I am the hero

Pov. Oboro

What a disgrace this is being captured and tied up like some kind of animal. My plan was perfect, I had everything already set to destroy the Taimanin and my nemesis Igawa Asagi. Everything was falling into place but I noticed something, some of the operations on the surface were starting to act strangely. Then it spread to Yomihara, I tried to tell Edwin that something was going on but he was too confident in his own strength and his obsession with Asagi didn't help either. Now I'm here being tortured by three unknown enemies while another is just drinking wine as she watched. Until that man arrived they finally stopped and gave me a break as they talked.

Some of the things they said frightened me, I mean I already knew these people were ruthless. But killing a bunch of women for their blood just to turn it into wine sounds like something I would do. That made it clear I wasn't dealing with some sort of vigilante group that isn't afraid to get their hands dirty. No, these people didn't care about people's lives as long as they got what they wanted.

'Calm down, this can be a good thing, maybe we can make some sort of deal.'

"By girl's have fun, now then what to do about you" he said as he lifted my chin up to face him.

"Let me go, maybe we can have some sort of agreement, I can even get you more women for your wife's wine."

"No I got that covered, there's plenty of trash in the world to get rid of and they're not all men" he says.

"So what do you think you're some kind of hero doing justice no matter the cost. Wake up you and me were the same, you're no hero you're just like me."

"No I am the hero and my justi-pffff hahaha" he said as he started laughing like a crazy person.

"Hahh sorry I couldn't even act like some kind of idiot with a hero complex, of course I'm no hero. Or else you wouldn't have been tortured so badly by my daughters and me. But you and I aren't the same, we may share some similarities in the way we go about things but that's where the similarities end."

"So what do you want then?"

"What I want is for your little group to no longer be a threat to me and the best way for that to happen is if I destroy you."

"Are you crazy there's no way you will be able to beat NOMAD so you might as well join us so that way we won't be a threat to each other."

"You see that's not good enough because I got lots of information on your little group. I know about Edwin Black, Ryuuji Kuroi, and Oda Nobunaga. I know a lot more than even you do" he said with a smirk.

"If you know about Edwin then you better let me go or he'll come looking for me and kill you."

"Do you really believe that? I mean I see you like the guy but he only sees you as a continent tool. He is disgusted by the way you do things and he even has plan's to get rid of you."

"No that's not true! He loves me, that's why I'm his most trusted subordinate!"

"I mean you had to see this coming, after all he's obsessed over Asagi is kind of a dead give away. Do you really think he would keep someone that wants to kill her around when he finally has her. You more than anyone should know what they do to women they no longer need."

"NO, NO, NO, THAT CAN'T BE TRUE!!!" I Screamed at him but somewhere deep down I knew it was true. That's why I wanted to kill Asagi so badly so Edwin would finally see me instead.

"Believe me or not I don't care but I do need some more information and it would be best for both of us if you just give it to me. Well best mostly for you."

"So you don't have all the information you think I would betray Edwin like that."

"No, I have lots of information but I can always use more. After all, the best way to win a war is to know more about the enemy."

"You'll never get me to talk" as I say that as I blinked and next thing I know a foot is head towards my face.

Pov. Qin Shi's

Doing a yakuza kick felt good and I made sure she didn't die. But it was strong enough to knock some teeth loose because she spit them out.

"Is that your best that barely tickled" she said as blood flowed down her mouth.

"No I just always wanted to do that, anyways this is getting tiresome. I know about the trap you set for Yukikaze and Rinko. I also know the plans you have for Asagi, unfortunately for you so does Edwin and he was planning to get rid of you after you succeeded but before you killed her."


"You should know best how your organization treats women, I bet you have done the same to some women that worked for you. Isn't that right Okichi?"

Yes master, I've seen it happen countless times" she answered.

"See what makes you so special, so untouchable you're just another tool to throw away once your use is done."

"I'm Edwin, right hand woman!"

"Then you know him best, what will happen to you after he gets what he wants?"

She just stayed silent after I asked that because she knew what type of man Edwin is. Probably trying to deny it in her mind but deep down inside she knew the answer. But I have a job to do and that's enough talking, so I walked up to a table next to her and looked at the tools. There's all types of tools for torture so I picked up the tweezers to pull her nails out, she was so busy thinking that she only noticed after the pain hit her.


"Fuck you, then what should I do you'll kill me anyway. If what you say is true then even if I escape a life of hell awaits me, either way I lose."

"You can start by giving me the information I asked for" I say as I ripped another nail off her hands.


"FUCK, you'll kill me if I do anyways, what's in it for me?"

"Maybe but I'm the best bet you got to stay alive after all you can be useful" I say as I continue my work.


"Please stop, you'll just throw me away when you're done using me. They always do" she says as she hangs her head down.


"Now why would you think that I treat my subordinates pretty well. After all, only an idiot would treat the people that are doing most of the work for you like dirt."




"You're not my subordinate."


"Please, please stop, you're trying to recruit me right so stop."


"Will you give me the information I want?"


"But you haven't even said what information you wanted" she says as she whimpers.


"Isn't it obvious I want whatever information you find important."


"Oh would you look at that you're out of nails but you're slowly recovering them. Unfortunately for you I don't have time to wait so let me help you" I say while using the reverse cursed technique on her hand. Making it good as new if you wipe off all the blood but it was healthy again.

"Now then let's continue."

"No I'll speak, I'll join you and tell you everything just please stop."

"Good, welcome to the family" I say with a smile as I cast the slave mark on her. That shocks not only her but Okichi as well.

"But why did you torture me, all you had to do is cast the slave marker and I would have no choice but to listen to all your commands. So why did you do this to me?"

"It was a warning for you and Okichi over there it's best not to betray me because now you know. I'm not someone that takes things as lightly as Edwin do to overconfidence. Or as foolish as a hero that won't do what it takes to get what he wants. I will kill you the moment you betray me but you should be happy that you have a master that's not disgusted by your sadistic side. After all you met my wife and daughters, I'm very tolerant about what my subordinates like to do as long as they follow orders."

She just stayed silent until she asked "where did you get this power, it's illegal?"

"Some demon we captured and tortured had it and I took it."

"But only a few demons know this magic and they all work directly under Edwin. How was I not aware one was in the city."

"Not that hard to guess, your plan was going to be complete and your use was over. Edwin no longer had use for you and wanted you out of the picture."

Finishing our little talk with her I cut her restraints and let her go free. Going outside followed by Okichi and Oboro I start heading towards the Shiranui room to talk to her about her daughter.

'This is going to be another headache I can tell.'

"It's what you get for slapping a woman so hard they get knocked out," said Lucy.

'Whatever let's just get this over with I say to her as I enter the room.