200,000 Strong

Before you read I got something to say as you know the mc has savage locusts in his troops. I had a problem writing how the leader talks so I just wrote it as he had no problem talking english because after trying and failing to write a locust talking I gave up. Also what I came up with wasn't bad but it just kinda messed with my flow of writing and so we now have locusts that have no problem speaking. If anyone can give me examples of how to write how a locust tries to talk in english I will try again but for now I give up.


"So I have a few questions to ask and if you don't answer my daughters can play around till you feel like talking."

They just look at me and the one that seems like the leader answered "after we answer what would you do with us."

"If you want I will let you go but only after this war is over or you can join me and serve in my army and get my protection."

"Can you save my people that have been controlled by that monster?"

"This is a war I can try to save some of your people but I can't save everyone but if you help you can help to save more if you join me."

He starts to think for a long time but in the end he agrees to join us. By the time we were done Rem and Ram came back to inform me that the oni are preparing for battle. So I told my girls to get ready and ask Rem to help the angels get ready for war. Ram on the other hand helped my daughters and explained to them what's going to happen.

"So how are we going to handle this?"

"Let's get all the leaders of the tribe's and talk about what information the dark angels have for us after everyone is prepared. Before we start making any moves and setting up a difference so we understand what we're up against."

"Well I'll go get my armor on before the chief's gather."

After waiting a while the leaders of the oni, elites, brutes, and locusts along with my wife and the dark angels gathered.

"So is there any information you can share with us" I asked.

"We should be torturing them for the information" said the brute leader named Hyperius.


"Just like you brutes don't even try using your head to think" said the elite leader Rho 'Barutamee.

"Watch your word sangheili or I'll snap your neck."

"Quit this is an important discussion for my people" said the locust leader Skorge. The three continued to argue with each other for a while till the oni chief slammed the table. Now getting these people to follow me wasn't easy, Skorge was a big pain in the ass to recruit. But his time in hell must have weakened his loyalty to his queen but not his religion. The arrival of the savage locusts down here must have been the nail in the coffin for his loyalty after talking with them. But all three tribe's plus the jackets and grunts were willing to follow me for three reasons. One I was strong enough to kill all of them without breaking a sweat. Two even though I was human I had powers unlike any human they ever met before so they don't see me as human. And three was the oni they were able to turn them back to normal and have the strength and abilities to man handle them with no problem. With the oni being completely loyal to me they don't even have ideas of trying anything.

"Sorry about that, let's try this again. What information can you provide us" I asked.

"The army is coming from the northwest and it's 200,000 strong."

'It looks like they may brush Golden Freddy, he may kill a good bunch of them.'


But everyone was quiet, while I started thinking until Rho said "we should leave."

"Cowered, when we finally started building a home you just want to run!" Shouted Hyperius.

"We are only an army of 2,000! How can we possibly survive? I'm only thinking of my people and I suggest you do too."

"Perhaps we can fortify the underground," says Skorge.

"What do you think, Master" asked the oni chief Kenta.

"We will stay and fight."

"We will die!"

"Then you better listen to my plan so we survive. I will use my power to create a barrier to surround us and leave an opening so they won't be able to use their numbers as an advantage."

"Then why don't you use it to protect us completely?" Asked Skorge, that made the rest of the leaders look at me for an answer.

"The enemy has someone as strong as me if not stronger and his full powers are unknown."

"Then we should follow him, maybe he will spare us," said Rho.

"Yes he would spare you and your people but maybe you should ask the angels what he does to his followers."

When I mentioned them the leader stepped up and said "the monster coming here will infect you with a parasite that would strengthen you at first but its goal is to take control of you. You'll be nothing but a mindless puppet for him to control, the memory I have with them is spotty at best so I can't give you much information. But what I do remember is him not caring if his troops live or die."

"You heard him, you can take your chance with him, who knows maybe it would be different with you? For those that wish to fight we will set up defenses in the opening I leave in my barrier while we have an escape route going underground. I want the locust to take care of that as well as adding defenses, everyone else would work on everything else."

"How do we set up the defenses?" Asked Rho.

"Make a wall in the shape of a u with turrets on top with explosions in the wall so when we retreat they 'll blow up."

"When we retreat, are we planning to abandon our home's after all?" Asked Skorge.

"No but the enemy doesn't care about his troops so he will throw waves of enemies at us without concern for their lives. I'm not foolish enough to believe we won't be overrun eventually so I want to make a plan to slow the enemy down so I can kill the one pulling the strings."

"Because the only one allowed to pull strings here is you" said Lucy enjoying my predicament.

"Yes, stall for time till you kill the enemy controlling them after he is gone the battlefield will decide into chaos" said Kana.

"Exactly, I see two things happening after he dies. Either they all die or they are out of his control and start fighting each other. Now there may be some of your people among them. I won't stop you from trying to save them but remember they're under someone else's control and after they're free then it's up to you to bring them under control."

They leave to start telling their people what to do and what's the plan, when I start thinking about everything that can happen Alcina puts her hand on my shoulder.

"You know when I accepted to be your wife I didn't think you were all talk and I only accepted because you could kill me and my daughters easily. But after living with you these last couple of months I'm glad I accepted for me and my daughters, don't make me regret it."

I grab her hand, bring it to my lips and kiss it "don't worry even if the plan fails I made plans for you and my daughters along with the oni to be safe."

She didn't like that so she picked me up to her eye level, I didn't fight it and let her do it. "No you listen to me, you are my girl's father now if you die here we will never forgive you. Now I'll say it again, don't you make me regret my choice."

"Relax I'm not planning to die out there remember I will be emperor" say that I kiss her which surprised her enough for me to get out of her grip.

She started giggling, putting her hand on her hip and say's "now that's the man I consider my husband but if you do die I will revive you as a thrall to serve me for all eternity."

I leave the castle to get ready for the war, I start by putting up the bird cage around the castle like Doflamingo did. But the only difference is I left an opening as well as a tunnel where the opening is so the enemy can enter from. Standing on top of it I look out in the distance excited about what's to come.