Villains have more fun

It's been a day and with the strength of the brutes and locusts we have been able to set up defenses quickly. We're not done yet but the walls and turrets are up, the escape route has also been completed. Now we are just working on traps and the defenses for the retreat if needed. More importantly more and more scouts have been spotted so we have sent out scouts of our own and found the enemy army was 2 days away. So we continue to work hard for another day and rest the next two days.

"Many of your people will die, you know that right" said Lucy.

'It is unavoidable, if they don't die now they'll die later anyways. At least this way they will be dying while defending their people and possibly freeing more of their people.'

"That's pretty cold of you and here I thought you would try to be a goody two shoes like all the rest of the people that get reincarnated. Or will you be a villain instead because that would be more interesting to watch and also guarantees your soul is mine"

'There's more reincarnated people out there?'

"Yes, but that doesn't matter because I doubt you will ever meet in this infinite universe."

'You just raised a flag, you know that right.'

"Yea but when you're the one that controls the flags you can do and say anything you want and don't avoid the question."

'To answer your question, this is hell you would have to do questionable things to be and stay in control. Also if I want to make an interdimensional empire I can't be a good person and would be forced to make tough choices that would make me look like a villain.'


Time skip


Standing on top of the barrier and looking out into the distance I start seeing the enemy's army coming over the horizon. Luckily for us we finished putting up the defenses and my army has gotten their rest. The battle plan is simple grunts, brutes, and jackals will be defending the wall. Elites will act as a strike team and go in and attack points of interest stealthily or with extreme force according to what the situation needs. They would also act as reinforcement when needed and lastly the locusts would use their tunnels to attack from behind using guerilla tactics.

'Looks like things are getting more fun, let's see how I handle my first real challenge.'

"This is going to be so much fun but you know you seem to be acting more like a villain lately."

'Real I think I'm acting how any person in my position would act as long as they don't have a hero complex. Well it doesn't really matter because if I start acting like a hero a villain would pop out sooner or later. But if I act like a villain I control the hero and villains that pop up to a certain extent.'

"Yup, that's something a villain would say and I'm loving it, villains have more fun anyway" said Lucy with a devilish smile on her pretty face.

'True, so what do you say, let's go have some fun.' I start falling all the way to the ground landing softly and go inform the leaders to get their people ready. As I start walking towards the wall I hear Alcina call out to me, she's wearing that armor that I so do love to see.

"So it's finally time, you just remember what I told you before and come back to us."

"I will"

Saying that I go down the wall and get in Christine because if you're going to go to war might as well do it in style. The army was approaching us quickly and what I saw was a hojpoj of an army. There were many types of enemies, some familiar, others not so much but they all had tentacles with eyes at the end coming out of some part of their body. There was locusts, elites, brutes, dark angels, all types of demons and even a fucking cerberus. But we had a problem no matter where I looked, I couldn't see the eye hydra as I started calling it.

'Looks like he's hiding but he's probably in the back somewhere.'

"Yea but look at that cerberus, it would make for a great starter pokemon."

Looking at the cerberus I had to admit it was cool, it's left side of the body was made of rocks and plants and it had glowing green eyes. The right was made of metal and looked like some kind of android with his eyes and mouth glowing blue. The center was made of bones with red eyes held together by flesh going down his spine till it reached the king cobra looking tail it had in the back. The army had already reached the barrier so I revved up Christine and shot forward so fast I swear the first demons I made contact with exploded into bits of flesh.

Me and Christine continued to run the enemy over while heading to the back but that doesn't mean they just let themselves get run over. Christine was constantly getting damaged but repairing itself just as quick with each kill. Demons would constantly try to jump on Christine to get me instead or shoot at me but none of it worked. The demons that would get on the hood would meet the super shotgun to the face. When the demons tried jumping on the driver's seat I would grab them by the neck and slam their face to the roof of the car till it died. Christine herself would open the passenger door to damage it so it could be sideways to cut the enemy in half when she passed by them at high speeds these types of car shouldn't be able to reach. Finally we were stopped by an explosion that sent me and Christine flipping through the air. Using red to push us higher and then push us to go down at high speeds we crashed on some unlucky souls.

'Doing all this while trying to control some of their air forces is kind of hard I thought while kicking the scrap metal Christine used to call a door open. Looking across the battlefield it looked like we made it quite far back, many enemies have already died due to a combination of the barrier, traps, the defenses and me with my puppets.

'Looks like the cerberus is kind of useless right now since the tunnel is too small for him to fit but his breath attacks are still doing damage. Either way let's take control of my first pokemon and attack the enemy with it.'

"This is Sierra 666 requesting back up, we are surrounded and our transport is too damaged to use for the time being." Says Lucy in her spartan armor while on my shoulder shooting and killing all the demons trying and failing to kill me.

'You look like you're having fun Sierra 666. Well, request accepted' I answered while using red to send everything but Christine as she is still repairing itself flying.

"Now if I was the enemy commander where would I be" as soon as I said that Christine was sent flying. I look over and see a humanoid creature but with nine eyes, purple skin, and tentacles coming out all over his body.

"Oh there you are."

"You annoying insect, how dare you land on top of me!" he shouted as he started to transform into his true form. He was five times bigger than his son and had nine head eyes instead of six but the most different thing about him was his eye in the base of the neck above his mouth. He was closing it at first till he fully transformed but when he opened it instead of a pupil he had what looked like stars in it with a purple sclera.

"But I am a merciful God and would forgive your insolence if you offer up a thousand of your people, accept my blessings which would make you stronger, and kneel before me. And I shall allow you to rule over the rest of your people as you have been doing so until now."

Pov. Lucy

I Have been with him since the beginning of our little adventure and through the whole thing he has made many expressions. He has been entertained, annoyed, interested, and mostly had that annoying smile on his face. But one thing I have never seen him do is frown, why is that I cannot say. Maybe he thinks of this all as a game where he can't die or he's that confident in his skills or maybe he just doesn't care if he dies. But one thing's for sure what that supposed "God" just said pissed him off because right now he's frowning for the first time since I met him. I look at the "God" with his self important attitude and only have one thought.

'You fucked up now.'