed and sold as food to the demons please, help me bring the people that did this to justice."

But I don't care. Instead, I ask,'Lucy, did you send me to a hentai because I swear to you? I will make you suffer if you did.'

"..... let me check. "

'I knew those frogs and goblins looked familiar, and if it's the hentai, I'm thinking about it going to be a crazy ride. Why are the most fucked up one's have the best art and most beautiful woman.'

"Well here's the thing it is a anime but it like goblin slayer where there's fucked up things happening in the world were the goblin slayer isn't at or will get to later."

'So your telling me the anime I'm in is a fucked up hentai from another angle.'

"Yes, and it's called doki doki demon war's, it's about a hero going around Japan saving people from demons and uncovering humans working with demons and bringing them to justice with a group of girls. It is one of those anime that are basically hentai without crossing that final line."

'Let me guess he doesn't kill any humans and makes Japan one of the most peaceful and safest places to live after pushing all the demons out of Japan after a big battle and then it ends right?'

"Yup, but it seems he's future after the anime ends is a horrible one."

"Excuse me"

'Ooh, what kind of future awaits our harem hero?'

"Because he didn't kill anyone they were released secretly after and continued their work, he also thought he took care of all the evil humans after taking care of the small fries, and left the higher-ups pretty much untouched. Because there no way rich politicians would hurt there country for self-interest, but the worst part is he took some corrupted girls in to his harem."

'And thinking he made Japan safe, he let his guard down and left the high ups unchecked and allowed them to make their operation bigger with no one finding out. As for the hero, they killed him when they felt he outlived his usefulness with the corrupted girls, which led to the country panicking and wide open for a surprise attack right.'

"That's about right, they manage to hold half of Japan with one of the last harem members, which happened to be the empire's daughter."

'What happened to the rest of the harem?'


"The lucky ones died quickly as for the rest. Well you're the idiot that read a cursed hentai out of curiosity you tell me what happened to them."

'Nothing good, and I only read it because the art was good.'

'Right, the funny part was some of the girls didn't like him, like the daughter of the empire was only with him for political reasons and he never had sex with any of them because he was to indecisive to pick one to start with"

"Stop ignoring me!"


I look at the girl, she has beautiful black hair tied up in a ponytail, almond shaped black eyes, and a body that puts gravure idols to shame.

"What do you want?"

"Please help me and my club, the principal at my school is working with demons."

"I already saved you from being eaten by Atriox as far as I'm concerned that's enough."

"Please your human, how can you not help us?"

"Not my problem, plus I don't get anything out of it."

"Please I-I-I'll be your maid."

"Don't need one"