My lord

Pov. Alcina

Looking at his back while he heads off to war I felt worried but a small part of me was excited because this is the man I've chosen. Someone who would charge into an army of a hundred thousand without flinching and he's doing it in style too. No to many people are that brave or foolish depending on the person but I know some of his strengths and he is no fool.

"Get ready for battle the enemy is upon us" I say getting the troops under me ready.

"Yes mother, what would you have us do?"

"You three would go around causing distractions and killing those that you have a chance to as well as giving me reports of the whole situation of the battlefield."

"Yes mother" the three say at the same time and go to get information on the enemy. The three have changed so much after getting a father. Now I can feel they actually care about each other which they didn't really before our problems were fixed, sure they interacted like friends but they weren't really all that interested in each other. Their mind was far too messed up to care about each other as a family but now they do, sure they fight every now and again but that is another sign that they have gotten close.

"Make sure they stay safe" I tell Rem and Ram.

"Yes ma'am" they say while bowing to me and going after my daughters to keep them safe.

I see my husband make contact with the enemy and plow right through them with no one able to stop him. It's fun to me that here we are going to war and he's treating this like any other day like he's on a drive with his car. I see the air forces charge the barrier but cut it to pieces as soon as they made contact, but a bunch of dark angels stayed behind and started firing on the one's leftover and the enemy army from the air. 'Still have no idea how he can control people like that but I need to see if I can learn that move.'

While the enemy's air units have been mostly taken care of and it looks like the cerberus can only harass us a bit with his breath attacks, most of the focus is on the enemy ground troops. I leave the commanding to the leaders because I have little experience leading a group in to battle. I take out my rapiers and send a slash of space cutting the first few enemy's in half, thanks to drinking my husband blood my powers over space have gotten stronger. I no longer need to us my claws to cut space and can also teleport short distances. As I'm cutting up the enemy I see Kana killing enemy in the distance, 'she has grown into a great warriors.'

"Mother it looks like the cerberus is under fathers control know and attacking the enemy instead." Bela told me as she cut a demons head of with her sickle.

"Good is there anything else you have to report."

"Cassandra is helping the north wall while Daniele is helping the south but the numbers are to overwhelming they can't hold on for long."

'Looks like Qin was right, they are unafraid of death so they won't stop charging forward.'

"Tell them to use the explosion along the tunnel to cut them of."

"Yes mother"

A short while later the explosion go of leaving a blazing flame in there place but that won't stop them forever. We kill those who have been separated, many of them want to capture and contain there people but time is short and the risk is to great at the moment. Thankfully even though I'm not in charge of everything as the empress I make the final choice in matters such as this.

"Strength our defenses we only have a short time before the flames die out."

"Yes empress!"

Seeing them follow my order I look at the enemy and noticed the air forces are starting to fire at us lucky the barrier is getting in the way. "It looks like the enemy is no longer under my husband's control for some reason the next attack will be fiercer, hurry up with the defenses we need to hold out till he kills the leader."

'You better come back to us or I'll make you pay if you don't.'

Pov. Kana

I've grown stronger since I got here now I know how weak I was before, if I was the me I was before I would have died quickly in this battle. What my master has been training me is in my spirt energy and speed now I can cut the enemy before they even notice. Fight and killing the enemies till I hear the explosions and see the flames in the tunnel I hear Alcina telling everyone to kill the remaining enemies.

"Strength our defenses we only have a short time before the flames die out."

I hear her say after we killed the enemy, 'it's not fair I meet Qin first I should be empress to but being his onalhole isn't bad either, no bad girl stop thinking dirty thoughts like that.'

I've noticed that I've been thinking dirty thoughts like that every now and then ever since I spent the first night with him. But I don't hate the position I am in now and I find my self liking Alcina she tends to treat women better then man so she's been nice to me. Her daughters are a bit terrifying but they have been getting better though it seems they are jealous when I sleep with Qin even though they don't know what I'm doing with him. They have been asking questions because they seem to want to do the same even Alcina has noticed as well.

"It looks like the enemy is no longer under my husband's control for some reason the next attack will be fiercer, hurry up with the defenses we need to hold out till he kills the leader."

It looks like Qin is fighting the leader now and can't focus on controlling the enemy anymore and has to force on the leader. 'What kind of power does he have to force him to focus on him must be something related to space.' Looking at the flames they seem to be dying down and more enemy's are getting through the flames. When they finally get through I use my talismans to shoot lightning through the enemy and get my hand gun out to start shooting till there close enough to cut them with my katana. All of a sudden a huge slash cuts through the enemy cutting the ground itself with them.

'Shion must have gotten serious, I guess it's time I get serious to.' I start channeling my spirt energy, my katana starts to glow so I slash in front of me cutting the souls of the enemy in front of me. This is my new power I am able to cut and seal the souls of my enemies with my sword which in turn strengthens my sword. At first I saw this as a evil power and refused to us it but Qin told me power can be evil or good depending on how you use it even healing magic can be used for evil if used correctly. Just as poison can be used for healing if used right so I decided to using this power for Qin because he is my lord.

'I am Kana the sword of my lord and I will cut down his enemies till there none remaining standing in his path.' I referm my believes as I keep cutting the enemies in front of me, defending what's my lords till the last of my breath.