
Pictures of the characters are in the auxiliary chapter's if you guys are interested.


Pov. Qin Shi's

Going straight to the hidden underground basement I see a horrible sight, many past generations of exorcism club presidents turned to stone in horrible possessions with white fluids across their bodies. The sight was sickening, some of their limbs were broken off and shoved into other holes.

'Sensei can they be saved

"Poor girls, hey Qin can I have the souls of the two after you kill them?" Asked Lucy.

'You're surprisingly soft for the devil but yea they're all yours. Do you want me to save these girls as well?'

"Don't get me wrong I just don't like when someone gets away from the punishment they deserve. As for the girls, do as you like, live or die they won't ever be the same. Death may be a sort of mercy for them and as for being soft I've seen many more horrible situations but that doesn't mean I'll can't feel bad for them or like it."

As I'm thinking if it's worth it to save this girls or just put them out of their misery Alcina and Kana come down the stairs. They are disgusted by what they see, Kana looks like she is about to throw up. As for Alcina she looks pissed, the idea that a man thing as she calls them did this to women must have got her angry. When I started to noticed this type of favoritism towards women I thought it was weird because that was nowhere to be seen in the game. According to her, she never really liked men, especially after her first husband. Which surprised me because that was nowhere to be mentioned in the game as well but it's not to surprising she was in her 40's when she moved to the village. He seemed to have killed their three daughters for some reason, even she didn't know the reason.

So she killed him and left for the village after reading Miranda's letter, ever since she has hated man. It seems that she treated female servants pretty good at first but the cadou and Miranda messing around with her mind twisted her personality. Though she seemed to have that I'm better than you noble personality from the start.

"Qin please can you save them" pleaded Kana.

"Don't know if it's worth it, their mind is so broken even if we heal them and fix their psyche they won't be the same person. Honestly it's easy for them and us if we just put them out of their misery."

"But you can at least try to help them," she said.

"Look I'm no hero, I'm not taking care of this whole mess because I want to save these people or for some noble obligation. I'm doing this because I'm getting something out of this and they would be a hindrance to my future plans."

"I know but you can't just leave them like this" she says as she gets in front of me.

"And that's why I'm going to put them out of their misery, now get out of the way."

"Dear, is it possible if you give these girls to me? I've been thinking of making my own personal army. After all, I am a empress I will need at least some bodyguards. Why not make a personal army while I'm at it" said Alcina.

"Why don't you just save them, remember happy wife's happy life," said Lucy with a chuckle.


"Fine I guess we can make them warriors unafraid of death now that their minds are broken."

"Thank you dear!" She says as she lifts me up for a kiss. Even though this is kind of emasculating , it's not a bad feeling, maybe this is what a shota feels when a onee-san does it to them.

"I'll get Kenta to fix them later for now let's get what I came down here for."

'Where is it sensei'

Walking down the hall I come to the end where another disgusting statue so I cut it up with my strings revealing a vault behind it.

"What are you doing!" Shouted Kana as she started to head towards me with a angry face, until Alcina grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Calm down Kana if he did this it's because he has a reason, right dear" Alcina says with a bit of anger in that last part.

"It was just a fake statue inorder to hide the vault" I say with no change to my expression.

"See, it was a fake Kana."

"But how does he know that she could have been a human."

"Don't question it, he just knows sometimes and he's always right," said Alcina with a tired expression on her face.

Cutting open the vault I see money, jewelry, gold bars, papers, and a laptop. So I get the laptop, open it up and find I need a fingerprint, going back up and get the principal's fingerprint and unlock the laptop. Ignoring the information because whatever the principal knows Google sensei knows. I used my hacking skill I got by unlocking Kana's new smart phone she found in hell without her permission. Something I worked on because I knew it was going to be important in this world or any other world I visit in the future with technology. I created a new identity for me, Alcina, my daughters, Christian, Donna, and many more of my subordinates that I will have in the human world.

"And there you go, you are now the new principal of this school Alcina because the old one had a terrible accident and has to recover."

After taking a whole day and a half to get things organized and looking official it was almost time to welcome our guests. During that time I made a bank account and transferred every last dime the principal had into it, normally this would cause some red flags to go up. But I made sure to do it discreetly and carefully so no one would notice, I also transferred his mansion to me. Now I'm at the gymnasium looking out to a crowd of teachers, students, and ex-students that survived. I go out on stage dragging the principal by his hair, lift him to the mic and force him to say what I want.

"You will all listen to what he says only and no one else because he's the new master now."

Pov. Third person

"Why do you think the principal called us all here?" Said one teacher to the other.

"Why do you think, look around at all the cum dumps. He probably wants to have another orgy" said another while he looked at the women with perverted eyes.

"Maybe but he doesn't usually call the ex-students, they're usually married off to powerful people to control or spy on them. So he leaves them alone so his customers won't think something is wrong."

"Who knows maybe he misses their pussy and wants to try them out again?"

All around the gymnasium there are similar sounding conversions by the male teacher's. While the women are confused about why they're here but they have this feeling they must be here for some reason. All of a sudden it goes so quiet all you hear is the sound of someone dragging something heavy across the floor. They see a man dragging a beaten and broken principal across the stage. His legs are gone, his arms twisted in horrible angles, cuts and bruises across his body. His clothes are in tatters and his body is covered in dried up blood. He is lifted up by his hair to say something into the microphone.

"You will all listen to what he says only and no one else because he's the new master now."

"Yes master" all the women say at once. Shocking the male teacher's they try to stand up only to find they can't move, panicking they try their best to move but they have no luck. They look up to see the man with the blind fold on smiling.

"Now this is where the fun begins" he says while throwing the principal in the air. Only to have three women fly up to him and tear him apart with sickles.

Pov. Qin Shi's

Now that the principal is dead the mind control is mostly gone, well the surface level is they will still subconsciously want to listen to my orders. But the problem is they will now remember everything they were put through and the best or at least a good start to their treatment is good old fashioned revenge. However said revenge doesn't solve anything clearly went after the wrong person or was trying to convince someone to spare him. And right on cue some women started screaming, others crying, some just stood there not moving, and some were looking at the men with killing intent.

"Shut up" I say into the mic, causing all the women to shut up and listen to me.

"Many of you have gone through hell and I doubt you will ever be the same again. But in front of you are some of the men that have put you through some of that hell. You are free to do as you like with it would be a good first step to regaining your honor and I promise you that I will give you the rest of the men that have put you through this hell fo judge, all I ask in return is for your loyalty."

After l made my little speech they along with Alcina and my daughters strated to rip apart the men. Hearing the screams was pretty nice, it's like if you see an asshole step on a Lego.

"Isn't it beautiful punishment being dealt to those who deserve it" said Lucy.

"Well I don't like the way you do things Lucy it is true they deserve it" said someone behind me. Cause me to turn around to see a grim reaper with a scythe and everything.

"Hello death, what are you doing here?" Asked Lucy.

"Well I am death, I go where I'm needed."

"Yes but usually you leave the work to this world's version of you."

"Yes, normal but I just wanted to introduce myself to your champion as well as apologize" saying that he faces me and bows.

"I'm sorry you had to die earlier than you were supposed to, unfortunately Yahweh likes to have sole control of the world he is running. Oh where are my manners? I'm death" he said.

'Okay not what I was expecting'

"I know, you've been spending time with Lucy. I'm sure you thought we'd be something more like her, right?"


"Well I'll be going now and don't worry Lucy I'll make sure the souls reach your hell. Nice to meet you, I hope we get more chances to talk" he said while looking at me before disappearing.

"Don't worry death is the nicest guy I know, he won't hurt a fly unless it's time is up. He really would prefer if no one had to die but it's necessary" said Lucy.

'Okay, glad to know he's friendly. Anyways it's time to get to work.'

"You do that, I got some souls to welcome back at my place."

'Have fun' I tell her as she disappears from my shoulder, now then what to do next.