By the way what's your name girl

Kana's point of view:

I was scared that I was going to be used as food for demons. How I came to be in this situation is that my team and I were betrayed. I don't even want to think about my team they would have been better of dead than what happened to them. I guess I was lucky if you could call it that they needed me in good condition for meat, they said, I was then sent to the demon realm.

Then I was brought to a castle, some demon named Atriox owned, a new growing power in hell, apparently. He told me I was food for an important guest and I should be thankful to be useful to him. He locked me up in a room and left me there till the guest arrived. I was left alone with my thoughts and was on the verge of a mental breakdown. Until a demon came to get me for the feast. At this point, I was losing all hope because I saw an elder goblin, and they are known to be sadistic to women. All of a sudden, an explosion hits the castle, and a demon comes in screaming about a slayer. Hope starts to come back to me, but Atriox went to check out what is going on.

But he never comes back. Instead, we start hearing fighting and screaming. I think I hear someone crying. The goblin elder looks annoyed, but all of sudden, the doors were kicked open, and a person was standing there. He looked around fifteen years old and had asian facial features. He was about 185.2 cm (6 ft 1) tall. He was wearing an intricate, bare-shouldered robe. It looked like something someone from a royale family would wear. He also wears a blindfold decorated with a patterned streak that covers his eyes. On his right cheek, he has a tattoo of a centipede going downward vertically from his right eye, which is covered by the blindfold. He wears nail guards on his right hand's middle finger and index finger. It was what you would imagine royalty would wear.

He looked like a god of war with a mace on his shoulder that Atriox had before, but the most shocking thing was he had no type of signs that he just went to war with an entire castle full of enemies. The elder goblin looks at him, and he looks back, "Help me," I begged him. But then the elder goblin snaps his fingers, and then I remember they can have special powers, so I tell him to "watch out," but nothing happens.

He looks confused, and so does the goblin elder, and I was also confused. The goblin keeps snapping his fingers, but nothing happens. All of sudden, the "slayer," as the demons called him, got mad for some reason, and the goblin freezes. It looks scared and confused, suddenly it turns around and bends over with his behind facing him and the next thing he did will stay with me for the rest of my life. He gets the mace and shoves it up the goblin behind the screams the goblin made were horrible and the burning sound as the mace burned his flesh and insides. The worst part was the smell of burning flesh, shit, and urine. Then he slammed it on the ground, causing the goblins body to explode, I was shocked and scared, but I pulled myself together and asked him for help.

"Help me, I was betrayed and sold as food to the demons please, help me bring the people that did this to justice." He didn't say anything back. It looked like he was thinking about something, and he didn't like where his mind wandered.

"Excuse me." I tried again to get his attention but to no luck.

"Hello," he is still not paying attention to me.

I couldn't take it anymore and yell out, "Stop ignoring me!"

He just sighs and finally looks at me and says, "What do you want?"

"Please help me and my club. The principal at my school is working with demons."

"I already saved you from being eaten by Atriox as far as I'm concerned that's enough."

He can't be serious. It is the duty of all humankind to fight the demons. "Please, your human, how can you not help us?"

"Not my problem, plus, I don't get anything out of it."

'He wants something in return, but I don't have anything to give.'

"Please, I-I-I'll be your maid." I say in desperation so he can at least help me get to the human realm.

"Don't need one," he says and starts to walk away, but if he leaves me, I will be stuck here and most likely die here.

I follow him and say "please I'll be your onalhole."

Qin Shi's point of view:

That was surprising, to say the least, I looked at her and told her, "I don't need one." She looks desperate and about to cry, and I start to feel bad, but then she said something I never thought she'd say.

"I will help you make the entire exorcism club girls your onalhole if you get me out of here."

'Hey, Google sensei. Are all soldiers this pathetic in Japan.'

'So the people controlling the school want them weak, then why train them at all.'

"That's pretty messed up," said Lucy.

I stop and think I don't feel right just to do nothing, but I won't work for free. I look at her 'hey Google sensei, how strong is she.'

'That's pretty good for having no real training. Are the rest of the exorcism club as strong as her.'

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Suzuki Kana"

"Tell me, Kana, what are the requirements to enter the exorcism club."

She blushes and says, "Okay, you need to have straight black hair and almond shaped eyes, but those who don't make the cut are sent to the delinquent exorcism club."

"And the casualties your club loses in the fight against the demons."

"More than 70 percent are killed, missing, or crippled."

"Do you need to have high spirit energy to join?"


"And are all the other girls as beautiful as you?"

She blushes and says, "I'm not that beautiful."

So I smack her upside the head. "Focus, girl, focus are all the members of your club, beautiful women with great bodies."


"And who trains you?"

"The senpai's that survived and became teachers."

'Sensei, are the teachers working together with the demons?'


"Do you not see a problem with what you just told me?"

"No, it's pretty normal in war."

"Yes, it's normal to lose people in war, but only accepting beautiful women with great bodies, black hair, and almond shaped eyes is not."

"But that's how it's always been as long as I can remember."

'Google sensei does no one see anything weird about those conditions and how long has this been going on.'

'I guess it's my fault I was using my logic in an anime borderline hentai world.


You know what? This is basically a hentai from my perspective, so the logic is worse.'

"Okay, I'll help you, but I want the exorcism club to b-"

"Yes, yes, I'll help you make all of them onalhole."

"No, I don't need onalhole's. What I need is soldiers to fight and die for me."

"You're going to help humanity in the war?"

"Now, why would I do that? What I want is to make an empire."