Taste of your own medicine

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" Asked the principal.

"Now, now, I'm not important, what is important is what's going on with the female student over there" I say while pointing at her.

"I'm the president of the exorcism club and my duty is to report to the principal's" she says with one of those weird hentai smiles that let everyone but the main character know that something is not right.

"You heard her, you can leave now," he said.

"Do you really think I'm stupid, do you really think I'll be here without knowing what you're doing?" I asked.

He starts smirking "it doesn't matter what you know or saw because you'll be dead soon." As he says that a man reaches his hands out to grab my head but as soon as he gets close his hand stops. I look up and see a human that looks like he's been mummified wearing a tattered robe with a hood covering his face. So I cut his arms off, causing him to scream out in pain and fall to the floor. I get up and pick up his hands, walking over to the guy that is rolling around screaming in pain.

"What are you doing?" Asked Lucy.

'Just trying something out' wondering if I can get some kind of Medusa head knockoff, I used it to touch the man's stumps. They started to turn to stone until I pulled them back, so I did the same with his legs. As I'm doing this the principal is trying to escape but thanks to curtain he's sealed in this room with me.

"What are you doing slave kill him" he said to the president of the exorcism club. But she didn't move because I'm making sure she can't move with my strings.

"I can't move, master," she said.

"You useless piece of sh-aaaAAHh" he didn't finish that sentence because I broke his leg.

"Let's see if you like a taste of your own medicine" I say while using one of the hands to turn his only good leg to stone.

"Now then tell her to listen to all my orders or I'm going to make you wish I turned you to stone." I say as I stomp on the leg that I turned to stone completely breaking it to pieces.

"No please stop, Akari do whatever this guy wants!"

"Yes, master," she says.

"Good now then go to sleep" saying that I injected him with some of Donna's pollen fungus. But I made sure to ask her to make sure that a person that is injected with this will experience their worst nightmare. I walk over to the other guy and inject him with some as well, that should knock them out for a few hours.

'Google sensei, can I find out what they know?'

'So it's just like I thought, I can't learn something from someone that is no longer a human to a certain point using sensei.'

"Akari was it, go get your club advisor."

"Yes I'll bring Aiya sensei" saying that she goes to get her because I have a lot of plans for this school. I opened a portal to the oni village so Alcina and Kana can come here. Stepping out of the portal they looked around as they quickly noticed the principal and another man there with all of his limbs turned to stone.

"What do you want dear? I don't think you asked us to come here just to see your handy work right" asked Alcina. While Kana walks up to the principal and kicks him in the face.

"You betrayed us, all my comrades died because of you!" She shouted as she continued to kick him in the face.

"Alright calm down he'll get what's coming to him later for now I need him alive" I say while holding Kana back before he kills him.

"As for why you're here, Alcina, I need you to become the new principal of the school. As for Kana, I need you to talk to the rest of the exorcism club to get them on my side."

"I don't mind becoming principal but how are you going to pull that off and why even bother in the first place."

"Don't worry I have a plan as for why, I am going to kill all the people involved in this whole operation. But in doing so it would leave a power vacuum in their place and there's going to be people wanting to fill it. Why not then fill it with my people, that's where you come in. I need you to keep people in line until I find a replacement and let them handle it so you can go back to ruling hell for me."

Smiling like she found this interesting she says "that sounds positively wonderful no wonder you were a emperor in your last world, you really are of noble blood."

"Are you really going to continue what they're doing for money?" Kana says with a worried look on her face.

"Not continue, control, what they're doing won't stop even if I kill everyone involved and destroy the entire operation. Someone else would just start it somewhere else most likely with a demon's help. This way I can control what is and what isn't allowed to happen as well as know who is involved and know if they need to be disposed of. So something like what happened to you and your squad doesn't happen again."

"Okay I believe in you no matter what I'll follow you even if I don't like what you're doing I swear it on my blade."

As she says that Akari brings in the advisor for the exorcism club, which surprised, surprised, also had black hair in a ponytail and a sexy body. She quickly noticed the principal and us and got in her combat stance and looked at us with hostility.

"Quickly Akari go get help I'll hold them here until you get back" she said.

"Akari restrain her," I commanded, so she got behind her and put her on her knees and got her in a headlock.

"What have you done to Akari!"

"Nothing, he on the other hand has done a lot" I say while picking up the principal by his hair and dragging him to the advisor. Interesting side effect from the endless nightmare pollen, the person under it would repeat anything you say into their ear. So I made the principal say that she would obey every order I give her.

"Aiya do whatever this man tells you to do without question" the principal repeated what I said.

"Yes master" she stopped struggling as soon as she said that and waited for my orders.

Tossing the principal to the ground I say "Aiya round up all the students in the exorcism club as well as all the male teachers that have sexully assaulted you as well as the students and past students that were in the exorcism club and survived. And make sure you do it quietly so no one notices and do it by tomorrow night, oh and say it's the principal's orders."

"Yes master" she says and leaves to complete her task.

"Now then my beautiful wife I do believe I promised you human blood, you will only have to wait until tomorrow night."

"I'll look forward to it" she says while smiling seductively.