Get ready for war

Going down I shoot and kill most of them with the lancer and use the chainsaw bayonet to cut through one. The last one left was the dark angel since that was the only one in the group that had some sort of intelligents I left him alive. But as soon as he tried to fly away I cut his wings off with my strings falling on the floor, I slowly walked to him l switched my lancer to the super shotgun. Kicked him over and put the shotgun to his face and then I noticed the tentacles with eyes at the end.

'Not this shit again.' "So start talking about why you and your little group are around here."

"You killed my son."

"You have to be more specific, I've killed a lot of dark angels these three months."

"Not them, my son was a powerful demon and you killed him."

"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down."

"He was the one with seven eyes!!!" He screamed but this time his voice sounded like there was someone else talking using him like some kind of puppet.

"So you're the father of that little shit, well this is hell I doubt you really care about him so what do you want."

He stayed silent for a while till he started laughing "Hahaha you are right I couldn't care less for that little shit but you on the other hand are more important."

"Thanks but I don't swing that way" saying that I blew the head off the dark angel.

"You will join me or die."

I hear the voices all around me so I look at the other bodies and see that even though the bodies are dead the tentacles can still move the bodies to certain extent. So I go back to the sky using purple to erase everybody on the ground. I move around and find scouts every now and again making sure to kill them and destroy their bodies so he can get as little information as possible. Knowing I need to get information on the enemy I find another scout with a dark angel. Killing everyone else and tieing down his body with my strings I try to remove the parasite.

"Fool removing my tentacle will only kill the host."

"Can't hurt to try and I don't lose anything either way" saying that I ripped the tentacle out of his body. As I do that the tentacle tries to dig into my arm and take control of me. Unfortunately for it thanks to my skill perfect body it can't, so I throw it up in the air and shoot it. Looking at the body it does look like it's starting to slowly die so I use reversed cursed technique on it after using it for a while it looks like I saved him. So I grabbed him by the armor and headed home on my way home. I looked for some more scouts and repeated the process with any that had dark angels. He was surprised to say the least that I could keep them alive after removing his parasites. By the time I got home I was dragging 15 dark angels using my strings.

"Father your back, did you bring more prey so we can play with it?"

"Not today sweetie but if they're uncooperative then you and your sister can play with them."

Handing them over to a sulking Cassandra and telling her to wake them up and if they try anything to kill them. Going inside my castle I tell the two demonized elites to get my army ready for war. I walk through the castle making my way towards Alcina finding her having some of my blood for tea.

"Welcome home master" said Rem and Ram.

"Oh you're home earlier than usual dear, is there a particular reason."

"Yes get ready for war, there's an army heading this way and I have no idea of their numbers."

That seemed to get her attention real quick Rem and Ram left right away to get the oni tribe ready.

"Is there a particular reason for this war?"

"Well I killed his son around the time I first got here but that's not the real reason."

"So what's the real reason?"

"I'm not too sure myself but he wants me for some reason whether it's to eat me or control me I have no clue. Hopefully I can get some clues with the dark angels I capture but they were under his control so that may be unlikely."

"And where are these dark angels?"

"I left them with Cassandra."

She looked at me weirdly and said "are you sure that was a smart choice, they could be being torture them as we speak."

"No but I want to see if she has grown and would listen to what I tell her or would she just do what she wants. Plus she won't kill all of them right away and a little torture may make them speak if they don't want to."

That just made her start thinking about all this and how this war will affect them.

"You do know torture is a unreliable way to get information, they can just say whatever they want to stop the pain and you won't have a way to know if there telling the truth" said Lucy.

'Yes I know but that using my logic, in this world I can use anime logic and depending on the world I'm in it will work.'

"Are you going to use anime logic to make your harem?"

"For some yes but not all, for example some worlds all you have to do is trip on a woman and grab her boob and they fall in love with you. That same tactic would get you killed by someone like Alcina here so it is best to use different tactics for different people. But it's not like I'm going to go for all the women I meet."

"So no huge harem?"

'Don't get me wrong I'm probably going to have a huge harem after all I am an emperor. But I feel no need to go out of my way to get all the waifu's but after all I am in the anime multiverse it would be a waste to not go after my favorites but if they don't want to be with me I see no reason to force them.'

"So we'll have to leave it to time to tell if you would have a small or a huge harem."

'I guess but my most important priority at this moment is the war at hand.'

After thinking for a long time Alcina finally starts to speak."So where do you want me and our daughters?"

"I would like for you and our daughters to fight to gain experience in these kinds of things so they won't need constant protection."

"Okay but make sure they remain safe at all times."

"Of course, I was planning for them to have guards from the start but it's best if you keep an eye on them throughout this just in case."

"That goes without saying I would remain near them at all times."

"Father, the angles are awake."

"Good job Cassandra, well shall we get go Alcina let's see what type of information we can get out of them."

"Yes let's and if they don't talk I would like to see what angel blood tastes like. Lead the way Cassandra dear and maybe you would be able to play with them."

Say that I wrap my arm around Alcina's waist and start walking towards the angels. When we get there my three daughters are there next to the tide up angels and surprisingly they weren't tortured.