Hide and seek

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Get out of Christine I use haki to look at the land far ahead of me and see a bunch of yellow flowers releasing a lot of pollen into the air.

"You know when you invited me out for a drive just the two of us after that long week of work I thought you were going to make it, I don't know more romantic." Said Alcina while she also got out of Christine and tried to see what u was looking at.

"Sorry about that but I got some information about this spot and it may be about someone you know if the story's you told me about your world are true. And it's not the two of us, there's Christine here too" I say, causing her to revive her engine. Buying some binoculars from the store and handing them to her I pointed to a direction so she would look.

"Do those flowers look familiar?" I asked.

"Yes, those were the flowers that Donna Beneviento used to give her victims illusions."

"I thought so, that's why the eye hydra was wary of this place, the pollen must have been able to give the parasites illusions as well. And he wasn't sure it wouldn't affect his body and sending his army out there would only cause them to kill each other."

"I can see that happening, I'm sorry love even I can't help you here the pollen will even affect me."

"Don't worry about it, I'll go. I'm sure it won't affect me but I hope you can be a friendly face when I get her out."

"That caused a strange look on her face "I don't mind, she was the only lord I had a decent relationship with and are you planning to add her to your harem."

"I don't know but I find her pitiful after your story's and would like to help her, plus her power can be very useful in battle."

"I don't mind but she probably has problems with her face, well you'll see soon anyway." Finished saying that she got back in Christine to wait for my return.

'It always amazes me that she can fit in her but I guess Christine isn't a normal car.'

I started walking towards the flowers as soon as the pollen hit me, I felt weird but I didn't hear any voice or see anything weird so my skill was probably working. Walking up the path I found nothing straight happens but I do see dead bodies laying all over the place. From examining them you can see the eye parasites as well that they killed each other, they even have flowers starting to grow on them using their body as fertilizer.

'Can it be that she got a new power like Alcina while she was down here.'

"Maybe, you should know there is a reason why humans don't close the portal," said Lucy.

'Right so they can get more power.'

Walking through the cementare I came up to a tome of her family and the doors that ask for a memory. So I kicked the doors open because I don't have time for these puzzles, going up the elevator and out the cave and see her house.

'Looks like everything but the waterfall came with her to hell.'

Going to the door I knock first so I don't scare her, when I get no answer I open the door because it's not locked. Looking around the house I see all the doll's, when I suddenly hear giggles.

"Okay nope, Donna if you hear me come out I don't want to play games."

All of a sudden I see Angie looking at me from the corner of the hallway.

"It's been so long since we got a proper guest, won't you play one game of hide and seek?" Asked Angie.

"Fucking no, look I'm not here to play I'm here to help you fix your problem." When I said that the rest of Donna came out of hiding from the corner.

"Oh and why should we believe you, the last person we believed made it worse?" Said Angie.

"I know what Miranda did to you, I met one of your friends Alcina. She can vouch for me, I also helped her with her problem."

"You meet Alcina?" Donna said in a small voice, almost a whisper.

"Yes and I can help you if you are willing too" I say while facing her.

"Wait, you can see us!" screamed Angie.

"Yes but no, your mold pollen doesn't affect me" I say as I point to my blindfold.

"A great there goes our game of hide and seek" says Angie.

"We can play that later or you can play with my daughters. I think you know them, they're Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. What do you say?"

"Their here?" Asked Angie.

"Will you be my friend?" asked Donna.

"Yes of course" I say as I try to pull up the veil covering her face. She grabbed my hand trying to stop me because she hates how she looks.

"The veil stays on until you fix our problem," said Angie.

"Don't worry, I'm your friend, remember."

She must have trusted me because of her child like mentality after I said that because she let go of my arm. It pulled up her veil and saw what had happened to her, she had what looked like some kind of tumor with small tentacles coming out of the side. The look of fear in her eyes was clear to see she was afraid I would leave her alone like her family after they committed suicide. I pat her head and say "your beautiful don't worry I won't leave you alone." She hugged me and started to cry softly so I let her get it all out.

"Okay let's go, if you want to fix your problem then we need to go to my house."

"But all my friends" said Donna as she looked at the doll's around her.

"Don't worry about that, just trust me, come on let's go." I say while I grab her hand and start leading her out to Christine.

As I'm walking I hear from behind me "isn't this great Angie I made a new friend" in a soft voice.

"Okay you need to protect this girl, she's too pure to be down here. Unfortunately sometimes humans get punishments they don't deserve because of someone else's problems." Said Lucy.

'Especially when the the person themselves have no idea what he's doing is wrong or is doing it to make a perinatal figure proud.'

There are too many of these types of situations in my past life, where someone who doesn't know how the world works is manipulated into doing something horrible. In those cases I guess they still have to carry their sins even if they're not truly at fault.

"Innescents is a sin because it's ignorance," said Lucy.

"That's actually a thing?" I asked.

"Yup, God is presented as merciful but unforgiving at the same time right. That's because his will is final and if you don't follow his will you are as good as dead if you're not strong enough." Answered Lucy with an irritated expression on her face.

'So that's what happened to me right?'

"Yes, but he was going to make it right by sending you to heaven, the hypocrite. Free will my ass but that doesn't matter now he has no power here." She said as she laid down on my shoulder.

Finally making it to Christine Alcina came out as soon as she saw Donna, causing Donna to speed up and hug her.

"There, there child you won't be alone again I'll make sure of it" said Alcina.

It was a heartwarming scene but I have a job to do, because of my fight with the eye hydra and my awakening. I was able to get a skill to be able to control space and time, using that skill I trapped the space around Donna's house and shrink it so I could put it in my storage. Turning around only to see both women gawking at what they just saw, surprised and not believing their eyes.

"What did you just do to our house!!!" Shouted Angie as she went up my head and started pulling my hair.

"Don't worry I'm just moving it so you can keep your friends" I answered.

"Didn't know you could do that," said Alcina.

"Just learned," I answered.

"You just learned and used it on our house!" Shouted while Donna took her off my head.

"Angie, no he's our friend" said Donna.

"Okay now that we are done here what about we go home now" I say as we all get into Christine and start driving home.

"If even one thing is broken you will have to play with us for an entire day" said Angie. Which earned a giggle from Alcina and Donna as I laughed at the idea while I started driving home.

"Sure I'll play with you even if nothing is broken."