Okay I've seen enough

Okay hear me out, I was planning to add the world of Mahou Kaiju to this world because it fits so well with the world I made. Imagine my surprise when I'm looking around the fan wiki for backgrounds for some of the characters. I find out it is connected to the exorcism club off brand manga but it's the evil universe of it. So I'm running with that now.


Another month has passed and we have complete control of the city and it's businesses so we move on to a new target. The new target is a underground city called Yomihara it was hidden in the part of the city that had most of the illegal businesses going on. Finding this place was a bit annoying because no humans knew the entrance, the humans that visited this place were taken there without them knowing the location by a demon for security reasons. But I knew of it's existence so all I had to do is torture some demons to find it. Slowly we started to infiltrate this place as well. The girl's have gone from normal class to high and some even reached master class and with the oni's help I don't have to worry about what happened in the off brand manga.

Kana on the other hand seems to be dead set on having all the girl's in the exorcism club to be my onaholes. Even if I tell her not to because these girls have gone through too much already I doubt they want another man to touch them. But to my surprise they accepted the offer, all of them including the ex-students and me being me, I accepted them for multiple reasons. The main one was they were all beautiful women that are strong loyal soldiers now, as for the other reason is because even now their mind is not fully healed. If I were to reject them there's no telling what sort of ideas or situations they will find themselves in. After all, I do have to remind myself what type of world I'm in. It is a scumbag move but I plan to let them go when their mind is healed up if it's what they wish.

Now I'm going around killing demons, replacing them, finding Intel that I can't find with Google sensei, and covering it all up, it was exhausting but it has to be done. Tonight I'm infiltration a sex slave den were they bring in new girls to break them and sell them to the brothels. This place is also conducting illegal experiments on humans and holding prisoners. Making my way through the facility killing all the grunts that stepped in my way, of course some tried to run but I was able to learn and use the space lock that the eye hydra used to seal this building. Of course I could have use curtain but this way I'm training my space manipulation skill.

As I continue to free the people in this facility and search for a high ranking demon to find new Intel I open the door to a room. Where I find four women and they were all beautiful but two were strapped down to a table. And one of them that was free looked like she was injecting one of them with something. Looking around I see a bunch of naked men with their dicks hard.

"Okay I've seen enough" I say as I wave my hand cutting up all the men leaving only the women alive.

'Google sensei, who are those women and what do they know?'

< Her name is Oboro, she was a human clone turned vampire what she knows is unknown because human clones count as homunculus. As for the other she is Shinsato Okichi, she is a female slave and doesn't know much. They both belong to the organization N.O.M.A.D.>

"So you're the one going around messing with our business, most of the higher ups see nothing going on but I've noticed it" said Oboro.

'Wait that name those looks there from Mahou Kaiju, isn't it but this world and that one are very different. Sure there are some similarities but it's completely different.'

"Looks like it, even I didn't see that coming, let me check something really quick. Yup it all checks out it looks like Kana's world and Mahou Kaiju world are connected. But it's one of the evil universes and there's more. It seems that this is none of those universes, it's a completely new one. Where this story doesn't make it to the anime because the hero never found this underground city so they continued to do as they pleased down here" explained Lucy.

"You may be able to deal with the small fries but I'm a whole lot stronger" says Oboro as she puts on her tiger claws. She lunged at me trying to cut me but I grabbed her arm and broke it causing her to scream in pain and fall on the floor. I go up to her and break both her legs.


"Please stop, it hurts" she begged as she cried.

"No" I answered while continuing to break her legs and arms. She thinks I'll be stupid enough to stop after one time I know she's a vampire and they tend to have high regeneration abilities. After doing it a few more times I stop and look at the other slave which frightens her.

"Do something slave!!!" She says as the pain is written all over her face.

"You're a slave right so it doesn't matter who's slave you are. So why not be my slave after all I'm winning this war. After all it seems she's the only one that noticed what we were doing and the higher ups still have no clue." After she hears me she does a quick nod and joins me.

"Good now, find something to tie her up. I don't know how good her regeneration abilities are but she is a vampire after all so it's best to be safe."

"Yes master," says Okichi.

"You filthy slave I should ha-" she wasn't able to finish her sentence because Okichi kicked her in the face.

"You were a horrible boss" she says before getting some rope and restraining her.

Looking at the two women recognizing both of them, it was Mizuki Shiranui and Saya Neo. At least in this life they were both spared a terrible fate, especially Saya. Freeing Saya from the restraints and giving her to Okichi to care outside. Looking at Shiranui over to see if what Oboro injected her with would do something to her. Even though I had a pretty good idea of what it was because of all the men I killed it's best to make sure because it's not the same world I know. Freeing her and undoing the space lock around the building to let Okichi bring them to the oni's outside.

"Go outside and bring those two to my subordinates outside and Okichi don't betray me because I will know and I will kill you" I say with my back turned to her.

"Yes master."

Pov. Okichi

Following my new master's order and taking them outside, I felt relieved that I'm on his side now. Maybe things will get better, unlikely because I'm still a slave but a woman can dream can't she.

"Now slave go to communications and order for reinforcement" says my old boss.

"Do you know my name?" I asked.

She looked confused "what are you talking about of course I don't know your name. Now stop asking stupid questions and go do what I tell you and maybe I won't give such a terrible punishment for kicking my face."

"Of course you don't know my name, I even almost forgot my name because all the people around here only call me is slave. But that man knew my name and I'm sure if I don't do what he says he'll know" I said.

"What nonsense are you saying of course he won't know as soon as master Edwin finds out he will kill both him and you."

"Really he was blind folded and he still beat you easily."

"You really have no idea how strong master Edwin is."

After talking to her I keep heading towards the front, going outside I find all the people that were locked up in this place being guarded by oni's. They seem to be providing medical help as well as giving out food and transporting them somewhere else.

One of the oni came up to me and asked "who are you and why do you have this woman with you."

"My master asked me to transport this woman to you. The one tied up is to be detained and questioned later" I answered him.

"So the emperor picked another one to train, lucky you. You'll soon have the strength to make sure this never happens to you again" he says.

I didn't notice but I started crying at the thought of never having to experience this hell again and swore to serve my new master with everything I have if what this oni says is true.