Pov. Yamato

Heading back to the emperor's palace to speak to the emperor about what I learned and who I met. I walk through the palace, I bump into the emperor's one and only daughter.

"Where did you fly off to in such a hurry Yamato? Father thought we were under attack and contacted the army to be on standby," she said. She was a beautiful girl with long black hair, red eyes, warrior's spirit, and likes to wear a black kimono with flowers on it. I've been training her since she was a kid in the ways of bushido.

"Now, now, princess I'm sure lord Yamato had a good reason to take off like that and because his back without a single scratch means whatever it is has been taken care off." Said her servant, another girl that I've trained as a child along with the princess to be her bodyguard. She was also a beautiful girl with long red hair, red eyes, and a warrior's spirit.

"Yes, what I went to check out could not wait but it has been resolved. Now I must speak to your father about something important if you excuse me." After speaking to them I continued to head towards the emperor's audience room where he would most likely be at with the country's top brass. Unfortunately the princess was dead set on following me to see what was going on, as I entered the audience room I saw that all the strongest warrior's of Nippon have gathered along with it generals and politicians.

"Ah good your back Yamato, can you tell us why you left in such a hurry and what we are facing?" He asked, he is a handsome man with short black hair and red eyes. Wearing a black military style uniform with a white military style jacket over his shoulders.

"I have some important news but it would be best to hear it in private" I answered.

"Is it so bad that my most trusted people can't hear what you're about to say?"

"No it's just the few people that know about this the better and you can resist ashore that the country is not in danger."

He thinks for a while before speaking again "fine would you mind leaving us to talk alone?" He asked the people gathered here on his request.

"Yes emperor" they all say and start to leave the room with only me, the emperor, his heir to the throne, and the princess that refuses to leave.

Sighing, the emperor says "sorry I hope this is good enough you know how Aimi is."

"Yes it's okay for them to hear and sorry for the trouble with your men. But I must warn you emperor what I'm going to say will be disturbing news."

"It's okay I don't really trust all of them, especially those politicians but I must put on an act or they will be offended. And how many times do I have to repeat myself just call me Jimmu like you did when I was little."

"Sorry emperor" and so I started to tell him the story and proof that Qin has told me. I also explained that Qin is as strong as a grandmaster, maybe demigod level. As well that he would take care of all the people that involved as well that he will take care of the aftermath.

"Oh he sounds like a great guy, let's leave it to him then, maybe we can give him the title of hero," said Jimmu. Unfortunately this is the emperor's true personality someone lazy and uninterested in work and much rather spend time doing his hobby of trying to train heroes or go out fighting the enemy.

"Lord father, we can't just let this stranger deal with our country's problems himself and what does he mean by taking care of these people," said the princess.

"He means to kill them right?" Asked prince Asahi, he was a young man with red eyes and short black hair wearing a black military style uniform.

"Yes," I answered.

"But they are our people, what right does he have to kill them?!" Shouted the princess while she slammed the table with her hands.

"Calm down sister, if what he says is true then our country has had traitors for many years. If that is true then killing them is the only answer because who knows how many higher ups in the country would get them out of prison to continue their work." Says Asahi, calming Aimi down so she can think rationally.

"Okay it's best we kill them but it should be our job to take care of them," said Aimi.

"No this is the best way because if it's discovered that we killed higher up members of the government it won't be pretty. As well if he gets caught he won't have any connections to use. I suggest we do our own investigation into this matter as well to make sure his claims are true and if we find out he is lying to us we'll stop him" says Asahi.

"Oh that sounds nice the lone hero doing what he must to save the country at all cost even if he is branded a villain" said Jimmu.

"Father, please take this seriously," said Asahi.

"Yes, yes, we'll go with your plan Asahi, send our most trusted subordinates to check out his claims. Ah and when the hero is done with his quest and his innocence is proven he marries the princess."

"FATHER NO!!!" Shouted the princess.

"FATHER YES!" Said the emperor.

"Why couldn't we have a more normal emperor?" Said the prince.

Watching them argue about the princess marriage I wonder if this country would have been okay if Qin didn't show up to help us.

Pov. Qin Shi's

After the whole incident it was a pain to hide all the evidence but it was something that had to be done. After Kana had a talk with all the women so they would follow me, telling them that I would make them stronger then ever before. So they agreed to follow me so they would never have to go through that again, plus the mind control helped too. Their training started immediately as for the ex-students they went back and lured them into traps I set to kill them and steal all their money and properties. After dealing with everything things started to go smoothly using the oni to kill the demons in the normal half of the city and take their places.

After two months the girls have come a long way and I've even started sending them on missions with oni supervision to make sure nothing goes wrong. I've also taken an interest in cultivating my body, I say cultivating because that's the best way to describe it. The people of this world use chakra, mana, chi, spirit, and natural energy to strengthen themselves. Whether it's their body, mind, spirit, or powers but even if the energy sounds the same as some anime shows it's not the same. So I experimented with the type of haki to see if I can cultivate my body, mind, and spirit. And it worked, I used armored haki for my body, observation haki for my mind, and conqueror haki for my spirit.

Now that the girls are trained and the oni's are used to this city I've started to move into the underworld half of this city because they mostly noticed something going on. So it's the best time to strike while they still have no idea what's going on.As for the girls that were turned to stone we were able to turn them back to normal and heal any damage to their bodies thanks to Kenta. As for their minds it took a lot longer to heal, using the vampire's mind control helped recover their mind to that of a child's. So we just started from there, it was hard work and Alcina and my daughters enjoyed raising them to be warriors. I think Alcina started to see them as her daughters as for my daughters they see them as little sister's.

"It's time to get started, move out to the other half of the city and kill any human that deserves it. But capture any high ranking demon I want whatever information it has. As for the women, save as many as you can but make sure you stay safe" I say to my subordinates.

"Yes emperor!" They answered back.

"Now move out!"