
Driving home I start to think about everything we've been able to do the last week like building everyone a home. We've also started military training as well as started making spaceships. They're useless in this realm because there are too many beings that can shoot them down without a problem and if you try to go up to the sky it's endless. The reason I know this is because some of the banished came to this realm in their ships and were shot down quickly when they tried to move around or tried to go up to space and ran out of fuel. They only survived because they had escape pods and smaller ships to get off before they hit the ground.

"So what are you going to do with those spaceships, you know there's beings like you that can take them down without a problem around here right?" Asked Alcina.

"I know but there not for here, there for when we leave to the human realm" I answered.

"You were serious about that, you really do have a way back?"

"Yes I do"

"You have a way back home!?" Said Angie.

"Yes and no, I have a way back to the human realm but I don't think it's the same place where you two came from" I answered.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Alcina.

"From the information I gathered this world is connected to earth but it's been connected for a long time and everyone knows about it. From your story's I get your world was never connected to hell right."

"No it was not," answered Alcina.

The reset of the tide was quiet because they came to the conclusion that they would never see home again. The only thing you could hear is Christine's engine happily humming after every demon she ran over. Going through the gate my people built and up to my castle I noticed something, a wagon and horse parked near the entrance.

'That's strange.'

"What is?" Asked Lucy.

'The horse it's normal looking, no signs of mutation or anything' I answered. As I slowly pull up to the wagon the back opens up and reveals a very fat man with many things around him surprising both Alcina and Donna.

"Duke" said Alcina, Angie, and Donna at the same time.

"Why hello there ladies it's nice to see you three again, it really brightened up my day in such a dreary place. And you must be mister Qin in the flesh" he said while looking at me.

"And you must be Duke, now what brings you here to my humble abode? No, don't tell me it's money." I say.

"Why of course, I am a merchant after all, and imagine my surprise after traveling around this place after so long I came upon a familiar sight." He says.

"Hey Duke, what happened to that annoying Ethan Winter after he killed me?" Asked Angie.

"Yes, was that man thing able to save his daughter?" Asked Alcina.

"Unfortunately no he died when he went to lord Heisenberg's factory" answered Duke.

"So Miranda was able to resurrect her daughter after all?" Asked Alcina with a frown, clearly not happy about Miranda getting what she wanted.

"No she did not, after Hieisenberg killed Ethan he took his army to fight Miranda. But it seems someone blew up the megamycete during their little scuffle and distracted both of them. Unfortunately for Heisenberg, Miranda used that opening to kill him, but as soon as she thought she won something beautiful and terrifying all at the same time happened."

"Well then spit it out already, what happened?" Said Angie.

"Normally I would charge for information but for old times sake I'll make a acceptation this time. The sky, ground and everything around cracked and shattered like glass and in the holes it left you could see many beautiful and horrible things. As for Miranda she had the horrible Luke of one of those cracks appear across her body, it quite literally broke her apart and sucked her up. As for our world, the last thing I saw before my wagon fell into one of the holes that appeared on the ground is Mia Winter taking rose and fleeing with Chis. And next thing I know I'm waking up in this awful place with very few customers I can trade with." Duke finished explaining about what happened to their world.

"Now then back to business would you like to see any of my wears or would you be selling anything?" Asked Duke.

"Do you have weapons, ammunition, and explosions?" I asked.

"Why yes I do as a matter of fact a whole bunch of them."

"I'll take your entire stock." I said.

"Why do you even want them, the banished have far superior weaponry?" Asked Alcina.

"Because the new humans in my army need weapons and they may be more used to these, depending on what world they came from. And even if they're not one thing humans are remarkably good at is learning new ways to kill." I answered.

"Ah yes about those weapons, is there a way I can purchase some of them?" Asked Duke.

"Not right now we barely have enough for ourselves but as soon as we have surplus you'll be the first notified" I answered.

"Thank you very much Mr. Qin, as for the payment?" Asked Duke.

"Gold and jewels are okay with you?"

"Of course."

"Good I'll have my people deliver the payment just have them ready and if I find out you cheated me-"

"Never, how can I cheat a future business partner and thank you for your business."

After talking to Duke I started driving again towards the castle parking in front. As soon as I was inside Rem and Ram came running towards me looking annoyed.

"Master the vampires have been causing trouble again and this time Kenta rounded up the leaders for you to talk with." Said Ram.

"They made a mess and even tried to do something to nee-san but she stopped them and Shion captured them, they deserve punishment master," said Rem.

Good the vampires have been a headache this entire week and now they're causing more trouble. It's time to teach them a lesson and break their little pride they have, unfortunately I have been busy and had no time to deal with them.

"Okay, lead me to the room they're being held in, Ram. Do you want to join me Alcina and Rem can you lead Donna here to Kenta, she needs his help."

"No, I think I will go see what our daughters are doing," answered Alcina.

"Right away master," said Rem, starting to lead Donna to Kenta.

"Right this way master," said Ram.

Now let's see what these leaders look like and see if they deserve death or just a beating.